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Közleményjegyzék |
Szeidl, B., Schnell, A., Pócs, M.: The high amplitude delta Scuti star GP And, IBVS No 5718, 2006 | Szeidl, B.: Variable star research at the Konkoly Observatory: The first 75 years, Commun. Konkoly Obs., No 104 (Vol 13, Part 4), p. 23-56, 2006 | Benkő, J., Gabányi, K.: V516 Cas an RRab star in the Galactic Plane, IBVS No 5433, 2003 | Oláh, K., Jurcsik, J., Strassmeier, K.: Differential rotation on UZ Librae, A&A, 410, 685-689, 2003 | Ribárik, G., Oláh, K., Strassmeier, K.: Time series photometric spot modelling VI. IM Peg, AN, 324, 202-214, 2003 | Jurcsik, J., Benkő, J., Bakos, G., Szeidl, B., Szabó, R.: Detection of the Evolutionary Stages of Variables in M3, ApJ, 597, L49-53, 2003 | Kővári, Zs., Strassmeier, K., Granzer, T., Weber, M., Oláh, K., Rice, J. B.: Doppler imgaing of stellar surface structure - LQ Hydrae, A&A, 417, 1047-1054, 2004 | K., Oláh: Stellar activity and the Konkoly Observatory: the beginnings, Communications from the Konkoly Observatory, No. 104 (vol. 13, Part 4), p. 113-120, 2006 | Jurcsik, J., Sódor, Á., Váradi, M., Szeidl, B. et.al.: The Blazhko behaviour of RR Gem I - CCD photometric results in 2004, A&A, 430, 1049-1058, 2005 | Szeidl, B.: Binarity and pulsation: multiplicity through the classical O-C method, ASPCS, Vol. 333, 183-194, invited talk, 2004 | Antipin, S., Jurcsik, J.: ASAS 081933-2358.2: RRc-Type Variable with Two Closely Spaced Frequencies, IBVS No 5632, 2005 | Sódor, Á., Jurcsik, J.: Revision of the List of Galactic Field RRab Stars with Known Blazhko Periods, IBVS No 5641, 2005 | Wils, P., Sódor, Á.: Southern RR Lyrae Stars Exhibiting the Blazhko Effect, IBVS No 5655, 2005 | Jurcsik, J., Sódor, Á., Váradi, M.: On the Distribution of the Modulation Amplitudes of Blazhko Type RRab Stars, IBVS No 5666, 2005 | Jurcsik, J., Szeidl, B., Nagy, A., Sódor, Á.: On the Distribution of the Modulation Frequencies of RR Lyrae Stars, Acta Astronomica, 55, 303-314, 2005 | Jurcsik, J., Szeidl, B., Váradi, M., Henden, A., Hurta, Zs., Lakatos, B., Posztobányi, K., Klagyivik, P., Sódor, Á.: The triple-mode pulsating variable V823 Cassiopeiae, A&A, 445, 617-625, 2006 | Zs., Kővári, M., Weber, K.G., Strassmeier: Differential rotation of LQ Hya and IL Hya from time-series Doppler images, ESA SP-560 (Vol. II), 731-734, 2005 | Oláh, K.: The Influence of Binarity on Stellar Activity, Binary Stars as Critical Tools andTests in Contemporary Astrophysics, Proc IAU Symp No 240, invited talk, 2006 | Kővári, Zs., Oláh, K., Bartus, J. , Strassmeier, K.G., Granzer, T.: Spot Modelling of zeta Andromedae, AP&SS, 304, 375-377, 2006 | Oláh, K.: Photospheric Stellar Activity Cycles, 2006,Solar and Stellar Activity Cycles, 26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 8, invited talk, 2006 | K., Oláh: Active Longitudes in Close Binaries, Ap&SS, 304, 145-148, 2006 | K., Oláh, H., Korhonen, Zs., Kővári, E., Forgács-Dajka, K.G., Strassmeier: Study of FK Comae Berenices VI, A&A, 452, 303-309, 2006 | Oláh, K., Sterken, C.: Variable Stars and Uncalibrated Photometric Data, ASP Conf Ser., invited talk, megjelenés alatt, 2006 | Zs., Kővári, J., Bartus, K.G., Strassmeier, K., Oláh, M., Weber, J.B.,
Rice, A., Washuett: Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure - XXIII. The ellipsoidal K giant binary zeta Andromedae, A&A, megjelenés alatt, 2007 | Jurcsik, J., Sódor, Á., Váradi, M.,Vida, K., Posztobányi, K., Szing, A., Hurta, Zs., Dékány, I., Washuettl, A., Vityi, N.: BVR_cI_c photometry of three RRab stars, IBVS No 5709, 2006 | Sódor, Á., Vida, K., Jurcsik, J., Váradi, M., Szeidl, B., Hurta, Zs., Dékány, I., Posztobányi, K., Vityi, N., Szing, A.: UZ UMa: An RRab star with double-periodic modulation, IBVS No 5705, 2006 | Jurcsik, J., Szeidl, B., Sódor, Á., Dékány, I., Hurta, Zs., Posztobányi, K., Vida, K., Váradi, M., Szing, A.: The Shortest Modulation Period Blazhko RR Lyrae Star: SS Cancri, AJ, 132, 61-70, 2006 | Á., Sódor, B., Szeidl, J., Jurcsik.: The Blazhko behaviour of RR Geminorum II - long-term photometric results, A&A, megjelenés alatt, 2007 | Á., Sódor: Studying Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with the 24-inch telescope of the Konkoly Observatory, AN, megjelenés alatt, 2007 | Vida, K.: Results of the photometry of the spotted dM1-2e star EY Draconis, AN, megjelenés alatt, 2007 | Hurta, Zs.: The Blazhko behaviour of RV Uma, AN, megjelenés alatt, 2007 | Dékány, I.: The double mode RR Lyrae variable BS Com, AN, megjelenés alatt, 2007 | Benkő, J. M., Bakos, G. Á., Nuspl, J.: Multicolour CCD photometry of the variable stars in globular cluster M3, MNRAS, 372, 1657-1674, 2006 | ZS Kővári, F. Villardel, I. Ribas, K. Vida, L., van Driel Gesztelyi, C. Jordi, K. Oláh: Optical flares from the faint mid-dM star 2MASS J00453912+4140395, AN megjelenés alatt, 2007 |





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