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List of publications |
G.O.H. Katona; J. Demetrovics; D. Miklós: On the security of individual data, to appear in Applied Math. and Artifical Intelligence, 0 | I Bárány, A Hubard, J. Jeronimo: Slicing convex sets and measures by a hyperplane, in Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 2006 | R, Anstee, B. Fleming, Z. Füredi, A Sali: Color critical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations, Disc. Math and Theor. Comput. Sci Proc, 2006 | I Bárány, Van H. Vu: Central limit theorems for Gaussian polytopes, to appear in Annals of Prob.,, 2006 | P L Erdős, P. Ligeti, P. Sziklai, D C Torney: Subwords in reverse complent order, to appear in Annals of Comb, 10(4) ???-???, 2006 | J. Pach, G. Tardos: Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs and matrices, Israel J. Math. 155 (2006), 309--334, 2006 | I Bárány, B. Doerr: Balanced partitions of vector sequences, Lin. Alg. Appl. 414 (2006), 464--469, 2006 | J. Demetrovics, Gy. O.H. Katona, D. MIklós: On the security of individual data, Ann. of Math. and Art. Int, 46, 98-113, 2006 | J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Tardos, G. Tóth: Improving the Crossing Lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry 36 (2006), 527--552, 2006 | I Bárány, J. Matousek: Berge's theorem, fractional Helly, and art galleries, Discrete Math. 306 (2006), 2303--2313,, 2006 | I Bárány, J. Matousek: Quadratic lower bound for the number of colourful simplices, to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Math, 2006 | P.L. Erdős, L Soukup: How to split antichains in infinite posets, to appear in Combinatorica, 27(2), 2007 | I Bárány, M. Prodromou: On maximal convex lattice polygons inscribed in a plane convex set, Israel J. Math. 154 (2006), 337--360., 2006 | J. Cooper, B. Doerr, J. Spencer G. Tardos: Deterministic random walks,, Proc. of the third workshop on Analytic Alg. and Comb (ANALCO'06), 185-197, 2006 | I Bárány, G. Rote: Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs, Documenta Math 11 (2006), 369--391, 2006 | P. Hamburger; A. Sali: 11-Doilies with Vertex Sets 275, 286-462, AKCE Internat. Journal of Graphs and Comb. 1(2005) 109-133., 2005 | R. Anstee; A. Sali: Small Forbidden Configurations IV: The Three Rowed Case, Combinatorica 25 (5) 2005, 503-518, 2005 | Z. Füredi; N. Eaton; A. Kostochka; J. Skokan: Tree representations of graphs, to appear in European J. Combin., 0 | G. Simonyi: Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, to appear in Discrete Math., 0 | J. Demetrovics; A. Sali: Lekérdezés átírás relációs adabázisokban, Informatikai Algoritmusok II., ELTE Eötvös Publishing House, Budapest, 2005 | A. Sali; K.-D. Schewe: Counter-Free Keys and Functional Dependencies in Higher-Order Datamodels, to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae, 2006 | I. Bárány; K. Fukuda: A case when the union of polytopes in convex, Lin. Alg. Appl. 397, 381-388, 2005 | I. Bárány; J. Matousek: Randomized integer hull, Discr. Comp. Geom., 33, 3-25, 2005 | G.O.H. Katona: Search with small sets in presence of a liar, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE, 100/2, 319-336., 2002 | I. Bárány: Balanced partitions of vector sequences, In: Oberwolfach Reports, 1/1; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 677-678., 2004 | A. Ádám, P. Dömösi (eds): AFL'99, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE-DEBRECEN, 60, pp 243, 2002 | A. Ádám, M. Laczkovich: On cardinality questions concerning automaton mappings, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 40(1-2), 71-82., 2003 | A. Ádám: A kromatikus skála tizenkét hangjából képezhető hangkészletek áttekintése, ALKALMAZOTT MATEMATIKAI LAPOK, 21/2, 329-354., 2004 | I. Bárány, J. Matoušek: Equipartition of two measures by a 4-fan, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 27/3, 293-301., 2002 | I. Bárány: Approximation by random polytopes is of low complexity, RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO, 70, 53-56., 2002 | I. Bárány: Random points, convex bodies, lattices, In: Mathematical software, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (Beijing, 2002), (Eds. A.M. Cohen, X-S. Gao, N. Takayama), World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 527-536., 2002 | I. Bárány, K. Böröczky,Jr: Lattice points on the boundary of the integer hull, In: Discrete Geometry: In honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th Birthday, Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Ed. Bezdek A), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 33-48., 2003 | I. Bárány, J. Matousek: A fractional Helly theorem for convex lattice sets, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 174(2), 227-235, 2003 | I. Bárány, K. Kuperberg, T. Zamfirescu: Total curvature and spiralling shortest paths, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 