The utilization of microwaves in organophosphorus chemistry  Page description

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Type K
Principal investigator Keglevich, György
Title in Hungarian A mikrohullámú technika alkalmazása szerves foszforvegyületek szintézisében
Title in English The utilization of microwaves in organophosphorus chemistry
Keywords in Hungarian szerves foszforkémia, mikrohullám, zöldkémia, katalitikus reakciók, észterezések
Keywords in English organophosphorus chemistry, microwave, green chemistry, catalytic reactions, esterifications
Organic, Biomolecular, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: Intermedier chemistry
Panel Chemistry 2
Department or equivalent Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Ábrányi-Balogh, Péter
Bagi, Péter
Bálint, Erika
Grün, Alajos
Harsági, Nikoletta
Henyecz, Réka
Kánai, Károly
Kiss, Nóra Zsuzsa
Kovács, Tamara
Mucsi, Zoltán
Nagy, Dávid Illés
Rádai, Zita Gabriella
Tajti, Ádám
Tripolszky, Anna
Starting date 2016-10-01
Closing date 2021-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 48.000
FTE (full time equivalent) 18.31
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései szakemberek számára
Itt írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit a témában jártas szakember számára.

A minket körülvevő világ, a benne lakók és a természeti kincseink védelme egyre inkább felértékelődik. Nem közömbös tehát, hogy a szerves vegyipar milyen mértékben szennyezi a környezetet. Jelen projekt zöldkémiai indíttatású, és szerves kémiai szintézisek környezetbarátabbá tételével foglalkozik. A szűkebb tematika a mikrohullámú (MW) technika alkalmazása szerves foszforkémiai átalakításokban. Egyrészt a MW adta általános előnyöket (gyors, szelektív és hatékony reakciók) szeretnénk kihasználni a kiválasztott reakciókban, másrészt a hagyományos melegítésre nehezen lejátszódó átalakításokat tervezünk megvalósítani MW besugárzás alkalmazásával, harmadrészt katalizátorok elhagyását, ill. katalizátor rendszerek egyszerűsítését célozzuk meg MW körülmények között. Az oldószermentes megvalósítás, ill. az alternatív oldószerek (víz/ionos oldószerek) alkalmazása is vizsgálataink tárgyát képezi. Kiemelt cél a MW szerves kémiai szintézisekben való alkalmazhatóságának feltérképezése, vagyis annak tisztázása, hogy milyen energetika (termodinamika és kinetika) mellett képes a MW besugárzás a szerves kémiai átalakításokat segíteni. Az is egy fontos kérdés, hogy hogyan fejti ki a MW a reakciókra gyakorolt pozitív hatását. Harmadrészt, kihívás számunkra, hogy a hatás értelmezése után azt matematikailag modellezzük.

Mi a kutatás alapkérdése?
Ebben a részben írja le röviden, hogy mi a kutatás segítségével megválaszolni kívánt probléma, mi a kutatás kiinduló hipotézise, milyen kérdéseket válaszolnak meg a kísérletek.

A kutatás alapkérdése annak tisztázása, hogy az egyes szerves kémiai reakciók esetében milyen előnnyel járhat a mikrohullámú (MW) technika alkalmazása. Másképpen nem, vagy csak nehezen lejátszódó reakciókat tehet lehetővé, vagy csak hatékonyabbá teheti a reakciókat, vagyis gyorsabban, szelektívebben és jobb termeléssel fognak lejátszódni. A MW besugárzás továbbá katalizátorokat válthat ki, vagy katalizátor rendszereket egyszerűsíthet. A kérdéskör tisztázása végülis a szerves vegyipar (finomkémiai ipar, gyógyszeripar és növényvédőszeripar) kihívásaira ad választ, vagyis hogy hogyan lehet környezetbarátabbá tenni bizonyos kémiai átalakításokat. Kérdés továbbá a MW pozitív hatásának értelmezése, ill. a sebességnövekedés ennek megfelelő matematikai modellezése, ami egy teljesen új terület. A MW besugárzás gyorsító hatásának értelmezése jelenleg is az érdeklődés homlokterében áll. Abban már egyetértés van, hogy nincs semmiféle mágikus hatás, hanem valamiféle termikus hatás felelős a MW pozitív hatásáért. Eddig jónéhány folyóiratcikkben és nemzetközi konferencián képviseltük azon nézetünket, hogy a MW gyorsító hatása random lokális túlmelegedésekre vezethető vissza, és szisztematikusan cáfoltuk a „nem-termikus” mágikus magyarázatokat. Elméletünket tovább finomítva továbbra is ezt a küldetést szeretnénk betölteni.

Mi a kutatás jelentősége?
Röviden írja le, milyen új perspektívát nyitnak az alapkutatásban az elért eredmények, milyen társadalmi hasznosíthatóságnak teremtik meg a tudományos alapját. Mutassa be, hogy a megpályázott kutatási területen lévő hazai és a nemzetközi versenytársaihoz képest melyek az egyediségei és erősségei a pályázatának!

A kutatás jelentősége, hogy feltárja a mikrohullámú (MW) technika alkalmazhatóságát az egyre jelentősebbé váló foszforkémiai diszciplínán belül. Fontos átalakításokat, úgymint észteresítéseket, hidrolíziseket, szubsztitúciókat, addíciókat, kondenzációkat, kapcsolási reakciókat, redukciókat és fragmentációkat vizsgálunk, hogy csak a legfontosabbakat említsük. Várhatóan olyan általánosan, a szerves kémia más területein is hasznosítható ismeretekhez jutunk, amelyeknek hatása lehet a környezetbarát diszciplína fejlődésére, és amelyek hasznosíthatók lehetnek K+F tevékenységek során. Fontos továbbá, hogy értelmezni próbáljuk a MW hatást és megkíséreljük matematikailag modellezni azt. Ez a téma egy nagyon „forró” terület, amivel sok kutató foglalkozik. A lokális túlmelegedéseken alapuló elméletünk finomítása beleillik a MW hatást értelmező legújabb elméletekbe, amelyek termikus hatást tételeznek fel, és elvetik a különféle „nem-termikus” effektusokon alapuló magyarázatokat. Az ilyen és hasonló kutatásokra „vevő” a szerves kémiai társadalom. Kutatásunk során oldószermentes ill. vízben megvalósítható reakciókat is vizsgálunk. A manapság oly divatos ionos folyadékokat nem feltétlenül oldószerként, hanem – egy sokkal realisztikusabb elképzelés szerint – reakciót gyorsító adalékként (katalizátorként) is kipróbálnánk. Továbbá, költséget és környezeti terhet jelentő katalizátor rendszereket és katalizátorokat kívánunk egyszerűsíteni, ill. MW besugárzással kiváltani. A saját kifejlesztett katalizátorok meg hatékony átalakításokat tehetnek lehetővé. Eddigi eredményeinket rangos nemzetközi folyóiratokban sikerült publikálni és konferenciákon is parázs vitákat váltottunk ki. A folytatás is komoly eredményeket és jelentékeny visszhangot ígér.

A kutatás összefoglalója, célkitűzései laikusok számára
Ebben a fejezetben írja le a kutatás fő célkitűzéseit alapműveltséggel rendelkező laikusok számára. Ez az összefoglaló a döntéshozók, a média, illetve az érdeklődők tájékoztatása szempontjából különösen fontos az NKFI Hivatal számára.

Világszerte terjed a kemofóbia, vagyis a kemikáliák (növényvédőszerek, gyógyszerek, mosóporok, színezékek, stb.) ill. a vegyipar hibáztatása a környezetünk (a talaj, víz és levegő szennyezettség) jelenlegi állapota, valamint a minket körülvevő világot, az élőlényeket és az élővilágot ért káros hatások (pl. globális felmelegedés ill. egyes élőlények kihalása) kapcsán. Nemcsak a tévhiteket kell a helyükre tenni, hanem olyan szerves kémiai átalakításokat kell kidolgozni, amelyek környezetbarátak, vagyis nem járnak káros melléktermékek képződésével és kerülik a veszélyes reagensek és oldószerek alkalmazását. Jelen projektünk ilyen célok megvalósításán kíván fáradozni a szerves kémia egy speciális területén, a szerves foszforkémiában, méghozzá a mindennapjainkból jól ismert mikrohullámú (MW) technika alkalmazásával. Komoly előnyökkel járhat a reakciókat a konyhai mikrohullámú kemencékhez hasonló, de precíziós MW reaktorokban lejátszatni. Ily módon a kémiai átalakulások gyorsabbak és hatékonyabbak lesznek, továbbá a MW besugárzás a reakció lejátszódását elősegítő katalizátorokat válthat ki, vagy egyszerűsíthet. Másfelől arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, hogy hogyan fejti ki a MW a reakciókra gyakorolt pozitív hatását. Az erre vonatkozó nézeteinket az Élet és Tudomány 2013, 22, 691-693 cikkünkben írtuk le közérthető módon. Végezetül a MW hatását modellezni szeretnénk matematikai megközelítéssel. A téma igen érdekes, áttételes hatása lehet a mindennapi életünkre és nemzetközi érdeklődésre tart számot.
Summary of the research and its aims for experts
Describe the major aims of the research for experts.

