Sokaságok geometriája  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus NK
Vezető kutató Stipsicz András
magyar cím Sokaságok geometriája
Angol cím Geometry of manifolds
magyar kulcsszavak differenciáltopológai, szingularitások, algebrai geometria, holomorf geometria
angol kulcsszavak differential topology, singularities, algebraic geometry, holomorphic geometry
megadott besorolás
Matematika (Műszaki és Természettudományok Kollégiuma)100 %
Ortelius tudományág: Geometria
zsűri Matematika–Számítástudomány
Kutatóhely HUN-REN Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet
résztvevők Braun Gábor
Domokos Mátyás
Etesi Gábor
Fehér László
Juhász András
Kalmár Boldizsár
Küronya Alex
Némethi András
Szabó Endre
Szabó Szilárd
Szamuely Tamás
Szilárd Ágnes
Szőke Róbert
Szucs András
Terpai Tamás
Tóth Árpád
Vértesi Vera
projekt kezdete 2010-02-01
projekt vége 2014-08-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 33.705
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 40.29
állapot lezárult projekt
magyar összefoglaló
Különböző alprojektekben a következő témákat szeretnénk részletesen vizsgálni:

Vizsgálni fogjuk a sima sokaságok szinguláris leképezéseinek kobordizmuselméleti klasszifikáló tereinek az algebrai topológiai tulajdonságait, illetve ezeknek alkalmazásait. Tanulmányozni fogjuk alacsony dimenziós sokaságok struktúrájának és a rajtuk adható szinguláris leképezéseknek a kapcsolatát.
A Thom sorok elméletének kiterjesztését tervezzük valós szingularitásokra, külön vizsgálva a Morin esetet. Kohomologikus módszerek alkalmazását trevezzük valós megszámlálási feladatokra.

Vizsgálni fogjuk Heegaard Floer homológiák különböző változatainak kombinatorikus kiszámithatóságát és
definiálhatóságát. Alkalmazni fogjuk a Heegaard Floer elméletet kontakt topológiában, Legendre és transzverz csomók elméletében, és vizsgálni fogjuk egy szingularitás hurkának kontakt topológiáját. A sutured Floer homológia elméletet, ami peremes 3-sokaságok egy invariánsa, szeretnénk kapcsolatba hozni fóliázas-elmálettel, a bordered Floer homológiával, és 3+1 -dimenziós problémák vizsgálatával, mint amilyen a
ribbon-slice sejtés. Vizsgálni fogjuk azt, hogy mely 3-sokaságok határolnak racionális homológia diszkeket.
Legendre csomók klasszifikálását tervezzük kontakt homológiai, Heegaard Floer homológiai és konvex felületelméleti eszközök alkalmazásával. Komplex racionális sikgörbéket fogunk tanulmányozni, különös tekintettel szingularitásuk Heegaard Floer elmélethez való kötésével.

Hopf sejtés egy speciális esetének és egy mechanikával kapcsolatos komplex struktúra általi vizsgálatát tervezzük. ALF hiperkahler 4-sokaságokon vizsgáljuk instantonok tüskézett és tüskézés nélküli modulustereit, ezek hiperkahler strukturáját és L^2-kohomológiacsoportjait. Hurokterek segitségével szeretnénk érdekes új végtelen dimenziós varietásokat találni. Bizonyos kobordizmus csoportokon szeretnénk egy új gyűrű struktúrát találni.

Az általános lineáris csoport illetve az ortogonális csoport reprezentációelméletét használva vizsgáljuk bizonyos affin algebrai sokaságok (pl. a valós szimmetrikus elfajuló mátrixok sokasága) koordinátagyûrûjét.
angol összefoglaló
In various subprojects we plan to study the following questions:

We will investigate the algebraic topological properties of the classifying spaces for singular cobordism of manifolds and utilize them in applications. We will study the relationship between the structure
of low dimensional manifolds and their singular maps. We plan to develope a theory of Thom series for real singularities, especially for the Morin case. We will apply cohomological methods for enumerative problems.

We will study and discover combinatorial ways to compute and to define Heegaard Floer invariants of 3- and 4-manifolds, knots and links. We plan to apply Heegaard Floer theory in the study of contact structures, Legendrian and transverse knots. We will further study the contact topology of links of singularities. We would like to relate the theory of sutured Floer homology, which is an invariant of 3-manifolds with boundary, with foliation theory, bordered Floer homology, and with the study of 3+1 -dimensional problems like the ribbon-slice conjecture. We will study 3-manifolds which bound rational homology disks, and find number theoretic obstructions for these based on intersection lattices. We plan to classify Legendrian knots, using tools from contact hoomology, Heegaard Floer homology and convex surface theory. We plan to study complex rational plane curves, and try to relate their singularities with certain Heegaard Floer theoretic quantities.

