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Tamás Gazdag, Attila Kunfi, Gábor London: Cyanation of aryl bromides with K4[Fe(CN)6] using polydopamine supported Pd nanoparticle catalysis: formation of magnetite during the reaction., React. Kinet. Mech. Catal. 2018, 125, 567-581., 2018 | Attila Kunfi, Gábor London: Polydopamine – An emerging material in the catalysis of organic transformations, Synthesis, 2019, 51, 2829-2839, 2019 | Attila Kunfi, Rita Bernadett Vlocskó, Gábor London: Construction of heterogeneous catalysts and dynamic interfaces on a polydopamine platform, 21st European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Vienna, Austria. (July 14-18, 2019.), 2019 | Attila Kunfi, Rita Bernadett Vlocskó, Gábor London: Application of Polydopamine in the Construction of Efficient Heterogeneous Catalysts and Dynamic Interfaces, 1st International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials, Dresden, Germany. (September 9-2, 2019.), 2019 | Attila Kunfi, Gábor London: Polydopamine – An emerging material in the catalysis of organic transformations, Synthesis, 2019, 51, 2829-2839, 2019 | Attila Kunfi, Rita Bernadett Vlocskó, Zsófia Keresztes, Miklós Mohai, Imre Bertóti, Ágnes Ábrahám, Éva Kiss, Gábor London: Photoswitchable Macroscopic Solid Surfaces Based On Azobenzene-Functionalized Polydopamine/Gold Nanoparticle Composite Materials: Formation, Isomerization and Ligand Exch, ChemPlusChem, 2020, 85, 797-805., 2020 | Baswanth Oruganti, Péter Pál Kalapos, Varada Bhargav, Gábor London, Bo Durbeej: Photoinduced Changes in Aromaticity Facilitate Electrocyclization of Dithienylbenzene Switches, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 13941−13953, 2020 | Dalma Edit Nánási, Attila Kunfi, Ágnes Ábrahám, Péter J. Mayer, Judith Mihály, Gergely F. Samu, Éva Kiss, Miklós Mohai, Gábor London: Construction and Properties of Donor–Acceptor Stenhouse Adducts on Gold Surfaces, Langmuir 2021, 37, 3057-3066., 2021 | Attila Kunfi, István Jablonkai, Tamás Gazdag, Péter J. Mayer, Péter Pál Kalapos, Krisztina Németh, Tamás Holczbauer, Gábor London: A photoresponsive palladium complex of an azopyridyl-triazole ligand: light-controlled solubility drives catalytic activity in the Suzuki coupling reaction, RSC Advances 2021, 11, 23419-23429., 2021 | István Jablonkai, Attila Kunfi, Da-Hui Qu, Gábor London: A new color in green chemistry: Photochromic molecular switches as components of multifunctional catalytic systems, Török, B; Schäfer, C (Eds.) Non-Traditional Activation Methods in Green and Sustainable Applications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Inc. 2021, 241-282., 2021 | Attila Kunfi, Rita Bernadett Vlocskó, Zsófia Keresztes, Miklós Mohai, Imre Bertóti, Ágnes Ábrahám, Éva Kiss, Gábor London: Photoswitchable Macroscopic Solid Surfaces Based On Azobenzene-Functionalized Polydopamine/Gold Nanoparticle Composite Materials: Formation, Isomerization and Ligand Exch, ChemPlusChem, 2020, 85, 797-805., 2020 | Baswanth Oruganti, Péter Pál Kalapos, Varada Bhargav, Gábor London, Bo Durbeej: Photoinduced Changes in Aromaticity Facilitate Electrocyclization of Dithienylbenzene Switches, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 13941−13953, 2020 | Dalma Edit Nánási, Attila Kunfi, Ágnes Ábrahám, Péter J. Mayer, Judith Mihály, Gergely F. Samu, Éva Kiss, Miklós Mohai, Gábor London: Construction and Properties of Donor–Acceptor Stenhouse Adducts on Gold Surfaces, Langmuir 2021, 37, 3057-3066., 2021 | Attila Kunfi, István Jablonkai, Tamás Gazdag, Péter J. Mayer, Péter Pál Kalapos, Krisztina Németh, Tamás Holczbauer, Gábor London: A photoresponsive palladium complex of an azopyridyl-triazole ligand: light-controlled solubility drives catalytic activity in the Suzuki coupling reaction, RSC Advances 2021, 11, 23419-23429., 2021 | Attila Kunfi, Ágnes Ábrahám, Gergő Gyulai, Éva Kiss, Gábor London: Light‐Induced and Thermal Isomerization of Azobenzenes on Immobilized Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates, ChemPlusChem 2022, 87, e202200153, 2022 | Péter Pál Kalapos, Péter J. Mayer, Tamás Gazdag, Attila Demeter, Baswanth Oruganti, Bo Durbeej, Gábor London: Photoswitching of Local (Anti)Aromaticity in Biphenylene-Based Diarylethene Molecular Switches, J. Org. Chem., 2022 | István Jablonkai, Attila Kunfi, Tamás Gazdag, Péter József Mayer, Péter Pál Kalapos, Gábor London: Photoresponsive palladium complexes with azopyridyl-triazole ligands. Light-controlled solubility affects catalytic activity in Suzuki-coupling reaction., 19th International Symposium on Novel Aromatics, Warsaw, 2022. July 3–8., 2022 | Attila Kunfi, Dalma Edit Nánási, Ágnes Ábrahám, Éva Kiss, Miklós Mohai, Gábor London: Photoswitches on gold nanoparticle-doped macroscopic solid surfaces, 19th International Symposium on Novel Aromatics, Warsaw, 2022. July 3–8., 2022 | Péter Pál Kalapos, Péter J. Mayer, Tamás Gazdag, Baswanth Oruganti, Bo Durbeej Gábor London: Photoswitching of local ground-state aromaticity in polyciclic polycyclic conjugated systems, 19th International Symposium on Novel Aromatics, Warsaw, 2022. July 3–8., 2022 | Kunfi Attila: Polidopamin alkalmazása a szerves kémiában: katalizátor hordozótól a fotoizomerizálható felületekig, PhD Disszertáció, 2020 |





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