Interaction of a sequence of short frequency-chirped laser pulses with multilevel atoms
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G.P.Djotyan, J.Bakos, Zs. Sörlei, G.Demeter, D.Dzsotjan, J.Szigeti: Coherent Control of Quantum States By Frequency-Chirped Laser Pulses and Electromagnetically Self Induced Transparency, Int. Quantum Electronics Conf. CLEO-EQEC, Munchen-2005, 2005 | Zs. Sörlei, J.Bakos, D.Demeter, G.P.Djotyan, P. Ignatz, M. Kedves, J.Szigeti, Z. Tóth: Hideg atomok, Magyar Tudomány,2005/12, p.1544-1549., 2005 | G.P.Djotyan , J.S.Bakos, G.Demeter, P.N.Ignácz, M.Á.Kedves, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z.L.Tóth: Coherent population transfer in Rb atoms by frequency-chirped laser pulses, Physical Review A, v.68 (5):053409(2003);Virtual J. of Ultrafast Science -- December 2003Volume 2, Issue 12, 2003 | G.P. Djotyan, J.S. Bakos, Zs. Sörlei, J. Szigeti: Coherent control of atomic quantum states by single frequency-chirpedlaser pulses, Physical Review A v. 70, 063406, 2004 | G.P. Djotyan, J.S. Bakos, G. Demeter, P.N. Ign´acz, M.´A. Kedves,Zs. S¨orlei, J. Szigeti and Z.L. T´oth: Coherent Interaction of Frequency-Modulated LaserPulses with Rb Atoms, Acta Phys. Hung. B Quant.Electronics,20/3–4 (2004) 167–176, 2004 | J. Szigeti, J. Bakos, G. Djotyan, P. Ignácz, M. Kedves, Zs. Sörlei, Z. Tóth: Igen alacsony hőmérsékletű atomok manipulálása roved, frekvenciamodulált, “csörpölt lézerimpulzusokkal”, Fizikai Szemle,2004/3, 84 old., 2004 | J.S.Bakos, G.Demeter, G.P.Djotyan , P.N.Ignácz, M.Á.Kedves, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z.L.Tóth: Coherent manipulation of Rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap, EPS Conference Trends in Physics, Budapest, 2002, Aug.26.-30, European Physical Society,p.26G, 2002 | G.P.Djotyan , J.S.Bakos, G.Demeter, P.N.Ignácz, M.Á.Kedves, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z.L.Tóth: Interaction of frequencyüchirped bichromatic laser pulses with multilevel atoms: Writing and storage of optical information, Proceed. Of the Intern. Conf. Laser Physics-2002, Ashtarak, Armenia,Oct., 2002,pp.15-17, 2002 | G.P.Djotyan , J.S.Bakos, G.Demeter, P.N.Ignácz, M.Á.Kedves, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z.L.Tóth: Coherent manipulation of Rb atoms by frequency-chirped laser pulses: Theory and experiment, Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. Laser Physics-2003, Oct. 15-18, 2003, Ashtarak,, 2003 | G.P.Djotyan: Atom optics:Manipulation of multilevel atoms by frequency-chirped laser pulses, Invited Lecture in the Institute of Ultrafast Optical Science, Univ. Of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, June, 2002, 2002 | G.P.Djotyan: Coherent manipulation of Rb atoms by frequency-chirped laser pulses: Theory and experiment, Invited lecture, Intern. Conf. Laser Physics-2003, Oct. 17, Ashtarak, Armenia, 2003 | G.P.Djotyan: Electromagnetically self-induced transparency for a single laser pulse with chirped frequency, Invited Lecture, Dep. of Physics, Univ.of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dec. 17, 2003, 2003 | Djotyan GP, Bakos JS, Demeter G, Ignácz PN, Kedves MÁ, Sörlei Zs, Z.L.Tóth: Rb atomok koherens manipulációja, populációátvitel frekvencia-modulált lézerimpulzusok segítségével, V. Szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről. Budapest 2003. okt. (Ed. Varró S), p P52, 2003 | Bakos JS, Bürger G, Demeter G, Djotyan GP, Ignácz PN, Kedves MÁ, et al,: Lassú atomnyaláb előállítása rubídium atomcsapdából, V. Szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről, V. Szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről. Budapest 2003. okt. (Ed. Varró S), p.53, 2003 | G.P.Djotyan: Coherent population transfer in Rb-atom by single laser pulse with chirped frequency and electromagnetically self-induced transparency., Invited Lecture, Dep. of Physics, Univ.of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May, 7, 2004, 2004 | G. Demeter, G.P. Djotyan, Zs. Sörlei, J. Bakos: Mechanical effects of retroreflected frequency-chirped laser pulses on two-level atoms, Phys. Rev. A, v. 74, 013401, 2006 | G.P.Djotyan: Manipulation of Rb atoms by frequency-chirped laser pulses in magneto-optical trap: Theory and experiment, Invited lecture, Intern. Conf. Laser Physics-2004, Oct. 21, 2004, Ashtarak, Armenia, 2004 | G.P.Djotyan: Coherent generation of superposition quantum states, Invited lecture, Intern. Conf. Laser Physics-2005, Oct. 17-21, 2005, Ashtarak, Armenia, 2005 | J.Bakos, G.P.Djotyan, P. Ignatz, M. Kedves, M. Serényi, Zs. Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z. Tóth: Interaction of frequency modulated light pulses with rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap, European Physical Journal D, v. 39, pp.59-66, 2006 |





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