Stellar and explosive nucleosynthesis
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F.Strieder, Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky, E.Somorjai et al: Target stability and beam-induced background studies at the LUNA underground facility, Nuclear Physics A718 135c-138c, 2003 | D.Galaviz, Zs.Fülöp (3), Gy.Gyürky(4), E.Somorjai(9) et al.: alpha-nucleus potentials and photon-induced nucleosynthesis, Nuclear Physics A718 578c-580c, 2003 | Gy.Gyürky, Zs.Fülöp, E.Somorjai, Z.Elekes et al: Se(p,gamma) cross section measurements for p-process studies, Nuclear Physics A718 599c-601c, 2003 | Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky (3), E.Somorjai (4) et al.: The half-life of 148Gd, Nuclear Physics A718 688c-690c, 2003 | F.Raiola et al.: Electron screening in d(d,p)t for deuterated metals, Nuclear Physics A719 61c-64c, 2003 | Gy.Gyürky, Zs.Fülöp, E.Somorjai, et al: Proton induced reaction cross section measurements on Se isotopes for the astrophysical p process, Physical Review C68 055803 1-9, 2003 | D.Galaviz, Zs.Fülöp (3), Gy.Gyürky(4), E.Somorjai(9) et al.: Determination of alpha-nucleus potentials by alpha-elastic scattering and its implications for the gamma-process, Nuclear Physics A719 111c-114c, 2003 | Z.Elekes, G.Kalinka, Zs.Fülöp et al.: Optimization of the performance of a CsI(Tl) scintillator + Si PIN photodiode detector for medium-energy light-charged particle hybrid array, Nuclear Physics A719 316c-321c, 2003 | Elekes Z., Dombrádi Zs.,…Fülöp Zs.(8), et al.: Decoupling of valence neutrons from the core in 16C, Physics Letters B586 34-40, 2004 | Elekes Z., Dombrádi Zs., … Fülöp Zs.(7), et al.: Bound excited states in 27F, Physics Letters B599 17-22, 2004 | Formicola A., … Fülöp Zs.(11), …Gyürky Gy.(15), … Somorjai E.(26), et al: Astrophysical S-factor of 14N(p,ã)15O, Physics Letters B591 61-68, 2004 | Fülöp Zs., Gyürky Gy., Somorjai E.: Nuclear physics aspects of the astrophysical p-process, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 67 1688-1695, 2004 | Gyürky Gy., Fülöp Zs., Somorjai E., et al.: Absolute resonance strengths in the 6,7Li(á,ã)10,11B reactions, European Physical Journal A21 355-358, 2004 | Raiola F., … Gyürky Gy.(4), Fülöp Zs.(11), Somorjai E.(19), et al.: Enhanced electron screening in d(d,p)t for deuterated metals, European Physical Journal A19 283-287, 2004 | Stanoiu M., … Dombrádi Zs.(3), … Fülöp Zs.(22), et al: N=14 and 16 shell gaps in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes, Physical Review C69 4312, 1-10, 2004 | Stanoiu M., … Dombrádi Zs.(3), et al.: Observation of bound excited states in 15B, European Physical Journal A22 5-8, 2004 | D.Bemmerer, ... Zs.Fülöp (10), .... Gy.Gyürky (14), ... E.Somorjai (27) et al: Feasibility of low-energy radiative-capture experiments at the LUNA underground accelerator facility, European Physical Journal A 24 (2005)313, 2005 | J.Cruz, Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky, ... E.Somorjai (17) et al: Electron screening in 7Li(p, alpha)alpha and 6Li(p, alpha)3He for different environments, Physics Letters B 624 (2005)181, 2005 | Zs. Dombrádi, Z. Elekes, ... Zs.Fülöp (5) et al: Decoupling of valence neutrons from