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Varró A, Nánási PP, Acsai K, Virág L, Papp JGy: Cardiac sarcolemmal ion channels and transporters as possible targets for antiarrhythmic and positive inotropic drugs: strategies of the past-perspectives of the future, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 10:2411-2427, 2004 | Nagy O, Hajnal Á, Parratt JR, Végh Á: Delayed exercise-induced protection against arrhythmias in dogs - effect of celecoxib, European Journal of Pharmacology, 499:197-199, 2004 | Jost N, Virág L, Baláti B, Lengyel Cs, Németh M, Bitay M, Bogáts G, Varró A, Papp JGy: A késői egyenirányító kálium áram gyors (IKr) és lassú komponensének (IKs) összehasonlító vizsgálata egészséges emberi, kutya, nyúl és tengerimalac kamrai szívizomsejtekben, Cardiologia Hungarica, 34:E76-84, 2004 | Biliczki P, Virág L, Iost N, Papp JGy, Varró A:: Interaction of different potassium channels in cardiac repolarization in dog ventricular preparations: role of repolarization reserve, British Journal of Pharmacology, 137:361-368, 2002 | Nagy Z, Virág L, Tóth A, Biliczki P, Acsai K, Bányász T, Nánási P, Papp JGy, Varró A: Selective inhibition of sodium-calcium exchanger by SEA-0400 decrease early and delayed afterdpolarization in canine heart, British Journal of Pharmacology, 143:827-831, 2004 | Zicha S, Moss I, Varró A, Papp JGy, Dumaine R, Antzelevitch C, Nattel S: Molecular basis of species-specific expression of repolarizing potassium currents in the heart, American Journal of Physiology Heart Circulation Physiology, 285:H1614-H1649, 2003 | Kun A, Pataricza J, Krassói I, Szécsi M, Hőhn J, Varró A, Papp JGy: Low 4-aminopyridine concentration-induced contraction is mediated by neuronal noradrenaline in canine saphenous vein, Vascular Pharmacology, 39:7-11, 2002 | Iost N, Virág L, Varró A, Papp JGy: Comparison of the effect of Class 1/A antiarrhythmics on transmembrane potassium currents in rabbit ventricular myocytes, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 8:31-41, 2003 | Varró A, Biliczki P, Iost N, Virág L, Hála O, Papp JGy: Pharmacology of potassium channel blockers, In: Atrial fibrillation: new therapeutic concepts. IOS Press, Amszterdam, pp. 27-39, 2003 | Takács J, Iost N, Lengyel Cs, Virág L, Nesic M, Varró A, Papp JGy: Multiple cellular electrophysiological effects of azimilide in canine cardiac preparations, European Journal of Pharmacology, 470:163-170, 2003 | Pataricza J, Krassói I, Hőhn J, Kun A, Papp JGy: Functional role of potassium channels in the vasodilating mechanism of Levosimendan in porcine isolated coronary artery, Cardiovascular Drus and Therapy, 17:115-121, 2003 | Lengyel Cs, Varró A, Virág L, Magyar J, Bíró T, Jost N, Skoumal R, Nánási P, Tóth M, Horkay F, Papp JGy: Diabetes mellitus attenuates the repolarization reserve in canine heart, Diabetologia, 47(Suppl.1), A426, 2004 | Varró A, Biliczki P, Iost N, Virág L, Hála O, Mátyus P, Papp JGy: Theoretical possibilities for the development of novel antiarrhythmic drugs, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 11:1-11, 2004 | Iost N, Virág L, Hála O, Varró A, Thormahlen D, Papp JGy: Effect of the antifibrillatory compound Tedisamil (KC-8857) on transmembrane currents in mammalian ventricular myocytes, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 11:3219-3228, 2004 | Mátyus P, Varga I, Reggeti T, Simay A, Kállay N, Károlyházy L, Kocsis Á, Pénzes I, Papp JGy: Novel antiarrhythmic compounds with combined class IB and class III mode of action, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 11:61-69, 2004 | Hőhn J, Pataricza J, Tóth GK, Balogh Á, Varró A, Papp JGy: Levosimendan interacts with potassium channel blockers in human saphenous veins, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 94:271-273, 2004 | Hajnal Á, Nagy L, Parrat JR, Papp JGy, Végh Á: N-2-mercaptopropionylglycine, a scavenger of reactive oxygen species, does not modify the early antiarrhythmic effect of ischaemic preconditioning in anaesthetized dogs, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 18:449-459, 2004 | Birinyi P, Acsai K, Bányász T, Tóth A, Horváth B, Virág L, Szentandrássy N, Magyar J, Varró A, Fülöp F, Nánási PP: Effects of SEA0400 and KB-R7943 on Na+/Ca2+ exchange current and L-type Ca2+ current in canine ventricular cardiomyocytes, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 372:63-70, 2005 | Jost N, Virág L, Bitay M, Takács J, Lengyel Cs, Biliczki P, Nagy Zs, Bogáts G, Lathrop DA, Papp JGy, Varró A: Restricting excessive cardiac action potential and QT prolongation: a vital role for IKs in human ventricular muscle, Circulation, 112:1392-1399, 2005 | Biliczki P, Acsai K, Virág L, Tálosi L, Jost N, Biliczki A, Papp JGy, Varró A: Cellular electrophysiological effect of terikalant in the dog heart, European Journal of Pharmacology, 510:161-166, 2005 | Hajnal Á, Nagy O, Litvai Á, Papp JGy, Parratt JR, Végh Á: Nitric oxide involvement in the delayed antiarrhythmic effect of treadmill exercise in dogs, Life Sciences, 77:1960-1971, 2005 |




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