The protection of the world, its inhabitants and our natural treasures has been gradually valorized. The pollution of the environment by the organic chemical industry became a key question. The present project is motivated by environmentally-friendly (“green”) chemistry, as the purpose is to perform reactions under green chemical conditions. The narrower topic is the accomplishment of organophosphorus reactions under microwave (MW) conditions. On the one hand, we should like to make use of the advantages (shorter reaction times, selective and efficient reactions) of the MW technique in frequently applied and more special reactions, on the other hand we wish to promote transformations by MW irradiation that are rather reluctant or resist proceeding on traditional thermal heating. It is also our purpose to substitute catalysts by MW irradiation, or at least simplify catalyst systems under MW conditions. The application of the MW technique is often associated with solvent-free accomplishment, but ionic liquids and water will also be tried out as solvents. It is an important purpose for us to map the applicability of MWs in organic syntheses. In other words, we wish to clarify the relation between the energetics (thermodinamics and kinetics) of the reactions and the efficiency of MW irradiation. We plan to obtain more insights into the scope and limitations of MW-assisted reactions. It is a further challenge to find an explanation for the beneficial effect of MWs that means the refinement of our theory on the role of random local overheating. An additional challenge is to model the beneficial effect of MWs mathematically after the interpretation of the phenomenon.

What is the major research question?
Describe here briefly the problem to be solved by the research, the starting hypothesis, and the questions addressed by the experiments.

The basic question of this project is to explore the advantages of the application of the microwave (MW) technique during the individual reactions investigated. MW irradiation may promote thermally reluctant reactions, or simply makes the transformations more efficient. In the latter case, the reactions become faster and more selective, giving the products in better yields. Beside this, MW irradiation may substitute catalysts, or may make possible the simplification of catalyst systems. Our project tries to find answers to actual challenges of the organic chemical industry (fine chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry and plant protecting industry), ie., how it is possible to make certain organic chemical transformations more environmentally-friendly. Further questions are the interpretation of the beneficial effect of MWs, and the suitable mathematical modelling of the phenomenon that has never been attempted before. The interpretation of the effect of MWs is in the focus these days, and there seems to be an agreement that thermal effects are responsible for the rate enhancing effect of MW irradiation. The non-thermal effects representing some kind of magic have been rejected. We have published our theory on the beneficial effect of the randomly occurring local overheatings both in articles, and in conferences. We wish to continue spreading the correct views on the MW heating, and it is also our purpose to refine the theory.

What is the significance of the research?
Describe the new perspectives opened by the results achieved, including the scientific basics of potential societal applications. Please describe the unique strengths of your proposal in comparison to your domestic and international competitors in the given field.

The importance of our research is that it explores the applicability of the microwave (MW) technique in the organophosphorus discipline that becomes more and more important. Among others, important transformations, such as esterifications, hydrolyses, substitutions, additions, condensations, coupling reactions, reductions and fragmentations will be investigated. It can be expected that the results will have an impact on the development of the green chemical field in all segments of organic chemistry, and a part of the results will be utilizable during the R & D activity. It is also important that we try to interpret and model the beneficial effect of MWs. Our project is on a rather “hot” field searched by a lot of scientists. The refinement of our theory based on the enhancing effect of local overheatings fits well the up-to-date explanations assuming thermal effects. The organic chemical “society” is eagerly recipient for any kind of new information on MW chemistry. During our work, solvent-free reactions and the possible use of water as the solvent will also be studied. The – these days – fashionable ionic liquids will not be used only as solvents, but also as additives (catalysts) that is a novel and realistic idea. Moreover, catalyst systems and catalysts meaning costs and environmental burden will be simplified and – if possible – substituted by MW irradiation. The catalysts developed by us may make possible efficient syntheses. Due to the "hotness" of our project, it is probable that we shall be able to continue publishing our results in good international journals.

Summary and aims of the research for the public
Describe here the major aims of the research for an audience with average background information. This summary is especially important for NRDI Office in order to inform decision-makers, media, and others.

Many of the people believe that the organic chemical industry producing plant protecting agents, pharmaceuticals, washing powders, etc. is to be blame for the pollution of the environment (earth, waters and air). Partially it is true, however, we have to fight against injustic chemofoby. It is also our duty to elaborate environmentally-friendly (“green”) syntheses utilizing reagents and solvents that are not harmful. The present project will contribute to this discipline in the special field of microwave(MW)-assisted organophosphorus chemistry. While the use of MW ovens is common in households, the MW reactors are special equipment in which chemical transformations may be performed. The utilization of MWs is advantageous, as the reactions become faster and more efficient. It is also a challenge to replace or simplify catalysts useful in organic syntheses by MW irradiation. Our special purpose is to provide an explanation for the beneficial effect of MWs, and to elaborate a suitable mathematical model. Our project represents a hot topic, and my have a slight impact on our every day life by enriching the environmentally-friendly approaches.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A projekt során tovább folytattuk a zöldkémiai alapelvek alkalmazását a szerves foszforkémia területén. Mindenekelőtt különféle P-savak alkoholokkal való direkt észteresítését valósítottuk meg mikrohullámú körülmények között, ami azért fontos, mert ily módon elkerülhető a savkloridok alkalmazása. Alternatív lehetőségként a P-savak alkil-halogenidekkel való reakcióban is észteresíthetők. Az ellentétes reakciót, foszfinátok és foszfonátok hidrolízisét is optimalizáltuk és feltérképeztük a reakcióképességet. Egy sereg új, várhatóan biológiai aktivitással rendelkező alfa-aminofoszfonátot és alfa-hidroxifoszfonátot tettünk hozzáférhetővé. Egy zöldkémiai módszert dolgoztunk ki a hidroxifoszfonátok előállítására, és néhány reakciójukat is tanulmányoztuk. Kutatómunkánk fontos részét képezte az aril-halogenidek és a >P(O)H reagensek között lejátszódó Hirao P–C kapcsolási reakció vizsgálata. A mechanizmus feltárása után javaslatot tettünk a katalizátor rendszer egyszerűsítésére. 10% Pd(OAc)2 prekurzor alkalmazása esetén 1,3 ekv. mennyiségű >P(O)H reagens biztosította a reakció lejátszódását. 10% a Pd(II) redukciójára fordítódik, míg 20% a >P–OH tautomer formán keresztül a P-ligandot biztosítja. Így nincs szükség a hagyományos P-ligandokra. NiCl2 esetén 1,2 ekv. >P(O)H reagens elegendő volt, ugyanis meglepetésre, ebben az esetben a Ni(II) forma vesz részt a katalizátor komplex képzésben.
Results in English
During the project, we kept applying the green chemical principles in the field of organophosphorus chemistry. In the first line, the microwave-assisted direct esterification of a series of P-acids was elaborated. In this way, the use of acid chlorides may be avoided. Esterification of the P-acids in reaction with alkyl halides is another possibility. The opposite reaction, the hydrolysis of phosphinates and phosphonates was also optimized, and the reactivity was mapped. A number of potentially bioactive alpha-aminophosphonates and alpha-hydroxyphosphonates were synthesized. A green chemical method was elaborated for the preparation of the hydroxyphosphonates, and a few of their reactions were also investigated. The study of the P–C Hirao reaction of aryl halides and >P(O)H reagents formed an important part of our project. After exploring the mechanism, the catalyst system was simplified by us. Applying 10% of the Pd(OAc)2 catalyst precursor, 1.3 equivalents of the >P(O)H reagent ensured completion of the reaction. 10% covered the Pd(II) → Pd(0) reduction, while 20% acted as the P-ligand via the >P–OH trivalent tautomeric form. Hence, there is no need for the traditional P-ligands. In case of NiCl2 catalyst, it was enough to use 1.2 equivalents of the >P(O)H reagent, as, to our surprise, in this case the Ni(II) form takes part in the formation of the catalyst.
Full text