the core in 17B, Physics Letters B 621 (2005)81, 2005 | Z. Elekes, Zs. Dombrádi, ... Zs.Fülöp (5) et al: Low-lying excited states in 17,19C, Physics Letters B 614 (2005)174, 2005 | Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky, E.Somorjai, et al: Decay of 7Be in metallic environment, Nuclear Physics A 758 (2005)697, 2005 | D. Galaviz, Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky, E.Somorjai (7) et al: Elastic alpha scattering on 112Sn and 124Sn at astrophysically relevant energies, Physical Review C71 (2005)5802, 2005 | Gy.Gyürky, Zs.Fülöp, ... E.Somorjai (5) et al: A comprehensive study of the 106Cd(alpha, gamma)110Sn reaction at energies relevant to the p-process, Nuclear Physics A 758 (2005)517, 2005 | G. Imbriani, ... Zs.Fülöp (13), ... Gy.Gyürky (17), ... E.Somorjai (29) et al: S-factor of 14N(p, gamma)15O at astrophysical energies, European Physical Journal A 25 (2005)455, 2005 | R. Kanungo, Z.Elekes, ... Zs. Dombrádi (4), Zs. Fülöp (5) et al: Search for an isomeric state in 19C, Nuclear Physics A 757 (2005)315, 2005 | R. Kanungo, Z.Elekes, ... Zs. Dombrádi (4), Zs. Fülöp (5) et al: Excited states in neutron rich boron isotopes, Physics Letters B 608 (2005)206, 2005 | F. Raiola, ... Zs. Fülöp (3), Gy. Gyürky (4), ... E. Somorjai (23) et al: Electron screening in d(d,p)t for deuterated metals: Temperature effects, Journal of Physics G 31 (2005)1141, 2005 | Gy.Gyürky, Zs.Fülöp, ... E.Somorjai (5) et al: Precise half-life measurement of 110Sn and 109In isotopes, Physical Review C 71 (2005)7302, 2005 | D.Bemmerer, Zs.Fülöp (10), Gy.Gyürky (14), E.Somorjai (27): Low energy measurement of the 14N(p, gamma)15O total cross section at the LUNA underground facility., Nuclear Physics A 779 (2006) 297, 2006 | D.Bemmerer, Zs.Fülöp (10), Gy.Gyürky (14), E.Somorjai (27): CNO hydrogen burning studied deep underground, European Physical Journal A S27 (2006) 161, 2006 | Z. Elekes, Zs. Dombrádi, ... Zs.Fülöp (4), G. Kalinka (11) et al: Testing of the RIKEN-ATOMKI CsI(Tl) array in the study of 22,23O nuclear structure, European Physical Journal A S27 (2006) 321, 2006 | Z. Elekes, Zs. Dombrádi, ... Zs.Fülöp (7) et al: Proton inelastic scattering studies at the borders of the "island of inversion": The 30,31Na and 33,34Mg case, Physical Review C73 (2006) 4:4314, 2006 | Z. Elekes, Zs. Dombrádi, ... Zs.Fülöp (5), G. Kalinka (12) et al: Search for neutron decoupling in 22O via the (d,d' gamma) reaction, Physical Review C74 (2006)1:7306, 2006 | Gy.Gyürky, Z. Elekes (3), Zs.Fülöp (4), E.Somorjai (5): 106,108Cd(p,gamma)107,109In cross-sections for the astrophysical p-process, European Physical Journal A S27 (2006) 141, 2006 | G.G. Kiss, Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky, E.Somorjai (5) et al: Study of the 106Cd(alpha, alpha)106Cd scattering at energies relevant to the p-process, European Physical Journal A S27 (2006) 197, 2006 | A. Lemut, Zs.Fülöp (10), Gy.Gyürky (14), E.Somorjai (27) et al: First measurement of the 14N(p, gamma)15O cross section down to 70 keV, Physics Letters B 634 (2006) 483, 2006 | B. Limata, Zs.Fülöp, ... Gy.Gyürky (8), E.Somorjai (15) et al: New measurement of 7Be half-life in different metallic environments, European