Complex genetics of idiopathic epilepsies  Page description

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Details of project

Type NN
Principal investigator Maglóczky, Zsófia
Title in Hungarian Idiopátiás epilepsziák komplex genetikája
Title in English Complex genetics of idiopathic epilepsies
Keywords in Hungarian következő generáció szekvenálás, teljes genom asszociált tanulmány, másolatszám variáció, biostatisztika, ioncsatorna, immuncitokémia, patch clamp
Keywords in English next generation sequencing, whole genome association study, copy number variation,
Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)40 %
Molecular and cellular neuroscience (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)40 %
Ortelius classification: Neurobiology
Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Panel Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Department or equivalent Humán Agyszövet Laboratórium (Institute of Experimental Medicine)
Participants Papp, Henrietta
Papp, Péter
Tóth, Kinga
Starting date 2011-10-01
Closing date 2014-09-30
Funding (in million HUF) 33.156
FTE (full time equivalent) 2.93
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder affecting 0.5-1% of the population. Idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) and
Rolandic epilepsy (RE), the most common idiopathic syndromes, are largely genetic and represent prototypes for
common diseases with complex inheritance. Rare mutations (mainly in ion channels) have been identified in monogenic
IGE or as risk factors in IGE and RE. In approximately 3% of IGE patients, microdeletions have been identified but the
vast majority of genetic risk factors predisposing to both diseases remains to be identified.
The objective of the ‘Complex Genetics of Idiopathic Epilepsies’ consortium (CoGIE) is to unravel the genetic basis and
pathophysiology of IGE and RE. The consortium aims to identify both common and rare disease-relevant genetic
variations on a genome-wide basis and to determine the functional role of identified variants. CoGIE exploits an
established and unique interdisciplinary research network of clinicians, geneticists, biostatisticians, physiologists and
CoGIE will expand the largest cohorts of well-characterized IGE and RE patients already collected by CoGIE partners
and other collaborators within the European EPICURE project. By using a combination of modern genetic techniques,
including next generation sequencing, genome-wide association studies, copy number variation analysis, and
high-throughput SNP genotyping, we will identify and validate the genetic risk factors for IGE and RE. Subsequently,
comprehensive biostatistical analysis of the genetic data generated will be applied to explore the common etiological
factors underlying IGE and RE. Selected genetic variants will be characterized functionally using automated and
conventional electrophysiological tech-niques and expression in neurons, and neuroanatomical studies will determine
the neuronal expression patterns of affected genes. We anticipate that our studies will have the power and novelty to
reveal new pathophysiological pathways of common idiopathic epilepsy syndromes.
Objectives (264 words): Drug-resistant chronic epilepsies comprise a very large group of patients (approx. 30% of all epilepsy patients). Failure of pharmacological treatment often requires surgical resection procedures to prevent progression of these devastating neurological disorders. Chronic epilepsy often develops after a transient insult to the brain inducing complex cellular and structural reorganization and, thereby, reducing seizure susceptibility levels (herein defined as “epileptogenesis”). Our previous work identified alterations in the temporal pattern of gene expression in brain tissue obtained from patients with chronic epilepsy and in experimental models of epilepsy triggered by status epilepticus (SE) or traumatic brain injury. Our CRP is devoted to determine key epigenetic pathomechanisms that control and concert epileptogenesis. In previous studies, we obtained large scale expression databases from epileptic human tissues and animal models which form the starting point for functional analysis of candidate epileptogenesis genes (CEG). Our specific goals comprise (a) the bioinformatic identification of common traits in CEG expression between different models of epilepsy and prediction of shared regulative promoter elements, (b) the in vitro analysis of joint epigenetic modulation patterns including histone modifications and DNA methylation, and (c) transcription factor modules characterized by bioinformatics approaches (see a). (d) We aim to analyze the relevance of in vitro validated mechanisms in trauma and SE animal models and examine potential epileptogenic promoter-/gene-variants in human epileptic tissue. (e) Finally, we will use a translational approach using viral transfer of shRNAs or epigenetic pharmacotherapy (inhibitors of histone deacetylation or methyl transferases) to interfere with epigenetic mechanisms enrolled in epileptogenesis in order to medically attenuate or prevent the onset and progression of chronic epilepsy.
Milestones (206 words): Major stages of our CRP are as following:


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Kutatásunk több projektből épült fel, melyek a temporális lebeny-eredetű (TLE) és idiopátiás epilepsziák jobb megértését célozták. Fény- és fluoreszcens mikroszkópos módszerrel kimutattuk a GABA-A receptor alfa1 alegységet tartalmazó formájának felszaporodását az epilepsziás humán hippocampus interneuronjain. A TLE pilocarpine modelljének proteomikai vizsgálatából kiderült, hogy a visszatérő rohamok hatására számos fehérje expressziós szintje megváltozik – mely fehérjék közül több skizofréniában és Parkinson-kórban is érintett. A mitokondriumok működésének monitorozására a cintrát szintáz enzimet választottuk. Eloszlását humán TLE betegek műtétileg eltávolított mintáin vizsgálva régiónként eltérő, inhomogén festődést kaptunk, melynek további elemzését tervezzük. Más eredményeink a calretinin (CR)-tartalmú interneuronok hasonló sorsára utalnak humán TLE-ben és annak modelljeiben: a sejtek száma mindegyik esetben csökken, dendritjeik feldarabolódnak, így nem képesek ellátni feladatukat a kérgi gátló hálózatok szervezésében. A CR-immunpozitív interneuronok pusztulását az absence epilepszia GAERS (Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg) modelljében is kimutattuk a hippocampus hilusában és az S1 szomatoszenzoros kéregben. Ezek az eredmények a humán TLE-ben megfigyelhetőhöz hasonló epilepsziás reorganizáció jelenlétére utalnak. Az absence epilepsziában érintett, újonnan azonosított gének által kódolt fehérjék vizsgálatából származó adataink ugyanebbe az irányba mutatnak. A szintaxin 1B szinaptikus fehérje megemelkedett expresszióját találtuk a GAERS modellben, a hippocampus CA3a,b régiójában.
Results in English
Our study was built up from several projects aiming to further our understanding of temporal lobe (TLE) and idiopathic epileptic syndromes. Using light and fluorescent microscopy, the number of Alpha 1 subunit-containing GABA-A receptors was found to be increased on the membranes of interneurons in the epileptic human hippocampus. Proteomic investigations of the pilocarpine model of TLE suggested an alteration in the levels of several proteins, some of which are implicated in pathologies like schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease as well. Using the enzyme citrate synthase to monitor mitochondrial metabolism in human TLE, we immunostained human samples. Staining patterns was inhomogeneous, however, requiring further investigations. Other results indicate a similar fate of calretinin (CR)-immunopositive interneurons in human TLE and its animal models: cell numbers are reduced, and the dendrites become segmented, preventing the effective organization of corticol inhibitory networks. CR-immunolabeled interneuron loss was discovered in the GAERS (Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg) model of epilepsy as well, in the hilus and the S1 somatosensory cortex. These data hint on the presence of epileptic reorganization processes in absence epilepsy, similar to those apparent in TLE. Findings concerning the expression of proteins coded by newly discovered genes potentially playing a role in absence epilepsy seem to support this observation. We have found the expression level of Syntaxin 1B, a synaptic protein to be elevated in the CA3a,b subregions of the hippocampus in GAERS rats.
Full text


List of publications

Kinga Tóth and Zsófia Maglóczky: The vulnerability of calretinin-containing hippocampal interneurons to temporal lobe epilepsy, Front Neuroanat. 2014; 8: 100. p 1-12, 2014
E. Tóth1 , L. Erőss2, Czirják2, L. Entz2, J. Vajda2, G. Rásonyi2, P. Halász3, Zs. Maglóczky1: Changes in the Distribution of Citrate Synthase in Hippocampi of Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, IBRO Workshop 2014, January 16-17. DEbrecen, 2014
K. TÓTH; M. DREXEL; L. FARADZS-ZADE; L. ERőSS; J. VAJDA; P. HALÁSZ; W. LUCIA*; G. SPERK; Z. MAGLÓCZKY: Alteration of the GABA-A receptor α1 subunit expression in different types of interneurons of the human epileptic hippocampus., Annual meeting of SFN, San Diego, USA, 2013, 11-14 of November, 2013
Mago A1., Kekesi Adrienna K2,4., Simor A2., Toth K1., Hunyadi-Gulyas E3., Darula Zs3., Medzihradszky K3., Freund T1., Juhasz G2., Magloczky Z1.: Proteomic profiling of the hippocampus of epileptic mice with and without sclerosis, 10th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON EPILEPTOLOGY, London, 30th September-04th October, 2012., 2012
Ágoston Nagy, Péter Papp, Zsófia Maglóczky: Investigation of expression levels and distributions of different synaptic proteins in hippocampi, cortices and thalami of Genetic Absence Epilepsy in Rats from Strasbourg, EuroEPINOMICS Meeting, Tuusula, Finland, 23rd – 25th April 2014, 2014
E. Tóth, L. Erőss, Czirják, L. Entz, J. Vajda, G. Rásonyi, P. Halász , L. Havas, Zs. Maglóczky1: Investigation of Density Changes of Citrate Synthase in Hippocampi of Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, EuroEPINOMICS Meeting, Tuusula, Finland, 23rd – 25th April 2014, 2014
Papp, P., Szocsics, P., Papp, H., Magloczky, Zs.: Investigation of expression levels and distributions of calcium-binding proteins and SP receptor expression in Genetic Absence Epilepsy in Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS), EuroEPINOMICS Meeting, Tuusula, Finland, 23rd – 25th April 2014, 2014
Tóth Estilla Zsófia: Neurológiai megbetegedések hátterének molekuláris biológiai és morfológiai vizsgálata emberi agyban, PPKE ITK, Molekuláris bionika mérnök Bsc, 2013
Nagy Ágoston Gábor: Szinaptikus fehérjék lokalizációja és eloszlása strasbourgi genetikusan epilepsziás patkányok (GAERS) hippocampusában és agykérgében immunhisztokémiai eljárásokkal, PPKE ITK, Molekuláris bionika mérnök Bsc, 2014


Events of the project

2017-02-23 08:06:43
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: Agykéreg Kutatócsoport (MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézet), Új kutatóhely: Humán Agyszövet Laboratórium (MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézet).
2013-12-13 10:39:16
Résztvevők változása
2013-09-20 11:04:19
Résztvevők változása
2012-06-05 09:29:05
Résztvevők változása

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