List of publications

Bálint E, Tajti Á, Dzielak A, Hagele G, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of (aminomethylene)bisphosphine oxides and (aminomethylene)bisphosphonates by a three-component condensation, BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM 12: 1493-1502, 2016
Bálint E, Tóth RE, Keglevich G: Synthesis of alkyl α-aminomethyl-phenylphosphinates and N,N-bis(alkoxyphenylphosphinylmethyl)amines by the microwave-assisted Kabachnik–Fields reaction, HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (5) 323-335, 2016
Grün A, Nagy DI, Németh O, Mucsi Z, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: The synthesis of 3-phenylpropidronate applying phosphorus trichloride and phosphorous acid in methanesulfonic acid, CURR ORG CHEM 20: (16) 1745-1752, 2016
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z: Milestones in microwave-assisted organophosphorus chemistry, PURE APPL CHEM 88: (10-11) 931-939, 2016
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z: A Comparative Study on the Thermal and Microwave-assisted Direct Esterification of Phenyl-H-phosphinic Acid – Modeling the Rate Enhancing Effect of MWs, CURR PHYS CHEM 6: (4) 307-311, 2016
Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted direct esterification of cyclic phosphinic acids in the presence of ionic liquids, TETRAHEDRON LETT 57: (9) 971-974, 2016
Kiss NZ, Rádai Z, Mucsi Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis of α-aminophosphonates from α-hydroxyphosphonates; A theoretical study, HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (5) 260-268, 2016
Bagi P, Ujj V, Czugler M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Resolution of P-stereogenic P-heterocycles via the formation of diastereomeric molecular and coordination complexes (a review), DALTON T 45: (5) 1823-1842, 2016
Bálint E, Tripolszky A, Ádám A, Tajti Á, Keglevich G: Synthesis and utilization of α-aminophosphine oxides and related derivatives, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1539-1540, 2016
Tajti Á, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Ethyl Octyl α-Aminophosphonate Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (4) 638-645, 2016
Ábrányi-Balogh P, Jablonkai E, Henyecz R, Milen M, Keglevich G: Theoretical calculations on the mechanism of the T3P®-promoted esterification and amidation of phosphinic acids, CURR ORG CHEM 20: (10) 1135-1142, 2016
Kovács T, Fülöp LS, Keglevich G: Fragmentation-Related Phosphonylation of Nucleophiles Utilizing P-Alkyl 2,3-oxaphosphabicyclo[2.2.2]octene 3-oxide Precursors, HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (2) 83-90, 2016
Kiss NZ, Henyecz R, Jablonkai E, Keglevich G: Synthesis of n-butyl ester and n-butylamide of methyl-phenylphosphinic acid: Two case studies, SYNTHETIC COMMUN 46: (9) 766-774, 2016
Grün A, Nagy DI, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Efficient synthesis of pamidronic acid using an ionic liquid additive, LETT DRUG DES DISCOV 13: (6) 475-478, 2016
Nagy DI, Grün A, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Hydroxymethylenebisphosphonic Acid Derivatives in Different Solvents, MOLECULES 21: (8) e1046, 2016
Bagi P, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Hessz D, Kállay M, Kubinyi M, Szilvási T, Pongrácz P, Kollár L, Timári I, Kövér KE, Drahos L, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Platinum(II) Complexes Incorporating Racemic and Optically Active ...., HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (2) 91-101, 2016
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Binder J, Falk A, Uhlig F, Keglevich G: A Study on the Deoxygenation of Phosphine Oxides by Different Silane Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (1) 148-153, 2016
Kovács T, Cseresnyés D, Keglevich G: New P-alkyl 7-phospanorbornenes; Synthesis, oxidation, fragmentation-related phosphorylation, and deoxygenation, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1595-1596, 2016
Kovács T, Csatlós F, Urbanics A, Uhlig F, Keglevich G: Reduction of phosphine oxides under green chemical conditions, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1597-1598, 2016
Kiss NZ, Rádai ZG, Keglevich G: Derivatization of phosphinic acids in the presence of ionic liquids, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1494-1496, 2016
Rádai Z, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonates and α-aminophosphonates, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1564-1565, 2016
Tajti Á, Tóth RE, Kalocsai D, Keglevich G, Bálint E: Formation of compounds with P–C–N moiety by microwave-assisted condensations, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1541-1542, 2016
Nagy DI, Grun A, Greiner I, Keglevich G: The Role of Phosphorus Trichloride and Phosphorous Acid in the Formation of alpha-Hydroxymethylenebisphosphonic Acids from the Corresponding Carboxylic Acids ..., CURR ORG CHEM 21: (16) pp. 1567-1578., 2017
Keglevich G, Grün A, Bálint E, Kiss NZ, Bagi P, Tőke L: Green chemical syntheses and applications within organophosphorus chemistry, STRUCT CHEM 28: (2) pp. 431-433., 2017
Keglevich G, Rádai Z, Kiss NZ: To date the greenest method for the preparation of α-hydroxyphosphonates from substituted benzaldehydes and dialkyl phosphites, GREEN PROCESS SYNTH 6: pp. 197-201., 2017
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Ádám A, Csontos I, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Ábrányi-Balogh P, Keglevich G: The synthesis of α-aryl-α-aminophosphonates and α-aryl-α-aminophosphine oxides by the microwave-assisted Pudovik reaction, BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM 13: pp. 76-86., 2017
Kovács T, Keglevich G: The reduction of tertiary phosphine oxides by silanes, CURR ORG CHEM 21: (7) pp. 569-585., 2017
Kovács T, Cseresnyés D, Drahos L, Keglevich G: Revisiting the reaction of phosphole oxide dimers with borane-dimethylsulfide, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 192: (6) pp. 695-699., 2017
Nagy DI, Grün A, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Investigation of the effect of medium in the preparation of alendronate: till now the best synthesis in the presence of an ionic liquid additive, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (3) Paper e21370., 2017
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Grün A, Bálint E, Kovács T: Advantages of the Microwave Tool in Organophosphorus Syntheses, SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART 49: (14) pp. 3069-3083., 2017
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Kalocsai D, Mátravölgyi B, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Keglevich G: Synthesis and utilization of optically active α-aminophosphonate derivatives by Kabachnik-Fields reaction, TETRAHEDRON 73: (38) pp. 5659-5667., 2017
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Keglevich G: A study on the deoxygenation of trialkyl-, dialkyl-phenyl- and alkyl-diphenyl phosphine oxides by hydrosilanes, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (4) Paper e21376., 2017
Keglevich G, Mucsi Z: Interpretation of the rate enhancing effect of microwaves, In: Cravotto, G, Carnaroglio, D (szerk.) (szerk.) Microwave Chemistry. Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag, 2017. pp. 53-64., 2017
Ábrányi-Balogh P, Keglevich G: A Theoretical Study on the Conformation of 5- and 6-Membered P-Heterocycles: 1- Substituted 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-1H-Phosphole 1-Oxides and 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexahydro..., CURR ORG CHEM 21: (21) pp. 2216-2228., 2017
Keglevich G, Rádai Z, Harsági N, Szigetvári Á, Kiss NZ: A study on the acidic hydrolysis of cyclic phosphinates: 1-Alkoxy-3-phospholene 1-oxides, 1-ethoxy-3-methylphospholane 1-oxide ..., HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (5) Paper e21394. 10 p., 2017
Keglevich G, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z, Kiss NZ: The Palladium Acetate-Catalyzed Microwave-Assisted Hirao Reaction without an Added Phosphorus Ligand as a “Green” Protocol: A Quantum Chemical Study on the Mechanism, ADV SYNTH CATAL 359: (24) pp. 4322-4331., 2017
Tajti Á, Tóth N, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Esterification of benzoic acid in a continuous flow microwave reactor, J FLOW CHEM 8: pp. 11-19., 2018
Kiss N Z, Rádai Z, Tihanyi I, Szabó T, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted direct esterification of a cyclic phosphinic acid with phenols, MENDELEEV COMMUN 28: (1) pp. 31-32., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Lévay K, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich Gy: Efficient syntheses of zoledronic acid as an active ingredient of a drug against osteoporosis, SYNTHETIC COMMUN 48: (6) pp. 663-671., 2018
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Tripolszky A, Keglevich G: Synthesis of platinum, palladium and rhodium complexes of α-aminophosphine ligands, DALTON T 47: pp. 4755-4778., 2018
Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Keglevich György: An overview of the applications of ionic liquids as catalysts and additives in organic chemical reactions, CURR ORG CHEM 22: (6) pp. 533-556., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Keglevich G: Dronic acid derivatives – An important group of phosphorus-containing drugs, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 199-213., 2018
Keglevich G: Typical approaches for the preparation of phosphine oxides; a review on the synthetic methods applied in the last five years, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 1-34., 2018
Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Methods for the preparation of phosphinates and phosphonates with a focus on recent advances, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 35-52., 2018
Rádai Z, Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonates, an important class of bioactive compounds, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 91-107., 2018
Henyecz R, Keglevich G: P–C couplings by the Hirao reaction, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 158-178., 2018
Kovács T, Keglevich G: Deoxygenation of phosphine oxides, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 179-198., 2018
Tripolszky A, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Secondary Phosphine Oxides by Substitution at Phosphorus by Grignard Reagents, LETT ORG CHEM 15: (5) pp. 387-393., 2018
Bagi P, Juhász K, Kállay M, Hessz D, Kubinyi M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Preparation of enantiopure 1‐isopentyl‐3‐methyl‐3‐phospholene 1‐oxide via the formation of diastereomeric complexes, HETEROATOM CHEM 29: (1) Paper e21411. 8 p., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Pavela O, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Efficient synthesis of ibandronate in the presence of an ionic liquid., LETT DRUG DES DISCOV 15: (7) pp. 713-720., 2018
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ: Mikor igazán érdemes mikrohullámú körülmények között lejátszani egy szerves kémiai reakciót?, MAGY KÉM FOLY KÉM KÖZL 124: (1-2) pp. 25-29., 2018
Rádai Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis and reactions of α-hydroxyphosphonates, MOLECULES 23: (6) Paper e1493, 2018
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ: Potential and Scope of Microwave Heating: A Case Study on the Synthesis of Phosphinates, CURR GREEN CHEM 5: (1) pp. 60-66., 2018
Rádai Z, Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Green Syntheses of ɑ-Hydroxyphosphonates and ɑ-Aminophosphonates, In: Woodrow Phillips (szerk.)Chalcogenides: Advances in Research and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2018. pp. 1-26. (ISBN: 978-1-53614-371-3), 2018
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Tóth N, Keglevich G: Continuous Flow Alcoholysis of Dialkyl H-Phosphonates with Aliphatic Alcohols, MOLECULES 23: (7) 1618, 2018
Rádai Z, Szeles P, Kiss N Z, Hegedűs L, Windt T, Nagy V, Keglevich G: Green synthesis and cytotoxic activity of dibenzyl alfa- hydroxyphosphonates and alfa- hydroxyphosphonic acids., HETEROATOM CHEMISTRY 29: (4) p. e21436., 2018
Keglevich Gyorgy: Perspectives in Green Chemistry - Microwave Irradiation as a Substitute for Catalysts; Case Studies from Organophosphorus Chemistry, CURRENT GREEN CHEMISTRY 5: (3) pp. 131-135., 2018
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus reactions, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 145-157., 2019
Nagy DI, Grun A, Sinkovicz Júlia, Garadnay Sándor, Greiner István, Keglevich György: A Study on the Synthesis of Risedronic Acid: The Role of an Ionic Liquid Additive, LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN AND DISCOVERY 16: (3) pp. 238-244., 2019
Tajti Á, Szatmári E, Perdih F, Keglevich G, Bálint E: Microwave-Assisted Kabachnik–Fields Reaction with Amino Alcohols as the Amine Component, MOLECULES 24: (8) p. 1640., 2019
Keglevich Gy: The impact of microwaves on organophosphorus chemistry, CHEMICAL RECORD 19: (1) pp. 65-76., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tajti Ádám, Ladányi-Pára Katalin, Tóth Nóra, Mátravölgyi Béla, Keglevich György: Continuous flow synthesis of α-aryl-α-aminophosphonates, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 67-76., 2019
Kiss N.Z., Keglevich G.: Direct esterification of phosphinic and phosphonic acids enhanced by ionic liquid additives, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 59-65., 2019
Grün Alajos, Rádai Zita, Sőregi-Nagy Dávid Illés, Greiner István, Keglevich György: Rational synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonic derivatives including dronic acids, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 386-387., 2019
Henyecz R., Mucsi Z., Keglevich G.: Palladium-catalyzed microwave-assisted Hirao reaction utilizing the excess of the diarylphosphine oxide reagent as the P-ligand; A study on the activity and formation ..., PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 121-134., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tripolszky Anna, Hegedűs László, Keglevich György: Microwave-assisted synthesis of N,N bis(phosphinoylmethyl)amines and N,N,N tris(phosphinoylmethyl)amines bearing different substituents on the phosphorus atoms, BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 15: pp. 469-473., 2019
Tóth N., Tajti Á., Ladányi-Pára K., Bálint E., Keglevich G.: Synthesis of phosphonates in a continuous flow manner, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 285-286., 2019
Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Czugler Mátyás, Karaghiosoff Konstantin, Keglevich György: The typical crystal structures of a few representative α-aryl-α-hydroxyphosphonates, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C 75: (3) pp. 283-293., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tajti Ádám, Keglevich György: Application of the Microwave Technique in Continuous Flow Processing of Organophosphorus Chemical Reactions, MATERIALS 12: (5) 788, 2019
Tripolszky A, Zoboki L, Bálint E, Kóti J, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphine oxides by the Kabachnik–Fields reaction applying amides as the starting materials, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 49: (8) pp. 1047-1054., 2019
Rádai Zita, Hodula Viktória, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Kóti János, Keglevich György: Phosphorylation of (1-aryl-1-hydroxymethyl)phosphonates, MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS 29: (2) pp. 153-154., 2019
Tripolszky A, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphine oxides, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 345-348., 2019
Tajti Á, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphonates and related derivatives by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 379-381., 2019
Keglevich György, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Bálint Erika, Henyecz Réka, Grün Alajos, Mucsi Zoltán: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus chemistry, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 391-395., 2019
Grün Alajos, Greiner István, Keglevich György: The Synthesis of α-Hydroxy- and α-Chlorophosphonic Acid Derivatives Starting from Benzaldehydes and Phosphorous Acid or Dimethyl Phosphite, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (8) pp. 968-973., 2019
Henyecz Réka, Keglevich György: New developments on the Hirao reactions, especially from “green” point of view, CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS 16: (4) pp. 523-545., 2019
Henyecz Réka, Kiss Adrienn, Mórocz Virág, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Keglevich György: Synthesis of phosphonates from phenylphosphonic acid and its monoesters, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 49: (20) pp. 2642-2650., 2019
Henyecz Reka, Oroszy Rafaella, Keglevich Gyorgy: Microwave-Assisted Hirao Reaction of Heteroaryl Bromides and > P(O)H Reagents Using Pd(OAc)(2) as the Catalyst Precursor in the Absence of Added P-Ligands, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (10) pp. 1151-1157., 2019
Odinets I, Körtvélyesi T, Herbay R, Bagi P, Keglevich G: New bis-rhodium complex with a bidentate 3-phosphino-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophosphinine P-ligand, Mendeleev Comm 29: (5) 573-574, 2019
Kiss N. Z., Rádai Z., Keglevich G.: Green syntheses of potentially bioactive α-hydroxyphosphonates and related derivatives, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (10) pp. 1003-1006., 2019
Rádai Zita, Windt Tímea, Nagy Veronika, Füredi András, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa Zsuzsa, Ranđelović Ivan, Tóvári József, Keglevich György, Szakács Gergely, Tóth Szilárd: Synthesis and anticancer cytotoxicity with structural context of an α-hydroxyphosphonate based compound library derived from substituted benzaldehydes, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 43: (35) pp. 14028-14035., 2019
Keglevich György: Newer Developments in the Synthesis of P-Heterocycles, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (12) pp. 1342-1355., 2019
