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Halmschlager A; Matolcsi T: Minimal positive realizations for a class of transfer functions, IEEE Transactions Circuit Systems Fundamental Theory Applications 52: 177-180, 2004 | Elbert A; Garay BM: Differential equations: Hungary, the extended first half of the 20th century, A panorama of Hungarian mathematics in the Twentieth Century I. (Ed J.Horvath), Springer, Berlin , pp. 245-294, 2005 | Garay BM; Garay J: Total separation and asymptotic stability, Univ Acta Iagel Acta Math 40: 125-136, 2002 | Garay BM; Hofbauer J: Robust permanence for ecological differential equations, minimax, and discretization, SIAM J Math Anal 34: 1007-1039, 2003 | Garay BM; Loczi L: Monoton delay equations and Runge-Kutta discretization, Funct Differ Equ 11: 59-67, 2004 | Garay BM; Hilger S; Kloeden PE: Continuous dependence in time scale dynamics, Proc. Conf. Difference Equations (Augsburg 2002) CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 279-287, 2004 | Gyurkovics E, Takacs T: Quadratic stabilization with H-infinity norm bound on nonlinear discrete-time uncertain systems with bounded control, Systems Control Lett 50: 277-289, 2003 | Loczi L: The gradient-Fourier method for nonlinear Neumann boundary value problems and its algorithmic realization in Mathematica, Pure Math Appl 13: 211-225, 2002 | Horvath M: On the first two eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville operators, Proc Amer Math Soc 131: 1215-1224, 2003 | Gaveau B; Martinas K; Moreau M; Toth J: Entropy, extropy and information potential in stochastioc systems far from equilibrium, Phys A 305: 445-466, 2002 | Schuman B; Toth J: No limit cycle in two species second order kinetics, Bull Sci Math 127: 222-230, 2003 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw AM: Stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems by receding horizon via discrete-time approximation, Automatica 40: 2017-2028, 2004 | Halmschlager A; Szenthe L; Toth J: Invariants of kinetic differential equations, Electronic J Qualitative Theory Differ Eq 14: 1-14, 2004 | Kovacs K; Vizvari B; Riedel M; Toth J: Decomposition of the permanganate/oxalic acid overall reaction to elementary steps based on integer programming theory, Phys Chem Chem Phys 6: 1236-1242, 2004 | Rozsa Z; Toth J: Exact linear lumping in abstract spaces, Electronic J Qualitative Theory Differ Eq 21: 1-20, 2004 | Halmschlager A; Toth J:: Über Theorie und Anwendung von polynominalen Differentialgleichungen, Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen der 16. Frühlungsakademie, München, pp. 35-40, 2004 | Ladics T: The analysis of the splitting error for advection-reaction problems in air pollution models, Időjárás 109: 173-188, 2004 | Papp D; Vízvári B: Effective solution of linear Diophantine equation systems with an application in chemistry, J Mathematical Chemistry (in print), 2006 | Halmschlager A; Tandori J; Trotta M; Rinyu L; Pfeiffer I; Nagy L: A mathematical model for quinone-herbicide competition in the reaction-centres of 'Rhodobacter sphareoides', Funct. Plant Biology 29: 443-449, 2002 | Gyurkovics E; Svirko D: A tracking controller for flexible joint robots based on separation principle, Hungarian Electronic J. Sci., Appl. Num.. Math. Ser. No. ANM-020805-A, pp. 11, 2002 | Gyurkovics E; Svirko D: A tracking controller for flexible joint robots, J. Electrical Engineering 53: 187-190, 2002 | Gyurkovics E; Svirko D: A nonlinear observer for flexible joint robots, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. 46: 127-137, 2002 | Gyurkovics E; Takacs T: Guaranteeing cost strategies for infinite horizon difference games with uncertain dynamics, Internat. J. Control 78: 587-599, 2005 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: A stabilizing sampled-data 1-step receding control with application to a HIV/AIDS model, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (in print), 2006 | Horvath M; Kiss M: A bound for ratios of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with single-well potential, Proc Amer Math Soc (in print), 2006 | Gyurkovics E; Meyer D; Takacs T: Budget balancing in a two-dimensional macroeconomic model, Mathematical Modelling of Dynamical Systems (in print), 2006 | Tóth J; Simon PL: Differenciálegyenletek. Bevezetés az elméletbe és az alkalmazásokba, Typotex, Budapest, 2005 | Horvath M; Kiss M: A bound for ratios of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators on the real line, Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems 13 Supplement: 403-409, 2005 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: Stabilizing receding horizon control of sampled-data nonlinear systems via their approximate discrete-time