30/2, 167-176., 2003 | I. Bárány, J. Matousek: Integer points in rotating convex bodies, In: Discrete and Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Combinatorics, 25, (Eds Aronov B, Basu S, Pach J, Sharir M), Springer-Verlag, pp 177-201, 2003 | I. Bárány, P. Valtr: Planar point sets with a small number of empty convex polygons, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA; 41/2, 243-266., 2004 | I. Bárány, N. Tokushige: The minimum area of convex lattice n-gons, COMBINATORICA; 24/2, 171-185., 2004 | G. Elek: Amenable groups, topological entropy and betti numbers, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 132, 315-336., 2002 | G. Elek: On the analytic zero divisor conjecture of Linnell, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 35(2), 236-238., 2003 | G. Elek, E. Szabó: Invariant subspaces of p-adic Hilbert spaces, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 40(1-2), 159-170, 2003 | G. Elek: The rank of finitely generated modules over group algebras, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 131(11), 3477-3485, 2003 | G. Elek: The amenability of affine algebras, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, 264(2), 469-478., 2003 | G. Elek, E. Szabó: Sofic groups and direct finiteness, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA; 280/2, 426-434., 2004 | A.G. D’yachkov, P.L. Erdős, A.J. Macula, V.V. Rykov, D.C. Torney, C.-S. Tung, A.P. Vilenkin, P.S. White: Exordium for DNA codes, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION; 7/4, 396-397., 2003 | A.W.M. Dress, P.L. Erdős: Reconstructing words from subwords in linear time, ANNALS OF COMBINATORICS; 8/4, 457-462., 2004 | A.W.M. Dress, P.L. Erdős: X-trees and weighted quartet systems, ANNALS OF COMBINATORICS, 7(2), 155-169., 2003 | P.L. Erdős, U. Faigle, W. Hochstattler, W. Kern: Note on the game chromatic index of trees, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE; 313/3, 371-376., 2004 | Y.-C. Chen, Z. Füredi: Hamiltonian Kneser graphs, COMBINATORICA, 22/1, 147-149., 2002 | Z. Füredi, A. Kündgen: Turán problems for integer-weighted graphs, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, 40/4, 195-225., 2002 | Z. Füredi, R. Ramamurthi: On splittable colorings of graphs and hypergraphs, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, 40/4, 226-237., 2002 | Z. Füredi, A. Gyárfás, M. Ruszinkó: On the maximum size of (p,Q)-free families, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 257/2-3, 385-403., 2002 | Z. Füredi: Covering a triangle with homothetic copies, In: Discrete Geometry: In honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th Birthday, Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Ed. Bezdek A), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 435-446., 2003 | M. Axenovich, Z. Füredi: Exact bounds on the sizes of covering codes, DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY, 30(1), 21-38., 2003 | Z. Füredi, O. Pikhurko, M. Simonovits: The Turán density of the hypergraph {abc,ade,bde,cde}, THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 10(1), http://www.combinatorics.org, R18, pp. 7., 2003 | Z. Füredi, B. Sudakov: Extremal set-systems with restricted k-wise intersections, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A; 105/1, 143-159., 2004 | Z. Füredi: Triple systems not containing a Fano configuration and other Turán-type problems, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 27-30., 2004 | J. Verstraete, Z. Füredi, A. Naor: On the Turán number for the hexagon, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 99-100., 2004 | Z. Füredi, Z. Katona: Multiply intersecting families of sets, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A; 106/2, 315-326., 2004 | Z. Füredi, J.-H. Kang: Distance graph on $\Bbb Z\sp n$ with $l\sb 1$ norm, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE; 319/1-3, 357-366., 2004 | Z. Füredi, R.P. Kurshan: Minimal length test vectors for multiple-fault detection, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE; 315/1, 191-208., 2004 | J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: Functional dependencies in presence of errors, In: Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (Salzau Castle, Germany, 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2284, (Eds Eiter T, Schewe K-D), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 85-92., 2002 | J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: Functional dependencies distorted by errors, In: Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Data Mining, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Arlington, VA, 2002, (eds. E. Boros, P.L. Hammer), SIAM, Philadelphia, 133-138., 2002 | J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: Recent combinatorial results in the theory of relational databases, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 