Vincze D., Ábrányi-Balogh P., Bagi P., Keglevich G.: A mechanistic study on the tautomerism of H-phosphonates, H-phosphinates and secondary phosphine oxides, MOLECULES 24: (21) 3859, 2019
Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Henyecz Réka, Keglevich György: Continuous Flow Esterification of a H-Phosphinic Acid, and Transesterification of H-phosphinates and H-Phosphonates under Microwave Conditions, MOLECULES 25: (3) p. 719., 2020
Rádai Zita, Szabó Réka, Szigetvári Áron, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Mucsi Zoltán, Keglevich György: A Study on the Rearrangement of Dialkyl 1-Aryl-1-hydroxymethylphosphonates to Benzyl Phosphates, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 24: (4) pp. 465-471., 2020
Harsági Nikoletta, Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Szigetvári Aron, Keglevich György: Two step acidic hydrolysis of dialkyl arylphosphonates, MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS 30: (1) pp. 38-39., 2020
Henyecz Reka, Mucsi Zoltan, Keglevich Gyorgy: A surprising mechanism lacking the Ni(0) state during the Ni(II)-catalyzed P-C cross-coupling reaction performed in the absence of a reducing agent - An experimental and a theoretical study, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 92: (3) pp. 493-503., 2020
Radai Zita, Bagi Peter, Czugler Matyas, Karaghiosoff Konstantin, Keglevich Gyorgy: Optical Resolution of Dimethyl alpha-Hydroxy-Arylmethylphosphonates via Diastereomer Complex Formation Using Calcium Hydrogen O,O '-Dibenzoyl-(2R,3R)-Tartrate; X-Ray Analysis of the Complexes and Products, SYMMETRY 12: (5) p. 758., 2020
Henyecz Reka, Huszar Bianka, Grenitzer Viktoria, Keglevich Gyorgy: A Study on the Reactivity of Monosubstituted Benzenes in the MW-Assisted Pd(OAc)(2)-catalyzed Hirao Reaction with Ph2P(O)H and (EtO)(2)P(O)H Reagents, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 24: (9) pp. 1048-1054., 2020
Keglevich Gyorgy, Radai Zita: alpha-Hydroxyphosphonates as intermediates in the Kabachnik-fields reaction: New proof of their reversible formation, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 61: (23) 151961, 2020
Hudson HR, Tajti Á, Bálint E, Czugler M, Karaghiosoff K, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphonates with sterically demanding α-aryl substituents, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 50: (10) 1446-1455, 2020
Keglevich G: Application of microwave irradiation in the synthesis of P-heterocycles, In: Brahmachari G (szerk) Green Synthetic Approaches for Biologically Relevant Heterocycles. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 1, 2nd edn., in press, 2020
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Keglevich G: A study on the deoxygenation of trialkyl-, dialkyl-phenyl- and alkyl-diphenyl phosphine oxides by hydrosilanes, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (4) Paper e21376., 2017
Harsági Nikoletta, Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Szigetvári Aron, Keglevich György: Two step acidic hydrolysis of dialkyl arylphosphonates, MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS 30: (1) pp. 38-39., 2020
Henyecz Reka, Huszar Bianka, Grenitzer Viktoria, Keglevich Gyorgy: A Study on the Reactivity of Monosubstituted Benzenes in the MW-Assisted Pd(OAc)(2)-catalyzed Hirao Reaction with Ph2P(O)H and (EtO)(2)P(O)H Reagents, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 24: (9) pp. 1048-1054., 2020
Henyecz Reka, Mucsi Zoltan, Keglevich Gyorgy: A surprising mechanism lacking the Ni(0) state during the Ni(II)-catalyzed P-C cross-coupling reaction performed in the absence of a reducing agent - An experimental and a theoretical study, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 92: (3) pp. 493-503., 2020
Keglevich Gyorgy, Radai Zita: alpha-Hydroxyphosphonates as intermediates in the Kabachnik-fields reaction: New proof of their reversible formation, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS 61: (23) 151961, 2020
Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Henyecz Réka, Keglevich György: Continuous Flow Esterification of a H-Phosphinic Acid, and Transesterification of H-phosphinates and H-Phosphonates under Microwave Conditions, MOLECULES 25: (3) p. 719., 2020
Radai Zita, Bagi Peter, Czugler Matyas, Karaghiosoff Konstantin, Keglevich Gyorgy: Optical Resolution of Dimethyl alpha-Hydroxy-Arylmethylphosphonates via Diastereomer Complex Formation Using Calcium Hydrogen O,O '-Dibenzoyl-(2R,3R)-Tartrate; X-Ray Analysis of the Complexes and Products, SYMMETRY 12: (5) p. 758., 2020
Rádai Zita, Szabó Réka, Szigetvári Áron, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Mucsi Zoltán, Keglevich György: A Study on the Rearrangement of Dialkyl 1-Aryl-1-hydroxymethylphosphonates to Benzyl Phosphates, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 24: (4) pp. 465-471., 2020
Hudson HR, Tajti Á, Bálint E, Czugler M, Karaghiosoff K, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphonates with sterically demanding α-aryl substituents, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 50: (10) 1446-1455, 2020
Odinets I, Körtvélyesi T, Herbay R, Bagi P, Keglevich G: New bis-rhodium complex with a bidentate 3-phosphino-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophosphinine P-ligand, Mendeleev Comm 29: (5) 573-574, 2019
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Binder J, Falk A, Uhlig F, Keglevich G: A Study on the Deoxygenation of Phosphine Oxides by Different Silane Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (1) 148-153, 2016
Tajti Á, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Ethyl Octyl α-Aminophosphonate Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (4) 638-645, 2016
Ábrányi-Balogh P, Jablonkai E, Henyecz R, Milen M, Keglevich G: Theoretical calculations on the mechanism of the T3P®-promoted esterification and amidation of phosphinic acids, CURR ORG CHEM 20: (10) 1135-1142, 2016
Grün A, Nagy DI, Németh O, Mucsi Z, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: The synthesis of 3-phenylpropidronate applying phosphorus trichloride and phosphorous acid in methanesulfonic acid, CURR ORG CHEM 20: (16) 1745-1752, 2016
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus reactions, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 145-157., 2019
Nagy DI, Grun A, Sinkovicz Júlia, Garadnay Sándor, Greiner István, Keglevich György: A Study on the Synthesis of Risedronic Acid: The Role of an Ionic Liquid Additive, LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN AND DISCOVERY 16: (3) pp. 238-244., 2019
Tajti Á, Szatmári E, Perdih F, Keglevich G, Bálint E: Microwave-Assisted Kabachnik–Fields Reaction with Amino Alcohols as the Amine Component, MOLECULES 24: (8) p. 1640., 2019
Keglevich Gy: The impact of microwaves on organophosphorus chemistry, CHEMICAL RECORD 19: (1) pp. 65-76., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tajti Ádám, Ladányi-Pára Katalin, Tóth Nóra, Mátravölgyi Béla, Keglevich György: Continuous flow synthesis of α-aryl-α-aminophosphonates, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 67-76., 2019
Kiss N.Z., Keglevich G.: Direct esterification of phosphinic and phosphonic acids enhanced by ionic liquid additives, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 59-65., 2019
Grün Alajos, Rádai Zita, Sőregi-Nagy Dávid Illés, Greiner István, Keglevich György: Rational synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonic derivatives including dronic acids, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 386-387., 2019
Henyecz R., Mucsi Z., Keglevich G.: Palladium-catalyzed microwave-assisted Hirao reaction utilizing the excess of the diarylphosphine oxide reagent as the P-ligand; A study on the activity and formation ..., PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 121-134., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tripolszky Anna, Hegedűs László, Keglevich György: Microwave-assisted synthesis of N,N bis(phosphinoylmethyl)amines and N,N,N tris(phosphinoylmethyl)amines bearing different substituents on the phosphorus atoms, BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 15: pp. 469-473., 2019
Tóth N., Tajti Á., Ladányi-Pára K., Bálint E., Keglevich G.: Synthesis of phosphonates in a continuous flow manner, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 285-286., 2019
Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Czugler Mátyás, Karaghiosoff Konstantin, Keglevich György: The typical crystal structures of a few representative α-aryl-α-hydroxyphosphonates, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C 75: (3) pp. 283-293., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tajti Ádám, Keglevich György: Application of the Microwave Technique in Continuous Flow Processing of Organophosphorus Chemical Reactions, MATERIALS 12: (5) 788, 2019
Tripolszky A, Zoboki L, Bálint E, Kóti J, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphine oxides by the Kabachnik–Fields reaction applying amides as the starting materials, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 49: (8) pp. 1047-1054., 2019
