Preparation of electronically conducting polymer based composite materials and their characterization by in situ combined electrochemical techniques  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Visy, Csaba
Title in Hungarian Elektronvezető polimer alapú összetett (kompozit) anyagok előállítása és tulajdonságaik tanulmányozása in situ kombinált elektrokémiai technikákkal
Title in English Preparation of electronically conducting polymer based composite materials and their characterization by in situ combined electrochemical techniques
Panel Chemistry 1
Department or equivalent Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science (University of Szeged)
Participants Kutsán, György
Peintler-Kriván, Emese
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 10.210
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatás témája elektronvezető tulajdonságú polimer alapú összetett anyagok előállítása és tulajdonságaik tanulmányozása in situ kombinált elektrokémiai technikákkal. A kutatási program kiterjedt fémet tartalmazó kompozitanyagokra, elsődlegesen nemesfémek beépítésére, a inhibítorokat tartalmazó polimerrétegek korrózióvédő hatására, nanoszerkezetű összetett anyagok vizsgálatára, nanodiszperz fémekkel és oxidokkal adalékolt polipirrol és politiofén rétegek vezetési sajátságaira, valamint biológiai hatásuk folytán fontos anyagok polimerrétegekbe történő beépítésére és segítségükkel elektro-biotechnológiai folyamatok megvalósítására. Kutatási eredményeinkből eddig 8 folyóiratcikk jelent meg, melyek összesített hatástényezője mintegy 20. Munkánkról 15 nemzetközi konferencián is beszámoltunk. A kutatásba bekapcsolódott hallgatók eredményeiket a XXVIII. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencián is bemutatják.
Results in English
The aim of the project was the synthesis of electronically conducting polymer composites and their study by in situ combined electrochemical techniques. The research programme included studies on metal containing composites, incorporation of noble metals, the potential use of inhibitor containing polymer layers in the protection against corrosion, nanostructured composite materials, the conducting behaviour of polypyrrole and polythiophene films doped with nanodispersed metals and oxides, as well as the immobilization of biologically important materials into polymer layers and their use in the realization of electro-biotechnological processes. The results have been published in 8 papers by now, their cumulative impact is about 20, and have been reported at 15 international conferences. The undergraduate students involved in the work present their results also at the XXVIII. National Scientific Conference of Students.
Full text


List of publications

Visy Cs; Pintér E; Fülei T; Patakfalvi R: Characterisation of Polypyrrole - silver nanocomposite materials, 55 ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, p.986, Thessaloniki, 2004
Visy Cs; Kriván E; Kankare J: In situ combined electrochemical techniques used for the elucidation of the mechanism of the redox transformation of conjugated polymers, Forum ECHEM Applied Electrochemistry, Book of Abstracts, p. 41. Vienna, 2003
Visy Cs; Kriván E; Körtvélyesi T; Kankare J: Desolvation of conducting polymers - an essential step to the achievement of the quasi-metallic state, 54 ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, 144 p. 36. Sao Pedro, 2003
Kriván E; Visy Cs: Chain polymerisation occurring in parallel to the electropolymerisation of pyrrole, 54 ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, 174 p. 44. Sao Pedro, 2003
Kriván E; Peintler G; Visy Cs: Matrix rank analysis studies on the discharge process of conducting polypyrrole/dodecyl sulfate films, WEEM - 2003, O48, Bad Herrenalb, 2003
Visy Cs; Kriván E; Körtvélyesi T: Mechanism of the redox transformation of electronically conducting polymers, SICC-3, Book of Abstracts, O151, Singapore, 2003
Kriván E; Visy Cs; Kankare J: Deprotonation and dehydratation of pristine PPy/DS films during open circuit relaxation - an ignored factor determining the properties of conducting polymers, J. Phys. Chem. B., 107: 1302-1308, 2003
Visy Cs; Pintér E; Fülei T; Patakfalvi R: Characterization of conducting polypyrrole based composite materials, In: Proceedings of ICSM2004, AC-A1, Wollongong, 2 oldal, 2004
Kriván E; Visy C; Kankare J: Key role of the desolvation in the achievement of the quasi-metallic state of electronically conducting polymers, Electrochim. Acta, 50: 1247-1254, 2005
Kriván E; Peintler G; Visy C: Matrix rank analysis of spectral studies on the electropolymerisation and discharge process of conducting polypyrrole/dodecyl sulfate films, Electrochim. Acta, 50: 1529-1535, 2005
Visy C; Pintér E; Fülei T; Patakfalvi R: Characterization of electronically conducting polypyrrole based composite materials, Synth. Met., 152: 13-16, 2005
Visy C; Janáky C; Kriván E: Solvation/desolvation during the redox transformation of poly(3-methylthiophene), J. Solid State Electrochem., 9: 330-336, 2005
Pintér E; Patakfalvi R; Visy Cs: Characterisation of polypyrrole/silver nanocomposites, 2nd SIWAN (Int. Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience) Book of Abstracts, p. 39, Szeged, 2004
Pintér E., Patakfalvi R., Fülei T., Gingl Z., Dékány I., Visy C.: Characterization of polypyrrole-silver nanocomposites prepared in the presence of different dopands, J. Phys. Chem. B. 109: 17474-17478, 2005
Visy C., Pintér E., Patakfalvi R., DékányI.: Comparative studies on silver nanoparticle containing polypyrrole and polythiophene composites, 207 th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Book of Abstracts, AA1/1706, Québec, 2005
Visy C., Csízi I., Kriván E.: Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole/PIPES film, a combination with bioelectrochemical perspectives, Joint Meeting of BES-ISE, Book of Abstracts, O-22, Coimbra, 2005
Fekete Z. A., Wilusz E, Karasz F. E, Visy C.: Ion beam irradiation of conjugated polymers for preparing new membrane materials, Sep Purif Technol, 2006
Visy C., Csizi I., Kriván E.: Characterization of polypyrrole/piperazine-1,4-bis(2-ethane sulfonate) film and its application for the immobilization of vitamin B12, Electrochim. Acta, 2007
Pintér E., Makra P., Fekete Z. A., Janáky C., Bencsik G., Patzkó Á.,Visy C.: Conducting polymer based transition metal containing composites, Int. Workshop on Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials, 2006
Csízi I., Janáky C., Fekete Z. A., Bencsik G., Patzkó Á., Pintér E., Visy C.: Nanoscale composites of conducting polymers: characterization and possible applications, Int. Conf. on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, 2006
Visy C., Csízi I., Kriván E.: Polypyrrole/vitamin B12 composite, a new redox mediator system, 57th Meeting of the ISE, 2006
Janáky C., Visy C.:: Preparation of a poly(3-octylthiophene) / gamma-Fe2O3 nanocomposite, Frühjahrssymposium, 8th Young Scientists Conference on Chemistry, Konstanz, 2006
Janáky C., Visy C., Makra P.: Poly(3-octylthiophene)/Fe2O3 nanocomposite: synthesis and characterization, 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, 2006

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