A p-S10H3 gyulladáskeltő és termális hiperalgéziát közvetítő szerepének vizsgálata sejt specifikus és célzott pontmutáció indukálásávál in vivo
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Közleményjegyzék |
Varga Angelika, Mészár Zoltán, Sivadó Miklós, Bácskai Tímea, Végh Bence, Kókai Éva, Nagy István, Szücs Péter: Spinal Excitatory Dynorphinergic Interneurons Contribute to Burn Injury-Induced Nociception Mediated by Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 in Rodents, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 22: (5) p. 2297., 2021 | Angelika Varga, Miklós Sivadó, Zoltán Mészár, Botond Gaál, Tímea Bácskai, Éva Kókai, István Nagy and Péter Szücs: Neurons of the superficial spinal dorsal horn that show phosphorylated histone 3 at serine 10 upon tissue injury-associated pain, file:///C:/Users/angiv/Downloads/SFN17_Abstract%20PDFs%20-%20Posters_2_Sun_PM.pdf, 2017 | Torres-Perez JV, Adamek P, Palecek J, Vizcaychipi M, Nagy I, Varga A: The NAv1.7 blocker protoxin II reduces burn injury-induced spinal nociceptive processing., JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM 96: (1) pp. 75-84., 2018 | Nagy I, Torres-Pérez J, Varga A: Development of Analgesics: A Little Help from Mitogen and Stress- Activated Kinases 1 and 2, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH AND DRUG DESIGN 1: (1) p. 6., 2017 | Sousa-Valente J, Varga A, Torres Perez JV, Jenes A, Wahba J, Mackie K, Cravatt B, Ueda N, Tsuboi K, Santha P, Jancso G, Tailor H, Avelino A, Nagy I: Inflammation of peripheral tissues and injury to peripheral nerves induce diferring effects in the expression of the calcium-sensitive N-arachydonoylethanolamine-synthesizing enzyme and related molecules in rat primary sensory neurons, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 525: (8) pp. 1778-1796., 2017 | Torres-Perez JV, Santha P, Varga A, Szucs P, Sousa-Valente J, Gaal B, Sivado M, Andreou AP, Beattie S, Nagy B, Matesz K, C Arthur JS, Jancso G, Nagy I: Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain., SCI REP 7: 41221, 2017 | Torres-Perez JV, Santha P, Varga A, Szucs P, Sousa-Valente J, Gaal B, Sivado M, Andreou AP, Beattie S, Nagy B, Matesz K, C Arthur JS, Jancso G, Nagy I: Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain., SCI REP 7: 41221, 2017 | Torres-Perez JV, Santha P, Varga A, Szucs P, Sousa-Valente J, Gaal B, Sivado M, Andreou AP, Beattie S, Nagy B, Matesz K, C Arthur JS, Jancso G, Nagy I: Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain., SCI REP 7: 41221, 2017 | Torres-Perez JV, Santha P, Varga A, Szucs P, Sousa-Valente J, Gaal B, Sivado M, Andreou AP, Beattie S, Nagy B, Matesz K, C Arthur JS, Jancso G, Nagy I: Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain., SCI REP 7: 41221, 2017 | Angelika Varga, Miklós Sivadó, Zoltán Mészár, Botond Gaál, Tímea Bácskai, Éva Kókai, István Nagy and Péter Szücs: Neurons of the superficial spinal dorsal horn that show phosphorylated histone 3 at serine 10 upon tissue injury-associated pain, file:///C:/Users/angiv/Downloads/SFN17_Abstract%20PDFs%20-%20Posters_2_Sun_PM.pdf, 2017 | Végh Bence1 , Borics Fanni1 , Sivadó Miklós 1 , Mészár Zoltán1 , Bácskai Tímea1 , Kókai Éva1 , Szücs Péter1 és Varga Angelika1: A 10-es szerinen foszforilált H3-as hiszton fehérjét (p-S10H3) expresszáló hátsó szarvi neuronok neurokémiai jellemzése fájdalmas hőingerlést követőe, http://www.anat.med.unideb.hu/sites/www.anat.dote.hu/files/oldal/311/absztraktok_p1_180615.pdf, 2018 | Torres-Pérez J, Adamek P, Palecek J, Vizcaychipi M, Nagy I, Varga A: The NAv1.7 blocker protoxin II reduces burn injury-induced spinal nociceptive processing, J Mol Med (Berl)., 2018 | Peter Szucs, Miklos Sivado, Amalia Szalku, Timea K. Molnar, Kristof Kovacs, Kristof Kallai, Angelika Varga: Putative postsynaptic targets and function of local axon collaterals of spinal dorsal horn projection neurons, 16th Conference of Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 2019 | Angelika Varga, Zoltán Mészár, Miklós Sivadó, Bence Végh, Péter Szücs: Excitatory dynorphinergic interneurons are involved in noxious heat-associated nociception mediated by p-S10H3 in mice, 16th Conference of Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 2019 | Torres-Perez JV, Santha P, Varga A, Szucs P, Sousa-Valente J, Gaal B, Sivado M, Andreou AP, Beattie S, Nagy B, Matesz K, C Arthur JS, Jancso G, Nagy I: Phosphorylated Histone 3 at Serine 10 Identifies Activated Spinal Neurons and Contributes to the Development of Tissue Injury-Associated Pain., SCI REP 7: 41221, 2017 |





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