Rádai Zita, Hodula Viktória, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Kóti János, Keglevich György: Phosphorylation of (1-aryl-1-hydroxymethyl)phosphonates, MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS 29: (2) pp. 153-154., 2019
Tripolszky A, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphine oxides, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 345-348., 2019
Tajti Á, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphonates and related derivatives by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 379-381., 2019
Keglevich György, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Bálint Erika, Henyecz Réka, Grün Alajos, Mucsi Zoltán: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus chemistry, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 391-395., 2019
Grün Alajos, Greiner István, Keglevich György: The Synthesis of α-Hydroxy- and α-Chlorophosphonic Acid Derivatives Starting from Benzaldehydes and Phosphorous Acid or Dimethyl Phosphite, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (8) pp. 968-973., 2019
Henyecz Réka, Keglevich György: New developments on the Hirao reactions, especially from “green” point of view, CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS 16: (4) pp. 523-545., 2019
Henyecz Réka, Kiss Adrienn, Mórocz Virág, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Keglevich György: Synthesis of phosphonates from phenylphosphonic acid and its monoesters, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 49: (20) pp. 2642-2650., 2019
Henyecz Reka, Oroszy Rafaella, Keglevich Gyorgy: Microwave-Assisted Hirao Reaction of Heteroaryl Bromides and > P(O)H Reagents Using Pd(OAc)(2) as the Catalyst Precursor in the Absence of Added P-Ligands, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (10) pp. 1151-1157., 2019
Odinets I, Körtvélyesi T, Herbay R, Bagi P, Keglevich G: New bis-rhodium complex with a bidentate 3-phosphino-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophosphinine P-ligand, Mendeleev Comm 29: (5) 573-574, 2019
Keglevich György: Newer Developments in the Synthesis of P-Heterocycles, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (12) pp. 1342-1355., 2019
Kiss N. Z., Rádai Z., Keglevich G.: Green syntheses of potentially bioactive α-hydroxyphosphonates and related derivatives, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (10) pp. 1003-1006., 2019
Rádai Zita, Windt Tímea, Nagy Veronika, Füredi András, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa Zsuzsa, Ranđelović Ivan, Tóvári József, Keglevich György, Szakács Gergely, Tóth Szilárd: Synthesis and anticancer cytotoxicity with structural context of an α-hydroxyphosphonate based compound library derived from substituted benzaldehydes, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 43: (35) pp. 14028-14035., 2019
Vincze D., Ábrányi-Balogh P., Bagi P., Keglevich G.: A mechanistic study on the tautomerism of H-phosphonates, H-phosphinates and secondary phosphine oxides, MOLECULES 24: (21) 3859, 2019
Bálint Erika, Tajti Ádám, Keglevich György: Application of the Microwave Technique in Continuous Flow Processing of Organophosphorus Chemical Reactions, MATERIALS 12: (5) 788, 2019
Bálint Erika, Tajti Ádám, Ladányi-Pára Katalin, Tóth Nóra, Mátravölgyi Béla, Keglevich György: Continuous flow synthesis of α-aryl-α-aminophosphonates, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 67-76., 2019
Bálint Erika, Tripolszky Anna, Hegedűs László, Keglevich György: Microwave-assisted synthesis of N,N bis(phosphinoylmethyl)amines and N,N,N tris(phosphinoylmethyl)amines bearing different substituents on the phosphorus atoms, BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 15: pp. 469-473., 2019
Grün Alajos, Greiner István, Keglevich György: The Synthesis of α-Hydroxy- and α-Chlorophosphonic Acid Derivatives Starting from Benzaldehydes and Phosphorous Acid or Dimethyl Phosphite, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (8) pp. 968-973., 2019
Grün Alajos, Rádai Zita, Sőregi-Nagy Dávid Illés, Greiner István, Keglevich György: Rational synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonic derivatives including dronic acids, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 386-387., 2019
Henyecz R., Mucsi Z., Keglevich G.: Palladium-catalyzed microwave-assisted Hirao reaction utilizing the excess of the diarylphosphine oxide reagent as the P-ligand; A study on the activity and formation ..., PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 121-134., 2019
Henyecz Réka, Keglevich György: New developments on the Hirao reactions, especially from “green” point of view, CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS 16: (4) pp. 523-545., 2019
Henyecz Réka, Kiss Adrienn, Mórocz Virág, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Keglevich György: Synthesis of phosphonates from phenylphosphonic acid and its monoesters, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 49: (20) pp. 2642-2650., 2019
Henyecz Reka, Oroszy Rafaella, Keglevich Gyorgy: Microwave-Assisted Hirao Reaction of Heteroaryl Bromides and > P(O)H Reagents Using Pd(OAc)(2) as the Catalyst Precursor in the Absence of Added P-Ligands, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 23: (10) pp. 1151-1157., 2019
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus reactions, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 145-157., 2019
Keglevich Gy: The impact of microwaves on organophosphorus chemistry, CHEMICAL RECORD 19: (1) pp. 65-76., 2019
Keglevich György, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Bálint Erika, Henyecz Réka, Grün Alajos, Mucsi Zoltán: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus chemistry, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 391-395., 2019
Kiss N.Z., Keglevich G.: Direct esterification of phosphinic and phosphonic acids enhanced by ionic liquid additives, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 91: (1) pp. 59-65., 2019
Nagy DI, Grun A, Sinkovicz Júlia, Garadnay Sándor, Greiner István, Keglevich György: A Study on the Synthesis of Risedronic Acid: The Role of an Ionic Liquid Additive, LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN AND DISCOVERY 16: (3) pp. 238-244., 2019
Rádai Zita, Hodula Viktória, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Kóti János, Keglevich György: Phosphorylation of (1-aryl-1-hydroxymethyl)phosphonates, MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS 29: (2) pp. 153-154., 2019
Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Czugler Mátyás, Karaghiosoff Konstantin, Keglevich György: The typical crystal structures of a few representative α-aryl-α-hydroxyphosphonates, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C 75: (3) pp. 283-293., 2019
Tajti Á, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphonates and related derivatives by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 379-381., 2019
Tajti Á, Szatmári E, Perdih F, Keglevich G, Bálint E: Microwave-Assisted Kabachnik–Fields Reaction with Amino Alcohols as the Amine Component, MOLECULES 24: (8) p. 1640., 2019
Tóth N., Tajti Á., Ladányi-Pára K., Bálint E., Keglevich G.: Synthesis of phosphonates in a continuous flow manner, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 285-286., 2019
Tripolszky A, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphine oxides, PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 194: (4-6) pp. 345-348., 2019
Tripolszky A, Zoboki L, Bálint E, Kóti J, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of α-aminophosphine oxides by the Kabachnik–Fields reaction applying amides as the starting materials, SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS 49: (8) pp. 1047-1054., 2019
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Tóth N, Keglevich G: Continuous Flow Alcoholysis of Dialkyl H-Phosphonates with Aliphatic Alcohols, MOLECULES 23: (7) 1618, 2018
Keglevich Gyorgy: Perspectives in Green Chemistry - Microwave Irradiation as a Substitute for Catalysts; Case Studies from Organophosphorus Chemistry, CURRENT GREEN CHEMISTRY 5: (3) pp. 131-135., 2018
Rádai Z, Szeles P, Kiss N Z, Hegedűs L, Windt T, Nagy V, Keglevich G: Green synthesis and cytotoxic activity of dibenzyl alfa- hydroxyphosphonates and alfa- hydroxyphosphonic acids., HETEROATOM CHEMISTRY 29: (4) p. e21436., 2018
Tajti Á, Tóth N, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Esterification of benzoic acid in a continuous flow microwave reactor, J FLOW CHEM 8: pp. 11-19., 2018
Kiss N Z, Rádai Z, Tihanyi I, Szabó T, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted direct esterification of a cyclic phosphinic acid with phenols, MENDELEEV COMMUN 28: (1) pp. 31-32., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Lévay K, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich Gy: Efficient syntheses of zoledronic acid as an active ingredient of a drug against osteoporosis, SYNTHETIC COMMUN 48: (6) pp. 663-671., 2018