We will investigate a specific case of Hopf's conjecture and certain complex structures related to mechanics. We will study framed and unframed moduli spaces of instantons on ALF hyperkahler 4-manifolds. With the help of loop spaces, we would like to find interesting examples of infinite dimensional varieties.
We will investigate the coordinate ring of certain affine algebraic varieties (for example the variety of degenerate real symmetric matrices) using the representation theory of the orthogonal or the general linear group.



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
(1) Új kapcsolatot találtunk Heegaard Floer homológiák és rácspont homológiák között. (2) Új eredményeket értünk el algebrai csoportok homogén tereinek fundamentális csoportjával. (3) Megértettük a varratos Floer homológia és feszes 1-mélységű fóliázások kapcsolatát. (4) Fuchs egyenletek segítségével görbék feletti logaritmikus konnexiók modulustereit tanulmányoztuk. (5) A csomó Floer homológiát általánosítottuk fonatokra és gubancokra. (6) Az adaptált komplex strukturákhoz kapcsolódó különféle analitikus és geometriai problémákat vizsgáltunk. (7) Folytattuk a szinguláris leképezések homológiáinak és kobordizmusainak vizsgálatát. (8) Csoportok reprezentációelméletét alkalmaztuk algebrai sokaságok tanulmányozására. (9) Eredményeket értünk el szinguláris leképezések létezésével kapcsolatban. (10) Meghatároztuk egy leszámlálási feladat valós megoldásait. (11) Newton-Okounkov testeket és rajtuk értelmezett függvényeket vizsgáltunk. (12) Fontos erdémenyeket értünk el a normál felület szingularitások invariánsairól. (13) Klasszikus és kvantum Yang--Mills-elméleti eredményeket kaptunk. (14) Megvizsgáltuk, milyen topológiai és simasági feltételeket ad egy sokaságon valamilyen szinguláris leképezés létezése a sokaságra nézve. (15) Beláttuk a Helfgott sejtés egy változatát. (16) Moduláris függvények zárt geodetikusok menti integráljait vizsgáltuk. (17) Egy új módszert dolgoztunk ki nemizolált komplex felület-szingularitások topológiai leírására.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
(1) New connections between Heegaard Floer homology and lattice homology. (2) New results about homogeneous spaces of algebraic groups, concerning their fundamental group. (3) We understood the relationship between $SFH$ and taut depth-1 foliations. (4) We studied moduli spaces of logarithmic connections on curves in terms of linear differential equations. (5) We generalized knot Floer homology for braidsand tangles. (6) We studied various analytic and geometric problems related to the adapted complex structures. (7) We studied homologies and cobordisms of singular maps. (8) We applied representation theory of groups to the study of algebraic varieties. (9) Results on existence of singular maps as well as representability of (co)homology classes by singular maps. (10) We described the real solutions of many enumerative problems.singular. (11) We studied Newton--Okounkov bodies and functions defined on them. (12) New results regarding the invariants of normal surface singularities. (13) Results in classical and quantum Yang--Mills theory. (14) We studied what kind of topological and smooth restrictions does the existence of a singular map means. (15) We proved a variant of Helfgott's conjecture. (16) We got results on cycle integrals of modular functions. (17) We worked out a new method for describing the topology of a non-isolated complex surface singularity
a zárójelentés teljes szövege
döntés eredménye



L. Pyper, E. Szabo: Growth in finite simple groups of Lie type of bounded rank,, Journal of the AMS,, 2014
I. Altman, S. Friedl, A. Juhasz: utured Floer homology, fibrations, and taut d\ epth one foliations,, Transactions of the AMS, to appear, 2013
j. Bowden, D. Crowley, A. Stipsicz: The topology of Stein fillable manifolds in high dimensions I, Proc. London Math Soc., to appear, 2014
H. Park, A. Stipsicz: Smoothings of singularities and symplectic surgery, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, to appear, 2014
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Combinatorial Heegaard Floer homology and sign assignments, Topology Appl. 166 (2014), 32--65., 2014
D. Nash, A. Stipsicz: Gluck twist on a certain family of 2-knots, Michigan Math. Journal {\bf61} (2012), to appear, 2012
