Fullerene chemical investigation with special emphasis on new endohedral, supermolecular and biocompatible fullerene compounds and radiofullerenes  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Braun, Tibor
Title in Hungarian Fullerénkémiai vizsgálatok különös tekintettel új endohedrális, szupramoekuláris és biokompatibilis fullerén vegyületekre és radiofullerénekre valamint azok alkalmazására
Title in English Fullerene chemical investigation with special emphasis on new endohedral, supermolecular and biocompatible fullerene compounds and radiofullerenes
Panel Chemistry 1
Department or equivalent Institute of Chemistry (Eötvös Loránd University)
Participants Rausch, Henrik
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 6.112
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatás új szempontokat tárt fel a fullerének oldhatóságáról, szerkezeti vonatkozásairól, amelyek biokompatibilitásuk, toxicitásuk (ezek pillanatnyilag folyamatban vannak) vizsgálatát teszik lehetővé. A szerkezeti tisztázást Raman és nukleáris reaktorban való mérésekkel végeztük. Ez utóbbi mérésekkel mutattuk ki, hogy a szén nanocsövek nyomelemszennyezése a valószínű oka a világszerte folyó nanocsőelektronikai eredmények reprodukálhatatlanságának. A fullerének vízben teljesen oldhatatlanok és ez jelentős akadály toxicitásuk és biokompatibilitásuk vizsgálatánál. Eddig kb. 150 szerves oldószert vizsgáltak meg a fullerének oldhatóságának szempontjából és ezek közül egyesek mint pld. a toluol, nitrobenzol, széndiszulfid megfelelőknek bizonyultak, azaz elfogadhatóan oldották a fulleréneket. Sajnos ezek alkalmazása élő szervezetekben lehetetlen. E kérdés megoldását jelentették azok a vizsgálatok és eredmények, amelyekben világviszonylatban első ízben bizonyítottuk, hogy növényi olajok, mint pld. az olívaolaj, a napraforgóolaj, a tökmagolaj, a repceolaj elfogadhatóan oldják a C60 és C70 fulleréneket, ezáltal lehetőséget nyújtva biológiai, biokémiai és élő szervezetben való kísérletek végzésére. Az oldódás mechanizmusára vonatkozóan annak hőmérséklet függésének mérésével bizonyítottuk, hogy az oldódás exotermikus folyamatként játszódik le.
Results in English
The research has revealed new vistas on the solubility of fullerenes and their structural aspects which contributed to the possibility of studies of their biocompatibility and toxicity (our measurements on this later aspects are on their way). The structural examinations were using Raman spectrometry. Neutron irradiation in a nuclear reactor using neutron activation analysis has shown that the trace elements determined in carbon nanotubes are the possible ground of the worldwide irreproducibility of nanoelectronics with nanotubes.
Full text http://real.mtak.hu/1222/


List of publications

T. Braun, H. Rausch, J. Mink: RAMAN Spectroscopy of the effect of reactor neutron irradiation. On the structure of polycristalline C60, Carbon, 2005
T. Braun; L. Márk; R. Ohmacht, U. Sharma: OLIVE OIL AS BIOCOMPATIBLE SOLVENT FOR PRISTINE C60, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2007
T. Braun; F. Cataldo: THE SOLUBILITY OF C60 IN VEGETABLE OILS AS MIXTURES OF LONG CHAIN FATTY ACID ESTERS, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2007
Braun, T.: Hungarian Priority in the Discovery of the New Science of Networks,, Science, 304; 1745– 1745, 2004
Braun T.: The Epidemic Diffusion of Fullerene Research, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. English, 31 588-589, 1992
T. Braun T.; Berényi P.; Illényi A.; Sakiev S:: Temperature Induced Acoustic Emission from Polycrystalline Buckminsterfullerene, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1613-1614, 1994
Braun T.; Buvári-Barcza Á.; Barcza L.; Migali, B; Fodor M:: Mechanochemistry: a Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Fullerene Compounds. Water Soluble Buckminsterfullerene - g-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes Via a Solid-Solid Reaction, Solid State Ionics, 74, 47-51, 1994
Buvári-Barcza Á.; Barcza L.; Braun T.: On the Formation of Water-Soluble, Buckminsterfullerene - g-Cyclodextrin Inclusion, Supramolecular Chemistry, 4, 131-133, 1994
Manciu M.; Manaila R.;. Dévényi A.; Braun T: Stacking Defects in C60 Films, Fullerene Science and Technology, 2 255-289, 1994
Braun T: Carbon Nanotubes: The Fastest Growing Subfield of Nanostructured Materials, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 1-5, 1997
Braun T.; Rausch H.: Trace Element Impurities in C60, C70 and in Graphite Soot, Anal. Chem., 67 1512-1520, 1995
Braun T.;. Rausch H.: Endohedral Incorporation of Argon into C60 by Neutron Irradiation, Chem. Phys. Lett., 237, 443-447, 1995
