Diszkrét matematika és alkalmazásai  részletek

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Projekt adatai

típus K
Vezető kutató Katona Gyula
magyar cím Diszkrét matematika és alkalmazásai
Angol cím Disrete mathematics and its applications
zsűri Matematika–Számítástudomány
Kutatóhely HUN-REN Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet
résztvevők Ádám András
Bárány Imre
Elek Gábor
Erdos Péter
Füredi Zoltán
Miklós Dezso
Pyber László
Sali Attila
Simonyi Gábor
Tardos Gábor
projekt kezdete 2002-01-01
projekt vége 2006-12-31
aktuális összeg (MFt) 24.097
FTE (kutatóév egyenérték) 0.00
állapot lezárult projekt



kutatási eredmények (magyarul)
Folytattuk kutatásainkat a gráfelmélet, egyéb kombinatorikai ágazatok, az algebra és a kombinatorika határa illetve az elméleti számítástudomány területén. Eredményeinket (véletlenül!) éppen 100 cikkben publikáltuk. Ezeket mintegy 170 előadásban terjesztettük a világban, ezek körülbelül harmada meghívott vagy plenáris előadás volt. Gráfelmélet. Különféle színezési paraméterekre vonatkozó eredmények, egy gráf maximális élszámának meghatározása, ha bizonyos konfigurációk kizártak, Hamilton-tipusú tételek használata kombinatorikus konstrukciókra. Más kombinatorika. Egy halmazrendszerben (hipergráfban) lévő halmazok (hiperélek) maximális számának meghatározása, ha bizonyos konfigurációk tiltottak Analóg eredmények 0,1 mátrixokra, ahol bizonyos részmátrix-konfigurációk kizártak (két változatban: sorrend számít, vagy nem). Néhány algebrai eredmény, amit kombinatorikus gondolkodással sikerült elérni. Bizonyos algebrai eredményeknek viszont fontos gráfelméleti interpretációi vannak. Elméleti számítástudomány. A legjobb ujjlenyomat-kódok meghatározása. Az egyéni adatok biztonságára vonatkozó eredmények, ahol részösszegek adhatók ki. Új adatbázis-modellek. Bizonyos adatbázisbeli kulcsrendszerek legjobb reprezentálása. Új modellek és eredmények a kereséselmélet területén.
kutatási eredmények (angolul)
We continued our research in the areas of graph theory, other combinatorial theories, combinatorial geometry, border areas of algebra and combinatorics and theoretical computer science. The results are published in (incidentally!) 100 papers. Their contents were disseminated around the world in about 170 lectures, one third of them were invited or plenary talks. Graph theory. Results on different chromatic parameters, determination of the maximum number of edges in a graph if certain configurations are excluded, usage of Hamiltonian theorems in combinatorial constructions. Other combinatorics. Determination of the maximum number of subsets (hyperedges) in a family of subsets (hypergraph) if certain configurations are forbidden, analogous extremal results for 0,1 matrices where certain submatrix-configurations are excluded (in two different settings: order does, or does not matter). Some algebraic problems were solved using combinatorial way of thinking. Results in algebra have interpretations in graph theory. Theoretical computer science. Determination of the best fingerprint codes. Results on the security of individual data, when subsums can be given out. New models in database theory. Determination of the best representations of certain given key systems in databases. New models and results in search theory.
