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Lambin Ph; Biró LP: Structural properties of haechelite nanotubes, New J. Physics 5: 141.1 - 141.14, 2003 | Rolik Z; Szabados Á; Surján P: On the perturbation of multiconfiguration wave functions, J. Chem. Phys. 119: 1922 - 1928, 2003 | Surján PR; Lázár A; Szabados Á: Laplace-transformed denominators in perturbation theory:linear-scaling second order treatment of weakly interacting nanostructures, Phys. Rev. A. 68 062503-1 - 062503-3, 2003 | Lambin Ph; Márk GI; Meunier V; Biró LP: Computation of STM images of carbon nanotubes, Int. J. of Quant. Chem. 95 493 - 503, 2003 | Lambin Ph; Márk GI; Biró LP: Structural and electronic properties of coiled and curled carbon nanotubes having a large number of pentagon-heptagon pairs, Phys. Rev. B 67: 205413-1 -205413-9, 2003 | Biró LP; Horváth ZE; Szalmás L; Kertész K; Wéber F; Juhász G; Radnóczi G; Gyulai J: Continuous carbon nanotube production in underwater ac electric arc, Chem. Phys. Lett. 372: 399 - 402, 2003 | Osváth Z; Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Benito AM; Martínez MY; Maser W; Biró LP: STM observation of Y-branched carbon nanotubes and nano-knees produced by the arc discharge method, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 23: 561 - 564, 2003 | Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Osváth Z; Tapasztó L; Niesz K; Kónya Z; Kiricsi I; Grobert N; Rühle M; Biró LP: STM investigation of carbon nanotubes connected with functional groups, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 23: 1007-1011, 2003 | Balázsi Cs; Kónya Z; Wéber F; Biró LP; Arató P: Preparation and characterization of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 23: 1133-1137, 2003 | Biró LP; Horváth ZE; Koós AA; Osváth Z; Vértesy Z; Darabont Al; Kertész K; Neamtu C; Sárkozi Zs; Tapasztó L: Direct synthesis of multi-walled and single-walled carbon nanotubes by spray-pyrolysis, J. Optoelectr. Adv. Mat. 5:, 661-666, 2003 | Surján PR; Szabados Á: Convergence enhancement in perturbation theory, Coll.Czech.Chem.Commun. 69: 105 - 120, 2004 | Biró LP; Horváth ZE; Márk GI; Osváth Z; Koós AA; Benito AM; Maser W; Lambin Ph: Carbon nanotube Y junctions: growth and properties, Diam. Rel. Mat. 13: 241 - 249, 2004 | Biró LP; Márk GI; Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Gyulai J; Gruenberger TM; Fulcheri M; BNagy J; Lambin Ph: Carbon nanoarchitectures containing non-hexagonal rings: "necklaces of pearls", Carbon 42: 2561-2566, 2004 | Surján PR; Szabados Á: On the size-dependence of the Feenberg scaling, Int. J. Quantum. Chem. 101 : 287-290, 2005 | Márk GI; Biró LP; Lambin Ph: Calculation of axial charge spreading in carbon nanotubes and nanotube Y-junctions during STM measurement, Phys.Rev.B 70 : 115423-1, 2004 | Surján PR; Rolik Z; Szabados Á; Kőhalmi D: Partitioning in multiconfiguration perturbation theory, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 13 : 223-231, 2004 | Zólyomi V; Kürti J: First-principles calculations for the electronic band structures of small diameter single-wall carbon nanotubes, Physical Review B 70: 085403-1-085403-8, 2004 | Márk GI; Biró LP; Lambin Ph: Calculation of axial charge spreading in carbon nanotubes and nanotube Y-junctions during STM measurement, Virtual J. Nanosci. Technol. 10 (http://www.vjnano.org), 2004 | Balázsi Cs; Shen Z; Kónya Z; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I; Arató P: Processing of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites by spark plasma sintering, Composite Science and Technology 65: 722-733, 2005 | Biró LP; Márk GI; Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Szabó A; Fonseca A; BNagy J; Charlier JC; Meunier V; Bedoya-Martínez ON; Hernández E; Colomer JF; Lambin Ph: Regularly Curved Carbon Nanotubes, Fullerenes, Nanotubes & Carbon Nanostructures 13 (Supplement 1): 523-533, 2005 | Szabó A; Fonseca A; Volodin A; Van Haesendonck C; Biró LP; Colomer JF; Lambin Ph; BNagy J: Synthesis, properties and possible applications of helical carbon nanotubes, Fullerenes, Nanotubes & Carbon Nanostructures 13 (Supplement 1): 