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Közleményjegyzék |
Marx D: Parametrized coloring problems on chordal graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 351, 407-424, 2006 | Jüttner A; Orbán A; Fiala Z: Two new algorithms for UMTS access network topology design, European Journal of Operations Research 164, 456-474, 2005 | Goldschmidt B; Szkaliczki T; Böszörményi L: Placement of nodes in an adaptive distributed multimedia server, Proc. 10th Internat. Euro-Par Conf. Pisa: 2004. 776-783, 2004 | Ho PH; Tapolcai J; Cinkler T: Segment shared protection in mesh communication networks with bandwidth guaranteed tunnels, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, 12, 6, 1105-1118, 2004 | Tapolcai J: Az optikai hálózatok jövője, Híradástechnika 2003. 46-49, 2003 | Tapolcai J; Ho PH: Linear formulation for segment shared protection, Optical Networking and Communications, 2003. pp. 49-58, 2003 | Arató P; Mann ÁZ; Orbán A: Time-constrained design of pipelined control-intensive systems, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. El. Eng. 48, 133-149, 2004 | Frank A; Király T: Combined connectivity augmentation and orientation problems, Discrete Applied Math 131: 401-419, 2003 | Frank A; Király T; Kriesell M: On decomposing a hypergraph into k connected sub-hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Math 131: 373-383, 2003 | Fogaras D: Algorithms on the web graph, 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tokyo, 240-249, 2003 | Fogaras D: Where to start browsing the net?, 3rd Workshop on Innovative Internet Community Systems, Springer, 2003 | Fogaras D: Ranking the pages of the World Wide Web, Per. Polytechnica 48: 5-10, 2004 | Fogaras D; Rácz B: Towards scaling fully personalized page rank, 3rd Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph (WAW 2004), Springer, 2004 | Fogaras D; Rácz B: A scalable randomized method to compute link-based similarity rank on the web graph, Clustering information over the web, Springer, 2004 | Fogaras D; Rácz B: Scaling link based similarity search, Proc. 14th Internat. Conf. on the World Wide Web, Chiba, 641-650., 2005 | Frank A: An algorithm to increase the node-connectivity of a digraph, 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tokyo, 378-387, 2003 | Frank A; Szegő L: Constructive characterizations for packing and covering with trees, Discrete Applied Math 131: 347-371, 2003 | Frank A: Restricted t-matchings in bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Math 131: 337-346, 2003 | Frank A; Király T; Király Z: On the orientation of graphs and hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Math 131: 385-400, 2003 | Arató P; Mann ZÁ; Orbán A: Algorithmic aspects of hardware-software partitioning, ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 10: 136-156, 2005 | Arató P; Mann ZÁ; Orbán A: Component-based hardware/software co-design, Proc. 17th Internat. Conf. on Architecture of Computing Systems, Augsburg: 2004. Springer, pp. 169-183, 2004 | Marx D: List edge multicoloring in bounded cyclicity graphs, 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tokyo: 2003. pp 164-170, 2003 | Marx D: Eulerian disjoint path problem in grid graphs is NP-complete, Discrete Applied Math. 143: 336-341, 2004 | Arató P; Mann ZÁ; Orbán A: Time-constrained scheduling of large pipelined datapaths, J. of Systems Architecture 51, 665-687, 2005 | Friedl K: Periodic functions and quantum computing, 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tokyo, 303-308, 2003 | Friedl K; Magniez F; Sántha M; Sen P: Quantum testers for hidden group properties, 28th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 419-428, 2003 | Friedl K; Rónyai L: Order shattering and Wilson's theorem, Discrete Math 270: 126-135, 2003 | Laborczi P: Efficient mapping algorithms for survivable GMPLS networks, Optical Networking and Communications, 174-184, 2003 | Laborczi P; Zajicek J: How to generate a graph-based map from floating car data?, Proc. 10th World Congress on ITS, Madrid, no. 2737, 2003 | Cinkler T; Laborczi P; Pióro M: Fairness considerations with algorithms for routing elasctic traffic, J of Telecommunications and Information Technology 2 3-12, 2004 | Laborczi P; Cinkler T: Efficient algorithms for physically disjoint routing in survivable GMPLS/ASTN networks, Networks, Vienna: 2004. pp. 185-192, 2004 | Laborczi P; Zajicek J; Reitmeier M: Generate and update maps as by-product of tracking vehicle fleets, Proc. 4th European Congress on ITS, Budapest: 2004 no. 2864, 2004 | Laborczi P; Nowotny B; Linauer M; Schneider R; Karim R; Leihs D: Optimal route guidance based on floating car data, 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul: 2004. no. 225, 2004 | Laborczi P; Leihs D; Linauer M; Nowotny B; Kispelyi B; Tomaschek T: Integrated traffic information services in Budapest and Vienna, 4th European Congress on ITS, Budapest, 24-26, 2004 | Mann ZÁ; Orbán A: Optimization problems in system-level synthesis, 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tokyo: 2003. 