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Panyi G, Vamosi G, Bodnar A, Gaspar R, Damjanovich S.: Looking through ion channels: recharged concepts in T-cell signaling, Trends Immunol; 25:565-569., 2004 | Vamosi G, Bodnar A, Vereb G, Jenei A, Goldman CK, Langowski J, Toth K, Matyus L, Szollosi J, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S: IL-2 and IL-15 receptor alpha-subunits are coexpressed in a supramolecular receptor cluster in lipid rafts of T cells, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 101: 11082-11087, 2004 | Panyi G, Vamosi G, Bacso Z, Bagdany M, Bodnar A, Varga Z, Gaspar R, Matyus L, Damjanovich S.: Kv1.3 potassium channels are localized in the immunological synapse formed between cytotoxic and target cells., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 101: 1285-1290., 2004 | Szentesi G, Horvath G, Bori I, Vamosi G, Szollosi J, Gaspar R, Damjanovich S, Jenei A, Matyus: Computer program for determining fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency from flow cytometric data on a cell-by-cell basis, Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 75: 201-211, 2004 | Bene L, Bodnár A, Damjanovich S, Vámosi G, Bacsó Z, Aradi J, Berta A, Damjanovich J: Membrane topography of HLA I, HLA II, and ICAM-1 is affected by IFN-gamma in lipid rafts of uveal melanomas, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 322: 678-683, 2004 | Damjanovich S, Gáspár R, Panyi G.: An alternative to conventional immunosuppression: small-molecule inhibitors of kv1.3 channels., Mol Interv, 4: 250-254., 2004 | Bene L, Szöllősi J, Szentesi G, Damjanovich L, Gáspár R Jr, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S.: Detection of receptor trimers on the cell surface by flow cytometric fluorescence energy homotransfer measurements., Biochim Biophys Acta, 1744:176-98., 2005 | Bodnár A., Vámosi G., Tóth K., Jenei A., Mátyus L., Damjanovich S.: Non-random patterns of membrane proteins and their role in transmembrane signaling., In: Biophysical aspects of transmembrane signaling. Springer Series in Biophysics. Vol. 8. (ed. Damjanovich S.) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 71-95., 2005 | Szentesi G, Vereb G, Horváth G, Bodnár A, Fábián A, Matkó J, Gáspár R, Damjanovich S, Matyus L, Jenei A.: Computer program for analyzing donor photobleaching FRET image series., Cytometry A, 67: 119-128., 2005 | Nagy P, Bene L, Hyun WC, Vereb G, Braun M, Antz C, Paysan J, Damjanovich S, Park JW, Szöllősi J.: Novel calibration method for flow cytometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements between visible fluorescent proteins., Cytometry A, 67: 86-96., 2005 | Rubovszky B, Hajdú P, Krasznai Z, Gáspár R Jr, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S, Bene L.: Detection of channel proximity by nanoparticle-assisted delaying of toxin binding; a combined patch-clamp and flow cytometric energy transfer study., Eur Biophys J, 34: 127-143., 2005 | Bene L, Szentesi G, Mátyus L, Gáspár R, Damjanovich S.: Nanoparticle energy transfer on the cell surface., J Mol Recognit, 18:236-253., 2005 | Waldmann T.A., Dubois S., Müller J., Goldman C., Damjanovich S.: In: Biophysical aspects of transmembrane signaling. Springer Series in Biophysics. Vol. 8. (ed. Damjanovich S.) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005. pp. 97-121., Transmembrane signals mediated by IL-2 and IL-15 control the life and death of lymphocytes., 2005 | Vereb G, Szöllősi J, Matkó J, Nagy P, Farkas T, Vígh L, Mátyus L, Waldmann TA, Damjanovich S.: Dynamic, yet structured: The cell membrane three decades after the Singer-Nicolson model., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100: 8053-8058., 2003 | Bodnár A, Bacsó Z, Jenei A, Jovin TM, Edidin M, Damjanovich S, Matkó J.: Class I HLA oligomerization at the surface of B cells is controlled by exogenous beta(2)-microglobulin: implications in activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes., Int Immunol; 15: 331-339., 2003 | Panyi G, Bagdány M, Bodnár A, Vamosi G, Szentesi G, Jenei A, Mátyus L, Varga S, Waldmann TA, Gáspár R, Damjanovich S.: Colocalization and nonrandom distribution of Kv1.3 potassium channels and CD3 molecules in the plasma membrane of human T lymphocytes., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 100: 2592-2597., 2003 | Damjanovich S, Gáspár R Jr, Bene L, Jenei A, Mátyus L.: Signal transduction in T lymphocytes and aging., Exp Gerontol; 38: 231-236., 2003 | Nagy P, Vámosi G, Damjanovich S, Damjanovich L.: ICAM-1 inhibits the homocluster formation of MHC-I in colon carcinoma cells., Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 347: 758-763., 2006 | Vámosi G, Bodnár A, Damjanovich S, Nagy P, Varga Z, Damjanovich L.: The role of supramolecular protein complexes and membrane potential in transmembrane signaling processes of lymphocytes., Immunol Lett, 104: 53-58., 2006 | Vámosi G, Bodnár A, Vereb G, Szöllősi J, Damjanovich S.: Role of lipid microdomains in the formation of supramolecular protein complexes and transmembrane signaling., in: Lipid rafts and caveolae. 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