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Pongó T, Stiga V, Török J, Lévay S, Szabó B, Stannarius R, Hidalgo RC, Börzsönyi T: Flow in an hourglass: particle friction and stiffness matter, New Journal of Physics, 2021 | Wang J, Fan B, Pongó T, Harth K, Trittel T, Stannarius R, Illig M, Börzsönyi T, Hidalgo RC: Silo discharge of mixtures of soft and rigid grains, Soft Matter, 2021 | To K, Mo YK, Pongó T, Börzsönyi T: Discharge of elongated grains from silo with rotating bottom, Physical Review E, 2021 | Madani M, Maleki M, Török J, Shebani MR: Evolution of shear zones in granular packings under pressure, Soft Matter 17, 1814, 2021 | Lévay S, Fischer D, Stannarius R, Somfai E, Börzsönyi T, Brendel L, Török J: Interacting jammed granular systems, Physical Review E, 2021 | Boschan J, Vågberg D, Somfai E, Tighe BP: Beyond linear elasticity: Jammed solids at finite shear strain and rate, SOFT MATTER 12: (24) pp. 5450-5460., 2016 | Lévay S, Fischer D, Stannarius R, Szabó B, Börzsönyi T, Török J: Frustrated packing in a granular system under geometrical confinement, Soft Matter, 2018 | Ashour A, Trittel T, Börzsönyi T, Stannarius R: Silo outflow of soft frictionless spheres, Physical Reivew Fluids, 2017 | Lévay S, Török J: Multiple shear bands in granular materials, EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017 | Hidalgo RC, Szabó B, Gillemot K, Börzsönyi T, Weinhart T: Rheological response of nonspherical granular flows down an incline, Physical Review Fluids 3, 074301, 2018 | Szabó B, Kovács Zs, Wegner S, Ashour A, Fischer D, Stannarius R, Börzsönyi T: Flow of anisometric particles in a quasi-two-dimensional hopper, Physical Review E 97, 062904, 2018 | Stannarius R, Martinez DS, Finger T, Somfai E, Borzsonyi T: Packing and flow profiles of soft grains in 3D silos reconstructed with X-ray computed tomography, Granular Matter, 2019 | Stannarius R, Martinez DS, Börzsönyi T, Bieberle M, Barthel F, Hampel U: High-speed x-ray tomography of silo discharge, New Journal of Physics, 2019 | Nagy D, Claudin P, Börzsönyi T, Somfai E: Flow and rheology of frictional elongated grains, New Journal of Physics 22, 073008, 2020 | Domokos G, Jerolmack DJ, Kun F, Török J: Plato’s cube and the natural geometry of fragmentation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, (31), 18178-18185, 2020 | Tegze G, Podmaniczky F, Somfai E, Börzsönyi T, Gránásy L: Orientational order in dense suspensions of elliptical particles in the non-Stokesian regime, Soft Matter 16, 8925, 2020 | Salamon P, Geng Y, Eremin A, Stannarius R, Klein S, Börzsönyi T: Rheological and flow birefringence studies of rod-shaped pigment nanoparticle dispersions, Journal of Molecular Liquids 313, 113401, 2020 | Hernández-Delfin D, Pongó T, To K, Börzsönyi T, Hidalgo RC: Particle flow rate in silos under rotational shear, Physical Review E 102, 042902, 2020 | Madani M, Maleki M, Török J, Shebani MR: Evolution of shear zones in granular packings under pressure, Soft Matter 17, 1814, 2021 | Pongó T, Stiga V, Török J, Lévay S, Szabó B, Stannarius R, Hidalgo RC, Börzsönyi T: Flow in an hourglass: particle friction and stiffness matter, New Journal of Physics (accepted 2021 jan), 2021 | Boschan J, Vågberg D, Somfai E, Tighe BP: Beyond linear elasticity: Jammed solids at finite shear strain and rate, SOFT MATTER 12: (24) 5450-5460, 2016 | Nagy DB, Claudin P, Borzsonyi T, Somfai E: Rheology of dense granular flows for elongated particles, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 96: (6) Paper 062903. 5 p. , 2017 | Boschan J, Vasudevan SA, Boukany PE, Somfai E, Tighe BP: Stress relaxation in viscous soft spheres, SOFT MATTER 13: (38) pp. 6870-6876., 2017 | Dagois-Bohy S, Somfai E, Tighe BP, van Hecke M: Softening and yielding of soft glassy materials, SOFT MATTER 13: (47) pp. 9036-9045., 2017 |





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