Molecular evolution of bat-borne viruses and their hosts  Page description

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Details of project

Type FK
Principal investigator Görföl, Tamás
Title in Hungarian Denevérvírusok és gazdáik molekuláris evolúciója
Title in English Molecular evolution of bat-borne viruses and their hosts
Keywords in Hungarian vírusok, zoonózisok, denevérek
Keywords in English viruses, zoonoses, bats
Zoonozes (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)50 %
Microbial ecology and evolution (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)30 %
Evolutionary ecology and genetics, coevolution (Council of Complex Environmental Sciences)20 %
Panel Plant and animal breeding
Department or equivalent Szentagothai Research Centre (University of Pécs)
Participants Boldogh, Sándor
Csorba, Gábor
Estók, Péter
Győrössy, Dorottya
Jakab, Ferenc
Kemenesi, Gábor
Lanszki, Zsófia
Somogyi, Balázs Antal
Szabadi, Kriszta Lilla
Tóth, Gábor Endre
Zana, Brigitta
Starting date 2021-12-01
Closing date 2025-11-30
Funding (in million HUF) 29.937
FTE (full time equivalent) 12.70
state running project

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