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Tripolszky A, Keglevich G: Synthesis of platinum, palladium and rhodium complexes of α-aminophosphine ligands, DALTON T 47: pp. 4755-4778., 2018
Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Keglevich György: An overview of the applications of ionic liquids as catalysts and additives in organic chemical reactions, CURR ORG CHEM 22: (6) pp. 533-556., 2018
Tripolszky A, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Secondary Phosphine Oxides by Substitution at Phosphorus by Grignard Reagents, LETT ORG CHEM 15: (5) pp. 387-393., 2018
Bagi P, Juhász K, Kállay M, Hessz D, Kubinyi M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Preparation of enantiopure 1‐isopentyl‐3‐methyl‐3‐phospholene 1‐oxide via the formation of diastereomeric complexes, HETEROATOM CHEM 29: (1) Paper e21411. 8 p., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Pavela O, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Efficient synthesis of ibandronate in the presence of an ionic liquid., LETT DRUG DES DISCOV 15: (7) pp. 713-720., 2018
Rádai Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis and reactions of α-hydroxyphosphonates, MOLECULES 23: (6) Paper e1493, 2018
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Tripolszky A, Keglevich G: Synthesis of platinum, palladium and rhodium complexes of α-aminophosphine ligands, DALTON T 47: pp. 4755-4778., 2018
Nagy DI, Grun A, Sinkovicz J, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: A Study on the Synthesis of Risedronic Acid; The Role of an Ionic Liquid Additive, LETT DRUG DES DISCOV 15: p. in press., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Pavela O, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Efficient synthesis of ibandronate in the presence of an ionic liquid., LETT DRUG DES DISCOV 15: (7) pp. 713-720., 2018
Henyecz R, Keglevich G: P–C couplings by the Hirao reaction, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 158-178., 2018
Keglevich G: The Impact of Microwaves on Organophosphorus Chemistry, CHEM REC -: Paper Article in Press., 2018
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ: Potential and Scope of Microwave Heating: A Case Study on the Synthesis of Phosphinates, CURR GREEN CHEM 5: (1) pp. 60-66., 2018
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z: Microwave irradiation and catalysis in organophosphorus reactions, PURE APPL CHEM 2018: p. in press., 2018
Keglevich G: Typical approaches for the preparation of phosphine oxides; a review on the synthetic methods applied in the last five years, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 1-34., 2018
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ: Mikor igazán érdemes mikrohullámú körülmények között lejátszani egy szerves kémiai reakciót?, MAGY KÉM FOLY KÉM KÖZL 124: (1-2) pp. 25-29., 2018
Kiss N Z, Rádai Z, Tihanyi I, Szabó T, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted direct esterification of a cyclic phosphinic acid with phenols, MENDELEEV COMMUN 28: (1) pp. 31-32., 2018
Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Methods for the preparation of phosphinates and phosphonates with a focus on recent advances, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 35-52., 2018
Kovács T, Keglevich G: Deoxygenation of phosphine oxides, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 179-198., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Keglevich G: Dronic acid derivatives – An important group of phosphorus-containing drugs, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 199-213., 2018
Nagy DI, Grün A, Lévay K, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich Gy: Efficient syntheses of zoledronic acid as an active ingredient of a drug against osteoporosis, SYNTHETIC COMMUN 48: (6) pp. 663-671., 2018
Bagi P, Juhász K, Kállay M, Hessz D, Kubinyi M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Preparation of enantiopure 1‐isopentyl‐3‐methyl‐3‐phospholene 1‐oxide via the formation of diastereomeric complexes, HETEROATOM CHEM 29: (1) Paper e21411. 8 p., 2018
Rádai Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis and reactions of α-hydroxyphosphonates, MOLECULES 23: (6) Paper e1493, 2018
Rádai Zita, Kiss Nóra Zsuzsa, Keglevich György: An overview of the applications of ionic liquids as catalysts and additives in organic chemical reactions, CURR ORG CHEM 22: (6) pp. 533-556., 2018
Rádai Z, Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonates, an important class of bioactive compounds, In: Keglevich György (szerk.) (szerk.) Organophosphorus Chemistry: Novel developments. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. pp. 91-107., 2018
Tajti Á, Tóth N, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Esterification of benzoic acid in a continuous flow microwave reactor, J FLOW CHEM 8: pp. 11-19., 2018
Tripolszky A, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Secondary Phosphine Oxides by Substitution at Phosphorus by Grignard Reagents, LETT ORG CHEM 15: (5) pp. 387-393., 2018
Rádai Z, Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Green Syntheses of ɑ-Hydroxyphosphonates and ɑ-Aminophosphonates, In: Woodrow Phillips (szerk.)Chalcogenides: Advances in Research and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2018. pp. 1-26., 2018
Ábrányi-Balogh P, Keglevich G: A Theoretical Study on the Conformation of 5- and 6-Membered P-Heterocycles: 1- Substituted 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-1H-Phosphole 1-Oxides and 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexahydro..., CURR ORG CHEM 21: (21) pp. 2216-2228., 2017
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Kalocsai D, Mátravölgyi B, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Keglevich G: Synthesis and utilization of optically active α-aminophosphonate derivatives by Kabachnik-Fields reaction, TETRAHEDRON 73: (38) pp. 5659-5667., 2017
Keglevich G, Rádai Z, Harsági N, Szigetvári Á, Kiss NZ: A study on the acidic hydrolysis of cyclic phosphinates: 1-Alkoxy-3-phospholene 1-oxides, 1-ethoxy-3-methylphospholane 1-oxide ..., HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (5) Paper e21394. 10 p., 2017
Keglevich G, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z, Kiss NZ: The Palladium Acetate-Catalyzed Microwave-Assisted Hirao Reaction without an Added Phosphorus Ligand as a “Green” Protocol: A Quantum Chemical Study on the Mechanism, ADV SYNTH CATAL 359: (24) pp. 4322-4331., 2017
Keglevich G, Mucsi Z: Interpretation of the rate enhancing effect of microwaves, In: Cravotto, G, Carnaroglio, D (szerk.) (szerk.) Microwave Chemistry. Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag, 2017. pp. 53-64., 2017
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Keglevich G: A study on the deoxygenation of trialkyl-, dialkyl-phenyl- and alkyl-diphenyl phosphine oxides by hydrosilanes, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (4) Paper e21376., 2017
Nagy DI, Grün A, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Investigation of the effect of medium in the preparation of alendronate: till now the best synthesis in the presence of an ionic liquid additive, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (3) Paper e21370., 2017
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Ádám A, Csontos I, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Ábrányi-Balogh P, Keglevich G: The synthesis of α-aryl-α-aminophosphonates and α-aryl-α-aminophosphine oxides by the microwave-assisted Pudovik reaction, BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM 13: pp. 76-86., 2017
Keglevich G, Grün A, Bálint E, Kiss NZ, Bagi P, Tőke L: Green chemical syntheses and applications within organophosphorus chemistry, STRUCT CHEM 28: (2) pp. 431-433., 2017
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Grün A, Bálint E, Kovács T: Advantages of the Microwave Tool in Organophosphorus Syntheses, SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART 49: (14) pp. 3069-3083., 2017
Keglevich G, Rádai Z, Kiss NZ: To date the greenest method for the preparation of α-hydroxyphosphonates from substituted benzaldehydes and dialkyl phosphites, GREEN PROCESS SYNTH 6: pp. 197-201., 2017
Kovács T, Cseresnyés D, Drahos L, Keglevich G: Revisiting the reaction of phosphole oxide dimers with borane-dimethylsulfide, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 192: (6) pp. 695-699., 2017
Kovács T, Keglevich G: The reduction of tertiary phosphine oxides by silanes, CURR ORG CHEM 21: (7) pp. 569-585., 2017
Nagy DI, Grun A, Greiner I, Keglevich G: The Role of Phosphorus Trichloride and Phosphorous Acid in the Formation of alpha-Hydroxymethylenebisphosphonic Acids from the Corresponding Carboxylic Acids ..., CURR ORG CHEM 21: (16) pp. 1567-1578., 2017
Ábrányi-Balogh P, Jablonkai E, Henyecz R, Milen M, Keglevich G: Theoretical calculations on the mechanism of the T3P®-promoted esterification and amidation of phosphinic acids, CURR ORG CHEM 20: (10) 1135-1142, 2016
