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Prohászka J: Some of the technologies, which can improve the properties of anisotropic materials, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 17 November 2004, ISSN: 0924-0136, 2004 | Prohászka J, Mászáros I: Magnetic investigation of the effect of ƒ¿?Œ-martensite on the properties of austenitic stainless steel, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 3 September 2004, ISSN: 0924-0136, 2004 | PROHÁSZKA J, DOBRÁNSZKY J, NYÍRŐ J, HORVÁTH M, MAMALIS AG: Modifications of surface integrity during the cutting of copper, MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 19 (2004:6), 1025-1039 ISSN: 1042-6914, 2004 | Verő B, Zsámbók D, Horváth Á, Dobránszky J, Kopasz L, Hirka J: Advanced Structural Steels in the Hungarian Steel Industry, Materials Science Forum 473/474 (2005) 23-32., 2005 | Magasdi A, Dobránszky J, Ginsztler J: Investigation of notch sensitivity and blade breakage of bandsaw blade steels, Materials Science Forum 473/474 (2005) 79-84., 2005 | Dobranszky J, Szabo PJ, Berecz T, Hrotko V, Portko M: Energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron backscatter diffraction analysis of isothermally aged SAF 2507 type superduplex stainless steel, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 59 (2004:10-11) 1781-1788., 2004 | Kientzl I, Dobranszky J: Kompozithuzalok tulajdonságainak változása tartós idejű hőkezelés hatására, Tóth T (szerk.): Előadások, XXII. Hőkezelő és Anyagtudomány a Gépgyártásban Országos Konferencia és Szakkiállítás, Balatonfüred, 2006. október 4-6., 2006 | Prohászka J, Dobránszky J: The Role of an Anisotropy of the Elastic Moduli in the Determination of the Elastic Limit Value, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM (ISSN: 0255-5476) 2003; VOL 414/415; 311-316, 2003 | Ring Gy, Bognar E, Dobranszky J, Ginsztler J, Major L: Mechanical Behaviours of Coronary Stents, Advances in Science and Technology. 49 (2006) 91-96., 2006 | Prohaszka J, Horvath M, Mamalis AG, Nyiro J: Effect of cutting tools and cut materials on integrity of mirror surfaces, SURFACE ENGINEERING 22 (2006:4) 294-298., 2006 | Prohaszka J, Mamalis AG, Horvath M, Nyiro J, Dobranszky J: Effect of Microstructure on the Mirror-Like Surface Quality of FCC and BCC Metals, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 21 (2006) 810-818., 2006 | Kientzl I, Orbulov I, Dobranszky J, Nemeth A: Mechanical behaviour of Al-matrix composite wires in double composite structures, Advances in Science and Technology. 50 (2006) 147-152., 2006 | Prohászka J, Gaál Z: A rugalmassági határ szórásának oka, Gép, 57 (2006:11) 25-28., 2006 | Kientzl I, Dobránszky J, Ginsztler J: Effect of Production Parameters on the Properties of Composite Wires, Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 24-25 May 2006 Budapest, BUTE, 2006 | Kientzl I, Dobránszky J, Ginsztler J: Effect of Production Parameters on the Properties of Composite Wires, Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 24-25 May 2006 Budapest, BUTE, 2006 | Bálint-Pataki Zs, Dobránszky J, Puskás Zs: Examination of mechanical and medical application properties of coronary stents, Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 24-25 May 2006 Budapest, BUTE, 2006 | Bella Sz, Bernáth A, Dobránszky J: TIG, Laser Beam and Resistance Projection Microwelding, Proc. 1-st IIW South-East European Welding Congress, Welding and joining technologies for a sustainable development and environment, May 24-26, 2006 Timisoara, 2006 | Magasdi A, Dobránszky J: Fatigue Properties of the Welded Joints of High-Carbon Steel Ribbons, Proc. 1-st IIW South-East European Welding Congress, Welding and joining technologies for a sustainable development and environment, May 24-26, 2006 Timisoara, 2006 | Magasdi A, Dobránszky J: Nagy széntartalmú acélok hegesztett kötéseinek fáradásos tulajdonságai, „Hegesztési kultúránk a XXI. század kezdetén" XII. Országos Hegesztési Tanácskozás, Budapest 2006. szeptember 14-15., 2006 | Kientzl I, Dobranszky, Blucher JT, Nemeth A, Orbulov I: Mechanical properites of composite wires and double composites, Proceedings of the 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Budapest, 28 August – 1 September, 2006. CD-ROM: 384_372.pdf, 2006 | Kientzl I, Orbulov I, Dobranszky J, Nemeth A: Processing and testing of aluminium matrix composite wires, double composites and block composites, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Composite Materials, Biarritz, 29th August – 1st September, 2006. CD-ROM: 192.pdf, 2006 | Magasdi A, Dobránszky J: Szalagfűrészlapok fáradásos törései, Törmech. IX. 2006. Országos Törésmechanikai Szeminárium, BAY-LOGI, Miskolc, 2006, IX_tormech_magasdi-pdf, 2006 | Dobránszky J: Microstructural characterisation of eutectoid and TRIP steels by EDS, EBSD XRD and thermoelectric analysis, EXRS-2006 European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, June 19-23, 2006 - Paris, France, 2006 | BLÜCHER J, DOBRÁNSZKY J: Kompozithuzallal erősített alumínium duplakompozit szerkezetek, BKL Kohászat, 135 (2003:5) 213-217., 2003 | Dobránszky J, Magasdi A, Ginsztler J: Bemetszésérzékenység és fogtőrepedés vizsgálata szalagfűrészlapokon, Anyagok világa. 5 (2004:1) http://www.materialworld.uni-miskolc.hu/tartalom/2004/dec/07_DJ_MA_GJ.pdf, 2004 | Vágvölgyi G, Dobránszky J, Gyura László, Reichardt L: Vplyv ochranného plynu a travu hrotu volfrámovej elektródy na geometriu zvarových spojov austenitických ocelí, Zváranie Svaøování. 53 (2004:11-12) 286-294., 2004 | Dobránszky J, Bella Sz, Kientzl I: Wear of the tungsten electrode at the TIG arc-spot welding of dissimilar metals, Materials Science Forum. 473/474 (2005) 73-78., 2005 | Dobránszky J: The microwelding technologies and their applications (Invited paper), Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the ”Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad. 1 (2005:4) 7-13., 2005 | Magasdi A, Dobránszky J, Tusz F, Ginsztler J: Fatigue Properties of Welded Joints of High-Carbon Steels, Materials Science Forum. 537-538 (2007) 47-53., 2007 | Ring Gy, Bognár E, Dobránszky J: Coronary Stents’ Materials and Examinations of Surface and Expansion Features, Materials Science Forum. 537-538 (2007) 449-455., 2007 | Kientzl I, Dobránszky J: Production and Examination of Double Composites, Materials Science Forum. 537-538 (2007) 191-197., 2007 |




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