Intelligent techniques of production control  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Viharos, Zsolt János
Title in Hungarian A termelésirányítás intelligens technikái
Title in English Intelligent techniques of production control
Panel Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences
Department or equivalent HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control
Participants Kádár, Botond
Monostori, László
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 10.920
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A mesterséges intelligencia technikák (sokszor más diszciplínák eredményeivel integrálva) nyújtják talán a legígéretesebb eszközöket (pl. mesterséges neurális hálózatok, fuzzy megközelítések, szakértő rendszerek) az intelligens gyártórendszerek által új kihívások megválaszolására. A szub-szimbolikus technikák (pl. a mesterséges neurális hálók) leginkább az alacsony szintű (pl. folyamat felügyelet), míg a szimbolikus technikák (pl. szakértő rendszerek) a magas szintű (pl. kapacitástervezés) gyártási feladatok megoldásában kerülnek elsősorban alkalmazásra. Ha megvizsgáljuk a magas szintű gyártási problémákat, akkor az alacsony szintűekhez – információfeldolgozási szempontból – kísértetiesen hasonló fogalmakkal, feladatokkal találkozhatunk. Természetesen ezek a feladatok más adatokon alapulnak, különböző paraméterek meghatározását igénylik, egészen eltérő konkrét célokkal és korlátozássokkal rendelkeznek, mégis, felvetődik az alacsony szinten már bevált technikák alkalmazása a termelésirányítás magasabb szintjein is. E feltevés igazolása, és a vonatkozó megoldások kidolgozása volt a kutatás legfőbb célkitűzése. A korábban kidolgozott, publikált vagy alkalmazott technikák nem alkalmazhatóak közvetlenül a magas szintű feladatok megoldására, azokat adaptálni, változtatni volt szükséges. Célunk ezen algoritmusok megvalósítása, tesztelése, alkalmazási feltételeinek meghatározása volt - a magas szintű gyártási feladatok megoldásában.
Results in English
Artificial intelligence techniques (usually integrating the results of other research fields, too) could serve as one of the most promising tools (e.g. artificial neural networks, fuzzy sets, expert systems) for answering the new assignments of intelligent manufacturing systems. Sub-symbolic techniques (e.g. artificial neural networks) are mainly used on low level, (e.g. process monitoring), while symbolic techniques (e.g. capacity planning) are mainly used on the upper level of manufacturing. Through analysing the decision situations, arising on high-level manufacturing, the existence of quite similar problems can be recognised. Naturally, these tasks require determination of different parameters, they have different targets and constraints, but, the applicability of techniques used with success on low-level manufacturing, on high-level production, too, is still a question. To prove this and to develop the related solutions was the main goal of the research. The already published and used techniques were not directly applicable for solving high-level manufacturing assignments, consequently, they had to be adopted and changed. The analysis and solutions of high-level manufacturing decisions served with new tasks, and required to come up with new ideas, methods, solutions and algorithms. Our goal was to realise and test these algorithms, to identify their application conditions for solving assignments on high-level manufacturing.