38(7-9), 763-772., 2003 | J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: On the security of individual data, In: Foundations of information and knowledge systems, (Wilheminenburg Castle, 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2942; (Eds. D. Seipel, J.M. Turull-Torres); Springer, Berlin; 49-58., 2004 | C. Bey, K. Engel, G.O.H. Katona, U. Leck: On the average size of sets in intersecting Sperner families, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 257/2-3, 259-266., 2002 | G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali: New type of coding problem motivated by database theory, In: Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Data Mining, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Arlington, VA, 2002, (eds. E. Boros, P.L. Hammer), SIAM, Philadelphia, 149-156., 2002 | F. Glatz, Gy. Katona: Egy nyelvi-történelmi modell, Közgyűlési Előadások 2000, Az MTA 175 éve, (ed. F. Glatz), Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 179-186., 2002 | L. Bertossi, G.O.H. Katona, K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim: Semantics in databases, In: Semantics in Databases (Second International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2582, (Eds Bertossi L, Katona GOH, Schewe K-D, Thalheim B), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1-6., 2003 | L. Bertossi, G.O.H. Katona, K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim (eds): Semantics in Databases (Second International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2582, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 234, 2003 | G.O.H. Katona: Excluded subposets in the Boolean lattice, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 36-38., 2004 | G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali: New type of coding problem motivated by database theory, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS; 144/1-2, 140-148., 2004 | G.O.H. Katona: Strong qualitative independence, 1st International Workshop on Combinatorics of Searching, Sorting, and Coding (COSSAC '01) (Ischia), In: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 137, no. 1; Eds. F. Cicalese, D. Mundici, U. Vaccaro; Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam; 87-95., 2004 | G.O.H. Katona, R. Mayer, W.A. Woyczynski: Length of sums in a Minkowski space, Towards a theory of geometric graphs, In: Contemporary Mathematics, 342; (Ed. J. Pach); American Mathematical Society, Providence; 113-118., 2004 | L. Pyber: Bounded generation and subgroup growth, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 34/1, 55-60., 2002 | J.D. Dixon, L. Pyber, Á. Seress, A. Shalev: Residual properties of free groups and probabilistic methods, JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, 556, 159-172., 2003 | M. Abért, A. Lubotzky, L. Pyber: Bounded generation and linear groups, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION, 13(4), 401-413., 2003 | L. Pyber: Old groups can learn new tricks, In: Groups, combinatorics & geometry (Durham, 2001), (Eds Ivanov AA, Liebeck MW, Saxl J), World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 243-255., 2003 | L. Pyber: Groups of intermediate subgroup growth and a problem of Grothendieck, DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL; 121/1, 169-188., 2004 | D. Goldfeld, A. Lubotzky, L. Pyber: Counting congruence subgroups, ACTA MATHEMATICA-Djursholm; 193/1, 73-104., 2004 | D. Goldfeld, A. Lubotzky, N. Nikolov, L. Pyber: Counting primes, groups, and manifolds, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; 101/37, 13428-13430., 2004 | R.P. Anstee, L. Rónyai, A. Sali: Shattering news, GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS, 18/1, 59-73., 2002 | P. Hamburger, A. Sali: Symmetric 11-Venn diagrams with vertex sets, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 40(1-2), 121-143., 2003 | P. Hamburger, Gy. Petruska, A. Sali: Saturated chain partitions in ranked partially ordered sets, and non-monotone symmetric 11-Venn diagrams, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA; 41/2, 147-191., 2004 | A. Sali: Minimal keys in higher-order datamodels, In: Foundations of information and knowledge systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2942; (Eds. D. Seipel, J.M. Turull-Torres); Springer, Berlin; 242-251., 2004 | J. Demetrovics, A. Sali: Relációs adatmodell tervezés, Informatikai algoritmusok; (Ed. A. Iványi); ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest; 503-535., 2004 | P. Hamburger, A. Sali: 11-doilies with vertex sets of sizes 275, 286, …, 462, AKCE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS; 1/2, 109-133., 2004 | G. Simonyi: On Witsenhausen's zero-error rate for multiple sources, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, 49(12), 3258-3261, 2003 | G. Simonyi: On Witsenhausen’s zero-error rate for multiple