Connection of epiphytic, lignicolous and terricolous plant and animal communities in tropical rain forests.
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Pócs, T. & Schäfer-Verwimp, A.: East African Bryophytes, XXIII. Three new species of Diplasiolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) from Madagascar., Cryptogamie, Bryologie, in press., 2006 | Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes. XXI. Two new species of Telaranea, sect. Tenuifoliae and records on Amazoopsis from the Indian Ocean Islands., Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37 (1): 103-109., 2006 | Mahunka, S.: Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Venezuela, I. Microzetid species., Acta zool. hung., 51 (4): 287-311., 2005 | Lindner, M., Pócs, T., Heinrichs, J.: On the occurrence of Plagiochila stricta on Madagascar, new to Africa., J. Hattori Botanical Lab. 96: 261-271. ., 2004 | Kontschán, J.: A new eucerconid mite (Neoeuzercon oppositus n. sp.) from Venezuela (Acari: Euzerconidae, Celaenopsoidea). Acarina,, In press., 2006 | Mahunka, S.: Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Venezuela, II. New or rare oribatids from the montaneous forests., Acta zool. hung., 52. In press., 2006 | Kis, G.: ). Non European Bryophyta types and list of exsiccata in the Eger Cryptogamic Herbarium (EGR)., Folia Historico Naturalis Musei Matraensis. 28: 5-52., 2004 | Pócs, T. & Geissler, P.†,with the contributions of Sass-Gyarmati, A, Kis, G. & Orbán, S.: Chapter 3. The bryophytes collected in the Réserve Spéciale de Monongarivo, Madagascar., In Gautier, L. & Goodman, S.M. (eds.): Inventaire Floristique et Faunistique de la Réserve Spéciale de Manongarivo (NW Madagascar). ─ Boissiera 59: 41-76., 2002 | Ahonen, I., Sass-Gyarmati, A. & T. Pócs .: Molecular, morphological and taxonomic evaluation of the Ptychanthus striatus (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) complex., Acta Bot. Hung. 47 (3-4): 226-246., 2005 | Sass-Gyarmati: Ptychanthoideae (subfam. of Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) from Vanuatu, with the description of Caudalejeunea streimannii Gyarmati sp. n., Tropical Bryology 22: 125-134., 2002 | Pócs, T.: Cololejeunea attilana sp. nov. from Tanzania (East African Bryophytes, XVII.), In: Salamon-Albert, É. (ed.): Magyar Botanikai Kutatások az Ezredfordulón. Tanulmányok Borhidi Attila 70. születésnapja tiszteletére. PTE Növénytani tanszék, Pécs, 127-13, 2002 | Kontschán, J.: New Rotundobaloghia Hirschmann 1975 species, Annales hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 97:241-249, 2005 | Pócs, T.: New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, XI. Otolejeunea subana sp. nov. from Madagascar., Acta Acad. paed. Agriensis, Sect. Biol. 25: 49-57., 2004 | Pócs, T.: Syzygiella riclefii sp. nov. (Marchantiophyta, Jungermanniaceae) from the Andes of Mérida. Registros para la bryoflora de los Andes Venezolanos, II., Cryptogamie/Bryologie, 26(1): 41-48, 2004 | Rico, R. & Pócs, T.: Briofitos de las tierras altas de la Guayana Venezolana: Hepáticas del Roraima-tepui I., Cryptogamie/Bryologie 25(3): 249-269, 2004 | Heinrichs, J., Groth, H., Lindner, M., Renker, C., Pócs, T. & Pröschold, T.: Intercontinental distribution of Plagiochila corrugata (Plagiochilaceae, hepaticae) inferred from nrDNA ITS sequences and morphology., Botanical journal of Linnean Society 146: 469-481., 2004 | Pócs, T.: Syzygiella riclefii sp. nov. (Marchantiopsida, Jungermanniaceae) from the Andes of Mérida. Registros para la bryoflora de los Andes Venezolanos, II., Cryptogamie, Bryologie 26 (1): 41-48., 2005 | Heinrichs, J., Lindner, M. & Pócs, T.: nrDNA internal transcribed spacer data reveal that Rhodoplagiochila R.M. Schust. (Marchantiophyta: Jungermanniales) is a member of Plagiochila sect. Arrectae Carl., Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 4: 109-118., 2004 | Kontschán, J. & Mahunka, S.: Caribothyrus barbatus n. gen., n.sp., a new holothyroid mite (Acari: Neothyridae) from Dominican Republic., International Journal of Acarology 30(4): 343-346., 2004 | Mahunka, S.: A survey of the Oribadida fauna of Madagascar (Acari: Oribatida)., Folia. Ent. Hung., 63: 5-16., 2002 | Mahunka, S.: Taxonomical and faunistical studies on oribatids collected in Kenya (Acari: Oribatida)., in press, 2006 | Benkő, Zs., Juhász, Á., Pócs, T. & Tuba, Z.: Desiccation survival time in different desiccation-tolerant plants., Acta Biol. Szegediensis 46 (3-4): 231-233., 2002 | Pócs, T.: New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, IX. Two Neotropical Cololejeunea species., Acta Bot. Hung. 44 (3-4): 371-382., 2002 | Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes, XX. Observations on some Calypogeiaceae, Acta Acad. Paeg. Agriensis, Nov. Ser., Sect. Biol. 26: 29-35., 2006 | Müller, F. & Pócs, T. .: Contribution to the hepatic flora of Rodrigues (East African islands)., Trop. Bryology 22: 107-113., 2002 | Molnár, I., Orbán, S., Pócs, T., Sass-Gyarmati, A., Lehoczki, E. & Dulai, S.: Photosynthetic responses of Mastigophora diclados (Brid. ex Web.) Nees ecotypes to excess light in consequence of their microhabitats in Réunion Island: a fluorescences induction study., Acta Acad. Paed. Agriensis, Sect. Biol. 24: 215-233., 2003 | Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes XVIII. Two new Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) from the Aberdare Mountains (Kenya)., Trop. Bryology 22: 107-113., 2002 | Chuah-Petiot, M.SD. & Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes XIX. A contribution to the bryoflora of Kenya., Acta Bot. Hung. 45: 53-64., 2002 | Dulai, S., Pócs, T., Orbán, S., Lehoczki, E. & Molnár, I.: The photosynthesis-ecophysiological characterisation of an indigenous (Cyathea glauca Bory) and an introduced (Psidium cattleyanum Sabine) plant species in Réunion Island., Acta Acad. Paed. Agriensis, Sect. Biol. 23: 155-162., 2003 | Sass-Gyarmati, A. & Pócs, T.: A second species of Symbiezidium from Africa., Cryptogamie, Bryologie 23 (1): 31-39., 2002 | Pócs, T. Sabovljeviæ, M., Puche, F., Segarra, J.G.M., Gimeno, C. & Kürschner, H.: Crossidium laxefilamentosum Frey & Kürschner, new to Europe and to North Africa., J. Bryol. 26: 113-124., 2004 | Csuzdi, Cs.: Earthworms of Sao Tomé., J. Nat. Hist., 39(33): 3039-3058., 2005 | Sass-Gyarmati, A.: Lopholejeunea pocsii Gyarmati (Lejeuneaceae, subfam. Ptychanthoideae), a new species of subgenus Pholianthus B. Thiers & Gradstein from the Fiji-Islands., Cryptogamie/Bryologie 26(4): 403-410., 2005 | Kis, G.: Comments on some African species of the moss genus Glossadelphus M. Fleisch., Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 23(2): 157-169., 2002 | Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes, XV. The occurrence of Bryum laevigatum (Bryaceae, Bryophyta) in Africa., Polish Bot. Journal 49 (2): 117-121., 2005 | Pócs, T.: Aphanolejeunea. In: Gradstein, S.R. & Costa, D.P.: The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Brazil., Mem. New York Bot. Garden,Vol. 87: 107-112., 2003 | Pócs, T.: Cololejeunea. In: Gradstein, S.R. & Costa, D.P.: The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Brazil., Mem. New York Bot. Garden,Vol. 87: 130-135., 2003 | Pócs, T.: Contribution to th bryoflora of Australia, II. On the Australasian ''Tuyamaelloideae'' (Lejeuneaceae), with the description of Austrolejeuna occidentalis., Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratorium 99: 185-195., 2006 | Sass-Gyarmati, A.: Records on the distribution of Ptychanthoideae (subfam. of Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) in Australia., Records on the distribution of Ptychanthoideae (subfam. of Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) in Australia., 2003 | Mahunka, S.: On the occurrence of Plagiochila stricta on Madagascar, new to Africa., Folia. Ent. Hung., 63: 5-16., 2002 | P. Kónya E.- Orbán S.- B. Sütő I. -Varga J.: The Process of Bryophyte-Lichen Succession on Solidified Lava with Different Ages on the Isle of Réunion., Acta Acad. Paed. Agriensis, Sectio Botanica. 23:163-170., 2002 | Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes, XXII. Two new species, Plagiochila artsii and Plagiochila hiroshiana (Plagiochilaceae, Marchantiophyta)., Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 100: in press., 2006 | Orbán, S.: Taxonomy and diversity of the African non-leucobryoid Calymperaceae species., Proceedings of the XVII INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS, Vienna, Austria, 17-23 July 2005, p. 459., 2005 | Orbán, S.: Some records to the Australian Calymperaceae., Acta Paed. Agriensis, Nov. Ser., Sectio Biologiae 26: 65-69., 2005 | Pócs, T. & Tran Ninh: Contribution to the bryoflora of Vietnam, VI. Ont he liverwort flora of Vu Quang Nature Reserve., Acta Bot. Hung. 47 (1-2): 151-171., 2005 | Pócs, T. & A. Sass-Gyarmati: New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, XII. Archilejeunea helenae Pócs & Gyarmati, sp. nova., Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37 (1): 103-109., 2006 | Pócs, T.: New or little known epiphyllous liverworts, IX. Two Neotropical Cololejeunea species., Acta Bot. Hung. 44 (3-4): 371-382., 2005 | Pócs, T.: Bryophyte colonization and speciation on oceanic islands. An overview., Lindbergia, in press., 2006 | Pócs, T.: East African Bryophytes, XX. Observations on some Calypogeiaceae, Acta Acad. Paeg. Agriensis, Nov. Ser., Sect. Biol. 26 in press, 2006 | Orbán, S.: Some records to the Australian Calymperaceae., Acta Paed. Agriensis, Nov. Ser., Sectio Biologiae 26: 65-69., 2006 |




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