Research of SiC and other wide band gap semiconductor materials
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L. Dózsa, Zs,J. Horváth, E. Gombia, R. Mosca, S. Franchi, P. Frigeri, V. Raineri, F. Giannazzo: Instability of the electrical characteristics of GaAs/InAs quantum dot structures, phys. stat. sol (c) 2, 1342-1346, 2005 | L. Dózsa, Zs,J. Horváth, E. Gombia, R. Mosca, S. Franchi, P. Frigeri, V. Raineri, F. Giannazzo: Instability of the electrical characteristics of GaAs/InAs quantum dot structures, Abstracts pages 116-117 of 7th International Workshop on Expert evaluation & Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials&Technologies 1-4 June, 2004- Montpellier, France, 2004 | L. Dózsa, G. Molnár, A.L. Tóth, E. Horváth, Z. Osváth,C.A. Dimitriadis, L. Papadimitriou,N. Vouroutzis, E. Paraskevopoulos: Properties of beta-FeSi2 quantum structures grown on silicon, NATO ASI Nanostructured and Advanced Materials pp. 331-334 Springer, 2005 | L. Dózsa, B. Szentpáli,D Pasquariello, K Hjort: Wafer Bonding of Microwave Devices, MEMSWAVE Workshop Sinaia, 2001, 2001 | L. Dózsa, B. Szentpáli, D Pasquariello, K Hjort: Wafer Bonding of Microwave Devices, Bukarest 2002, ISBN 973027-0908-1, 2002 | L. Dózsa, ZsJ Horváth, P Hubik, J Kristofik, J J Mares, E. Gombia, R. Mosca, S. Franchi, B Pécz: Investigation of defects created by growth of InAs quantum dots in GaAs, Phys stat. sol c. 2003, No. 3, 2003 | L. Dózsa, Zs J. Horváth OH. Krafcsik, Gy Vida., P Deák, T Mohácsy: Epitaxial SiC nanocrystals at the Si/SiO2 interface: electrrical behaviour, International Conference �Micro- and Nanoelectronics-2003� Oct 6-10, 2003, Moscow-Zvenigorod, Russia, 2003 | Zs J Horváth, L Dózsa, O. H. Krafcsik, T. Mohácsy, Gy Vida, and P. Deák: Behaviour of Al/SiO2/Si structures with SiC nanocrystals, ICFSI-9 Madrid September 15-19, 2003 | Zs J Horváth, L Dózsa, O. H. Krafcsik, T. Mohácsy, Gy Vida, and P. Deák: Behaviour of Al/SiO2/Si structures with SiC nanocrystals, Applied Surface Science 254, 67-71 (2004), 2004 | L. Dózsa: New approach to Capacitance studies of DX centers, Defect and Diffusion Forum 221-23 pp.11-22, 2003 | L. Dózsa, A.L. Tóth, ZsJ Horváth, P. Hubik, J. Kristofik, JJ Mares, E Gombia, R. Mosca, S. Franchi, and P. Frigeri: Lateral conductivity in GaAs/InAs quantum dot structures., DRIP-X Batz-sur-mer, Sept. 29-Oct, 2, 2003,, 2003 | L. Dózsa, A.L. Tóth, ZsJ Horváth, P. Hubik, J. Kristofik, JJ Mares, E Gombia, R. Mosca, S. Franchi, and P. Frigeri: Lateral conductivity in GaAs/InAs quantum dot structures., European Physical Journal, Applied Physics, 27, 93-95, 2004 | L. Dózsa, G. Molnár, ZsJ Horváth, AL Tóth, J. Gyulai, V. Raineri, and F. Giannazzo: Investigation of the morpholgy and electrical characteristics of FeSi2 quantum dots in silicon, ICFSI-9 Madrid September 15-19, 2003 | L. Dózsa, G. Molnár, ZsJ Horváth, AL Tóth, J. Gyulai, V. Raineri, and F. Giannazzo: Investigation of the morpholgy and electrical characteristics of FeSi2 quantum dots in silicon, Applied Surface Science 234,60-66 (2004), 2004 | L. Dózsa, E. Horváth, G. Molnár, A.L. Tóth, Z. Vértesy, E. Vázsonyi, and G. Pető: Characteristics of FeSi2 quantum dots on silicon, DRIP-X Batz-sur-mer, Sept. 29-Oct, 2, 2003,, 2003 | L. Dózsa, E. Horváth, G. Molnár, A.L. Tóth, Z. Vértesy, E. Vázsonyi, and G. Pető: Characteristics of FeSi2 quantum dots on silicon, European Physical Journal, Applied Physics 27, 85-88 (2004), 2004 | L. Dózsa, G. Molnár, A.L. Tóth, E. Horváth, Z. Vértesy, C.A. Dimitriadis, L. Papadimitriou, N. Vouroutzis, E. Paraskevopoulos: Morphological, optical and electric properties of beta-FeSi2/n-Si structures, Abstracts of Conference Silicon 2004 , July 5-9, 2004 Irkutszk page 112, 2004 | L. Dózsa. O.H. Krafcsik, A. Pongrácz, P. Deák: Point defects in MOS structures with SiC nanocrystals, Abstracts of Conference Silicon 2004 , July 5-9, 2004 Irkutszk, page 191, 2004 | L. Dózsa, G. Molnár, A.L. Tóth, E. Horváth, Z. Osváth,C.A. Dimitriadis, L. Papadimitriou,N. Vouroutzis, E. Paraskevopoulos: Properties of beta-FeSi2 quantum structures grown on silicon, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensors, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Technology, September 6-17, 2004 Sozop, 2004 | Zs.J. Horváth, M. Ádám, K. Jarrendahl, Gy. Vida, L.K. Orlov, J. Balázs, L. Dózsa et al: Electrical pecularities in Si based low dimensional structures, Proccedings of Engineering aspects of nanomaterials and technologies ed. E. Czoboly, pp. 253-263, 2005 | Zs.J. Horváth: Electrical peculiarities in GaAs and Si based low dimensional structures, Current Applied Physics6, pp. 205-211, 2006 | Zs.J. Horváth: Semiconductor nanocrystals in dielectris: Optoelectronic and memory application of related silicon-based MIS structures, Current Applied Physics 6, pp. 145-148, 2006 | L. Dózsa, P. Hubik, A.l. Tóth, A. Pongrácz, E. Hulicius, A.A. Koós, J. Oswald: Orange-peel effect in InGaAs/GaAs quantum well structures, SEMINANO2005 , Semiconductor nanocrystals Vol.1 pp.127-130 Sept. 10-12, Budapest, Hungary ISBN 963 7371 19 2, 2005 | Zs.J. Horváth: Semiconductor nanocrystals in dielectrics: Memory applications of related Si based metal-insulator-semiconductor devices, Proccedings of Engineering aspects of nanomaterials and technologies ed. E. Czoboly, pp. 81-85, 2005 |




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