Discrete methods in digital image processing
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Hajdu A., Kormos J., Tóth T. és Veréb K.: Szomszédsági szekvenciák és alkalmazásaik a képfeldolgozásban és képi adatbázisokban, Informatika a Felsőoktatásban 2005 (2005), Debrecen, Hungary, 2005 | Hajdu András, Kormos János, Zörgő Zoltán: Finding optimal distance functions for statistical image segmentation, 6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability (2004), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 128., 2004 | Emri Miklós, Hajdu András, Kormos János, Lencse Zsolt: MEDIP – Platformfüggetlen keretrendszer orvosi képfeldolgozáshoz, Informatika és Menedzsment az Egészségügyben (IME) III/5 (2004), 2004 | Fazekas Attila, Hajdu András, Hajdu Lajos: Lattice of Generalized Neighbourhood Sequences in nD, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Rome, Italy, September 18-20, 2003, 107-111., 2003 | Hajdu András, Nagy Benedek, Zörgő Zoltán: Indexing and segmenting colour images using neighbourhood sequences, IEEE International Conference of Image Processing (2003), Barcelona, Spain, I/957-960., 2003 | Hajdu András: Geometry of neighbourhood sequences, Pattern Recognition Lett. 24 (2003), 2597-2606., 2003 | Hajdu András, Hajdu Lajos: Approximating the Euclidean distance using non-periodic neighbourhood sequences, Discrete Math. 283 (2004), 101-111., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Shortest Path in Triangular Grids with Neighbourhood Sequences, Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 11 (2003), 111-122., 2003 | Hajdu András, Zörgő Zoltán: ANSYS for Virtual Surgery: FEA is a valuable tool that aids doctors in orthopedic operations, ANSYS Solutions Summer 2004 (2004), 10-13., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Distance functions based on neighbourhood sequences, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 63 (2003), 483-493., 2003 | Nagy Benedek: A Family of Triangular Grids in Digital Geometry, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA\'03), Rome, Italy, 101-106., 2003 | Nagy Benedek: Characterization of digital circles in triangular grid, Pattern Recognition Lett. 25 (2004), 1231-1242., 2004 | Zörgő Zoltán, Hajdu András, Manó Sándor, Csernátony Zoltán, Molnár Szabolcs: Analyzis of a new femur lengthening surgery, IEEE IASTED International Conference on Biomechanics (2003), Rhodes, Greece, Biomechanics/34-38., 2003 | Fazekas Attila, Hajdu András, Hajdu Lajos: Metrical neighborhood sequences in Z^n, Pattern Recognition Lett. 26 (2005), 2022-2032., 2004 | Hajdu András, Hajdu Lajos: Analytical and approximation properties of neighborhood sequences, KÉPAF04 (2004), Miskolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 97-105., 2004 | Fazekas Attila: Arci gesztusok számítógépes felismerése, KÉPAF04 (2004), Miskolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 71-75., 2004 | Fazekas Attila, Sánta István: Recognition of Facial Gestures From Thumbnail Picture, Proc. of NOBIM\'2004, 27-28 May, 2004, Stavanger, Norway, 54-47., 2004 | Hajdu András, Hodnics István Márton, Kovács Kornél, Ungvári Antal: Machine vision systems in human user environments – The Turk 2, Norwegian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (2004), Stavanger, Norway, 58-61., 2004 | Hajdu András, Manó Sándor, Zörgő Zoltán: The \''spiral cut\'' technique for leg lengthening, 1st Hungarian Conference on Biomechanics (2004), Bp., Hungary, 151-160., 2004 | Csernátony Zoltán, Hajdu András, Manó Sándor, Zörgő Zoltán: 3D modell készítése ortopédiai műtétek szimulálásához, KÉPAF04 (2004), Miskolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 43-49., 2004 | Hajdu András, Tóth Tamás, Veréb Krisztián, Zörgő Zoltán: Distance functions in multidimensional image processing applications, KÉPAF04 (2004), Miskolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 106-111., 2004 | Hajdu András, Hodnics István Márton, Kovács Kornél, Ungvári Antal: Gépi látáson alapuló rendszerek humán felhasználói környezetben – A Török 2, KÉPAF04 (2004), Miskolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 112-117., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Generalized triangular grids in digital geometry, Acta Math. Acad. Paed. Nyíregyháziensis 20 (2004), 63-78., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Calculating Distance with Neighborhood Sequences in the Hexagonal