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Röst G, Vizi Zs, Kiss IZ: Pairwise approximation for SIR type network epidemics with non-Markovian recovery, PROC A MATH PHYS ENG SCI 474: (2210) Paper 20170695., 2018 | Röst G, Kuniya T, Moghadas SM, Wu J: Global dynamics of an epidemiological model with age-of-infection dependent treatment rate, RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA 67:(1), pp 125–140, 2018 | Győri I, Nakata Y, Röst G: Unbounded and blow-up solutions for a delay logistic equation with positive feedback, COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS 17(6): 2845-2854, 2018 | Barbarossa MV, Polner M, Röst G: Temporal evolution of immunity distributions in a population with waning and boosting, COMPLEXITY, Paper 9264743, 2018 | Vizi Zs, Kiss IZ, Miller JC, Röst G: A monotonic relationship between the variability of the infectious period and final size in pairwise epidemic modelling, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS IN INDUSTRY, in press, 2019 | Vizi Zs, Kiss IZ, Miller JC, Röst G: A monotonic relationship between the variability of the infectious period and final size in pairwise epidemic modelling, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS IN INDUSTRY, 9:1, 2019 | Wang Z, Röst G, Moghadas SM: Delay in booster schedule as a control parameter in vaccination dynamics, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY 79:(5-6), pp 2157–2182, 2019 | Baker RE, Röst G: Global dynamics of a new delay logistic equation arisen in cell biology, JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-019-09577-w, 2019 | Baker RE, Boldog P, Röst G: Convergence of solutions in a mean-field model of go-or-grow type with reservation of sites for proliferation and cell cycle delay, Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018, pp 381–387, Springer, 2019 | Muqbel K, Dénes A, Röst G: Optimal temporary vaccination strategies for epidemic outbreaks, Trends in Biomathematics: Mathematical Modeling for Health, Harvesting, and Population Dynamics, pp 299–307, Springer, 2019 | Dénes, A., Ibrahim, M.A., Oluoch, L., Tekeli M, Tekeli T: Impact of weather seasonality and sexual transmission on the spread of Zika fever, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 17055, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53062-z, 2019 | Balázs István, Röst Gergely: Hopf bifurcation for Wright-type delay differential equations: The simplest formula, period estimates, and the absence of folds, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 84: 105188, 2020 | Boldog Péter, Tekeli Tamás, Vizi Zsolt, Dénes Attila, Bartha Ferenc A., Röst Gergely: Risk assessment of novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreaks outside China, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 9: (2) 571, 2020 | Dénes Attila, Muroya Yoshiaki, Röst Gergely: Global stability of a multistrain SIS model with superinfection and patch structure, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2020 | Karsai Janos, Csuma-Kovacs Rita, Danielisz Agnes, Molnar Zsuzsanna, Dudas Janos, Borsos Teodora, Rost Gergely: Modeling the transmission dynamics of varicella in Hungary, Journal of Mathematics in Industry 10: (1) 12, 2020 | Muqbel Khalil, Vas Gabriella, Rost Gergely: Periodic Orbits and Global Stability for a Discontinuous SIR Model with Delayed Control, QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 19: (2) 59, 2020 | Röst Gergely, Bartha Ferenc A., Bogya Norbert, Boldog Péter, Dénes Attila, Ferenci Tamás, Horváth Krisztina J., Juhász Attila, Nagy Csilla, Tekeli Tamás, Vizi Zsolt, Oroszi Beatrix: Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hungary and Post-Lockdown Scenarios, VIRUSES 12: (7) p. 708., 2020 | Rost Gergely, Tekeli Tamas: Stability and oscillations of multistage SIS models depend on the number of stages, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 380: 125259, 2020 | Balázs István, Röst Gergely: Hopf bifurcation for Wright-type delay differential equations: The simplest formula, period estimates, and the absence of folds, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 84: 105188, 2020 | M. A. Ibrahim, A. Dénes,: Threshold dynamics in a model for Zika virus disease with seasonality, Bull. Math. Biol.,, 2021 | M. A. Ibrahim, A. Dénes,: Threshold and stability results in a periodic model for malaria transmission with partial immunity in humans, Appl. Math. Comput. 