M. Grant, A. Szucs: Homologies are infintely complex, TMNA (Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis. Journal of the Juliusz Shauder Center.), 2014
L Lempert, R Szoke: Direct images, fields of Hilbert spaces, and geometric quantization, Comm. in Math. Phys, 2014
B. Kalmár, A. Stipsicz: Singular maps on exotic 4-manifold pairs, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 13 (2013), no. 3, 1709–1731., 2013
J. Bowden, D. Crowley, A. Stipsicz,: Contact structures on M×S2., Math. Ann. 358 (2014), no. 1-2, 351–359., 2014
L. Pyber, E. Szabo: Growth in linear groups, Proceedings for the MSRI Hot Topics workshop on thin groups and super-strong approximation, 2013, 2013
A Küronya, N Pintye: Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and log-canonical thresholds, arXiv:1312.7778, 2013
S Boucksom, A Küronya, C Maclean, T Szemberg: Vanishing sequences and Okounkov bodies, arXiv:1306.2181, 2013
M Dumnicki, A Küronya, C Maclean, T Szemberg: Seshadri constants via Okounkov functions and the Segre-Harbourne-Gimigliano-Hirschowitz conjecture, arXiv:1304.0249, 2013
D Greb, A Küronya: Partial positivity: geometry and cohomology of q-ample line bundles, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series, to appear, 2013
M Dumnicki, B Harbourne, A Küronya, J Roé, T Szemberg: Very general monomial valuations on P^2 and a Nagata-type conjecture, Oberwolfach Preprints 2013-22, ISSN 1864-7596., 2013
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik: Heegaard Floer homologies for (+1) surgeries on torus knots, Acta Math. Hungarica 139(4) (2013), 303-319, 2013
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik: Hodge--type structures as link invariants, Annales de L'Institute Fourier 63(1), 269-301 (2013)., 2013
A. Nemethi, D. Kerner: The `corrected Durfee's inequality' for homogeneous complete intersections, Math. Zeitschrift 274, Issue 3-4, 1385-1400 (2013), 2013
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik, A. Ranicki: On the semicontinuity of the mod 2 spectrum of hypersurface singularities, Algebraic Geometry, to appear, 2014
A Nemethi, A Katanaga, A. Szucs: Links of singularities up to regular homotopy, Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 2014
A. Nemethi, L. Tamas: Ehrhart theory of polytopes and Seiberg-Witten invariants of plumbed 3-manifolds, Geometry and Topology, to appear, 2014
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik, A. Ranicki: Morse theory for manifolds with boundary, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik, A. Ranicki: Codimension 2 embeddings, algebraic surgery and Seifert forms,, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, E. Gorsky: Poincare series of algebraic links and lattice homology, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, T. Laszlo: Reduction theorem for lattice cohomology,, IMRN, 2014
A. Nemethi, J. Kollar: Holomorphic arcs on analytic spaces, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik: The Hodge spectrum of analytic germs on isolated surface singularities, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, M. Kazarian, D. Kerner: Discriminant of the ordinary transversal singularity type, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, B. Sigurdsson: The geometric genus of hypersurface singularities, submitted, 2014
A. Nemethi, T. Okuma: The cohomology of the tangent bundles on resolution of weighted homogeneous surface singularities, submitted, 2014
A Toth: Symplectic Kloosterman sums, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 50 (2), 143-158, 2013
O Imamoglu, Jermann, A Toth: Estimates on the zeroes of E_2, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universit?t Hamburg, 2013
D. Kerner, A. Nemeth: The Milnor fibre signature is not semi-continuous, Proc. of the Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Jaca (Spain), June 2009; Contemporary Math. 538 (2011), 369--376, 2011
A. Nemethi: Yuri Ivanovich Manin, Acta Math. Hungarica, 133 (1-2) (2011), 1-13, 2011
A. Nemethi, W.D. Neumann, A. Pichon: Principal analytic link theory in homology sphere links, Proc. of the Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Jaca (Spain), June 2009; Contemporary Math. 538} (2011), 377--387., 2011
A. Nemethi: Two exact sequences for lattice cohomology, Proceedings of the conference organized to honor H. Moscovici's 65th birthday, Contemporary Math. 546 (2011), 249--269., 2011
