Global physico-chemical and mathematical invetigation of reaction paths/profiles, and critical points on potential energy surfaces
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L.L. Stachó, Gy. Dömötör, M.I. Bán: On the reaction path concept of Olender and Elber, J. Math. Chem., 28, 241-246, 2000 | L. Stachó: On reaction Paths in Quantum Chemistry, 4th International Conference APLIMAT Proceedings,Bratislava, Slovakia, 211-220, 2006 | T.Körtvélyesi, L.L.Stachó, Gy.Dömötör, B.Jójárt, M.I.Ban: Pathway of the Conformational Transitions in Flexible Molecules, J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 725, 145-149(2005)., 2005 | E.A.Hoffmann, T.Körtvélyesi, E.Wilusz, L.S.Korugic-Karasz, F.E.Karasz, Z.A. Fekete: Relation Between C1s XPS Binding Energy and Calculated Partial Charge of Carbon Atoms in Polymers, J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 725, 5-8, 2005 | György Keglevich, Henrietta Forintos and T. Körtvélyesi: Synthesis and reactions of β-keto Phosphoranes/ylides with cyclic or acyclic P-moiety., Current Org. Chem., 8(14), 1245-1261., 2004 | Gy. Keglevich, T. Körtvélyesi, A.Ujvari, E. Dudas,: A study on a novel inverse Wittig reaction of P=O + C≡C type, J.Organomet. Chemistry. 690(10), 2497-2503., 2005 | Gyula. Dömötör, Reinhard Hentschke: Atomistically modeling the chemical potential of small molecules in dense systems, J. Phys.Chem. B, 108, 2413-2417, 2004 | T.Körtvélyesi, M.Silberstein, G. Sós, S. Vajda: Motion of Small and Native Ligand Molecules in the Receptor Site of Proteins, EURO-QSAR 2004, Istanbul, 4-10, B87 (P).
September,, 2004 | T. Körtvélyesi, G.Dömötör, L.Stachó, M.I.Bán: Dynamically Defined Reaction Path Calculations of Association of Biomolecules., CESTC2004, Tihany, 30 September-3 October, Hungary (P), 2004 | G.Dömötör, T. Körtvélyesi, L.Stachó, M.I.Bán: Dynamically Defined Reaction Path Calculations of Conformational Change in Biomolecules., CESTC2004, Tihany, 30 September-3 October, Hungary. (P), 2004 | T. Körtvélyesi, G.Dömötör, L.Stachó, M.I.Bán: Biomolekulák konformációváltozásának
tanulmányozása DDRP módszer felhasználásával., KeMoMo (SZAB és MKE
Kemometriai és Molekulamodellezési MB), 2005.április 7-8. Szeged., 2005 | Gyula. Dömötör, Reinhard Hentschke: Equilibrium swelling of an epoxy-resin in contact with water . A molecular dynamics simulation study., Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 13, 506-511., 2004 | G.Keglevich, J. Kovács, H. Szelke, T. Körtvélyesi: A study ont he ability of 2,5-dihydro and 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-phosphate oxides, as well as 7-phosphanorbornene 7-oxide derivatives to undergo UV-light mediated fragmentation-related phosphinylation of methanol, . J. Heterocyclic Chemistry, Nyomdában, 2006 | T. A. K. Kehoe, M. R. Peterson, G. A. Chass, B. Viskolcz, L.L. Stachó, I. G. Csizmadia: The Fitting and Functional Analysis of a Double Rotor Potential Energy Surface for the R and S enantiomers of 1-chloro-3-floro-isobutane, J.Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), 666-677, 79-87, 2003 | T.Körtvélyesi, M.Silberstein, G. Sos, S. Vajda,: Motion of Small and Native Ligand Molecules in the Receptor Site of Proteins, EURO-QSAR 2004 Proceedings, 2006 | T.Körtvélyesi, M.Silberstein, G. Sos, S. Vajda,: Motion of Small and Native Ligand Molecules in the Receptor Site of Proteins, Proteins (Function, Genetics, Bioinformatics), előkészületben., 2006 | Z.A. Fekete, E. Wilusz, F.E. Karasz and Cs. Visy: Ion beam irradiation of conjugated polymers for preparing new membrane materials - a theoretical study, PERMEA2005: 2nd Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries, Polanica Zdrój, Poland,September 2005. (P), 2005 | T.Körtvélyesi, Gy. Dömötör, R. Rajkó, L. Stachó: Refinement of Small Ligands Dockings/Mapping on Biomolecules, J. Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), előkészületben, 2006 | Z.A. Fekete: Polimerek ionbesugárzásának Monte Carlo szimulációja, SZAB KeMoMo 4, Szeged, 2005. (L)., 2005 | Z.A. Fekete, E. Wilusz and F.E. Karasz: Integrally skinned barrier layer preparation by medium energy ion beam irradiation of ionomers, PERMEA2005: 2nd Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries, Polanica Zdrój, Poland, September 2005. (P), 2005 | T.Körtvélyesi, Gy. Dömötör, R. Rajkó, L. Stachó: Refinement of Small Ligands Docking/Mapping on Biomolecules, CHEMOMETRICA Conference 2005, Hajduszoboszló (P), 2005 | E.A.Hoffmann, T.Körtvélyesi, Z.A. Fekete: , Reply to Comment of Dr. Meier on Relation Between C1s XPS Binding Energy and Calculated Partial Charge of Carbon Atoms in Polymers, E.A.Hoffmann, et al.J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 725, 5-8 (2005)., al.J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 725, 5-8, 2005 | E.A.Hoffmann, Z.A. Fekete: Szemiempírikus molekulamodellezési módszer polimerek XPS energiáinak számítására, SZAB KeMoMo 3, Szeged, 2004 (L), 2004 | T. Körtvélyesi, G.Paragi, F.Bogár, B.Penke, G. Keglevich,: Reaction Path of the Pseudo Rotation in P(V) Compounds, J. Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), Prepared for publication., 2006 | Gy. Dömötör, L.L. Stachó, M.I. Bán: Comparison of some global path-following methods, J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM), 501-502, 509-518., 2000 | L.L. Stachó, Gy. Dömötör, M.I. Bán: On the reply on the paper ''On the Elber-Karplus reaction path following methods and related procedures'',, J. Math. Chemistry, 29, 169-176., 2000 | Z.A. Fekete, E. Wilusz, F.E. Karasz and Cs. Visy: Ion beam irradiation of conjugated polymers for preparing new membrane materials - a theoretical study, Separation and Purification Technology, submitted., 2006 | T.Körtvélyesi, Gy.Dömötör, L. Stachó: Application of DDRP (Dynamically Defined Reaction Path) int he Conformational Change of Larger Biomolecules, , J.Mol.Struct.(THEOCHEM). (Közlése előkészületben)., 2006 | L. Stachó: On reaction Paths in Quantum Chemistry, 4th International Conference APLIMAT,Bratislava, Slovakia (L), 2006 |




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