a zárójelentés teljes szövege http://real.mtak.hu/374/
döntés eredménye



G.O.H. Katona; J. Demetrovics; D. Miklós: On the security of individual data, to appear in Applied Math. and Artifical Intelligence, 0
I Bárány, A Hubard, J. Jeronimo: Slicing convex sets and measures by a hyperplane, in Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 2006
R, Anstee, B. Fleming, Z. Füredi, A Sali: Color critical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations, Disc. Math and Theor. Comput. Sci Proc, 2006
I Bárány, Van H. Vu: Central limit theorems for Gaussian polytopes, to appear in Annals of Prob.,, 2006
P L Erdős, P. Ligeti, P. Sziklai, D C Torney: Subwords in reverse complent order, to appear in Annals of Comb, 10(4) ???-???, 2006
J. Pach, G. Tardos: Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs and matrices, Israel J. Math. 155 (2006), 309--334, 2006
I Bárány, B. Doerr: Balanced partitions of vector sequences, Lin. Alg. Appl. 414 (2006), 464--469, 2006
J. Demetrovics, Gy. O.H. Katona, D. MIklós: On the security of individual data, Ann. of Math. and Art. Int, 46, 98-113, 2006
J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Tardos, G. Tóth: Improving the Crossing Lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry 36 (2006), 527--552, 2006
I Bárány, J. Matousek: Berge's theorem, fractional Helly, and art galleries, Discrete Math. 306 (2006), 2303--2313,, 2006
I Bárány, J. Matousek: Quadratic lower bound for the number of colourful simplices, to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Math, 2006
P.L. Erdős, L Soukup: How to split antichains in infinite posets, to appear in Combinatorica, 27(2), 2007
I Bárány, M. Prodromou: On maximal convex lattice polygons inscribed in a plane convex set, Israel J. Math. 154 (2006), 337--360., 2006
J. Cooper, B. Doerr, J. Spencer G. Tardos: Deterministic random walks,, Proc. of the third workshop on Analytic Alg. and Comb (ANALCO'06), 185-197, 2006
I Bárány, G. Rote: Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs, Documenta Math 11 (2006), 369--391, 2006
P. Hamburger; A. Sali: 11-Doilies with Vertex Sets 275, 286-462, AKCE Internat. Journal of Graphs and Comb. 1(2005) 109-133., 2005
R. Anstee; A. Sali: Small Forbidden Configurations IV: The Three Rowed Case, Combinatorica 25 (5) 2005, 503-518, 2005
Z. Füredi; N. Eaton; A. Kostochka; J. Skokan: Tree representations of graphs, to appear in European J. Combin., 0
G. Simonyi: Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, to appear in Discrete Math., 0
J. Demetrovics; A. Sali: Lekérdezés átírás relációs adabázisokban, Informatikai Algoritmusok II., ELTE Eötvös Publishing House, Budapest, 2005
A. Sali; K.-D. Schewe: Counter-Free Keys and Functional Dependencies in Higher-Order Datamodels, to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae, 2006
I. Bárány; K. Fukuda: A case when the union of polytopes in convex, Lin. Alg. Appl. 397, 381-388, 2005
I. Bárány; J. Matousek: Randomized integer hull, Discr. Comp. Geom., 33, 3-25, 2005
G.O.H. Katona: Search with small sets in presence of a liar, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE, 100/2, 319-336., 2002
I. Bárány: Balanced partitions of vector sequences, In: Oberwolfach Reports, 1/1; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 677-678., 2004
A. Ádám, P. Dömösi (eds): AFL'99, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE-DEBRECEN, 60, pp 243, 2002
A. Ádám, M. Laczkovich: On cardinality questions concerning automaton mappings, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 40(1-2), 71-82., 2003
A. Ádám: A kromatikus skála tizenkét hangjából képezhető hangkészletek áttekintése, ALKALMAZOTT MATEMATIKAI LAPOK, 21/2, 329-354., 2004
I. Bárány, J. Matoušek: Equipartition of two measures by a 4-fan, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 27/3, 293-301., 2002
I. Bárány: Approximation by random polytopes is of low complexity, RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO, 70, 53-56., 2002
I. Bárány: Random points, convex bodies, lattices, In: Mathematical software, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (Beijing, 2002), (Eds. A.M. Cohen, X-S. Gao, N. Takayama), World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 527-536., 2002
I. Bárány, K. Böröczky,Jr: Lattice points on the boundary of the integer hull, In: Discrete Geometry: In honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th Birthday, Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Ed. Bezdek A), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 33-48., 2003
I. Bárány, J. Matousek: A fractional Helly theorem for convex lattice sets, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 174(2), 227-235, 2003
I. Bárány, K. Kuperberg, T. Zamfirescu: Total curvature and spiralling shortest paths, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 30/2, 167-176., 2003