Full text


List of publications

Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Márkus, T.; Kis, T.; Kovács, A.; Erdős, G.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs. J.;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises: management of changes and disturbances on different levels of production, The 38th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, in print, 2005
Viharos, Zs. J.; Monostori, L.; Csongrádi, Z.;: Realizing the Digital Factory: Monitoring of complex production systems, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 7th Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; pp. 31-36., 2003
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Márkus, A.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs.J.;: Towards the realisation of Digital Enterprises, Proceedings of the 36th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Progress in Virtual Manufacturing Systems; pp. 99-106, 2003
Viharos, Zs. J.; Monostori, L.; Novák, K.; Tóth, G.; Csongrádi, Z.; Kenderesy, T.; Sólymosi, T.; Lőrincz, Á.; Koródi, T.;: Monitoring of complex production systems, in view of digital factories, XVII IMEKO World Congress - Metrology in the 3rd Millennium; pp. 1463-1468, 2003
Viharos, Zs.J.; Markos, S; Szekeres, Cs.;: ANN-based chip-form classification in turning, XVII IMEKO World Congress - Metrology in the 3rd Millennium; pp. 1469-1473, 2003
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Márkus, A.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs.J.;: Digital Enterprises: First results of a national R&D project, IEEE/RSJ International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems;pp. 2335-2340, 2003
Viharos, Zs. J.; Monostori, L.; Csongrádi, Z.;: Realizing the digital factory: monitoring of complex production systems, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; pp. 29-34, 2003
Viharos, Zs. J.; Monostori, L.;: Quality-oriented modelling, simulation and management of production lines, 37th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems (ISMS-2004), Digital Enterprises, production networks; pp. 457-462, 2004
Viharos, Zs. J.;: Automatic generation a net of models for high and low levels of production control, 16th IFAC World Congress, paper nr.: 05127., 2005
Viharos, Zs. J.; Kemény, Zs.;: Similarities of high and low levels of production with respect to assignments and solution techniques, 10th IMEKO TC10 International Conference on Technical Diagnostics, pp. 45-50., 2005
Viharos, Zs. J.; Kemény, Zs.;: AI techniques in modelling, assignment, problem solving and optimisation, AI-METH 2005 - Artificial Intelligence Methods, pp. 225-230., 2005
Kádár, B.; Pfeiffer, A.; Monostori, L.:: Testing and Validating Deterministic Schedules in a Simulated Stochastic Environment, 11th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 2004
Kádár, B.; Csáji, B.; Monostori, L.; Pfeiffer, A.: Simulation supported agent-based adaptive production scheduling, International IMS Forum 2004; Global Challenges in Manufacturing, pp. 658-665., 2004
Kádár, B.; Pfeiffer, A.; Monostori, L.: Discrete event simulation for supporting production planning and scheduling decisions in digital factories, Proceedings of the 37th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems; Digital enterprises, production networks, pp. 441-448., 2004
Csáji, B.Cs.; Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.: Learning and cooperation in a distributed market-based production control system, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis, IWES’04, pp. 109-117., 2004
Monostori, L.; Csáji, B.Cs.; Kádár, B.: Adaptation and learning in distributed production control, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2004, pp. 349-352., 2004
Kádár, B.; Monostori, L.; Csáji, B.: Adaptive approaches to increase the performance of production control systems, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol 34 (2005), No 1., 2005
Kádár, B.; Pfeiffer, A.; Monostori, L.: Discrete event simulation for supporting production planning and scheduling decisions in digital factories, Proceedings of the 37th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems; Digital enterprises, production networks, pp. 441-448., 2004
Kádár, B,; Pfeiffer, A.; Monostori, L.: Building Agent-Based Systems in a Discrete-Event Simulation Environment, 4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS), 2005
Kádár, B,; Pfeiffer, A.; Monostori, L.: Stability-oriented evaluation of rescheduling strategies by using simulation, Computer sin Industry, (paper accecpted for publication), 2006
Csáji, B.Cs.; Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.: Reinforcement Learning in a Distributed Market-Based Production Control system, Advanced Engineering Informatics, (in print)., 2006
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Márkus, T.; Kis, T.; Kovács, A.; Erdős, G.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs. J.;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises: management of changes and disturbances on different levels of production, The 38th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, in print, 2005
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Márkus, T.; Kis, T.; Kovács, A.; Erdős, G.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs. J.;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises: management of changes and disturbances on different levels of production, The 38th CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, in print, 2005