Grid, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3322 (2004), 98-109., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Metrical and non-metrical distances on the hexagonal plane, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 15 (2005), 268-271., 2005 | Nagy Benedek: A symmetric coordinate frame for hexagonal networks, IS-TCS\'04, Theoretical Computer Science – Information Society, Ljubljana, Szlovénia, 2004, 193-196., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Non-metrical distances on the hexagonal plane, PRIA-7-2004, 7th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, Szentpétervár, Oroszország, 2004, 335-338., 2004 | Nagy Benedek: Szomszédsági szekvenciák a háromszögrácson, KÉPAF04 (2004), Miskolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 197-205., 2004 | Nagy B.: An algorithm to find the number of the digitizations of discs with a fixed radius, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20 (2005), 607-622., 2005 | Fazekas A. és Sánta I.: Recognition of facial gestures based on support vector machines, Lectures Notes in Computer Science 3522 (2005), 469-475., 2005 | Emri M., Hajdu A., Kormos J. és Lencse Zs.: MEDIP - platformfüggetlen szoftver keretrendszer orvosi képfeldolgozáshoz, Informatika a Felsőoktatásban 2005 (2005), Debrecen, Hungary, 2005 | Fazekas A., Hajdu A., Sánta I. és Tóth T.: Neighborhood Sequences and Their Applications in the Digital Image Processing, Lectures Notes in Computer Science 3691 (2005), 766-772., 2005 | Hajdu A., Kormos J., Lukács A., Pányik Á., Szabó Cs., Veres P. és Zörgő Z.: Multipurpose 3D modeling for virtual clinical interventions, 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare (CIMED2005) (2005), Lisbon, Portugal, 7 pages., 2005 | Hajdu A., Tóth T. és Veréb K.: Novel approach for comparing similarity vectors in image retrieval, Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (HACIPPR 2005) (2005), Veszprém, Hungary, 87-94., 2005 | Hajdu L.: Unique reconstruction of bounded sets in discrete tomography, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20 (2005), 15-25., 2005 | Hajdu A., Hajdu L. és R. Tijdeman: General neighbourhood sequences in Zn, Disc. Math. Appl. (közlésre elfogadva)., 2006 | Hajdu A., Hajdu L. és Tóth T.: Properties and applications of neighborhood sequences, Third Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry (2005), Budapest, Hungary, 148-154., 2005 | Fazekas A., Hajdu A. és Hajdu L.: Lattices of metrical neighborhood sequences, Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Pocessing and Pattern Recognition, 2005, 143-146., 2005 | Hajdu A., Kormos J., Nagy B. és Zoltán Z.: Choosing appropriate distance measurment in digital image segmentation, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comput. 24 (2004), 193-208., 2004 | Nagy B.: A Comparison among Distances Based on Neighborhood Sequences in Regular Grids, 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Joensuu, Finnland, 2005, 1027-1036., 2005 | Nagy B.: A general fuzzy logic using intervals, 6th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 613-624., 2005 | Nagy B.: „Újelvű számítógépek” tantárgy a Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Karán (On the Subject „New Computational Paradigms” of the University of Debrecen), IF 2005, Conference on IF 2005, Conference on Informatics in Higher Education, Debrecen, 6+1 pages., 2005 | Nagy B.: Transformations of the triangular grid, GRAFGEO, Third Hungarian Conference on Computer Graphics and Geometry, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 155-162., 2005 | Nagy B.: On the language equivalence of NE star-patterns, Information Processing Letters 95 (2005), 396-400., 2005 | Nagy B.: Duality of logical puzzles of type SW and WS - their solution using graphs, Pure Mathematics and Applications - PU.M.A. 15 (2005), 235-252., 2005 | Nagy B.: An interval-valued computing device, CiE 2005, "Computability in Europe": New Computational Paradigms, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 166-177., 2005 | Nagy B.: Many-valued Logics and the Logic of the C Programming Language, ITI 2005, 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia, 657-662., 2005 | Nagy B.: Programnyelvek elemeinek szintaktikus leírása normál formában (Syntactic Description of the Elements of the Programming Languages in a Normal Form), IF 2005, Conference on Informatics in Higher Education, Debrecen, 6+1 pages., 2005 | Bojda