I. Bárány, J. Matousek: Integer points in rotating convex bodies, In: Discrete and Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Combinatorics, 25, (Eds Aronov B, Basu S, Pach J, Sharir M), Springer-Verlag, pp 177-201, 2003
I. Bárány, P. Valtr: Planar point sets with a small number of empty convex polygons, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA; 41/2, 243-266., 2004
I. Bárány, N. Tokushige: The minimum area of convex lattice n-gons, COMBINATORICA; 24/2, 171-185., 2004
G. Elek: Amenable groups, topological entropy and betti numbers, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 132, 315-336., 2002
G. Elek: On the analytic zero divisor conjecture of Linnell, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 35(2), 236-238., 2003
G. Elek, E. Szabó: Invariant subspaces of p-adic Hilbert spaces, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 40(1-2), 159-170, 2003
G. Elek: The rank of finitely generated modules over group algebras, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 131(11), 3477-3485, 2003
G. Elek: The amenability of affine algebras, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, 264(2), 469-478., 2003
G. Elek, E. Szabó: Sofic groups and direct finiteness, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA; 280/2, 426-434., 2004
A.G. D’yachkov, P.L. Erdős, A.J. Macula, V.V. Rykov, D.C. Torney, C.-S. Tung, A.P. Vilenkin, P.S. White: Exordium for DNA codes, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION; 7/4, 396-397., 2003
A.W.M. Dress, P.L. Erdős: Reconstructing words from subwords in linear time, ANNALS OF COMBINATORICS; 8/4, 457-462., 2004
A.W.M. Dress, P.L. Erdős: X-trees and weighted quartet systems, ANNALS OF COMBINATORICS, 7(2), 155-169., 2003
P.L. Erdős, U. Faigle, W. Hochstattler, W. Kern: Note on the game chromatic index of trees, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE; 313/3, 371-376., 2004
Y.-C. Chen, Z. Füredi: Hamiltonian Kneser graphs, COMBINATORICA, 22/1, 147-149., 2002
Z. Füredi, A. Kündgen: Turán problems for integer-weighted graphs, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, 40/4, 195-225., 2002
Z. Füredi, R. Ramamurthi: On splittable colorings of graphs and hypergraphs, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, 40/4, 226-237., 2002
Z. Füredi, A. Gyárfás, M. Ruszinkó: On the maximum size of (p,Q)-free families, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 257/2-3, 385-403., 2002
Z. Füredi: Covering a triangle with homothetic copies, In: Discrete Geometry: In honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th Birthday, Pure and Applied Mathematics, (Ed. Bezdek A), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 435-446., 2003
M. Axenovich, Z. Füredi: Exact bounds on the sizes of covering codes, DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY, 30(1), 21-38., 2003
Z. Füredi, O. Pikhurko, M. Simonovits: The Turán density of the hypergraph {abc,ade,bde,cde}, THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 10(1), http://www.combinatorics.org, R18, pp. 7., 2003
Z. Füredi, B. Sudakov: Extremal set-systems with restricted k-wise intersections, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A; 105/1, 143-159., 2004
Z. Füredi: Triple systems not containing a Fano configuration and other Turán-type problems, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 27-30., 2004
J. Verstraete, Z. Füredi, A. Naor: On the Turán number for the hexagon, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 99-100., 2004
Z. Füredi, Z. Katona: Multiply intersecting families of sets, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A; 106/2, 315-326., 2004
Z. Füredi, J.-H. Kang: Distance graph on $\Bbb Z\sp n$ with $l\sb 1$ norm, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE; 319/1-3, 357-366., 2004
Z. Füredi, R.P. Kurshan: Minimal length test vectors for multiple-fault detection, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE; 315/1, 191-208., 2004
J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: Functional dependencies in presence of errors, In: Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (Salzau Castle, Germany, 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2284, (Eds Eiter T, Schewe K-D), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 85-92., 2002
J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: Functional dependencies distorted by errors, In: Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Data Mining, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Arlington, VA, 2002, (eds. E. Boros, P.L. Hammer), SIAM, Philadelphia, 133-138., 2002
J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: Recent combinatorial results in the theory of relational databases, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 38(7-9), 763-772., 2003