Elisabeth ILIE-ZUDOR, Zsolt KEMÉNY, Péter EGRI, László MONOSTORI: The RFID technology and its current applications, The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises MITIP 2006, ISBN 963 86586 5 7, pp. 29-36., 2006
Pfeiffer, A.; Kádár, B; Monostori, L.: Simulation as one of the core technologies for digital enterprises: Assessment of hybrid rescheduling methods, Proceedings of the 3rd International CIRP Seminar on Digital Enterprise Technology, September 18-20, 2006, Setubal, Portugal, (CD version is available), 2006
Karnok, D.; Kádár, B.; Monostori, L.: Simulating the manufacturing execution system: Interactions with the workers and managers, 2nd International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV), July 22-24, 2007, Toronto, Canada. (accepted paper), 2007
Pfeiffer, A.; Kádár, B.; Monostori, L.; Karnok, D.: Simulation-based control strategy optimization by using genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises, September 11-12, 2006., 2006
Karnok, D.; Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.: Simulating the interaction between the shop floor personnel and the manufacturing execution system, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises, September 11-12, 2006., Bu, 2006
Pfeiffer, A.; Kádár, B; Monostori, L.: Stability-oriented evaluation of hybrid rescheduling methods in a job-shop with machine breakdowns, 39th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems; The Morphology of Innovative Manufacturing Systems, June 7-9, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp.:173-178., 2006
Monostori, L.; Viharos, Zs.J.;: Automatic partitioning of problems through submodel decomposition - a promising technique of digital enterprise technology, , 3rd International CIRP Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, September 18-20, 2006, Setúbal, Portugal, paper nr.: f75_A4., 2006
Monostori, L.; Viharos, Zs.J.;: Technical monitoring and diagnostics: Indispensable element of intelligent manufacturing systems, XVIII IMEKO World Congress - Metrology for a Sustainable Development, September 17-22, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, paper nr.: 32., 2006
Viharos, Zs. J.; Kádár, B.; Monostori, L.; Kemény, Zs.; Csáji, B.; Pfeiffer, A.; Karnok, D.;: Integration of production-, quality- and process monitoring for agile manufacturing, XVIII IMEKO World Congress - Metrology for a Sustainable Development, September 17-22, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, paper nr.: 33., 2006
Viharos, Zs. J.; Monostori, L.; Kemény, Zs.;: Automatic partitioning of problems through submodel decomposition - a promising technique of digital enterprise technology, 3rd International CIRP Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, September 18-20, 2006, Setúbal, Portugal, paper nr.: f75_A4., 2006
Monostori, L.; Vancza, J; Kis, T.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs. J.;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises, The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises – MITIP2006, September 11-12, 2006, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1-8., 2006
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Kis, T.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs.J;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises: requirements and solution approaches, Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM-2006, May 17-19, 2006, Saint Etienne, France, Vol. I, pp. 591-596., 2006
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Kis, T.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs.J.;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises: requirements and solution approaches, Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006, Information Control Problems in Manufacturing 2006, A Proceedings volume from the 12th IFAC International Symposium, S, 2006
Viharos, Zs. J.; Kemény, Zs.;: AI techniques in modelling, assignment, problem solving and optimisation, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2007
Argyros, A.; Bártfai, G.; Eitzinger, Ch.; Kemény, Zs.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Kék, L.; Lourakis, M.; Reisner, W.; Sandrisser, W.; Sarmis, T.; Umgeher, G.; Viharos, Zs. J.;: Smart Sensor Based Vision System for Automated Processes, International scientific book Emerging Technologies, Robotics and Control Systems, International Society for Advanced Research, Thomson Scientific Journal, ISBN: 978-88-9, 2007
Argyros, A.; Bártfai, G.; Eitzinger, Ch.; Kemény, Zs.; Csáji, B. Cs.; Kék, L.; Lourakis, M.; Reisner, W.; Sandrisser, W.; Sarmis, T.; Umgeher, G.; Viharos, Zs. J.;: Smart Sensor Based Vision System for Automated Processes, International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing, Thomson Scientific Journal, in print, paper ID. 373., 2007
Monostori, L.; Váncza, J.; Márkus, A.; Kis, T.; Kovács, A.; Erdős, G.; Kádár, B.; Viharos, Zs.J.;: Real-time, cooperative enterprises: management of changes and disturbances in different levels of production, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2006, pp. 351-359., 2006

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