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Közleményjegyzék |
Toth Sz, Toepfer, Sz, Razinger, J, Primoz Z, Modic, Sp, Ladanyi M, Sabotic J.: Higher fungi lectins proteins against the maize pest Diabrotica v. virgifera. (Magasabb rendu gombakbol szarmazo lektinek a kukorica rovarkartevo, Diabortica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) ellen, . 69th Hungarian Plant Protection Days. 69. Novenyvedelmi tudomanyos napok. Budapest, Hungary, 21 February 2023, p. 56, 2023 | Toepfer S, Toth Sz, Szalai M, Sabotic: Proteins from higher fungi as potential biopesticides for the control of Diabrotica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Magasabb rendű gombákból származó fehérjék, mint potenciális biopeszticidek a kártevők ellen: a Diabrotica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) példája), 67th Hungarian Plant Protection Days. 67. NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI TUDOMÁNYOS NAPOK. Budapest, Hungary, February 2021 p. 57, 2021 | Toepfer, S., Szabolcs Toth, Tanja Zupan, Urban Bogataj, Nada Žnidaršič, Marta Ladanyi, Jerica Sabotič: Diabrotica v. virgifera seems not affected by entomotoxic protease inhibitors from higher fungi., MDPI Insects (in press), 2023 | Toepfer S, Toth Sz, Szalai M, Sabotic: Proteins from higher fungi as potential biopesticides for the control of Diabrotica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), 67. NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI TUDOMÁNYOS NAPOK. Budapest, Hungary, ISSN 0231 2956, p 57, 2021 | Toth, Sz., Szalai, M., Toepfer, S.: On understanding and manipulating the hatching patterns of Diabrotica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) eggs to improve the design of experiments, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 170 (2) 122-133, 2022 | Toepfer S, Toth Sz, Ladanyi M, Sabotic J.: Fungal proteins against the maize pest Diabrotica v. virgifera. (Magasabb rendu Gombak feherjei a kukorica rovarkartevo, Diabrotica v. virgifera ellen), 68th Hungarian Plant Protection Days. 68. NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI TUDOMÁNYOS NAPOK. Budapest, Hungary, 22 February 2022, p. 56, 2022 | Tagiran SI, Szalai M, Toth Sz, Toepfer S: What role play microbial plant biostimulants in plant protection ? (Milyen szerepet jatzanak a mikrobialis novenyi biostimulatorok a novenyvedelemben) ?., 68th Hungarian Plant Protection Days. 68. NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI TUDOMÁNYOS NAPOK. Budapest, Hungary, 22 February 2022, Magyar Növényvédelmi p. 55, 2022 | Tagiran SI, Toth Sz, Szalai M, Turoczi G, Toepfer S: Can microbial plant biostimulants be useful for soil insect pest control? A review, IOBC Bulletin (18th meeting of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pest, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, June 19-22, 2022, 2022 | Toth, Sz, Toepfer, S., Szalai, M., Kiss J.: Challenges in controlling the maize pest Diabrotica v. virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) under field conditions., Proceedings Symposium: Alternative strategies of plant protection against invasive insect pests, 28 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia, ISBN 978-961-264-231-0, p. 10-11, 2022 | Toepfer S, Fallet P, Turlings TCJ, Kajuga J, Toth Sz: Biological control solutions against invasive insect pests, Proceedings Symposium: Alternative strategies of plant protection against invasive insect pests, 28 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia, ISBN 978-961-264-231-0, p. 6-7, 2022 | Tarigan S I, Tóth Sz, Szalai M, Kiss J, Turóczi G, Toepfer S: Biological control properties of microbial plant biostimulants. A review, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2022 | Toth, Sz, Toepfer, S., Szalai, M., Kiss J.: Limited influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the efficacy of soil insecticides and entomopathogenic nematodes when managing the maize pest Diabrotica v. virgifera, MDPI Agronomy, 2022 | Tarigan S.I., Toth, Sz., Szalai, M:, Turoczi, G., Toepfer, S.: Microbial biostimulants registered for maize with potential side-effects on its insect pests, 28th International Working Group of Ostrinia and other maize pests (IOBC / IWGO) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 2 to 4 May 2023, 2023 | Toepfer S, Toth Sz, Ladanyi M, Sabotic J.: Fungal proteins against the maize pest Diabrotica v. virgifera. (Magasabb rendu Gombak feherjei a kukorica rovarkartevo, Diabrotica v. virgifera ellen), 68th Hungarian Plant Protection Days. 68. NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI TUDOMÁNYOS NAPOK. Budapest, Hungary, 22 February 2022, p. 56, 2022 | Toepfer S., Toth S, Zupan T, Bogataj U, Žnidaršič N, Ladanyi M, Peternel T, Sabotič J.: Diabrotica v. virgifera resists the effects of entomotoxic fungal protease inhibitors in food, European biotechnology congress. 4 – 6 October 2023 . Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023 |





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