J. Demetrovics, G.O.H. Katona, D. Miklós: On the security of individual data, In: Foundations of information and knowledge systems, (Wilheminenburg Castle, 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2942; (Eds. D. Seipel, J.M. Turull-Torres); Springer, Berlin; 49-58., 2004
C. Bey, K. Engel, G.O.H. Katona, U. Leck: On the average size of sets in intersecting Sperner families, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 257/2-3, 259-266., 2002
G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali: New type of coding problem motivated by database theory, In: Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Data Mining, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Arlington, VA, 2002, (eds. E. Boros, P.L. Hammer), SIAM, Philadelphia, 149-156., 2002
F. Glatz, Gy. Katona: Egy nyelvi-történelmi modell, Közgyűlési Előadások 2000, Az MTA 175 éve, (ed. F. Glatz), Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 179-186., 2002
L. Bertossi, G.O.H. Katona, K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim: Semantics in databases, In: Semantics in Databases (Second International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2582, (Eds Bertossi L, Katona GOH, Schewe K-D, Thalheim B), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1-6., 2003
L. Bertossi, G.O.H. Katona, K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim (eds): Semantics in Databases (Second International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2582, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 234, 2003
G.O.H. Katona: Excluded subposets in the Boolean lattice, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 36-38., 2004
G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali: New type of coding problem motivated by database theory, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS; 144/1-2, 140-148., 2004
G.O.H. Katona: Strong qualitative independence, 1st International Workshop on Combinatorics of Searching, Sorting, and Coding (COSSAC '01) (Ischia), In: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 137, no. 1; Eds. F. Cicalese, D. Mundici, U. Vaccaro; Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam; 87-95., 2004
G.O.H. Katona, R. Mayer, W.A. Woyczynski: Length of sums in a Minkowski space, Towards a theory of geometric graphs, In: Contemporary Mathematics, 342; (Ed. J. Pach); American Mathematical Society, Providence; 113-118., 2004
L. Pyber: Bounded generation and subgroup growth, BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 34/1, 55-60., 2002
J.D. Dixon, L. Pyber, Á. Seress, A. Shalev: Residual properties of free groups and probabilistic methods, JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, 556, 159-172., 2003
M. Abért, A. Lubotzky, L. Pyber: Bounded generation and linear groups, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION, 13(4), 401-413., 2003
L. Pyber: Old groups can learn new tricks, In: Groups, combinatorics & geometry (Durham, 2001), (Eds Ivanov AA, Liebeck MW, Saxl J), World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 243-255., 2003
L. Pyber: Groups of intermediate subgroup growth and a problem of Grothendieck, DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL; 121/1, 169-188., 2004
D. Goldfeld, A. Lubotzky, L. Pyber: Counting congruence subgroups, ACTA MATHEMATICA-Djursholm; 193/1, 73-104., 2004
D. Goldfeld, A. Lubotzky, N. Nikolov, L. Pyber: Counting primes, groups, and manifolds, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; 101/37, 13428-13430., 2004
R.P. Anstee, L. Rónyai, A. Sali: Shattering news, GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS, 18/1, 59-73., 2002
P. Hamburger, A. Sali: Symmetric 11-Venn diagrams with vertex sets, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA, 40(1-2), 121-143., 2003
P. Hamburger, Gy. Petruska, A. Sali: Saturated chain partitions in ranked partially ordered sets, and non-monotone symmetric 11-Venn diagrams, STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA; 41/2, 147-191., 2004
A. Sali: Minimal keys in higher-order datamodels, In: Foundations of information and knowledge systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2942; (Eds. D. Seipel, J.M. Turull-Torres); Springer, Berlin; 242-251., 2004
J. Demetrovics, A. Sali: Relációs adatmodell tervezés, Informatikai algoritmusok; (Ed. A. Iványi); ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest; 503-535., 2004
P. Hamburger, A. Sali: 11-doilies with vertex sets of sizes 275, 286, …, 462, AKCE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS; 1/2, 109-133., 2004
G. Simonyi: On Witsenhausen's zero-error rate for multiple sources, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, 49(12), 3258-3261, 2003
G. Simonyi: On Witsenhausen’s zero-error rate for multiple sources, In: Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 363-363., 2002
