Diffusion and segregation in nanonstructures
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K. Kapta, A. Csik, L. Daróczi, Z. Papp, D.L. Beke, G.A. Langer, A.L. Greer, Y.H. Barber, M. Kis-Varga: Degradation of Ag/Si multilayers during heat treatments, Vacuum 72: 85-89, 2004 | M. Malyovanik, S. Ivan, A. Csik, G.A. Langer, D.L. Beke: Laser-induced optical changes in amorphous multilayers, Journal of appl. Phys. 93/1: 139-142, 2003 | Beke, D.L., Szabó, I., Langer, G., Erdélyi, Z., Cserháti, Cs., Daróczi, L.: Diffúzió nanoskálán, Magyar Tudomány 9: 1130-1137, 2003 | Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke: Importance of the proper choice of transition rates in kinetic simulations of dynamic processes, Phys. Rev. B 70, 245428-1-6, 2004 | D.L. Beke, I.A. Szabó, Z. Erdélyi, G. Opposits: Diffusion-induced stresses and their relaxation, Materials Science and Engineering A 387-389, 4-10, 2004 | D.L. Beke, C. Cserháti, I.A. Szabó: Segregation inhibited grain coarsening in nanocrystalline alloys, J. of Applied Physics 95/9, 4996-5001, 2004 | Z. Erdélyi, M. Sladecek, L-M. Stadler, I. Zizak, G. A. Langer, M. Kis-Varga, D. L. Beke, B. Sepiol: Transient interface sharpening in miscible alloys., Science 306, 1913-1915, 2004 | Z. Erdélyi, G.L. Katona, D.L. Beke: Nonparabolic nanoscale shift of phase boundaries in binary systems with restricted solubility, Phys. Rev. B 69, 113407-1 - 4, 2004 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, I.A. Szabó, G.A. Langer, G.L. Katona, C. Cserháti: Diffusion in Nanoscale, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 49/2, 219, 2004 | M. Kis-Varga, D.L. Beke, A, Csik: Influence of milling conditions on the segregation-induced instability of Pd3Zr, Journal of Material Science 39, 5185-5188, 2004 | G. Erdélyi, G. Langer, J. Nyéki, L. Kövér, C. Tomastik, W.S.M. Werner, A. Csik. H. Stoeri, D.L. Beke: Investigation of Ta grain boundary diffusion in copper by means of auger electron spectroscopy, Thin Solid Films 459, 303-307, 2004 | G. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke, I.A. Szabó: Study of phenomena occuring at solid/solid interfaces, Elsevier Ltd. 2004. pp. 163-214., 2004 | G.L. Katona, Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke, Ch. Dietrich, F. Weigl, H.-G. Boyen, B. Koslowski, P. Ziemann: Experimental evidence for a nonparabolic interface shift ont he nanoscale during the dissolution of Ni into bulk Au(111), Phys. Rev. B 71: 115432-1 - 5, 2005 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, G.A. Langer, A. Csik, G.L. Katona: Diffusion in nanometer-scale, Vacuum 80: 87-91, 2005 | A. Csik, G. Erdélyi, G.A. Langer, L. Daróczi, D.L., Beke, J. Nyéki, Z. Erdélyi: Pattern formation in SiSb system, Vacuum 80: 168-173, 2005 | Z. Erdélyi, G.L. Katona, D.L. Beke: Surfactant-like dissolution of a thin deposit for composition dependent diffusion coefficient, Defect and Diffusion Forum 249: 119-126, 2006 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, I.A. Szabó, G.A. Langer, G. Katona, C. Cserháti: Non-linear effects in diffusion on nanoscale, Defect and Diffusion Forum 237-240: 1031-1042, 2005 | G.L. Katona, Z. Erdélyi, Ch. Dietrich, F. Weigl, H.G. Boyen, B. Koslowski, P. Ziemann, D.L. Beke: Non-parabolic shift of phase boundaries on nanoscale in binary systems, Defect and Diffusion Forum 237-240: 1213-1221, 2005 | J. Nyéki, C. Girardeaux, Z. Erdélyi, A. Csik, L. Daróczi, G. A. Langer, D.L. Beke, A. Roland, J. Bernardini and G. Erdélyi: Sb diffusion and segragation in amorphous Si thin films,, Defect and Diffusion Forum 237-240: 1246-1251, 2005 | D.L. Beke (kötetszerkesztő): Nanodiffusion. Diffusion in Nanostructured Materials, Trans Tech Publications LTD, Switzerland, Germany, UK, USA, 2004 | Z, Erdélyi, I.A. Szabó, D.L. Beke: Interface Shapening instead of Broadening by Diffusion in Ideal Binary Alloys, Phys. Rev. Letters 89/16: 165901-1 - 4, 2002 | Z. Papp, A. Csik, G. Erdélyi, G.A. Langer, D.L. Beke, L. Daróczi, A. Simon, K. Kapta: Effect of hydrostatic pressure on crystallization and decomposition in amorphous Si/SiSb/Si system, Vacuum 71: 273-277, 2003 | Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke: Stress effects on diffusional interface sharpening in ideal binary alloys, Phys. Rev. B 68: 092102-1 - 4, 2003 | Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke, Cs. Cserháti, I.A. Szabó: Kinetics of Surface Segregation and Phase Separation in Nanostructures, Defect and Diffusion Forum 216-217: 293-298, 2003 | Z. Papp, D.L. Beke, G.L. Katona, G.A. Langer: Effects of Gradient Energy and Stress Terms in Diffusional Intermixing of Multilayers, Defect and Diffusion Forum 216-217: 1-12, 2003 | J. Bernardini, D.L. Beke: Diffusion in nanomaterials, Nanocrystalline materials properties and applications, Eds: P. Knauth, J. Schoonman, Kluwer academic Publ. Boston, 2002 | Z. Erdélyi, H. Bakker, D.L. Beke: Kinetic of surface segregation and spinodal decomposition in thin-films - generalization of Martin's model for vacancy mechanism, Acta Univ. Debreceniensis 34-35: 321-337, 2002 | S.I. Sidorenko, D.L. Beke, A.A. Kikineshi: Materials Science of Nanoscrtuctures, Kiyv, Naukova Dumka, 2002 | Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke: On The ''rationalisation'' of Fick1s first law, Scripta Materialia 49: 613-617, 2003 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, I.A. Szabó, Cs.Cserháti: Nanoscale effects in diffusion in "Nanodiffusion (ed.: Beke D.L.), J. of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Mat. 19: 107-128, 2004 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi: Parabolic vs linear interface shift on the nanoscale, J. of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 26/5: 423-429, 2005 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi: Diffusion under large driving forces, Defect and Diffusion Forum 249: 119-126 (2006, 2005 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi: Resolution of the diffusional paradox predicting infinitely fast kinetics on the nanoscale, Phys. Rev. B 73: 035426-1 - 7, 2006 |




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