222-231, 2003 | Mann ZÁ; Orbán A: Extending component-based design with hardware components, J. Science of Computer Programming 56, 23-39, 2005 | Arató P; Juhász S; Mann ZÁ; Orbán A; Papp D: Hardware-software partitioning in embedded systems design, IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, Budapest: 2003. pp. 197-202, 2003 | Marx D: List edge multicoloring in graphs with few cycles, Information Processing letters 89: 85-90, 2004 | Marx D: Graph coloring problems and their applications in scheduling, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. El. Eng. 48: 5-10, 2004 | Marx D: Minimum sum multicoloring on the edges of trees, Theoretical Computer Science 361, 133-149, 2006 | Recski A; Salamon G; Szeszlér D: Improving size-bounds for subcases of square-shaped switchbox routing, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. El. Eng. 48: 55-60, 2004 | Ambrus Somogyi K; Recski A: On the complexity of the channel routing problem in the dogleg-free multilayer Manhattan model, Acta Polytechnica Hung. 1: 89-97, 2004 | Recski A; Szeszlér D: The evolution of an idea - Gallai's algorithm, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 15, 317-328, 2006 | Szeszlér D: A new algorithm for 2-layer Manhattan channel routing, 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tokyo: 2003. pp. 179-185, 2003 | Stacho L; Szeszlér D: On a generalization of Chvátal's condition giving new Hamiltonian degree sequences, Discrete Mathematics 292, 159-165, 2005 | Szkaliczki T: Routing with minimum wire length in the Manhattan model is NP-complete, Periodica Polytechnica 46: 175-194, 2003 | Szkaliczki T; Böszörményi L: Incremental placement of nodes in a large-scale adaptive distributed multimedia server, Proc. Internat. Conf. on Distributed and Parallel Systems, Budapest: 2004. 165-172, 2004 | Fogaras D; Rácz B; Csalogany K.; Sarlos T.: Towards scaling fully personalized page rank algorithms, lower bounds and experiments, Internet Mathematics, 2 (3) 333-358, 2005 | Fogaras D; Rácz B: Linear approximation algorithms and space lower bounds for the (S)im(R)ank similarity function on massive graphs, Proc. 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symp. Discrete Math. and Its Appl., Budapest, 55-63., 2005 | Salamon G.: Spanning tree optimization problems with degree based objective functions, Proc. 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symp. Discrete Math. and Its Appl., Budapest, 309-315., 2005 | Tapolcai J; Ho PH: Dynamic survivable routing for shared segment protection, Journal of Communications and Networks, kozlesre elfogadva, 2005 | Ho PH; Xiaohong, J.; Horiguchi, S.;Tapolcai J: A novel network planning algorithm with fixed alternate routing for MPLS traffic engineering, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B. 13, 165-186, 2006 | Szigeti J.; Tapolcai J; Retvari G.; Laposi L.; Cinkler T.: Utvonalkijeloles es forgalomelvezetes tobb tartomanyu kapcsolt optikai hálózatokban, Híradástechnika 2004. 42-49, 2004 | Laborczi P; Linauer M; Zajicek J; Reitmeier M: Dynamic digital map generation from floating car data, 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, 2004 | Hutter O; Szkaliczki T; Goldschmidt B: Host recommendation in the adaptive distributed multimedia server, ERCIM News 62, 34-35, 2005 | Prangl M; Hellwagner H; Spielvogel C; Bischof H; Szkaliczki T: Real time automatic metal extraction of medical X-ray images for contrast improvement, SPIE Symp. on Medical Imaging, San Diego, poster, accepted, 2006 | Marx D: Parametrized graph separation problems, Theoretical Computer Science 351, 394-406, 2006 | Marx D: Parametrized complexity of constraint satisfaction problems, Computational Complexity, 14, 153-183, 2005 | Marx D: NP-completeness of list coloring and precoloring extension on the edges of planar graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 49, 313-324, 2005 | Marx D: A short proof of the NP-completeness of minimum sum interval coloring, Operations Research Letters, 33, 382-384, 2005 | Marx D: The complexity of chromatic strength and chromatic edge-strength, Computational Complexity, kozlesre elfogadva, 2005 | Marx D: Precoloring extension on unit interval graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154, 995-1002, 2006 | Marx D: Minimum sum multicoloring on the edges of planar graphs and partial k-trees, 2nd Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, Bergen, 9-22., 2005 | Marx D: Efficient