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Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: The Design of a Combined Control Structure to Prevent the Rollover of Heavy Vehicles, Eur J of Ctr 10 : 148-162, 2004 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Fault-Tolerant Control Structure to Prevent the Rollover of Heavy Vehicles, In: Safeprocess-2003, Washington: 2003. pp. 465-470, 2003 | Balas GJ; Bokor J; Szabó Z: Invariant Subspaces for LPV Systems and their Application, IEEE Trans on Aut Ctr 48 (11) : 2065-2069, 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Active Suspension Design Using Linear Parameter Varying Control, Int J of Veh Aut Sys 1 (2): 206-221, 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Design of Robust Controllers for Active Vehicle Suspension using the Mixed mu Synthesis, Veh Sys Dyn 40 (4) : 193-228, 2003 | Schipp F; Bokor, J: Rational Bases Generated by Blaschke Product Systems, In: 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Rotterdam: 2003. pp. 1351-1356, 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: The Design of the FDI Filter for the Yaw-Roll Control of Heavy Vehicles, In: Safeprocess-2003, Washington: 2003. pp. 459-464, 2003 | Kulcsar B; Szaszi I; Bokor J: H-Infinity Disturbance Rejection on Residual Output, In: Safeprocess-2003, Washington: 2003. pp. 519-524, 2003 | Szabo Z; Bokor J; Balas G J: Inversion of LPV Systems and its Application to Fault Detection, In: Safeprocess-2003, Washington: 2003. pp. 235-240, 2003 | Hangos KM; Bokor J; Szederkenyi G: Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Process Systems, Springer-Verlag, London, 308 P, 2004 | Stikkel G; Bokor J; Szabó Z: Disturbance Decoupling Problem with Stability for LPV Systems, In: European Control Conference, Cambridge: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Robust Servo Control Design for Mechanical Systems using Mixed Uncertainty Modelling, In: European Control Conference, Cambridge: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Active Suspension Design using Linear Parameter Varying Control, In: IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Salerno: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Braking Control to Prevent the Rollover of Heavy Vehicles Based on a Linear Parameter Varying Model, In: European Control Conference, Cambridge: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Rollover Avoidance for Steer-By-WireVehicles by using Linear Parameter Varying Methods, In: Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Rhodes: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Szabo Z; Bokor J; Balas G: Inversion of LPV Sytems, In: Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Rhodes: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: The Application of Linear Parameter Varying Control to Active Suspension Design, In: IFAC Symposium Robust Control Design, Milan: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Gaspar P; Szabo Z; Bokor J: Estimating Road Roughness by using a Linear Parameter Varying Model, In: IFAC Symposium Robust Control Design, Milan: 2003. (CD), 2003 | Bokor J; Balas G J: Detection Filter Design for LPV Systems - A Geometric Approach, Automatica 40 : 511-518, 2004 | Balas GJ; Bokor J; Szabo Z: Tracking of Continuous LPV Systems using Dynamic Inversion, In: 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Bahamas: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Gaspar P; Szabo Z; Bokor J: Identification of Vehicle Models and Road Roughness Estimation, In: 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Lisboa: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Improving Rollover Stability with Active Suspensions by using an LPV Method, In: Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lisboa: 2004 (CD, 2004 | Kulcsar B; Bokor J: Robust LPV Detection Filter Design using Geometric Approach, In: 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Kusadasi: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Peni T; Bokor J: Trajectory Tracking Control for a Class of LPV Systems Based on Dynamic Inversion and Passivity, In: WSEAS/IASME International Conferences, Corfu: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Peni T; Szederkenyi G; Bokor J; Hangos K.M: Dynamic Inversion Based Velocity Tracking Control of Road Vehicles, In: 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Rödönyi G; Bokor J: Identification of LPV Vehicle Models for Steering Control Involving Asymmetric Front Wheel Braking, In: 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Reconfigurable Control Structure to Prevent the Rollover of Heavy Vehicles, Ctr Engg Pract 13 : 699-711, 2005 | Gaspar P; Bokor J: Improving Handling of Vehicle with Active Suspensions, Int. J. Vehicle Autonomous Systems. 3 : (2/3/4) 134-151, 2005 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Rollover Stability Control for Heavy Vehicles by using Linear Parameter Varying Model, In: IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Salerno: 2004 (CD), 2004 | Rödönyi G; Bokor J: Uncertainty Identification for a Nominal LPV Vehicle Model Based on Experimental Data, In: 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the European Control Conference, Seville:2005, (CD), 2005 | Szabó Z; Gáspár P; Bokor J: Reference Tracking for Wiener Systems Using Dynamic Inversion, In: 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Limassol: 2005 (CD), 2005 | Gaspar P; Szaszi I; Bokor J: Two Strategies for Reducing the Rollover Risk of Heavy Vehicles, Periodica Politechnica Ser Transp. Eng. 33 : (1-2) 139-147, 2005 | Péni T; Bokor J: Formation Stabilization of Nonlinear Vehicles Based on Dynamic Inversion and Passivity, In: 16th IFAC World Congress, Seville: 2005 (CD), 2005 | Szászi I; Marcos A; Balas GJ; Bokor J: Linear parameter-varying detection filter design for a Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft, Journal of Guidance, Control-, and Dynamics. 28 (3), 2005 | Kulcsár B; Bokor J: Unkonwn Input Detection Using Receding Horizon Approach, 13 th Mediterranean Conf onf Control and Automation, Limassol: 2005 (CD), 2005 |




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