A. Nemethi, F. Roman: The lattice cohomology of S^3_{-d}(K), Proceedings of the 'Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry', Contemporary Mathematics 566, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012, pp. 261-292., 2011
A. Kuronya: Positivity of restrictions on subvarieties and vanishing of higher cohomology,, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 63 (2013), 1717--1737., 2013
M. Brion, T. Szamuely: Prime-to-p ?tale covers of algebraic groups and their homogeneous space, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 45 (2013), 602--612, 2013
M. Domokos,: Invariant theoretic characterization of subdiscriminants,, Lin. Muiltilin. Alg., 62 (2014), 63-73., 2012
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: A spectral sequence on lattice homology, Qunatum Topology, to appear, 2013
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Knots in lattice homology, Comment. Math. Helv. to appear, 2013
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Grid homology of knots and links, AMS to appear, 2014
D. Harari, C. Scheiderer, T. Szamuely,: Weak approximation for tori over p-adic function fields, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 2014 10.1093/imrn/rnu019, 2014
L Lempert, R Szoke: Direct images, fields of Hilbert spaces, and geometric quantization, Comm. in Math. Phys, 327, 49-99, 2014,, 2014
L. Pyber, E. Szabo: Growth in linear groups, Proceedings for the MSRI Hot Topics workshop on thin groups and super-strong approximation, 2013, 2013
A. Nemethi, L. Tamas: Ehrhart theory of polytopes and Seiberg-Witten invariants of plumbed 3-manifolds, Geometry and Topology, 18, 717-778 (2014)., 2014
A. Nemethi, T. Laszlo: Reduction theorem for lattice cohomology,, IMRN, to appear, 2014
A. Nemethi, J. Kollar: Holomorphic arcs on analytic spaces, to appear in Inventiones Math., 2014
A. Nemethi, M. Borodzik: The Hodge spectrum of analytic germs on isolated surface singularities, to appear in Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, 2014
A. Nemethi, B. Sigurdsson: The geometric genus of hypersurface singularities, to appear in JEMS, 2014
D. Harari, T. Szamuely: Local-global questions for tori over p-adic function fields, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 2014
L. Feher, R. Rimanyi,: Thom series of contact singularities, Annals of mathematics 176 (3), 1381-1426 (2012), 2012
L. Hethelyi, E. Horvath, Endre Szabo: Real characters in blocks., Osaka Journal of Mathematics 49 (2012), no. 3., 613--623., 2012
D. Kerner, A. Nemeth: The Milnor fibre signature is not semi-continuous, Proc. of the Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgobe, 2011
D. Kerner, A. Nemethi: A counterexample to Durfee's conjecture, Mathematical Reports of the Acad. of Soc., The Royal Soc. of Canada, 34 (2) (2012), 50--64, 2012
A. Nemethi, M. Tosun: Invariants of open books of links of surface singularities, Studia Sc. Math. Hungarica,, 2011
A. Nemethi: The Seiberg--Witten invariants of negative definite plumbed 3--manifold, Journal of EMS, 2011
A. Nemeth: Yuri Ivanovich Manin, Acta Math. Hungarica, 2011
A. Nemethi, W.D. Neumann, A. Pichon: Principal analytic link theory in homology sphere links, Proc. of the Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, 2011
A. Nemethi: Two exact sequences for lattice cohomology, Proceedings of the conference organized to honor H. Moscovici's 65th birthda, 2011
A. Nemethi: Some properties of the lattice cohomology, Proceedings of the `Geometry Conference' meeti, 2011
A. Némethi, V. Weys: Generalized monodromy conjecture in dimension two, Geometry and Topology 16, 2011
A. Nemethi: Some meeting points of singularity theory and low dimensional topology, Proceedings of the Deformation Theory Conference, Budapest, 2011
A. Nemethi, F. Roman: The lattice cohomology of S^3_{-d}(K), Proceedings of the `Recent Trends on Zeta Functions in Algebra and Geometry, 2011
A. Nemethi: The cohomology of line bundles of splice-quotient singularities, Advances in Math., 229(4), 2503--2524 (2012), 2012
Ch Praeger, L Pyber, P Spiga, E Szabo: The Weiss conjecture for locally primitive graphs with automorphism groups admitting composition factors of bounded rank, Proc. of the AMS, 2011