sources, In: Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 363-363., 2002 | G. Simonyi: On some aspects of Ramsey theory, In: Proceedings of the 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 144-153., 2003 | J. Körner, C. Pilotto, G. Simonyi: Local chromatic number and Sperner capacity, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 38-42., 2004 | A. Gyárfás, G. Simonyi: Edge colorings of complete graphs without tricolored triangles, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY; 46/3, 211-216., 2004 | J. Pach, G. Tardos: Untangling a polygon, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 28, 585-592., 2002 | J. Pach, G. Tardos: On the boundary complexity of the union of fat triangles, SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING, 31/6, 1745-1760., 2002 | J. Pach, G. Tardos: Isosceles triangles determined by a planar point set, GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS, 18(4), 769-779, 2002 | E. Petrank, G. Tardos: On the knowledge complexity of NP, COMBINATORICA, 22/1, 83-121., 2002 | J. Solymosi, G. Tardos, C.D. Tóth: The k most frequent distances in the plane, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 28/4, 639-648., 2002 | P. Haxell, T. Szabó, G. Tardos: Bounded size components-partitions and transversals, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B, 88(2), 281-297., 2003 | V. Grolmusz, G. Tardos: A note non-deterministic communication complexity with few witnesses, THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS, 36(4), 387-391., 2003 | G. Tardos: On distinct sums and distinct distances, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 180(1), 275-289., 2003 | K. Böröczky, Jr, G. Tardos: The longest segment in the complement of a packing, MATHEMATIKA; 49/1-2, 45-49., 2002 | B. Aronov, J. Pach, M. Sharir, G. Tardos: Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING; 13/3, 283-293., 2004 | J. Pach, R. Pinchasi, G. Tardos, G. Tóth: Geometric graphs with no self-intersecting path of length three, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS; 25/6, 793-811., 2004 | A. Marcus, G. Tardos: Excluded permutation matrices and the Stanley-Wilf conjecture, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A; 107/1, 153-160., 2004 | N.H. Katz, G. Tardos: A new entropy inequality for the Erdös distance problem, In: Towards a theory of geometric graphs, Contemporary Mathematics, 342; (Ed. J. Pach); American Mathematical Society, Providence; 119-126., 2004 | G. Elek; A. Samet-Vaillant: Ends of Algebras, Comminications in Algebra to appear, 0 | R. Anstee; B. Fleming; Z. Füredi; A. Sali: Color crtitical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations, to appear in Discrete Math. and Theoretical Comput. Sci., 0 | I. Bárány; J. Matousek: Berge's theorem, fractional Helly, and art galleries, Eurepean J. Comb. to appear, 0 | I. Bárány: Discrete and convex geometry, Panorama of Hung. Math. in the Twentith Cent., Bolyai Society Math. Studies, 14, 427-456, 2005 | I. Bárány: Geometric applications of graph and hypergraph theory, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, (ed. J.E. Goodman et al.) MSRI publications, 52(2006) 31-50, 2005 | I. Bárány; S. Vempala; A. Vetta: Nash equilibra in random games, FOCS 2005, to appear, 0 | I. Bárány; M. Prodromou: On maximal convex lattice polygons inscribed in a plane convex set, Israel J. Math., to appear, 0 | G. Elek: On algebras that have almost finite dimensional representations, J. Algebra and Appl. 4, no.2., 179-186., 2005 | I. Bárány: The probability that a convex body is lattice point free: a relative of Buffon's needle problem, submitted to Random Structures and Alg., 2005 | I. Bárány; G. Rote: Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs, submitted to Documenta Mathematica, 2005 | I. Bárány; N. Simányi: A note on the size of the largest ball inside a convex polytope, Periodica Math. Hung. to appear, 2005 | G. Elek: Limits of Finite Graphs, Combinatorica, to appear, 0 | G. Elek, V. T.Sós: Paradoxical decompositions and growth conditions, Comb. Probab. Comput. 14, no.1-2., 81-105., 2005 | G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, and circular colorings,, combinatorica, vol. 26, no. 5, 587-626, 2006 | P.L. Erdős; P. Ligeti; P. Sziklai; D.C. Torney: Subwords in reverse complement order, to appear in Annals of Combinatorics (2005), 1-21., 2005 | A. Apostolico; P.L. Erdős; M. Lewenstein: Parameterized Matching with Mismatches, J. Discrete Algorithms, 1-9, 2004 | P.L. Erdős; Á. Seress; L.A. Székely;: Non-trivial t-intersection in the function lattice, Annals of Comb. 9, 177-187., 2005 | P.L. Erdős; Z. Füredi; G.O.H. Katona;: Two part and k-Sperner families - new proofs using permutations, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(2005), 489-500., 2005 | P.L. Erdős; L. Soukup: How to split antichains in infinite posets, to appear in Combinatorica (2005), 1-17., 2005 | H. Aydinian; P.L. Erdős: All maximum size 2-part Sperner systems - in short, to appear in Comb. Prob. Comp. (2006), 1-4., 2006 | Z. Füredi; A. Gyárfás; G. Simonyi: Connected matchings and Hadwiger's conjecture, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 14(2005), 435-438., 2005 | Z. Füredi; M. Simonovits: Triple systems not containing a Fano configuration, Combin. Prob. and Comput. 