392(2021), 125711, 19, 2020 | Balázs István, Röst Gergely: Hopf bifurcation for Wright-type delay differential equations: The simplest formula, period estimates, and the absence of folds, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 84: 105188, 2020 | Boldog Péter, Tekeli Tamás, Vizi Zsolt, Dénes Attila, Bartha Ferenc A., Röst Gergely: Risk assessment of novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreaks outside China, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 9: (2) 571, 2020 | Dénes Attila, Muroya Yoshiaki, Röst Gergely: Global stability of a multistrain SIS model with superinfection and patch structure, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2020 | Röst Gergely, Bartha Ferenc A., Bogya Norbert, Boldog Péter, Dénes Attila, Ferenci Tamás, Horváth Krisztina J., Juhász Attila, Nagy Csilla, Tekeli Tamás, Vizi Zsolt, Oroszi Beatrix: Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hungary and Post-Lockdown Scenarios, VIRUSES 12: (7) p. 708., 2020 | Rost Gergely, Tekeli Tamas: Stability and oscillations of multistage SIS models depend on the number of stages, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 380: 125259, 2020 | Muqbel Khalil, Vas Gabriella, Rost Gergely: Periodic Orbits and Global Stability for a Discontinuous SIR Model with Delayed Control, QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 19: (2) 59, 2020 | M. A. Ibrahim, A. Dénes,: Threshold dynamics in a model for Zika virus disease with seasonality, Bull. Math. Biol., Feb 17;83(4):27, 2021 | Barbarossa Maria Vittoria, Bogya Norbert, Dénes Attila, Röst Gergely, Varma Hridya Vinod, Vizi Zsolt: Fleeing lockdown and its impact on the size of epidemic outbreaks in the source and target regions – a COVID-19 lesson, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11: (1) 9233, 2021 | Dénes Attila, Marzban Sadegh, Röst Gergely: Global analysis of a cancer model with drug resistance due to Lamarckian induction and microvesicle transfer, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY p. 110812., 2021 | Marzban S, Han R, Juhász N, Röst G: A hybrid PDE-ABM model for viral dynamics with application to SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 8:210787 (2021), 2021 | Sadeghimanesh A, Röst G: Exotic bifurcations in connected populations with Allee effect, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS Vol. 31, No. 13, 2150202, 2021 | Ferenc A. Bartha, János Karsai, Tamás Tekeli, Röst Gergely: Symptom-based testing in a compartmental model of COVID-19, In: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Infectious Disease Problems (COVID-19), Springer (Basel) (2021), 2021 | Ibrahim, M.A. and Dénes, A.: A mathematical model for Lassa fever transmission dynamics in a seasonal environment with a view to the 2017–20 epidemic in Nigeria, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: Real World Applications, 60, p.103310., 2021 | Karsai M, Koltai J, Vásárhelyi O, Röst G: Hungary in mask/MASZK in Hungary, CORVINUS JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL POLICY, VOL. 11 (2021)2, 139–146, 2021 | Das Bornali, Röst Gergely: Dynamics of herpes and chlamydia co-infection in a population, DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B 0: (0) pp. 0-0., 2023 | Bartha Ferenc A., Juhász Nóra, Marzban Sadegh, Han Renji, Röst Gergely: In Silico Evaluation of Paxlovid’s Pharmacometrics for SARS-CoV-2: A Multiscale Approach, VIRUSES 14: (5) 1103, 2022 | Ferenc A. Bartha, Péter Boldog, Tamás Tekeli, Zsolt Vizi, Attila Dénes, Gergely Röst: Potential severity, mitigation, and control of Omicron waves depending on pre-existing immunity and immune evasion, In: Mondaini, Rubem P. (szerk.) Trends in Biomathematics: Stability and Oscillations in Environmental, Social, and Biological Models, Springer International Publishing (2022) pp. 407-419., 2022 | Koltai Júlia, Vásárhelyi Orsolya, Röst Gergely, Karsai Márton: Reconstructing social mixing patterns via weighted contact matrices from online and representative surveys, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12: (1) 4690, 2022 | Tekeli Tamás, Dénes Attila, Röst Gergely: Adaptive group testing in a compartmental model of COVID-19*, MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 19: (11) pp. 11018-11033., 2022 | Balázs István, Röst Gergely: Hopf bifurcations in Nicholson’s blowfly equation are always supercritical, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS 31: (5) 2150071, 2021 | Péni T, Csutak B, Szederkényi G, Röst G: Nonlinear model predictive control with logic constraints for COVID-19 management, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 102: (4) pp. 1965-1986., 2020 | Han R, Röst G: Stationary and oscillatory patterns of a food chain model with diffusion and predator-taxis, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2023 | Childs Lauren, Dick David W., Feng Zhilan, Heffernan Jane M., Li Jing, Röst Gergely: Modeling waning and boosting of COVID-19 in Canada with vaccination, Epidemics 39: p. 100583., 2022 |





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