Szilárd Szabo: Deformation theory of Fuchsian equations and logarithmic connections, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 49:(4) pp. 466-481. (2012), 2012
T. Szamuely: Heidelberg lectures on fundamental groups,, The Arithmetic of Fundamental Groups - PIA 2010, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 53-73, 2012
T. Terpai: Calculation of the obstruction ideals of Morin maps, Period. Math. Hung, 2011
T. Terpai: Proof of a conjecture of V. Nikiforov, Combinatorica, 2011
M. Grant and A. Szucs: On realizing homology classes by maps of restricted complexity, Bull. London Math. Soc, 2012
A. Szucs: On the cobordism groups of cooriented, codimesnion one Morin maps, Journal of Singularities, vol. 4 (2012) 196-205, 2012
T. Terpai: Large $2$-coloured matchings in $3$-coloured complete hypergraphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 19 (4) (2012), 2012
A. Kuronya, C. Maclean, T. Szemberg: Functions on Okounkov bodies coming from geometric valuations, preprint, 2012
D. Anderson, A. Kuronya, V. Lozovanu: Okounkov bodies of finitely generated divisors, International Mathematics Research Notices 2013, 2013
A. Kuronya, V. Lozovanu, C. Maclean: Volume functions of linear series, Mathematische Annalen, 2013
A.-S. Kaloghiros, A. Kuronya, V. Lazic: Finite generation and geography of models, preprint, 2012
A. Kuronya: Positivity of restrictions on subvarieties and vanishing of higher cohomology,, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 63 (2013), 2013
Th. Bauer, B. Harbourne, A. Kuronya, A. Knutsen, S. Muller-Stach, X. Roulleau, T. Szemberg: Negative curves on algebraic surfaces,, preprint, 2012
A. Juhasz, D. Thurston: Naturality and mapping class groups in Heegaard Floer homology, preprint, 2012
A. Juhasz, T. Kalman, J. Rasmussen: Sutured Floer homology and hypergraphs, Mathematical Research Letters, 2012
A. Juhasz, M. Hedden, S. Sarkar: On sutured Floer homology and the equivalence of Seifert surfaces, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 2012
G. Etesi,: On the energy spectrum of Yang--Mills instantons over asymptotically locally flat spaces, Comm. Math. Phys., 2013
M. Brion, T. Szamuely: Prime-to-p ?tale covers of algebraic groups and their homogeneous space, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2013
L. Lempert, R. Szoke:: Curvature of fields of quantum Hilbert spaces, preprint, 2012
M. Domokos,: Invariant theoretic characterization of subdiscriminants,, Lin. Muiltilin. Alg., 2012
K. Cziszter, M. Domokos,: On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number,, Central European J. Math., 2012
M. Domokos, L. M. Feher, R. Rimanyi,: Equivariant and invariant theory of nets of conics with an application to Thom polynomials,, J. of Singularities 7 (2013), 1-20., 2013
Cojocaru, A. Toth, A.: The distribution and growth of the elementary divisors of the reductions of an elliptic curve over a function field,, Journal of Number Theory 132 (2012), 2012
W. Duke, S. Imamoglu, A. Toth: Weight two harmonic forms., preprint, 2013
Gy. Elekes, E. Szabo: How to find groups? (And how to use them in Erdos geometry?), Combinatorica 32 (2012), no. 5., 537--571, 2012
C. Praeger, L. Pyber, P. Spiga, E. Szabo: Graphs with automorphism groups admitting composition factors of bounded rank., Proc. of the AMS.140 (2012), no.7, 2307-2318., 2012
N. Gill, L. Pyber, I. Short, E. Szabo: On the product decomposition conjecture for finite simple groups, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 2013
B. Kalmar, A. I. Stipsicz: Maps on 3-manifolds given by surgery, Pacific J. Math. 257 (2012), 9-35., 2012
P. Ozsváth, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabó: Combinatorial Heegaard Floer homology and nice Heegaard diagrams, Adv. Math. 231 (2012), no. 1, 102–171., 2012
D. Gay, A. Stipsicz: On symplectic caps., Perspectives in analysis, geometry, and topology, 199–212, Progr. Math., 296, Birkhäuser/Springer, New York, 2012., 2012
P. Lisca, A. Stipsicz: Contact surgery and transverse invariants., J. Topol. 4 (2011), no. 4, 817–834., 2011
M. Bhupal, A. Stipsicz: Smoothings of singularities and symplectic topology, proceedings, 2012
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: A spectral sequence on lattice homology, preprint, 2013
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Knots in lattice homology, preprint, 2013
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Knot lattice homology in $L$-spaces, preprint, 2013
