Oxidation reactions cstalyzed by iron complexes  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Baloghné dr. Hergovich, Éva
Title in Hungarian Vaskomplexekkel katalizált oxidációs reakciók
Title in English Oxidation reactions cstalyzed by iron complexes
Panel Chemistry 2
Department or equivalent TTK Szerves Kémia Szintézis és Katalízis (University of Pannonia)
Participants Kaizer, József
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2007-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 3.008
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Új kétmagvú vas(III)komplexeket állítottunk elő és azonosítottunk négyfogú N-donor ligandum, 1,4-di-(2’-piridil)aminoftalazin (PAP) felhasználásával. A [Fe2(-OMe)2(PAP)Cl4]•2MeOH komplex röntgendiffrakciós vizsgálata alapján megállapítottuk, hogy a 6-os koordinációjú, torzult oktaéderes geometriájú vas atomokat a PAP ligandum és a két metoxi csoport oxigénjei kapcsolják össze. Mindkét komplex katalizálja alkánok oxidációját hidrogén-peroxiddal. Primer és szekunder alkoholok oxidációját vizsgáltuk hidrogén-peroxiddal [(Fe2(ind)2(-O)Cl2] (indH = 1,3-bis(2’-pyridylimino)isoindoline) és [[Fe2(-OMe)2(PAP)Cl4] komplexek jelenlétében. Megállapítottuk, hogy acetonban mindkét komplex katalizálja alkoholok oxidációját a megfelelő karbonil vegyületekké. Új homoleptikus vas(II) komplexet állítottunk elő indH ligandum felhasználásával. A komplex inert dioxigénnel szemben, de katalizálja benzil-alkohol és hidrogén-peroxid reakcióját. Fe(ClO4)2 és indH reakciójával acetonitrilben [Fe(indH)(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2 komplexet szintetizáltunk. A komplex szerkezetét IR, UV-Vis, Mössbauer spektroszkópia és röntgendiffrakció alapján meghatároztuk. A komplex jó katalizátornak bizonyult benzil alkohol oxidációjában.
Results in English
New dinuclear iron(III) complexes with tetradentate N-donor ligand 1,4-di(2’-pyridyl)aminophthalazine (PAP) were prepared and characterized. Single crystal X-ray molecular structure of [Fe2(-OMe)2(PAP)Cl4]•2MeOH show, that the six-coordinate iron atoms are in distorted octahedral environment bridged by the oxygen atoms of two methoxy groups and the PAP ligand. Both complexes showed catalytic activity for alkane oxidation with hydrogen peroxide. Oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols has been studied in the presence of [Fe(ind)Cl]2O (indH = 1,3-bis(2’-pyridylimino)isoindoline) and [Fe2(OMe)2(PAP)Cl4] as catalysts using hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant. The complexes were found to be suitable catalysts for the oxidation of alcohols to the corresponding carbonyl compounds in acetone. New homoleptic iron(II) complex was prepared with indH as ligand. The complex is inert to dioxgen, but catalyzes the reaction of benzyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Reaction of indH and Fe(ClO4)2 in acetonitrile resulted in the formation of [Fe(indH)(CH3CN)(H2O)2](ClO4)2. The composition and molecular structure of the complex was fully determined by IR, UV-Vis, Mössbauer and X-ray crystal analysis. The complex was found to be suitable catalyst for the oxidation of benzyl alcohols.
Full text http://real.mtak.hu/823/


List of publications

Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier, Marius Réglier, Michel Giorgi, Ernő Kuzmann, Attila Vértes: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity of New mu-Oxo-Bridged Diiron(III) Complexes, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, p. 1735-1740, 2003
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier, Marius Réglier, Michel Giorgi, Ernő Kuzmann, Attila Vértes: Synthesis, structure and characterization of new complexes [Fe2(m-OMe)2(PAP)(X4)] (PAP=1,4-di(2\'-pyridyl)aminophthalazine, X=Cl, OAc) and their oxidation catalysis, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 357, 3689-3696, 2004
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier: Catalytic oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds with hydrogen peroxide using dinuclear iron complexes, 7th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Abstracts p. 15, 2004
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier, Marius Réglier, Michel Giorgi, Ernő Kuzmann, Attila Vértes: Synthesis, structure and spectral properties of a novel stable homoleptic iron(II) complex of 1,3-bis(2'-pyridilimino)isoindoline, Fe(ind)2, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 8, 457-459, 2005
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier: Catalytic oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compounds with hydrogen peroxide using dinuclear iron complexes, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 230, 79-83, 2005
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier, Marius Réglier, Michel Giorgi,: New iron(II) complexes and their catalytic activity on alcohol oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, 8th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Abstract PS 7.5, 2006
József Kaizer, Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Miklós Czaun, Tamás Csay, Gábor Speier,: Redox and non-redox metal assisted model systems with relevance to flavonol and 3-hydroxyquinolin-4(1H)-one 2,4-dioxygenase, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2222-2233, 2006
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, József Kaizer, Miklós Czaun, Norbert Durkó, Zoltán Gréczi, Tibor Kovács, Gábor Speier: Chemical models relevant to nitroalkane-dioxygenase, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 3, 2007
Éva Balogh-Hergovich, Gábor Speier, Marius Réglier, Michel Giorgi, Ernő Kuzmann, Attila Vértes: Synthesis, structure and spectral properties of a novel iron(II) complex of 1,3-bis(2'-pyridylimino)isoindoiline, and its catalytic activity on the alcohol oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, Inorganic Chemistry Communication, kéziratban, 2007

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