139-146, 2005 | Szabados Á; Rolik Z; Tóth G; Surján PR: Multiconfiguration perturbation theory: size-consistency at second order, J. Chem. Phys. 122: 114104.1-114104.12, 2005 | Tapasztó L; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Horváth ZE; Koós AA; Osváth Z; Sárközi Zs; Darabont Al; Biró LP: Diameter and morphology dependence on experimental conditions of carbon nanotube arrays grown by spray pyrolysis, Carbon 43: 970–977, 2005 | Biró LP; Márk GI; Gyulai J; BNagy J; Lambin Ph: Tubular nanostructures from haeckelite-type sheets, Poszter: XVIIth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Molecular Nanostructures, 2003 Kirchberg, Austria, 2003 | Kónya Z; Niesz K; Kukovecz A; Biró LP; Kiricsi I: Synthesis procedures of carbon nanotube junctions, Poszter: XVIIth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Molecular Nanostructures, 2003 Kirchberg, Austria, 2003 | Tapasztó L; Márk GI; Gyulai J; Lambin Ph; Kónya Z; Biró LP: Geometrical effects of wave functions of carbon nanosystems, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2003. AIP Conference Proceedings, 685. pp. 439 - 442, 2003 | Balázsi Cs; Kónya Z; Wéber F; Biró LP; Arató P: Synthesis and characterization of silicon nitride based composites containing different carbon nanospecies, Poszter: International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, 2003 Crete, Greece, 2003 | Biró LP; Márk GI; Lambin Ph: Regularly coiled carbon nanotubes, In: Vajtai R, Aymerich X, Kish LB, Rubio A. (ed.) Nanotechnology, Gran Canaria: Proceedings of SPIE 5118. pp 170-178, 2003 | Osváth Z; Fulcheri L; Márk GI; Tapasztó L; Gyulai J; Biró LP: STM and STS investigation of few wall carbon nanotubes containing non-hexagonal carbon rings, In: Vajtai R, Aymerich X, Kish LB, Rubio A. (ed.) Nanotechnology, Gran Canaria: Proceedings of SPIE 5118. pp 587 - 593, 2003 | Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Tapasztó L; Niesz K; Kónya Z; Kiricsi I; Grobert N; Rühle M; Biró LP: STM investigation of carbon nanotubes compltely covered with functional groups, In: Vajtai R, Aymerich X, Kish LB, Rubio A. 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Nanotechnology, Gran Canaria: Proceedings of SPIE 5118. pp 565 - 570, 2003 | Balázsi Cs; Kónya Z; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Arató P: Examination of carbon nanotubes reinforced silicon nitride nanocomposites, Poszter: International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, 2003 Crete, Greece, 2003 | Biró LP: From nanotube knees to coiled carbon nanotubes, Meghívott előadás: 3rd Conference of Isotopic and Molecular Processes, 2003 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2003 | Horváth ZE; Szalmás L; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Niesz K; Kiricsi I; Méhn D; BNagy J: Multiwall carbon nanotubes produced by underwater electric arc, Szóbeli előadás: European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 2003 Lausanne, Switzerland, 2003 | Biró LP; Horváth ZE; Koós AA; Osváth Z; Vértesy Z; Darabont Al; Kertész K; Neamtu C; Sárközi Zs; Tapasztó L: Production of carbon nanotubes by catalyst enhanced vapour phase pyrolysis method, Poszter: 3rd Conference of Isotopic and Molecular Processes, 2003 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2003 | Osváth Z; Maser W; Szabó I; Pető G; Koós AA; Gyulai J; Biró LP: STM study on multi-wall carbon nanotubes irradiated with Ar+ ions, Poszter: European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 2003 Lausanne, Switzerland, 2003 | Márk GI; Tapasztó L: Szén nanoszerkezetek alagútmikroszkópos (STM) leképezésének szimulációja kvantummechanikai módszerekkel, Meghívott előadás: Anyagtudomány és kvantummechanika, Anyagtudományi Őszi Iskola, 2003, Tata, 2003 | Biró LP; Koós AA; Osváth Z; Márk GI; Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Tapasztó L; Gyulai J; BNagy J; Lambin Ph: Novel carbon nanoarchitectures, Mehghívott előadás: 4th Hungarian Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science, Testing and Informatics, 2003, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 2003 | Gonzalez-Aguilar J; Gruenberger TG; Fabry F; Fulcheri L; Flamant G; Badie JM; BNagy J; Biró LP: Caracterisation d’un reacteur plasma pour la synthese de nanotubes de carbone, Szóbeli előadás: Colloque GDR, Nanotubes, 2003, Lyon, France, 2003 | Biró LP: Carbon nanotubes containing non-hexagonal rings: knees, Y-junctions and coils, Meghívott előadás:1st Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 2003, Szeged, Hungary, 2003 | Tapasztó L; Márk GI; Gyulai J; Lambin Ph; Kónya Z; Biró LP: Effects of geometry on the STM tunnel current of carbon nanosystems, Szóbeli előadás: 1st Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 2003, Szeged, Hungary, 2003 | Osváth Z; Maser W; Szabó I; Pető G; Koós AA; Gyulai J; Biró LP: STM study on multi-wall carbon nanotubes irradiated with Ar+ ions, Poszter: 1st Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 2003, Szeged, Hungary, 2003 | Darabont Al; Sárközi Zs; Tapasztó L; Kertész K; Horváth ZE; Vértesy Z; Koós AA; Osváth Z; Neamtu C; Biró LP: Synthesis of multi-walled and single-walled carbon nanotubes by spray-pyrolysis, Poszter: 1st Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 2003, Szeged, Hungary, 2003 | Márk GI: Novel carbon nanostructures – a proposal for collaboration, Szóbeli előadás: Joint WorkGroup Meeting, COST Materials Action 523 “Nano-structured Materials”, 2003, Brussels, Belgium, 2003 | Biró LP: Újszerű szén nanocső architekturák (novel carbon nanotube architectures), Magyar Tudomány, 9: 1122 - 1129, 2003 | Biró LP; Lambin Ph: Scanning tunneling microscopy of carbon nanotubes, In: H. S. Nalwa (ed.) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, Vol.9, pp. 415 -427, 2004 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Pető G; Szabó I; Gyulai J; Maser W; Biró LP: STM investigation of irradiated carbon nanotubes, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2004. AIP Conference Proceedings, 723. pp. 149 - 152, 2004 | Biró LP: Újszerű szén nanocső architektúrák, Szóbeli előadás: Nanotechnológiai Workshop, 2004, MFA, Budapest, 2004 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Pető G; Szabó I; Gyulai J; Maser W; Biró LP: STM investigation of irradiated carbon nanotubes, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2003. AIP Conference Proceedings, 723. pp. 149 - 152, 2003 | Szabó A; Fonseca A; Volodin A; Van Haesendonck C; Biró LP; BNagy J: Synthesis, properties and possible applications of helical carbon nanotubes, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2004. AIP Conference Proceedings, 723. pp. 40- 44, 2004 | Zólyomi V; Kürti J: First-principles calculations for the electronic band structures of zone folding metallic single wall carbon nanotubes, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2004. AIP Conference Proceedings, 723. pp. 343- 346, 2004 | Kürti J; Zólyomi V: First-principles calculations for the electronic band structures of zone folding non-metallic single wall carbon nanotubes, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2004. AIP Conference Proceedings, 723. pp. 377- 380, 2004 | Márk GI; Biró LP; Tapasztó L; Mayer A; Lambin Ph: Atomic pseudopotential model for wave packet tunneling through a carbon nanotube, In: H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring & S. Roth (ed.) Molecular Nanostructures, Kirchberg 2004. AIP Conference Proceedings, 723. pp. 389- 392, 2004 | Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Koós AA; Radnóczi G; Biró LP: Carbon nanotubes grown in underwater electric arc, Meghívott előadás: Slovak - Hungarian Meeting on Nanotechnology in Research and Application, 2004, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2004 | Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Pethő L; Koós AA; Biró LP: The effect of the growth geometry on the yield of nanotube production in underwater electric arc, 6th NanoteC Meeting, 1st GDR-E Meeting, 2004, Batz-sur-Mer, France, Abstract Book p. 76, 2004 | Biró LP; Márk GI; Koós AA; Osváth Z; Horváth ZE; Vértesy Z; Szabó A; Fonseca A; BNagy J; Lambin Ph: Hackelite type carbon architectures, Meghívott előadás: Slovak - Hungarian Meeting on Nanotechnology in Research and Application, 2004, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2004 | Surján PR; Szabados Á: Appendix to \''Studies in perturbation theory\'': the problem of partitioning, In: Brandas EJ, Kryachko ES (ed.) Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry, A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin, Dordrecht, Kluwer, Vol. III., pp. 129-185, 2004 | Biró LP: Carbon nanotubes, Meghívott előadás: Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnologies, 2004, Strasbourg, France, 2004 | Balázsi Cs; Kónya Z; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I Arató P: Examination of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride Composites, Fifth International Conference on High Temperature Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HTCMC-5), Seattle, Washington, 2004, The American Ceramic Society, pp. 107-112, 2004 | Balázsi Cs; Shen Z; Kövér Zs; Kónya Z; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I; Arató P: Study of MWNT/Si3N4 Composites Prepared by Different Sintering Methods, Szóbeli előadás: 2st Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 2004, Szeged, Hungary, 2004 | Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Kövér Zs; Kónya Z; Kiricsi I; Biró LP; Arató P: Development of Preparation Processes for CNT/Si3N4 Composites, Szóbeli előadás: Fractography of Advanced Ceramics, 2004, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic, 2004 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Koós AA; Kertész K; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Maser W; Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, 6th NanoteC Meeting, 1st GDR-E Meeting, 2004, Batz-sur-Mer, France, Abstract Book p. 208, 2004 | Balázsi Cs; Shen Z; Kövér Zs; Kónya Z; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I; Arató P: Comparison of MWNT/Si3N4 Composites Prepared by Hot Isostatic Pressing and Spark Plasma Sintering, Szóbeli előadás: International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials, ISIEM 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2004 | Kovács GJ; Koós A; Bertoni G; Sáfrán G; Geszti O; Serin V; Colliex C; Radnóczi G: Structure and spectroscopic properties of C-Ni and CNx-Ni nanocomposite films, J. App. Phys. 98: 034313.1-034313.5, 2005 | Covas JA; Bernardo CA; Carneiro OS; Maia JM; van Hattum FWJ; Gaspar-Cunha A; Biró LP; Horváth ZE; Kiricsi I; Kónya Z; Niesz K: Continuous production of polycarbonate-carbon nanotube composites, J. Polimer Eng. 25: 39-57, 2005 | Szabó A; Fonseca A; B.Nagy J; Lambin Ph; Biró LP: Structural origin of coiling in coiled carbon nanotubes, Carbon 43: 1628 -1633, 2005 | Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Kövér Zs; Kónya Z; Kiricsi I; Biró LP; Arató P: Development of Preparation Processes for CNT/Si3N4 Composites, Key Eng. Mat. 290-291: 135-141, 2005 | Balázsi Cs; Fényi B; Hegman N; Kövér Zs; Wéber F; Vértesy Z; Kónya Z; Kiricsi I; Biró LP; Arató P: Development of CNT/SI3N4 composites with improved mechanical and electrical properties, Composites B 37: 418-424, 2006 | Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Kövér Zs; Shen Z; Kónya Z; Kasztovszky Zs; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I; Arató P: Application of carbon nanotubes to silicon nitride matrix reinforcements, Curr. Appl. Phys. 6: 124-130, 2006 | Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Pethő L; Koós AA; Tapasztó L; Vértesy Z; Osváth Z; Darabont Al; Nemes-Incze P; Sárközi Zs; L. P. Biró: Inexpensive, upscalable methods for nanotube growth, Curr. Appl. Phys. 6: 135-140, 2006 | Surján PR: The MP2 energy as a functional of the Hartree-Fock density matrix, Chem. Phys. Lett. 406: 318-320, 2005 | Kőhalmi D; Szabados Á; Surján PR: Idempotency-conserving iteration scheme for the one-electron density matrix, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95: 13002.1-13002.4, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Phys. Rev. B 72: 045429.1- 045429.6, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of atomic-scale carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 26: 1194-1197, 2006 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Virtual J. of Nanoscale Sci. & Technol. (on-line, selected) 12, Issue 4 (July 25), 2005 | Schiller R; Balog J; Nagy G: Continuous-time random-walk theory of interfering diffusion and chemical reaction with an application to electrochemical impedance spectra of oxidized Zr-1%Nb, J. Chem. Phys. 123: 094704.1-094704.7, 2005 | Rusznyák Á, Zólyomi V, Kürti J; Yang S, Kertesz M: Bond-length altenation and charge transfer in a linear carbon chain encapsulated within a single-walled carbon nanotube, Phys. Rev. B 72: 155420-1-155420-6, 2005 | Biró LP; Lambin Ph: Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes, Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to Nanotechnology (Eds. V. Popov & Ph. Lambin) Springer, 2005 | Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Tapasztó L; Osváth Z; Sárközi Zs; Darabont Al; Biró LP: Influence of catalyst and carbon source on the synthesis of carbon nanotubes in a semi-continuous injection CVD method, Poszter: Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Tapasztó L; Osváth Z; Sárközi Zs; Darabont Al; Biró LP: Influence of catalyst and carbon source on the synthesis of carbon nanotubes in a semi-continuous injection CVD method, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Abstract Book, page 60, 2005 | Márk GI; Mayer A; Tapasztó L; Biró LP; Lambin Ph: Quantum mechanical simulations of STM imaging of nanostructures, Szóbeli előadás: Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | Márk GI; Mayer A; Tapasztó L; Biró LP; Lambin Ph: Quantum mechanical simulations of STM imaging of nanostructures, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Abstract Book, page 35, 2005 | Tapasztó L; Márk GI; Lambin Ph; Biró LP: The influence of substrate on the electronic structure of supported carbon nanotubes, Poszter: Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | Tapasztó L; Márk GI; Lambin Ph; Biró LP: The influence of substrate on the electronic structure of supported carbon nanotubes, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Abstract Book, page 59, 2005 | Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Kövér Zs; Czigány Zs; Kónya Z; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I; Arató P: Applying carbon nanotubes as ceramic matrix reinforcements, Szóbeli előadás: Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Kövér Zs; Czigány Zs; Kónya Z; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I; Arató P: Applying carbon nanotubes as ceramic matrix reinforcements, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Abstract Book, page 25, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Poszter: Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS), 2005, Abstract Book, page 61, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: STM images of atomic-scale carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 786: 154-157, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, Poszter: XIXth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Molecular Nanostructures, 2005, Kirchberg (Tirol), Austria, 2005 | Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP: Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of atomic-scale carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, Poszter: European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting, 2005, Strasbourg, France, 2005 | Biró LP: STM and STS of carbon nanotubes I., Meghívott előadás: NATO Advanced Study Institute: Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to Nanotechnology, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2005 | Biró LP: STM and STS of carbon nanotubes II., Meghívott előadás: NATO Advanced Study Institute: Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to Nanotechnology, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2005 | Biró LP: STM and STS of carbon nanotubes III., Meghívott előadás: NATO Advanced Study Institute: Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to Nanotechnology, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2005 | Biró LP: Novel carbon nanotube type nanoarchitectures: Y-junctions, coils and "necklaces", Meghívott előadás: NENAMAT Summerschool, 2005, Primorsko, Bulgaria, 2005 | Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Tapasztó L; Osváth Z; Sárközi Z; Nemes Incze P; Darabont Al; Biró LP: Optimization of the synthesis of carbon nanotubes in a semi-continuous injection chemical vapor deposition method, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Semiconductor Nanocrystals, SEMINANO, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Semiconductor Nanocrystals 1: 51-54, 2005 | Koós AA; Horváth ZE; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Tapasztó L; Osváth Z; Sárközi Z; Nemes Incze P; Darabont Al; Biró LP: Optimization of the synthesis of carbon nanotubes in a semi-continuous injection chemical vapor deposition method, Poszter: First International Workshop on Semiconductor Nanocrystals, SEMINANO 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | Zólyomi V, Rusznyák Á, Kürti J; Yang S, Kertesz M: Linear carbon chain in the interior of a single walled carbon nanotube, Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures, AIP Conference Proceedings 786: 440- 443, 2005 | Kürti J; Koltai J, Zólyomi V: The role of Van Hove singularities in disorder induced Raman scattering, Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures, AIP Conference Proceedings 786: 416- 419, 2005 | Kürti J; Koltai J, Zólyomi V: The role of Van Hove singularities in disorder induced Raman scattering, Poszter: XIXth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Molecular Nanostructures, 2005, Kirchberg (Tirol), Austria, 2005 | Zólyomi V, Rusznyák Á, Kürti J; Yang S, Kertesz M: Linear carbon chain in the interior of a single walled carbon nanotube, Poszter: XIXth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Molecular Nanostructures, 2005, Kirchberg (Tirol), Austria, 2005 | Koós AA: Szén nanocsövek vizsgálata pásztázószondás módszerek és transzmissziós elektronmikroszkópia segítségével, Doktori értekezés "summa cum laude" minősítéssel, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar, Fizika Doktori Iskola, 2005 | Biró László P.: Nanocső jellegű szén nanoszerkezetek előállítása és vizsgálata, MTA Doktori disszertáció, MTA Fizikai Osztály, 2005 | Z. E. Horváth, K. Kertész, A. A. Koós, E. Horváth, Z. Vértesy, G. MolnárM. Ádám, Cs. Dücső and J. Gyulai, P. Nemes-Incze and Al. Darabont, Z. Kónya and I. Kiricsi, L. P. Biró: Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensors, Meghívott előadás: International Symposium Carbon Materials: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 | L. P. Biró, G. I. Márk, Ph. Lambin: Novel Carbon Nanotube Type Nanoarhitectures, Meghívott előadás: NENAMAT International Conference NANO 05, 2005, Brno, Czech Republic, 2005 | L. P. Biró, G. I. Márk, Ph. Lambin: Novel Carbon Nanotube Type Nanoarhitectures, NENAMAT International Conference NANO 05, 2005, Abstract Book, page 25, 2005 | R. Schiller: Dispersive Diffusion and Chemical Reactions of Intermediaries - a Foray into Electrochemistry, Meghívott előadás: Gordon Conference on Radiation Chemistry, 2004,Colby College,Waterville, ME, USA, 2004 | Horváth ZE; Koós AA; Kertész K; Vértesy Z; Molnár G; Ádám M; Dücső Cs; Gyulai J; Kónya Z; Kiricsi I; Biró LP: Mats of functionalized carbon nanotubes for gas/vapor sensing, Poszter: 32nd International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering, 2006, Barcelona, Spain, 2006 | Szabados Á; Biró LP; Surján PR: Effects of inter-tube interaction in carbon nanotube bundles, Phys. Rev. B 73: 195404-1 – 195404-9, 2006 | Szabados Á; Biró LP; Surján PR: Effects of inter-tube interaction in carbon nanotube bundles, Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci & Technol. (on line selected) May 29 Vol. 13(21), 2006 | Leer C; Carneiro OS; Maia JM; F. Van Hattum FWJ; Bernardo CA; Biró LP; Horváth ZE; Kiricsi I: Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polycarbonate and its effect on the composite properties, Mat. Sci. 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