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Kis S, Salamon P, Kis V, Szittya G.: Molecular characterization of a beet ringspot nepovirus isolated from Begonia ricinifolia in Hungary, Archives of Virology, 162(11):3559-3562, 2017 | Nikoletta Czotter, Janos Molnar, Emese Szabó, Emese Demian, Levente Kontra, Ivett Baksa, Gyorgy Szittya, Laszlo Kocsis, Tamas Deak, Gyorgy Bisztray, Gabor E Tusnady, Jozsef Burgyan, Eva Varallyay: NGS of virus-derived small RNAs as a diagnostic method used to determine viromes of Hungarian vineyards, FRONT MICROBIOL 9: 122, 2018 | Salamon P., Sos-Hegedus A., Gyula P., Szittya G.: First report of the infection of alfalfa mosaic virus in Salvia sclarea in Hungary, Journal of Plant Pathology, 100 : 3 pp. 607-607, 2018 | Taller D, Bálint J, Gyula P, Nagy T, Barta E, Baksa I, Szittya G, Taller J, Havelda Z: Expansion of Capsicum annum fruit is linked to dynamic tissue-specific differential expression of miRNA and siRNA profiles, PLoS One, 13 : 8 p. e0203582, 2018 | Gyula P, Baksa I, Tóth T, Mohorianu I, Dalmay T, Szittya G: Ambient temperature regulates the expression of a small set of sRNAs influencing plant development through NF-YA2 and YUC2., PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 41 : 10 pp. 2404-2417, 2018 | Tóth Tamás, Sós-Hegedűs Anita , Nemes Katalin , Gyula Péter , Salamon Pál , Salánki Katalin és Szittya György: Vírusfertőzés következtében kialakuló levélmorfológiai változás molekuláris hátterének vizsgálata., 64. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2018.02.20.- 21., 2018 | Tamás Tóth, Anita Sós-Hegedűs, Katalin Nemes, Péter Gyula, Pál Salamon, Katalin Salánki és György Szittya: Analysis of leaf developmental abnormality in tomato caused by virus infection., Fiatal Biotechnológusok III. Országos Konferenciája, Budapest, 2018.03.28.-03.29, 2018 | Tóth T, Gyula P, Salamon P, Gorcsa T, Szittya G.: Identification of host factors for viral symptom development by comparative transcriptome, sRNA-ome and degradome analysis of two Arabidopsis ecotypes., Microsymposium on small RNAs, Vienna BioCenter, May 15th - 17th 2019., 2019 | Sós-Hegedűs A, Domonkos A, Tóth T, GyulaP, Kaló P, Szittya G.: Suppression of NB-LRR genes by miRNAs promotes nitrogen-fixing nodule development in Medicago truncatula., Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Plant Cell and Development Biology, Gyeongju, South Korea, November 3-7, 2019., 2019 | Dalmadi A, Gyula P, Bálint J, Szittya G, Havelda Z.: AGO-unbound cytosolic pool of mature miRNAs in plant cells reveals a novel regulatory step at AGO1 loading., Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 47, Issue 18, 10 October 2019, Pages 9803–9817. pii: gkz690. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz690., 2019 | Medzihradszky A, Gyula P, Sos-Hegedus A, Szittya G, Burgyan J.: Transcriptome reprogramming in the shoot apical meristem of CymRSV-infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants associates with viral exclusion and the lack of recovery., Molecular Plant Pathology, 20 (12), 1748-1758. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12875., 2019 | Tóth T, Gyula P, Salamon P, Kis S, Sós-Hegedűs A, Szittya G.: Molecular characterization and in vitro synthesis of infectious RNA of a Turnip vein-clearing virus isolated from Alliaria petiolata in Hungary., PLoS ONE, 2019 Oct 24;14(10):e0224398. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224398. eCollection 2019, 2019 | Szaker Henrik Mihály, Gyula Péter, Szittya György, Csorba Tibor: Regulation of High-Temperature Stress Response by Small RNAs, In: Chaves, Inês; Dalmay, Tamas; Miguel, Célia (szerk.) Plant microRNAs, Springer International Publishing (2020) pp. 171-197., 2020 | Sos-Hegedus A., Domonkos A., Toth T., Gyula P., Kalo P., Szittya G.: Suppression of NB-LRR Genes by miRNAs Promotes Nitrogen-fixing Nodule Development in Medicago truncatula., Plant Cell Environ., 43(5):1117-1129.,, 2020 |





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