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Milusheva EA, Baranyi M.: Implication of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the release of noradrenaline in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 subregions under oxygen and glucose deprivation., Neurochem Int. 43, 543-50., 2003 | Sperlágh B, Kőfalvi A, Deuchars J, Atkinson L, Milligan CJ, Buckley NJ, Vizi ES.: Involvement of P2X7 receptors in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the rat hippocampus., Journal of Neurochemistry 81, 1196-1211., 2002 | Kittel A, Kiss AL, Mullner N, Matko I, Sperlagh B: Expression of NTPDase and caveolins in human cardiovascular disease., Histochem Cell Biol. 124:53-61., 2005 | B. Sperlagh and P. Illes,: Purinergic modulation of microglial cell activation., Purinergic Signalling (in press), 2006 | B. Sperlágh: ATP mediated signaling in the nervous system., Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3rd Edition, Vol 2. Neurotransmitter systems, Eds. E.S.- Vizi and M. Hamon, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishin (in press), 2006 | B. Sperlágh, G. Szabó, F. Erdélyi, M. Baranyi and E. S. Vizi: Homo- and heteroexchange of adenine nucleotides and nucleosides in rat hippocampal slices by the nucleoside transport system., British Journal of Pharmacology 139, 623-633., 2003 | B. Sperlágh, E. S. Vizi, K. Wirkner and P. Illes: P2X7 receptors in the nervous system., Progress in Neurobiology (in press), 2006 | Papp L, Vizi ES, Sperlágh B.: Lack of ATP-evoked GABA and glutamate release in the hippocampus of P2X7 receptor -/- mice., Neuroreport, 15, 2387-2391, 2004 | Papp L, Balázsa T, Köfalvi A, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Vizi ES, Sperlágh B: P2X receptor activation elicits transporter-mediated noradrenaline release from rat hippocampal slices., Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 310, 973-980, 2004 | Sperlágh B, Baranyi M, Haskó G, Vizi ES: Potent effect of interleukin-1beta to evoke ATP and adenosine release from rat hippocampal slices., Journal of Neuroimmunology, 151, 33-39, 2004 | Luthardt J, Borvendeg SJ, Sperlágh B, Poelchen W, Wirkner K, Illés P.: P2Y1 receptor activation inhibits NMDA receptor-channels in layer V pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal and parietal cortex., Neurochemistry International 42, 161-172, 2003 | E. Milusheva, B. Sperlágh, L. Shikova, M. Baranyi, L. Tretter, V. Ádám-Vizi and E. S. Vizi: Non-synaptic release of [3H]noradrenaline in response to oxidative stress combined with mitochondrial dysfunction in rat hippocampal slices, Neuroscience 120, 771-781., 2003 | Nemeth ZH, Leibovich SJ, Deitch EA, Sperlagh B, Virag L, Vizi ES, Szabo C, Hasko G.: Adenosine stimulates CREB activation in macrophages via a p38 MAPK-mediated mechanism., Biochemal and Biophysical Research Communications 26,883-8., 2003 | Sperlágh B, Köfalvi A, Papp L, Vizi ES: Functional rearrangement of presynaptic purine receptor mediated responses in the CNS under ischemic-like conditions, European Winter Brain Research Conference, Les Arcs, Franciaország, 2004 | Sperlágh B, Papp L, Vizi E.S.: P2 receptor operated neurotransmitter release under normal and pathological conditions., Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 18 (Suppl 1):13., 2004 | Baranyi M, Sperlágh B.: Simultaneous analysis of different endogenous and labeled neurotransmitters from in vitro tissue over-flow fluid., IBRO in Workshop on Neuronal Circuits, Budapest, 2004 | Wirkner K, Kőfalvi A, Fischer W, Günther A, Heike F, Arndt-Gröger H, Nörenberg W, Madarász E, Vizi ES, Schneider D, Sperlágh B, Illés P: Supersensitivity of P2X7 receptors in cerebrocortical cell cultures after in vitro ischemia, J Neurochem 95:1421-37., 2005 | Milusheva E., Baranyi M., Kittel Á., Sperlágh B., Vizi E. S.: Increased sensitivity of striatal dopamine release to H2O2 upon chronic rotenone treatment, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 39: 133-142., 2005 | M. Baranyi, E. Milusheva, E.S. Vizi and B. Sperlágh: Chromatographic analysis of dopamine metabolism in a Parkinsonian model., J. Chromatography A (in press), 2006 | Franke H, Klimke K, Brinckmann U, Grosche J, Francke M, Sperlagh B, Reichenbach A, Liebert UG, Illes P: P2X(7) receptor-mRNA and-protein in the mouse retina; changes during retinal degeneration in BALBCrds mice., Neurochem Int. 47:235-42., 2005 |




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