Physical Journal A S27 (2006) 193, 2006 | H.J.Ong, Zs. Dombrádi (5), Z. Elekes (7), ... Zs.Fülöp (10) et al: Neutron-dominant quadrupole collective motion in 16C, Physical Review C73 (2006) 2:4610, 2006 | F. Raiola, ... Zs. Fülöp (3), Gy. Gyürky (4), ... E. Somorjai (23) et al: Enhanced d(d,p)t fusion reaction in metals, European Physical Journal A S27 (2006) 79, 2006 | F. Confortola, ... Gy.Gyürky (5), Z. Elekes (10), Zs.Fülöp (11), E.Somorjai (27) et al: Astrophysical S factor of the 3He(alpha, gamma)7Be reaction measured at low energy via detection of prompt and delayed gamma rays., Physical Review C75 (2007) 6:5803, 2007 | Gy.Gyürky, Z. Elekes (3), Zs.Fülöp (4), E.Somorjai (5) et al: Proton capture cross-section of 106,108Cd for the astrophysical p-process., Journal of Physics G34 (2007) 817, 2007 | N. Özkan, ... Gy.Gyürky(11), Zs.Fülöp (12), E.Somorjai (13): Astrophysical S factor for alpha-capture on 112Sn in the p-process energy range., Physical Review C75 (2007) 2:5801, 2007 | A. Tumino, ... Z. Elekes (8), Zs.Fülöp (9), Gy.Gyürky (11), E.Somorjai (23): No signature of nuclear-Coulomb interference in the proton-proton elastic scattering via the Trojan Horse Method., Nuclear Physics A 787 (2007) 337, 2007 | J. Gibelin, ... Zs.Dombrádi (7), Z.Elekes (8) et al.: Measurement of the B(E2,0+1 -> 2+1) N = 16 nucleus 26Ne., Physical Review C75 (2007) 7306, 2007 | D.Bemmerer, Gy.Gyürky (5), Z.Elekes (9), Zs.Fülöp (10), E.Somorjai (26): Activation measurement of the 3He(alpha, gamma)7Be cross section at low energy, Physical Review Letters 97 12:2502, 2006 | Gy.Gyürky, Z. Elekes (9), Zs.Fülöp (10), E.Somorjai (26) et al: 3He(alpha, gamma)7Be cross section at low energies., Physical Review C75 (2007) 3:5805, 2007 | Imai N., … Dombrádi Zs.(8), Elekes Z.(9), … Fülöp Zs.(11), et al.: Anomalously hindered E2 strength in 16C, Physical Review Letters 92 2501, 1-4, 2004 | Zs. Dombrádi, Z. Elekes, ... Zs.Fülöp (7) et al: Vanishing N=20 shell gap: Study of excited states in 27,28Ne., Physical Review Letters 96 (2006)18:2501, 2006 | Z. Elekes, Zs. Dombrádi, ... Zs.Fülöp (5), G. Kalinka (12) et al: Spectroscopic study of neutron shell closures via nucleon transfer in the near-dripline nucleus 23O., Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 10:2502, 2007 | B. Bastin, ... Zs.Dombrádi (5), Z.Elekes (18) et al.: Collapse of the N=28 shell closure in 42Si., Physical Review Letters 99 (2007) 2:2503, 2007 | Zs.Fülöp, Gy.Gyürky, E.Somorjai: Data needs for the astrophysical p-process, Nuclear Physics A 758 (2005)90, 2005 | Gy.Gyürky, Z. Elekes (3), Zs.Fülöp (4), E.Somorjai (5) et al: Alpha-induced cross sections of 106Cd for the astrophysical p process, Physical Review C74 (2006) 2:5805, 2006 | P. Mohr, Zs.Fülöp, et al.: Photo-induced nucleosynthesis: Current problems and experimental approaches., European Physical Journal A32 (2007) 357, 2007 | A. Tumino, ... Z. Elekes (7), Zs.Fülöp (8), Gy.Gyürky (10), E.Somorjai (18): Supression of the Coulomb interaction in the off-energy-shell p-p scattering from the p+d->p+p+n reaction., Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 25:2502, 2007 |





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