approximation schemes for geometric problems?, 13rd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, 448-459, 2005 | Marx D: The closest substring problem with small distances, 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 63-72, 2005 | Friedl K; Ivanyos G; Sántha M: Efficient testing of groups, 37th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 157-166., 2005 | Friedl K; Ivanyos G; Sántha M; Verhoeven Y: On the black-box complexity of Sperner's Lemma, 15th International Symposium on Foundamentals of Computation Theory, 247-257., 2005 | Recski A: Maps of matroids with applications, Discrete Mathematics 303, 175-185, 2005 | Recski A; Szabo J: On the generalization of the matroid parity problem, Graph Theory, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser 347-354., 2006 | Recski A; Shai, O: One-dimensional synthesis of graphs as tensegrity frameworks, 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 284-288., 2005 | Golda B; Laczay B; Mann Z. A.; Megyeri Cs.; Recski A: Implementation of VLSI Routing Algorithms, Intelligent Systems at the Service of Mankind, UBooks, 349-360., 2004 | Tapolcai J; Cinkler T: On-line routing algorithms with shared protection in WDM networks, 7th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, 2003 | Draga B; Recski A: A new worst-case lower bound for the width of single row routing in the unconstrained two-layer model, 6th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence, 172-176., 2005 | Fogaras D; Rácz B: Practical algorithms and lower bounds for similarity search in massive graphs, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2006 | T. Sarlos,; A. A. Benczur; K. Csalogany; Fogaras D; Rácz B: To randomize or not to randomize: Space optimal summaries for hyperlink analysis, 15th Internat. World Wide Web Conf. 297-306, 2006 | Recski A; Szeszlér D: Routing vertex disjoint Steiner-trees in a cubic grid and connections to VLSI, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155, 44-52, 2007 | Nagy Gy:: Tessellation-like rod-joint frameworks, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, kozlesre elfogadva, 2006 | Nagy G; Meszaros G:: Algorithms in the surface reconstruction, Annual News, Szent Istvan University Ybl Miklos Faculty of Building Science, pp. 21-26., 2005 | Katona J; Nagy Gy:: Writing Scripts to Extend Import of CAD Softwares, Annual News, Szent Istvan University Ybl Miklos Faculty of Building Science, pp. 67-71., 2005 | Friedl K; Ivanyos G; Sántha M; Verhoeven Y: Locally 2-dimensional Sperner problems complete for the polynomial parity argument classes, Proc. 6th Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science Vol. 3998, pp. 380-391., 2006 | Salamon G; Wiener G:: On finding spanning trees with few widths, Information Processing Letter, submitted, 2007 | Karpati P; Szkaliczki T; Böszörményi L: Abstracting and characterizing distributed VoD servers, Proc. of HUBUSKA 3rd Open Workshop, Klagenfurt, pp. 16-29, 2006 | Szkaliczki T; Goldschmidt B; Böszörményi L: Algorithmic background of the host recommendation in the adaptive distributed multimedia server, Proc. of HUBUSKA 3rd Open Workshop, Klagenfurt, 2006 | Prangl M; Szkaliczki T:: Quality and utility modelling for universal multimedia access (UMA), Proc. of HUBUSKA 4th Open Workshop, Varna, 2006 | Prangl M; Szkaliczki T; H. Hellwagner:: A framework for utility based multimedia adaptation, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, accepted, 2006 | G. Varro; Friedl K; D. Varro: Adaptive graph pattern matching for model transformations using model-sensitive search plans, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 152, pp. 191-205., 2006 | J. Tapolcai; P. Choda; T. Cinkler; K. Wajda; A. Jajszczyk; D. Verchere: Quantification of resilience and quality of service, Proc. IEEE Internat. Conf. on Communications, 2006 | P. Laborczi; T. Cinkler: On-line routing and bandwidth allocation for elastic traffic and for its restoration, 12th Internat. Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symp. (NETWORKS 2006), New Delhi, 2006 | P. Laborczi; A. Torok; L. Vajda; G. Gordos: Scatternet formation in high-rate wireless personal area networks by integer linear programming, 12th Internat. Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symp. (NETWORKS 2006), New Delhi, 2006 | A. Torok; L. Vajda; P. Laborczi; Z. Fulop; B. Barcsik: Building scatternets in high-rate multi-hop dynamic personal area networks, World Telecommunications Congress, Budapest, 2006 | A. Torok; L. Vajda; P. Laborczi; Z. Fulop; A. Vidacs: Analysis of scatternet formation in high-rate multi-hop WPANs, 17th IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Helsinki, 2006 |




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