Number Theory and its Interactions with Combinatorics
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Ruzsa Imre, T. Schoen, E. Croot: ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS IN SPARSE SUMSETS, Combinatorial Number Theory, de Gruyter, 2007, 157-164., 2007 | T. Sós Vera, Simonovits Miklós: Quasirandom graphs and induced subgraphs, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 12 (2003), 319-344., 2003 | T. Sós Vera, Elek Gábor: Paradoxical decomposition and growth conditions, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 14 (1) 2005, 81-105., 2005 | Elekes György, Ruzsa Imre: Few sums, many products, Studia Math. Hung. 40, (2003), 301-308., 2003 | Elekes György: On the number of distinct radii of circles and parameters of other curves, Studia Math Hung. 40 (2003), 195-203., 2003 | D. Abrego, Elekes György, S. Fernandez: Structural results for planar sets with many similar subsets, Combinatorica, 24 (4) 2004, 541-554., 2004 | B. Csaba, A. Shokoufandeh Szemerédi Endre,: Proof of a conjecture of Bollobás and Eldridge for graphs of maximum degree three, Combinatorica, 23 (2003), 35-72., 2003 | G. Sárközy, S. Selkow, Szemerédi Endre: On the number of Hamiltonian cycles in Dirac graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 265 (2003), 237-250., 2003 | Biró András: On the class number one problem for some special real quadratic fields, Proc. of the 2003 Nagoya Conference „On Yokoi-Chowla Conjecture and Related Problems”, Furukawa Total Pr. Co., 2004, 1-9, 2004 | T. Sós Vera, Laczkovich Miklós: Analízis I., Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2005 | T. Sós Vera, Simonovits Miklós: A hierarchy of randomness for graphs, Discrete Mathematics 303 (2005) 209-233., 2005 | T. Sós Vera, M. Mubay: Explicit constructions of triple systems for Ramsey-Turán theory, Journal of Graph Theory 52 (2006)no. 3,211-216, 2006 | T. Sós Vera, Ch. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, K. Vesztergombi: Counting graph homomorphisms, Algorithms and Combinatorics 36,J. Nesetril 60 (Springer) , 315-371., 2006 | Szemerédi Endre, A. Rucinski, V. Rödl: A Dirac-type theorem for 3-uniform hypergraphs,, Combinatoricsrics, Probability and Computing, 15 (2006), no. 1-2., 229-251., 2006 | Elekes György, Hegyvári N., Ruzsa I.: On difference sets in groups and generalized arithmetic progressions, benyújtva, 0 | Elekes György, Tóth Csaba: Incidences of Not-too-degenerate Hyperplanes, Proceedings of the 21st annual symposium on computational geometry, 2005 | Szemerédi Endre, A. Gyárfás, M. Ruszinkó, G. Sárközy: Three colour Ramsey numbers for paths, Combinatorica, 27 (1) 2007, 35-69., 2007 | Szemerédi Endre, A. Gyárfás, M. Ruszinkó, G. Sárközy: An improved bound for the monochromatic cycle partition number, J. of Combinatorial Theory B, 96 (2006), no. 6., 855-873., 2006 | Szemerédi Endre, V. Vu, B. Sudakov: On a problem of Erdos and Moser, Duke Math. Journal, 129 (2005), no1., 129-155., 2005 | Biró András: Characterizations of groups generated by Kronecker sets, J. de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, elfogadva, 2007 | Szemerédi Endre, V. Vu: Long arithmetic progressions in sumsets and the number of x-sumfre sets, Proc. London Math. Soc, 90 (2005), 273-296., 2005 | Szemerédi Endre, V. Vu: Long arithmetic progressions in sumsets: bounds and thresholds, elfogadva, J. of the A. M. S., 19 (2006), no.1., 119-169., 2006 | T. Sós Vera, Ch. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, K. Vesztergombi: Convergent sequences of dense graphsI, Subgraph frequences, Metric proprties and Testing, benyújtva, 0 | T. Sós Vera, Ch. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, K. Vesztergombi: Convergent sequences of dense graphs II, H-colorings, Statistical Phisics and Quotients, benyújtva, 0 | T. Sós Vera, J. Balogh, B. Bollobás: The unlabelled speed of a hereditary graph property, benyújtva, 0 | Ruzsa Imre: Additive and multiplicative Sidon sets, Acta Math. Hungar. 112 (2006), 345--354., 2006 | Ruzsa Imre: Additive combinatorics and geometry of numbers, Proc. International Congress of Mathematicians, (Madrid 2006), ed. A. Laptev, European Math. Soc. 2006, 911--930.,, 2006 | Ruzsa Imre, Keleti Tamás: Periodic decomposition of integer valued functions, Acta Math. Hung., to appear, 0 | Szemerédi Endre, V. Vu: Finite and infinite arithmetic progressionsin Sumsets, Annals of Math. 163 (2006), 1-35., 2006 | Szemerédi Endre, V. Vu, H. Nguyen: Subset sums in Zp, Proc. London Math. Soc., elfogadva, 0 | Biró András: Interpolation by elliptic functions, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, elfogadva, 2008 | Szemerédi Endre A. Rucinski, V. Rödl: A Dirac-type theorem for 3-uniform hypergraphs, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 15 (2006), no. 1-2., 229-251., 2006 | Szemerédi Endre: An Old New Proof of Roth's Theorem, (Center de Recherches Mathematiques, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Volume 43, 2007, 51-54, 2007 | K. Gyarmati, F.~Hennecart -Ruzsa Imre: Sums and differences of finite sets, Functiones et Approximatio, 37:175--186, 2007, 2007 | K. Gyarmati, S.~Konyagin, Ruzsa. Imre: Double and triple sums modulo a prime, Additive Combinatorics, volume~43 of CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, pages 271--277, 2007 | T. Sós Vera, Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Aviezri S. Fraenkel: A two parameter family of an extension of Beatty sequences, Discrete Math, megjelenés alatt, 2008 | T. Sós Vera, Ch. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, K. Vesztergombi: Counting graph homomorphisms, Algorithms and Combinatorics 36,J. Nesetril 60 (Springer) , 315-371., 2006 | T. Sós Vera, Lovász László: Generalized quasirandom graphs, J. Combin. Theory B 98 (2008), no.1, 146-163., 2008 | Szemerédi Endre, A. Khalfalah: On the number of monochromatic solutions of $x+y=z\sp 2$., Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 15 (2006), no. 1-2., 213-227., 2006 | Ruzsa Imre, Ben Green: Sumfree sets in Abelian groups, Israel J. of Mathematics 147 (2005),157--188., 2005 | Biró András: Strong characterizing sequences for subgroups of compact groups, J. of Number Theory, 121 (2) 2006, 324-354., 2006 | Biró András: Divisibility of integer polynomials and tilings of the integers, Acta Arithmetica 118 (2) 2005, 117-127., 2005 | Szemerédi Endre, V. Vu: Finite and infinite arithmetic progressionsin Sumsets, Annals of Math. 163 (2006), 1-35., 2006 | Elekes György, Szabó Endre: How to find groups?, benyújtva, Combinatorica, 0 | Elekes György, Ruzsa Imre: The structure of sets with few sums along a graph, J. of Combinatorial Theory A., 113 (7) 2006, 1476-1500., 2006 | T. Sós Vera, Ch. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, B. Szegedy, K. Vesztergombi: Graph limits and parameter testing, STOC 2006, p.261-270, 2006 |




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