G. Simonyi: On some aspects of Ramsey theory, In: Proceedings of the 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 144-153., 2003
J. Körner, C. Pilotto, G. Simonyi: Local chromatic number and Sperner capacity, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 1, No. 1; European Mathematical Society, Munich; 38-42., 2004
A. Gyárfás, G. Simonyi: Edge colorings of complete graphs without tricolored triangles, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY; 46/3, 211-216., 2004
J. Pach, G. Tardos: Untangling a polygon, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 28, 585-592., 2002
J. Pach, G. Tardos: On the boundary complexity of the union of fat triangles, SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING, 31/6, 1745-1760., 2002
J. Pach, G. Tardos: Isosceles triangles determined by a planar point set, GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS, 18(4), 769-779, 2002
E. Petrank, G. Tardos: On the knowledge complexity of NP, COMBINATORICA, 22/1, 83-121., 2002
J. Solymosi, G. Tardos, C.D. Tóth: The k most frequent distances in the plane, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, 28/4, 639-648., 2002
P. Haxell, T. Szabó, G. Tardos: Bounded size components-partitions and transversals, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B, 88(2), 281-297., 2003
V. Grolmusz, G. Tardos: A note non-deterministic communication complexity with few witnesses, THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS, 36(4), 387-391., 2003
G. Tardos: On distinct sums and distinct distances, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 180(1), 275-289., 2003
K. Böröczky, Jr, G. Tardos: The longest segment in the complement of a packing, MATHEMATIKA; 49/1-2, 45-49., 2002
B. Aronov, J. Pach, M. Sharir, G. Tardos: Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING; 13/3, 283-293., 2004
J. Pach, R. Pinchasi, G. Tardos, G. Tóth: Geometric graphs with no self-intersecting path of length three, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS; 25/6, 793-811., 2004
A. Marcus, G. Tardos: Excluded permutation matrices and the Stanley-Wilf conjecture, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A; 107/1, 153-160., 2004
N.H. Katz, G. Tardos: A new entropy inequality for the Erdös distance problem, In: Towards a theory of geometric graphs, Contemporary Mathematics, 342; (Ed. J. Pach); American Mathematical Society, Providence; 119-126., 2004
G. Elek; A. Samet-Vaillant: Ends of Algebras, Comminications in Algebra to appear, 0
R. Anstee; B. Fleming; Z. Füredi; A. Sali: Color crtitical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations, to appear in Discrete Math. and Theoretical Comput. Sci., 0
I. Bárány; J. Matousek: Berge's theorem, fractional Helly, and art galleries, Eurepean J. Comb. to appear, 0
I. Bárány: Discrete and convex geometry, Panorama of Hung. Math. in the Twentith Cent., Bolyai Society Math. Studies, 14, 427-456, 2005
I. Bárány: Geometric applications of graph and hypergraph theory, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, (ed. J.E. Goodman et al.) MSRI publications, 52(2006) 31-50, 2005
I. Bárány; S. Vempala; A. Vetta: Nash equilibra in random games, FOCS 2005, to appear, 0
I. Bárány; M. Prodromou: On maximal convex lattice polygons inscribed in a plane convex set, Israel J. Math., to appear, 0
G. Elek: On algebras that have almost finite dimensional representations, J. Algebra and Appl. 4, no.2., 179-186., 2005
I. Bárány: The probability that a convex body is lattice point free: a relative of Buffon's needle problem, submitted to Random Structures and Alg., 2005
I. Bárány; G. Rote: Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs, submitted to Documenta Mathematica, 2005
I. Bárány; N. Simányi: A note on the size of the largest ball inside a convex polytope, Periodica Math. Hung. to appear, 2005
G. Elek: Limits of Finite Graphs, Combinatorica, to appear, 0
G. Elek, V. T.Sós: Paradoxical decompositions and growth conditions, Comb. Probab. Comput. 14, no.1-2., 81-105., 2005
G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, and circular colorings,, combinatorica, vol. 26, no. 5, 587-626, 2006
P.L. Erdős; P. Ligeti; P. Sziklai; D.C. Torney: Subwords in reverse complement order, to appear in Annals of Combinatorics (2005), 1-21., 2005
A. Apostolico; P.L. Erdős; M. Lewenstein: Parameterized Matching with Mismatches, J. Discrete Algorithms, 1-9, 2004
P.L. Erdős; Á. Seress; L.A. Székely;: Non-trivial t-intersection in the function lattice, Annals of Comb. 9, 177-187., 2005
P.L. Erdős; Z. Füredi; G.O.H. Katona;: Two part and k-Sperner families - new proofs using permutations, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(2005), 489-500., 2005
P.L. Erdős; L. Soukup: How to split antichains in infinite posets, to appear in Combinatorica (2005), 1-17., 2005
