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Közleményjegyzék |
Gy.Krallics, I.N.Budilov, I.V.Alexandrov, G.I.Raab, V.S.Zhernakov, R.Z.Valiev: Computer simulation of Equal Channel Angular Pressing of tungsten by means of the Finite element method., Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of the Conference NANOSPD2,pp.183-189., 2004 | Gy.Krallics,Z.Szeles,I.P.Semenova,T.V.Dotsenko,I.V.Alexandrov: Experimental Investigation of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Subjected to Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of the Conference NANOSPD2,pp.183-189., 2004 | Gy. Krallics, D. Malgin, G.I. Raab, I.V. Alexandrov: Manufacturing of Long Specimens by ECAP, Ultrafine Grained Materials III, Proceedings of Symposium held during 2004 TMS Annual Meeting in Charlotte, USA, March 14-18, pp.179-185., 2004 | J. Gubicza, N. H. Nam, L. Balogh, R. J. Hellmig, V. V. Stolyarov, Y. Estrin and T. Ungár: Microstructure of severely deformed metals determined by X-ray peak, J. Alloys and Compounds ,378 pp. 248-252., 2004 | J. Gubicza, Gy. Krallics, I. Schiller and D. Malgin: Evolution of the Microstructure of Al 6082 Alloy during Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Materials Science Forum Vols.473-474 pp. 453-458., 2005 | Gy.Krallics, D.Malgyn, A.Fodor: Experimental Investigations of the Al 6082 Alloy Subjected to Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Materials Science Forum Vols. 473-474 pp.129-134, 2005 | Gy.Krallics, M.Horváth, Á.Fodor: Influence of ECAP Routes on Mechanical Properties of a Nanocrystalline Aluminium Alloy, Periodica Politechnica, Mechanical Engineering Vol.48 No 2. pp.145-150, 2004 | Gy.Krallics, J.G.Lenard: An examination of the accumulative roll-bonding process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 152, pp. 154-161, 2004 | T. Ungár, G. Tichy, J. Gubicza, R. J. Hellmig: Correlation between subgrains and coherently-scattering-domains, Powder Diffraction 20, 366-375., 2005 | Gy .Krallics, Z. Szeles, D.Malgyn: Finite Element Simulation of Multi-Pass Equal Channel Angular Pressing, Materials Science Forum, Vols.414-415,pp.431-437., 2003 | L. Balogh, J. Gubicza, R. J. Hellmig, Y. Estrin and T. Ungár: Thermal stability of the microstructure of severely deformed copper, Z. Kristallographie, Suppl. 23 , 381-386, 2006 | J. Gubicza, N. Q. Chinh, T. G. Langdon, T. Ungár: Microstructure and strength of metals processed by severe plastic deformation, Ultrafine Grained Materials IV. Edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L. Semiatin, and T.C. Lowe. TMS pp. 231-236, 2006 | I.V. Alexandrov, G.Krallics, J. Bonarski, M.V. Zhilina: Experimental study and computer modeling of high pressure torsion., Ulrafine Grained Materials IV. Edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L.Semiatin and T.C. Lowe. TMS, pp. 195-202., 2006 | G.Krallics, A Fodor, A. Agena: Anisotropic mechanical properties of ultra-fine grained aluminium alloy., Ulrafine Grained Materials IV. Edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L.Semiatin and T.C. Lowe. TMS, pp. 395-400., 2006 | G.Krallics, D.Malgin: Finite element simulation of equal channel angular pressing, Severe plastic deformation :Towards bulk production of nanostructured materials, pp. 445-464, 2005 | K. Máthis, J. Gubicza, N. H. Nam: Microstructure and mechanical behavior of AZ91 Mg-alloy processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing, J. Alloys and Comp. 394, 194-199., 2005 | Alexandrov,I.N. Budilov, G. Krallics, H.S. Kim, S.C. Yoon, A.A. Smolyakov, A.I.: Simulation of Equal-Channel Angular Extrusion Pressing, Materials Science Forum Vols. 503-504 (January 2006) pp. 201-208, 2006 | J. Gubicza , N.Q. Chinh, Gy. Kralllics c, I. Schiller a, T. Ungar: Microstructure of ultrafine-grained fcc metals produced by severe plastic deformation, Current Applied Physics 6 (2006) 194–199, 2006 | V. Latysh, Gy. Krallics, I. Alexandrov , A. Fodor: Application of bulk nanostructured materials in medicine, Current Applied Physics 6 (2006) 262–266, 2006 |




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