Bagi P, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Hessz D, Kállay M, Kubinyi M, Szilvási T, Pongrácz P, Kollár L, Timári I, Kövér KE, Drahos L, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Platinum(II) Complexes Incorporating Racemic and Optically Active ...., HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (2) 91-101, 2016
Bagi P, Ujj V, Czugler M, Fogassy E, Keglevich G: Resolution of P-stereogenic P-heterocycles via the formation of diastereomeric molecular and coordination complexes (a review), DALTON T 45: (5) 1823-1842, 2016
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Ádám A, Csontos I, Karaghiosoff K, Czugler M, Ábrányi-Balogh P, Keglevich G: The synthesis of α-aryl-α-aminophosphonates and α-aryl-α-aminophosphine oxides by the microwave-assisted Pudovik reaction, BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM 13: 76-86, 2017
Bálint E, Tajti Á, Dzielak A, Hagele G, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted synthesis of (aminomethylene)bisphosphine oxides and (aminomethylene)bisphosphonates by a three-component condensation, BEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM 12: 1493-1502, 2016
Bálint E, Tóth RE, Keglevich G: Synthesis of alkyl α-aminomethyl-phenylphosphinates and N,N-bis(alkoxyphenylphosphinylmethyl)amines by the microwave-assisted Kabachnik–Fields reaction, HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (5) 323-335, 2016
Bálint E, Tripolszky A, Ádám A, Tajti Á, Keglevich G: Synthesis and utilization of α-aminophosphine oxides and related derivatives, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1539-1540, 2016
Nagy DI, Grün A, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Hydroxymethylenebisphosphonic Acid Derivatives in Different Solvents, MOLECULES 21: (8) e1046, 2016
Grün A, Nagy DI, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Efficient synthesis of pamidronic acid using an ionic liquid additive, LETT DRUG DES DISCOV 13: (6) 475-478, 2016
Grün A, Nagy DI, Németh O, Mucsi Z, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: The synthesis of 3-phenylpropidronate applying phosphorus trichloride and phosphorous acid in methanesulfonic acid, CURR ORG CHEM 20: (16) 1745-1752, 2016
Keglevich G, Grün A, Bálint E, Kiss NZ, Bagi P, Tőke L: Green chemical syntheses and applications within organophosphorus chemistry, STRUCT CHEM 28: (2) 431-433, 2017
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Grün A, Bálint E, Kovács T: Advantages of the Microwave Tool in Organophosphorus Syntheses, SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART 49: (14) 3069-3083, 2017
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z: Milestones in microwave-assisted organophosphorus chemistry, PURE APPL CHEM 88: (10-11) 931-939, 2016
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z: A Comparative Study on the Thermal and Microwave-assisted Direct Esterification of Phenyl-H-phosphinic Acid – Modeling the Rate Enhancing Effect of MWs, CURR PHYS CHEM 6: (4) 307-311, 2016
Keglevich Gy, Rádai Z, Kiss NZ: To date the greenest method for the preparation of α-hydroxyphosphonates from substituted benzaldehydes and dialkyl phosphites, GREEN PROCESS SYNTH 6: 197-201, 2017
Kiss NZ, Henyecz R, Jablonkai E, Keglevich G: Synthesis of n-butyl ester and n-butylamide of methyl-phenylphosphinic acid: Two case studies, SYNTHETIC COMMUN 46: (9) 766-774, 2016
Kiss NZ, Keglevich G: Microwave-assisted direct esterification of cyclic phosphinic acids in the presence of ionic liquids, TETRAHEDRON LETT 57: (9) 971-974, 2016
Kiss NZ, Rádai Z, Mucsi Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis of α-aminophosphonates from α-hydroxyphosphonates; A theoretical study, HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (5) 260-268, 2016
Kiss NZ, Rádai ZG, Keglevich G: Derivatization of phosphinic acids in the presence of ionic liquids, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1494-1496, 2016
Kovács T, Csatlós F, Urbanics A, Uhlig F, Keglevich G: Reduction of phosphine oxides under green chemical conditions, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1597-1598, 2016
Kovács T, Cseresnyés D, Drahos L, Keglevich G: Revisiting the reaction of phosphole oxide dimers with borane-dimethylsulfide, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 192: (6) 695-699, 2017
Kovács T, Cseresnyés D, Keglevich G: New P-alkyl 7-phospanorbornenes; Synthesis, oxidation, fragmentation-related phosphorylation, and deoxygenation, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1595-1596, 2016
Kovács T, Fülöp LS, Keglevich G: Fragmentation-Related Phosphonylation of Nucleophiles Utilizing P-Alkyl 2,3-oxaphosphabicyclo[2.2.2]octene 3-oxide Precursors, HETEROATOM CHEM 27: (2) 83-90, 2016
Kovács T, Keglevich G: The reduction of tertiary phosphine oxides by silanes, CURR ORG CHEM 21: (7) 569-585, 2017
Nagy DI, Grün A, Garadnay S, Greiner I, Keglevich G: Investigation of the effect of medium in the preparation of alendronate; Till now the best synthesis in the presence of an ionic liquid additive, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (3) e21370, 2017
Nagy DI, Grun A, Greiner I, Keglevich G: The Role of Phosphorus Trichloride and Phosphorous Acid in the Formation of alpha-Hydroxymethylenebisphosphonic Acids from the Corresponding Carboxylic Acids ....., CURR ORG CHEM 21: (16) 1567-1578, 2017
Rádai Z, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z, Keglevich G: Synthesis of α-hydroxyphosphonates and α-aminophosphonates, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1564-1565, 2016
Tajti Á, Tóth RE, Kalocsai D, Keglevich G, Bálint E: Formation of compounds with P–C–N moiety by microwave-assisted condensations, PHOSPHOR SULFUR SIL REL ELEM 191: (11-12) 1541-1542, 2016
Tajti Ádám, Bálint Erika, Keglevich György: Synthesis of Ethyl Octyl α-Aminophosphonate Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (4) 638-645, 2016
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Binder J, Falk A, Uhlig F, Keglevich G: A Study on the Deoxygenation of Phosphine Oxides by Different Silane Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (1) 148-153, 2016
Ábrányi-Balogh P, Keglevich G: A theoretical study on the conformation of 5- and 6-membered P-heterocycles: 1-substituted 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-phosphole 1-oxides and ....., CURR ORG CHEM közlésre elfogadott, 2017
Keglevich G, Henyecz R, Mucsi Z, Kiss NZ: The palladium acetate-catalyzed microwave-assisted Hirao reaction without an added P-ligand as a “green” protocol; A quantum chemical study on the mechanism, ADV SYNTH CATAL közlésre elfogadott, 2017
Keglevich G, Mucsi Z: Interpretation of the rate enhancing effect of microwaves, In: Microwave Chemistry, Eds.: Cravotto G, Carnaroglio D, De Gruyter: Berlin, közlésre elfogadott, 2017
Keglevich G, Rádai Z, Harsági N, Kiss NZ: A study on the acidic hydrolysis of cyclic phosphinates: 1-Alkoxy-3-phospholene 1-oxides, 1-ethoxy-3-methylphospholane 1-oxide and ....., HETEROATOM CHEM közlésre elfogadott, 2017
Kovács T, Urbanics A, Csatlós F, Keglevich G: A study on the deoxygenation of trialkyl-, dialkyl-phenyl- and alkyl-diphenyl phosphine oxides by hydrosilanes, HETEROATOM CHEM 28: (4) e21376, 2017
Tajti Á, Tóth N, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Esterification of benzoic acid in a continuous flow microwave reactor, J FLOW CHEM közlésre elfogadva, 2017
Tajti Á, Bálint E, Keglevich G: Synthesis of Ethyl Octyl α-Aminophosphonate Derivatives, CURR ORG SYNTH 13: (4) 638-645, 2016
Keglevich G, Kiss NZ, Mucsi Z: Milestones in microwave-assisted organophosphorus chemistry, PURE APPL CHEM 88: (10-11) 931-939, 2016
Grün Alajos, Szalai Zsuzsanna, Keglevich György: “Greener” synthesis of zoledronic acid from imidazol-1-yl-acetic acid and P-reagents using diethyl carbonate as the solvent component, LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY közlésre elfogadva, 2020
Keglevich György, Henyecz Réka, Mucsi Zoltán: Experimental and theoretical study on the “2,2′-bipiridyl-Ni-catalyzed” Hirao reaction of >P(O)H reagents and halobenzenes: a Ni(0) → Ni(II) or a Ni(II) → Ni(IV) mechanism?, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 85: (22) pp. 14486-14495., 2020
Keglevich György, Henyecz Réka, Mucsi Zoltán: Experimental and Theoretical Study on the “2,2′-Bipiridyl-Ni-Catalyzed” Hirao Reaction of >P(O)H Reagents and Halobenzenes: A Ni(0) → Ni(II) or a Ni(II) → Ni(IV) Mechanism?, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 85: (22) pp. 14486-14495., 2020
Keglevich György: Microwaves as “Co-Catalysts” or as Substitute for Catalysts in Organophosphorus Chemistry, MOLECULES 26: (4) 1196, 2021
Grün Alajos, Szalai Zsuzsanna, Keglevich György: "Greener" Synthesis of Zoledronic Acid from Imidazol-1-yl-acetic Acid and P-Reagents Using Diethyl Carbonate as the Solvent Component, LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18: (1) pp. 8-12., 2021


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