H. Aydinian; P.L. Erdős: All maximum size 2-part Sperner systems - in short, to appear in Comb. Prob. Comp. (2006), 1-4., 2006
Z. Füredi; A. Gyárfás; G. Simonyi: Connected matchings and Hadwiger's conjecture, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 14(2005), 435-438., 2005
Z. Füredi; M. Simonovits: Triple systems not containing a Fano configuration, Combin. Prob. and Comput. 14(2005) 467-484., 2005
Z. Füredi; Y. Chen: Minimum vertex-diameter-2-critical graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 50(2005), 293-315., 2005
Z. Füredi; A. Kostochka; M. Steibitz; R. Skrekovski, D. West: Nordhaus-Gaddum-type theorems for decompositions into many parts, J. Graph Theory, 50(2005), 273-292., 2005
Z. Füredi; O. Pikhuro; M. Simonovits: On triple systems with independent neighborhoods, Combin. Prob. and Comput., 14(2005), 795-813., 2005
Z. Füredi; M. Ruszinko: Large convex cones in hypercubes, to appear in ''General Theory of Inf. Transfer and Comb.'' a Special issue of Disc. App. Math., 0
Z. Füredi; G.O.H. Katona: 2-bases of quadruples, to appear in Combin. Prob. and Comput., 0
Z. Füredi; A. Kündgen: Moments of graphs in monotone families, to appear in Journal of Graph Theory, 0
Z. Füredi; R.H. Sloan; K. Takata; Gy. Turán: On set systems with a threshold property, to appear in Discrete Math., 0
G.O.H. Katona; J. Demetrovics; D. Miklós: Functional dependencies distorted by errors, to appear in Discrete Math., 0
G.O.H. Katona: Constructions via Hamiltonian theorems, Discrete Math. 303(2005) 87-103., 2005
G.O.H. Katona; A. De Bonis; K. Swanepoel: Largest family without A \cup B\subset C\cap D, J. Combin. Theory Ser A, 111(2005) 331-336., 2005
A. Jaikin-Zapirain; L. Pyber: Random generation of finite and profinite groups and group enumeration, preprint pp. 1-43, 2005
J. Körner; C. Pilotto; G. Simonyi: Local chromatic number and Sperner capacity, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 95(2005), 101-117., 2005
G. Simonyi; G. Tardos: On the local chromatic number of graphs, Vol. of extended abstracts for the 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symp. on Discrete Math. and its Appl., 321-323., 2005
G. Simonyi; G. Tardos: Local chromatic number and topological properties of graphs, Discrete Math and Theoretical Comp. Sci., Proceedings of EruoComb05, Berlin 2005, 375-378., 2005
G. Simonyi; G. Tardos: Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, and circular colorings, to appear in Combinatorica, also available at arXiv:math.CO/0407075, 0
A. Marcus, G. Tardos: Intersection reverse sequences and geometric applications, J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser.A 113(2006)4, 675-691, 2006
A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Counter-Free Keys and Functional Dependencies in Higher-Order Datamodels,, Fundamenta Inf. 70(2006) 277-301, 2006
A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Keys and Armstrong Databeses in Trees with restructuring, submitted, 2006
A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Weak Functional Dependencies on Trees with Restructuring, submitted, 2006
Annalisa De Bonis, Gy. O.H. Katona: Largest families without an r-fork, submitted, 2006
D.Duffus, P.L. Erdős, J. Nesetril, L. Soukup: Splitting property in the graph homomorpihsm poset, in preparation, 1-14, 2006
G. Simonyi: Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, Disc. Math, vol. 306, issues 19-20, 2593-2601, 2006
G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs, to appear European J. Combin, 2006
G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali, K-D Schewe: Codes that attain minimum distance in every possible direction, submitted, 2006
G.O.H. Katona, K. Tichler: Some contributions to the Minimum Representation Problem of Key Systems, Found of Inf. and Knowledge Sys, Springer, LNCS 3861, pp 240-257, 2006
I Bárány: Convex bodies, random polytopes, and approximation, Chapter in Stochastic Geometry, ed. W. Weil, Springer, 2006
I Bárány: The probability that a convex body is lattice point free: a relative of Buffon's needle problem, accepted to Random Structures and Alg. (2005), 2006
I. Benjamini, G. Kozma, L. Lovász, D. Romik, G. Tardos: Waiting for a bat to fly by (in polynomial time), Comb, Probab and Comp 15, (5), 673-683, 2006
J. R. Griggs, Gy. O. H. Katona: No four subsets froming an N,, submitted, 2006
M W Liebeck, L Pyber, A. Shalev: On a conjecture of G.E. Wall, submitted to J. Algebra, 2006
N. Alon, I. Newman, A Shen, G. Tardos, N. Vereshagin: Partitioning multidimensional sets in a small number of "uniform" parts, Eur. J. Combin, 28(1), 134-144, 2006
T. Szabó, G. Tardos: Extremal problems for transversals in graphs with bounded degree, Combinatorica, 26(3), 333-351, 2006

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