B. Kalmar, A. Stipiscz: Singular maps on exotic 4-manifold pairs, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 2013, 2013
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Grd homology of knots and links, AMS, 2013
Sz. Szabo: Nahm transform and parabolic minimal Laplace transform,, Journal of Geometry and Physics 62 (2012), 2241--2258, 2012
A. Nemethi, W. Veys: Generalized monodromy conjecture in dimension two, Geometry and Topology 16(1) (2012), 155--217, 2012
L. Feher, A. Nemethi, R. Rimanyi: Equivariant classes of matrix matroid varieties,, Commentarii Math. Helvetici 87 (2012), 861--889, 2012
S Friedl, A Juhasz and J Rasmussen: The decategorification of sutured Floer homology, Journal of Topology, 4 (2011), no. 2, 431-478., 2011
M Domokos and E Szabo: Helly dimension of algebraic groups, J. London Math. Soc.II. Ser. 84, No. 1, 19-34 (2011)., 2011
E. Murphy, K. Niederkruger, O. Plamenevskaya, A. Stipsicz: Loose Legendrians and the plastikstufe., Geom. Topol. 17 (2013), no. 3, 1791–1814., 2013
Sz Szabo: The dimension of the space of Garnier equations with fixed locus of apparent singularities, Acta Sci. Math. 79:1-2(2013), 107-128., 2013
J Etnyre, L Ng and V Vertesi: Legendrian and transverse twist knots, Journal of the EMS, 15:969-995, 2013, 2013
HJ Geiges and A Stipsicz: Contact structures on product five-manifolds and fibre sums along circles, Math. Ann. 348 (2010), no. 1, 195–210., 2010
P Ozsvath and A Stipsicz: Contact surgeries and the transverse invariant in knot Floer homology, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 9 (2010), no. 3, 601–632., 2010
M. Domokos, V. Drensky: Defining relation for semi-invariants of three by three matrix triples, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 216 (2012), 2098-2105., 2012
D. Anderson, A. Kuronya, V. Lozovanu: Okounkov bodies of finitely generated divisors, International Mathematics Research Notices 2013, doi: 10.1093/imrn/rns286., 2013
A. Kuronya, V. Lozovanu, C. Maclean: Volume functions of linear series, Mathematische Annalen, 356 No. 2. (2013), 635-652,, 2013
A.-S. Kaloghiros, A. Kuronya, V. Lazic: Finite generation and geography of models, "Minimal models and extremal rays", Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, to appear, 2013
Th. Bauer, B. Harbourne, A. Kuronya, A. Knutsen, S. Muller-Stach, X. Roulleau, T. Szemberg: Negative curves on algebraic surfaces,, Duke Mathematical Journal, 162 No. 10. (2013), 1877-1894,, 2013
A. Juhasz, T. Kalman, J. Rasmussen: Sutured Floer homology and hypergraphs, Mathematical Research Letters, 19 (2012), no. 6, 1309-1328., 2012
A. Juhasz, M. Hedden, S. Sarkar: On sutured Floer homology and the equivalence of Seifert surfaces, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 13 (2013), no. 1, 505-548, 2012
M. Domokos,: Invariant theoretic characterization of subdiscriminants,, Lin. Muiltilin. Alg., 12 p., accepted., 2012
K. Cziszter, M. Domokos,: On the generalized Davenport constant and the Noether number,, Central European J. Math., 11(9) (2013), 1605-1615., 2013
W. Duke, S. Imamoglu, A. Toth: Regularized inner products of modular functions, The Ramanujan Journal, 1-17, 2013
P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Grid homology of knots and links, AMS, 2013
J. Baldwin, D.S. Vela-Vick, V. Vertesi: Invariants for transverse braids in Heegaard Floer Homology, Geometry & Topology, 17:905-924, 2013, 2013
L Feher, A Matszangosz: Real solutions of a problem in enumerative geometry, arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.4638, 2014
M. Domokos,: Hermitian matrices with a bounded number of eigenvalues,, Lin. Alg. Appl. 439 (12), 3964-3979 (2013)., 2013
K. Cziszter, M. Domokos,: The Noether number for the groups with a cyclic subgroup of index two,, J. Algebra 399 (2014), 546-560., 2014
K. Cziszter, M. Domokos,: Groups with large Noether bound,, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), accepted., 2013
D. Harari, C. Scheiderer, T. Szamuely,: Weak approximation for tori over p-adic function fields, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 2014 (to appear), 2014
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Gabor Elek, Endre Szab: Sofic representations of amenable groups, Proc. of the AMS, 2011


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