B., Iszály B., Kőműves Zs. és Nagy B.: On Development Skills by Computer Games Based on a Pilot Study, ITI 2005, 27th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia, 355-360., 2005 | Nagy B. és Szegedi L.: Számítások membránokkal és a grafikus operációs rendszerek (Membrane Computing and the Graphical Operation Systems), IF 2005, Conference on Informatics in Higher Education, Debrecen, 6+1 pages., 2005 | Hajdu András, Kormos János, Lencse Zsolt, Trón Lajos, Emri Miklós: The "MEDIP-Platform Independent Software System for Medical Image Processing" project, Journal of Universal Computer Science 12/9 (2006), 1229-1239., 2006 | Hajdu András, Kormos János, Tóth Tamás, Veréb Krisztián: Applications of neighborhood sequence in image processing and database retrieval, Journal of Universal Computer Science 12/9 (2006), 1240-1253., 2006 | Hajdu András, Hajdu Lajos: On the lattice structure of subsets of octagonal neighborhood sequences in Zn, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4245 (2006), 211-222., 2006 | Hajdu András, Tóth Tamás: Approximating non-metrical Minkowski distances in 2D, KÉPAF07, (2007), Debrecen, Hungary, 54-62., 2007 | Zs. Ruttkay, A. Fazekas, P. Rigó: Hungarian talking head according to MPEG-4, Proc. of Harmadik Magyar Grafika és Geometria Konferencia, 17-18 November, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 16-23., 2006 | Benedek Nagy, Ágota Orosz: Simple digital objects on Z^2, ICAI'07, 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger (előadásra elfogadva)., 2006 | Benedek Nagy: Digital Geometry of Various Grids Based on Neighbourhood Structures, 6th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KEPAF 2007), Debrecen (közlésre elfogadva)., 2007 | Benedek Nagy: Nonmetrical Distances on the Hexagonal Grid Using Neighborhood Sequences, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 17 (2007), (közlésre elfogadva)., 2007 | Robin Strand, Benedek Nagy: Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids, Discrete Applied Mathematics - DAM 155/4 (2007), 548-557., 2007 | Benedek Nagy: Distances with Neighbourhood Sequences in Cubic and Triangular Grids, Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (2007), 99-109., 2007 | R. Strand, B. Nagy, C. Fouard, G. Borgefors: Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences, DGCI 2006, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Szeged, Hungary, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4245, 295-307., 2006 | Benedek Nagy: Geometry of neighborhood sequences in hexagonal grid, DGCI 2006, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Szeged, Hungary, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4245, 53-64., 2006 | Benedek Nagy: Shadow-Pushdown Automata, WSEAS Transaction on Computers 5/11 (2006) 2565-2570., 2006 | L. Szegedi, B. Nagy: Membrane computing and graphical operating systems, Journal of Universal Computer Science - JUCS 12/9 (2006) 1312-1331., 2006 | B. Nagy: Reasoning by Intervals, Diagrams 2006, Fourth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, Stanford, CA, USA, 145-147. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes i, 2006 | Adrian-Horia Dediu, Renate Klempien-Hinrichs, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Benedek Nagy: Contextual Hypergraph Grammars - A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages, DLT 2006, Tenth International Conference DEVELOPMENTS IN LANGUAGE THEORY, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 327-338. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4036), 2006 | Benedek Nagy, Robin Strand: Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids, IWCIA 2006, 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Berlin, Germany, 89-100. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4040), 2006 | Benedek Nagy: On the Notion of Parallelism in Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, 2006, Budapest, Hungary, 533-541., 2006 | Benedek Nagy: Left-most derivation and shadow-pushdown automata for context-sensitive languages, Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, Athens, Greece, 2006, 962-967., 2006 | Benedek Nagy, Sándor Vályi: Solving a PSPACE-complete problem by a linear interval-valued computation, CiE 2006 Computability in Europe 2006: Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, University of Wales Swansea, UK, 216-225., 2006 |




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