14(2005) 467-484., 2005 | Z. Füredi; Y. Chen: Minimum vertex-diameter-2-critical graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 50(2005), 293-315., 2005 | Z. Füredi; A. Kostochka; M. Steibitz; R. Skrekovski, D. West: Nordhaus-Gaddum-type theorems for decompositions into many parts, J. Graph Theory, 50(2005), 273-292., 2005 | Z. Füredi; O. Pikhuro; M. Simonovits: On triple systems with independent neighborhoods, Combin. Prob. and Comput., 14(2005), 795-813., 2005 | Z. Füredi; M. Ruszinko: Large convex cones in hypercubes, to appear in ''General Theory of Inf. Transfer and Comb.'' a Special issue of Disc. App. Math., 0 | Z. Füredi; G.O.H. Katona: 2-bases of quadruples, to appear in Combin. Prob. and Comput., 0 | Z. Füredi; A. Kündgen: Moments of graphs in monotone families, to appear in Journal of Graph Theory, 0 | Z. Füredi; R.H. Sloan; K. Takata; Gy. Turán: On set systems with a threshold property, to appear in Discrete Math., 0 | G.O.H. Katona; J. Demetrovics; D. Miklós: Functional dependencies distorted by errors, to appear in Discrete Math., 0 | G.O.H. Katona: Constructions via Hamiltonian theorems, Discrete Math. 303(2005) 87-103., 2005 | G.O.H. Katona; A. De Bonis; K. Swanepoel: Largest family without A \cup B\subset C\cap D, J. Combin. Theory Ser A, 111(2005) 331-336., 2005 | A. Jaikin-Zapirain; L. Pyber: Random generation of finite and profinite groups and group enumeration, preprint pp. 1-43, 2005 | J. Körner; C. Pilotto; G. Simonyi: Local chromatic number and Sperner capacity, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 95(2005), 101-117., 2005 | G. Simonyi; G. Tardos: On the local chromatic number of graphs, Vol. of extended abstracts for the 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symp. on Discrete Math. and its Appl., 321-323., 2005 | G. Simonyi; G. Tardos: Local chromatic number and topological properties of graphs, Discrete Math and Theoretical Comp. Sci., Proceedings of EruoComb05, Berlin 2005, 375-378., 2005 | G. Simonyi; G. Tardos: Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, and circular colorings, to appear in Combinatorica, also available at arXiv:math.CO/0407075, 0 | A. Marcus, G. Tardos: Intersection reverse sequences and geometric applications, J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser.A 113(2006)4, 675-691, 2006 | A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Counter-Free Keys and Functional Dependencies in Higher-Order Datamodels,, Fundamenta Inf. 70(2006) 277-301, 2006 | A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Keys and Armstrong Databeses in Trees with restructuring, submitted, 2006 | A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Weak Functional Dependencies on Trees with Restructuring, submitted, 2006 | Annalisa De Bonis, Gy. O.H. Katona: Largest families without an r-fork, submitted, 2006 | D.Duffus, P.L. Erdős, J. Nesetril, L. Soukup: Splitting property in the graph homomorpihsm poset, in preparation, 1-14, 2006 | G. Simonyi: Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, Disc. Math, vol. 306, issues 19-20, 2593-2601, 2006 | G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs, to appear European J. Combin, 2006 | G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Codes that attain minimum distance in every possible direction, submitted, 2006 | G.O.H. Katona, K. Tichler: Some contributions to the Minimum Representation Problem of Key Systems, Found of Inf. and Knowledge Sys, Springer, LNCS 3861, pp 240-257, 2006 | I Bárány: Convex bodies, random polytopes, and approximation, Chapter in Stochastic Geometry, ed. W. Weil, Springer, 2006 | I Bárány: The probability that a convex body is lattice point free: a relative of Buffon's needle problem, accepted to Random Structures and Alg. (2005), 2006 | I. Benjamini, G. Kozma, L. Lovász, D. Romik, G. Tardos: Waiting for a bat to fly by (in polynomial time), Comb, Probab and Comp 15, (5), 673-683, 2006 | J. R. Griggs, Gy. O. H. Katona: No four subsets froming an N,, submitted, 2006 | M W Liebeck, L Pyber, A. Shalev: On a conjecture of G.E. Wall, submitted to J. Algebra, 2006 | N. Alon, I. Newman, A Shen, G. Tardos, N. Vereshagin: Partitioning multidimensional sets in a small number of "uniform" parts, Eur. J. Combin, 28(1), 134-144, 2006 | T. Szabó, G. Tardos: Extremal problems for transversals in graphs with bounded degree, Combinatorica, 26(3), 333-351, 2006 |




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