models, Proc. Control Applications Optimization, Visegrád, pp. 39-45, 2003 | Gyurkovics E; Svirko D: A tracking controller for flexible joint robots, Proc. 11th Internat Workshop RAAD, Balatonfüred (electronic), 2002 | Horvath M: Inverse spectral problems and closed exponential systems, Annals of Mathematics 162: 885-918, 2005 | Horvath M: Inverse scattering with fixed energy and an inverse eigenvalue problem on the half-line, Trans Amer Math Soc (in print), 2006 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: Stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems by receding horizon via discret-time approximation, Proc. 2nd IFAC Conf. Control Systems Design, Bratislava (electronic), 2003 | Gyurkovics E; Takacs T: Guaranteeing cost strategies for uncertain difference games, Proc. MNTS 2004 Mathematical Theory Networks Systems, Belgium (electronic), 2004 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: Stabilization of HIV/AIDS model using an 1-step receding horizon control based treatment scheduling, Proc. Symp. Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart, IFAC, pp. 801-806, 2004 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: Multirate sampling and delays in receding horizon stabilization of nonlinear systems, Proc 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague (electronic), 2005 | Karatson J; Loczi L: Sobolev gradient preconditioning for the electrostatic potential equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 50: 1093-1104, 2005 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: Conditions for MPC based stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via discrete-time approximations, Proc. Internat. Workshop on Assesment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, IST, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, pp. 97-110, 2005 | Brochot C; Toth J; Bois F: Lumping in pharmacokinetics, J Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 32: 719-736, 2005 | Toth J; Rospars JP: Dynamic modelling of biochemical reactions with applications to signal transduction: Principles and tools using 'Mathematica', Biosystems 79: 33-52, 2005 | Erdi P; Toth J: Towards a dynamic neuropharmacology: Integrating network and receptor levels, Brain, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence (Eds. M.DeGregorio, V.DiMaio, M.Frucci, C.Musio), LN in Computer Science 374, pp. 1-17, 2005 | Gaveau B; Moreau M; Toth J: Master equations and path-integral formulation of variational principles for reactions, Variational and Extremum Principles in Macroscopic Systems (Eds. S.Sieneutycz, H.Farkas), Elsevier, pp. 315-340, 2004 | Garay BM: A functional equation characterizing monomial functions used in permanence theory for ecological differential equations, Univ Acta Iagel Acta Math 42: 69-76, 2004 | Erdi P; Kiss T; Toth J; Zalanyi L: From system biology to dynamical neuropharmacology, IEEE Proc. Systems Biology (submitted), 2006 | Garay BM; Lee KH: Attractors and invariant manifolds under discretization with variable stepsize, Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems 13: 827-841, 2005 | Garay BM: A brief survey of numerical dynamics of functional differential equations -- Gyula Farkas (1972-2002) in memoriam, Internat J Bifurcations Chaos 15: 729-742, 2005 | Banhelyi B; Csendes T; Garay BM: A verified optimization technique to locate chaotic regions of a Henon system, J Global Optimization (in print), 2006 | Banhelyi B; Csendes T; Garay BM: Optimization and the Miranda approach in detecting horseshoe-type chaos by computer, Internat J Bifurcations Chaos (submitted), 2006 | Fontes FACC; Gyurkovics E; Magni L: Sampled-data model predictive control for nonlinear time-varying systems: Stability and robustness, Assesment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Eds. F.Allgöver, L.Bregler, R.Findeisen, LN Control and Information Sciences, Springer (in print), 2006 | Fontes FACC; Gyurkovics E; Magni L: Sampled-data model predictive control for nonlinear time-varying systems: Stability and robustness, Proc. Internat Workshop on Assesment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, IST, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, pp. 243-254, 2005 | Gyurkovics E; Elaiw A: Conditions for MPC based stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via discrete-time approximations, Assesment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Eds. F.Allgover, L. Bregler, R.Findeisen, LN Control and Information Sciences, Springer (in print), 2006 | Garay BM; Simon PL: Bifurcation analysis of an oscillatory CNN model with two cells, Stability Dynamical Systems (submitted), 2006 |




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