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Közleményjegyzék |
J. Cseh: Clusterization and dynamical symmetries, Acta Phys. Hung. N.S. Heavy Ion Physics 18, 253-258., 2003 | P. O. Hess, A. Algora, M. Hunyadi, J. Cseh: Configuration-mixed effective SU(3) symmetries, European Physical Journal A15, 449-454., 2002 | A. Algora, J. Jolie, Zs. Dombrádi, D. Sohler, Zs. Podolyák, T. Fényes: Supersymmetry model in 73As revisited: Electromagnetic transition rates and U(6/12), Physical Review C67, 4303-1-8., 2003 | G. Lévai, J. Cseh, P. Van Isacker: Correlations and symmetries in the spectra of light alpha-cluster systems, Acta Phys. Hung. N. S. Heavy Ion Physics 18, 229-234., 2003 | J. Cseh: Harmónia a bonyolultságban: Szimmetriák az atommagokban, Élet és Tudomány LVII. 46, 1451-1455., 2002 | G. Lévai, J. Cseh, P. Van Isacker: A nuclear mass formula based on Wigner's SU(4) symmetry, Acta Phys. Hung. N.S. Heavy Ion Physics 19, 285-288., 2004 | J. Cseh: Wigner-type symmetries and their extensions in nuclear physics, Acta Phys. Hung. N.S. Heavy Ion Physics 19, 251-254., 2004 | J. Cseh: Diversity of symmetry-breaking and nuclear clusterization, Revista Mexicana de Fisica 49 Supl. 4, 101-107., 2003 | G. Lévai: Supersymmetry in nuclear clusterization, Proc. Int. Conf. on Symmetries in Nuclear Structure, Erice, Italy, 2003, 140-145., 2004 | G. Lévai, J. M. Arias: The sextic oscillator as a gamma-independent potential, Physical Review C69, 4304-1-6., 2004 | A. Algora: Supersymmetry in nuclei, Proc. Int. Conf. ''The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure'' Crete, Greece, 2003. AIP 701, 375-383., 2004 | J. Cseh: The most hidden symmetry and nuclear clusterization, Proc. 22nd Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila, Bulgaria, 2003, 2003 | A. Algora et al.: Beta-decay studies using total absorption spectroscopy: Some recent results, Revista Mexicana de Fisica 50. No. 2, 5-10., 2004 | J. Cseh, A. Algora, J. Darai, P. O. Hess: Deformation dependence of nuclear clusterization, Physical Review C70, 34311-1-8., 2004 | P. O. Hess, A. Algora, J. Cseh, J. P. Draayer: Parametrization of SU(3) spectroscopic factors for light nuclei within an algebraic model, Physical Review C70, 51303R-1-4., 2004 | J. Cseh: Rejtett szimmetriák, Fizikai Szemle 2004. 5, 165-171., 2004 | G. Lévai: On solvable Bohr Hamiltonians, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Phys. Large and Small, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 2004, AIP 726, 227-228., 2004 | P. O. Hess, G. Lévai: Global trends in the lowest positive- and negative-parity levels of p- and sd-shell nuclei, Int. Journal of Modern Physics E2005, 2005 | G. Lévai: Exact analytic description of nuclear shape phase transition, Revista Mexicana de Fisica Suppl. 52 (2006) 75-81, 2006 | A. Algora, J. Cseh, J. Darai, P. O. Hess: Selection rule and energetic stability: Complementer aspects in nuclear clusterization, Revista Mexicana de Fisica 52 (2006) 12, 2006 | J. Cseh: Cluster-coexsistence in nuclei and dynamic symmetries, Proc. 23rd Int. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila, Bulgaria, 2004, 261-273., 2005 | J. Cseh, A. Algora, J. Darai, P. O. Hess, N. V. Antonenko, R. V. Jolos, W. Scheid: Deformation and clusterization in atomic nuclei, Proc. Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclear Systems, Debrecen, Hungary, 2005; AIP Conf. Proc. 802 (2005) 48, 2005 | J. Darai, A. Algora , J. Cseh, P. O. Hess: Ternary clusterization in superdeformed and hyperdeformed states, Proc. Int. Conf. on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 2005, AIP Conf. Proc. 831 (2006) 424, 2006 | A. Algora, J. Cseh, J. Darai, P. O. Hess, N. V. Antonenko, R. V. Jolos, W. Scheid: Clusterization and deformation in heavy nuclei, Proc. Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclear Systems, Debrecen, Hungary, 2005; AIP Conf. Proc. 802 (2005) 52, 2005 | G. Lévai: Probing the nuclear cluster supersymmetry scheme for A=18 nuclei, Proc. Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclear Systems, Debrecen, Hungary, 2005; AIP Conf. Proc. 802 (2005) 65, 2005 | P. O. Hess, P. Rosales, E. Aguilera, A. Algora, J. Cseh, J. Darai, J. P. Draayer, T. L. Belyaeva: Spectroscopic factors in an algebraic model, Proc. Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclear Systems, Debrecen, Hungary, 2005; AIP Conf. Proc. 802 (2005) 69, 2005 | J. Cseh, G. Lévai, A. Intasorn, K. Kato: Algebraic description of the 40Ca+alpha cluster states of the 44Ti nucleus, Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis, Ser. Phys. Chim. XXXVIII-XXXIX (2005) 81, 2005 | J. Cseh, G. Tímár: Dynamical versus kinematical symmetry breaking revisited, J. Phys.A 39 (2006) 6979, 2006 | J. Cseh: Harmony in complexity: Symmetries in atomic nuclei, Documenti rivista semestrale del dottorato in storia dell architectura e della arti, restauro, No. 1, 2005. (www.ducumenti.ve.it, n1, saggi), 2005 | J. Cseh, N. V. Antonenko, A. Algora, J. Darai, P. O. Hess, R. V. Jolos, W. Scheid: Clusterization and quadropol deformation in nuclei, Proc. Int. Conf. on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 2005, AIP Conf. Proc. 831 (2006) 65, 2006 | G. Lévai, P. O. Hess: A simple interpretation of global trends in the lowest levels of p- and sd-shell nuclei, European Physical Journal A direct (e) Supplement 27 (2006) 277-82, 2006 | P. O. Hess, E. F. Aguilera, E. Martinez-Quiroz, A. Algora, J. Cseh, J. P. Draayer, T. L. Belyaeva: Spectroscopic factors within an algebraic model and an application to 12C+12C, APH N. S. Heavy Ion Physics, in press, 2006 | J. Cseh: Symmetries and symmery breakings, Proc. IV. Int. Symp. on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Varna, Bulgaria, 2005, in press, 2006 | J. Darai, J. Cseh, A. Algora, P. O. Hess: Quasidynamical symmetry and nuclear clusterization, Proc. IV. Int. Symp. on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Varna, Bulgaria, 2005, in press, 2006 | J. Cseh, J. Darai, N. V. Antonenko, A. Algora, P. O. Hess, R. V. Jolos, W. Scheid: Deformation inside and outside the nuclear molecules, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, in press, 2006 | A. Algora, J. Cseh, J. Darai, P. O. Hess: Ternary clusterization and quadropole deformation, Physics Letters B 639 (2006) 451-455, 2006 | H. Yepez-M., J. Cseh, P. O. Hess: Phase transition in an algebraic cluster model, Physical Review C, in press, 2006 | G. Lévai, J. Cseh, P. Van Isacker: Application of cluster supersymmetry to nuclei with mass numbers A=20, 19 and 18, submitted to the Physical Review C, 2006 | J. Cseh: Multichannel dynamical symmetry and cluster-coexistence, kézirat előkészületben, 2006 |




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