10. Belu-Marian A.; Manaila R.; Stoica T.; Dragomir A.; Manciu M.; Dévényi A.; Braun T.: Effects of Annealing on the Conductivity of C60 Thin Films, Fullerene Science and Technology, 3, 495-510, 1995
Braun T.: Radiochemical Approaches to Fullerene Chemistry, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Articles , 203,377-398, 1996
Braun T.: The World Inside Fullerene Cages: The Physical Chemistry of Endohedral X@C2x Compounds, ACH Models in Chemistry, 132 245-263, 1995
Braun T.: Generalizing the Usage of the @ Symbol in Chemistry, ACH Models in Chem., 133, 427-428, 1996
Braun T.; Schubert A.; Zsindely S.;: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on the Balance,, Scientometrics, 38, 321-325, 1997
Braun T.: Capturer-Captive Chemistry: A New Typology for Molecular Containers Including Fullerenes, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 479-487, 1997
Buvári-Barcza Á.; Barcza L.; Braun T.; Konkoly-Thege I.; Ludányi K.; Vékey K.: The Interaction of Buckminsterfullerene and Gamma-Cyclodextrin, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 311-324, 1997
Braun T.; Osawa E.: Editorial: Diagnosis of the Fullerene Fever on the Occasion of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Fullerene Science and Technology, 4, III-V, 1996
Rausch H.; Braun T: Multielemental Characterization of Several Brands of Fullerenes and Fullerene Precursors by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, Anal. Chem., 69, 2312-2316, 1997
Braun T.: Water Soluble Fullerene-Cyclodextrin Supramolecular Assemblies Preparation, structure, properties (An annotated bibliography), Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 615-626, 1997
14. Nacsa, J.; Segesdi J.; Gyuris Á.; Braun T.; Rausch H.; Buvári-Barcza Á; Barcza, L.; Minarovics J.; Molnár J.: Antiretroviral Effects of Nonderivatized C60 In Vitro, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 969-976, 1997
Braun T.: Mechanochemical Approaches to Fullerene Chemistry, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 1291-1311, 1997
Rausch H.; Braun T.: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Trace Element Impurities in Graphite, Soot, Gold Grade C60 and C70, and in Super Goldgrade C60, Fullerene Science and Technology , 5, 407-418, 1997
Braun T.; Rausch H.: Radioactive Endohedral Metallofullerenes Formed by Prompt Gamma - Generated Nuclear Recoil Implosion, Chem. Phys. Lett., 288, 179-182, 1998
Braun T.; Rausch H.: Chemical Effects of Nuclear Recoil (Szilard-Chalmers Effect) in and on Fullerene Molecules Radioisotopically Labelled Endohedrals and Cages, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 243, 27-31, 2000
Lovas Gy.;Dódony I.; Braun T.; Rausch H.: The Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Form of Sulfur in Commercial C60, Fullerene Science and Technology, 7, 855-870, 1999
Braun T.; Rausch H.: Nuclear Recoil Implosion for Generating Endohedral Radiofullerenes, Carbon, 36, 1708-1709, 1998
Devenyi A.; Manaila R.; Belu-Marian A; Macovei D,; Manciu M,: Nanocrystalline Gold in Au-doped Thin C60 Films, Thin Solid Films, 335, 258-265, 1998
Rausch, H.; Braun, T.; Dódony I, Lovas G.: . Determination of Sulfur as an Impurity in Commercial C60, Fullerene Soot and Sublimed C60 Polycrystals by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, The Analyst, 124, 417-419, 1999
30. Braun, T.; Schubert, A.; Schubert, G.;Vasvári L.: The Fullerene Research Scene of the Mid-90\'s, Fullerene Science and Technology, 7, 117-122, 1999
Komatsu, K.; Fujiwara K.;. Murata Y.; Braun: Aqueous Solubilization of Crystalline Fullerenes by Supramolecular Complexation with g-Cyclodextrin and Sulfocalix[8]arene under Mechanochemical High-Speed Vibration Milling, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin 1, 2963-2966, 1999
Kostoff R.N.; Braun T.; Schubert A.; Toothman R.D.; Humanik: J.: Fullerene Data Mining Using Bibliometrics and Database Tomography, J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci., 40, 19-39, 2000
Rausch H. Braun T.: Sublimation Behaviour of C60 and of the Endohedral Radiofullerenes Formed by Nuclear Recoil Implosion via Neutron Irradiation, Chem.Phys. Lett..350, 15-18, 2001
Braun T. Rausch H.: Nuclear Recoil Implosion for Generating Radioisotopically Labeled Fullerene Endohedrals and Cages, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 243, 27-30, 2000
33. Popescu R.; Macovei D.; Devenyi A.; Fratiloiu D.G.; Manaila R.; Barna, B.P.;: Metal-Clusters in Metal/C60 Thin Film Nanosystems, Materials Science Forum, 321-324, 554-559, 2000
Braun T.;.Schubert A.P. Kostoff N.R.: Growth and Trends of Fullerene,Research as Reflected in its Journal Literature, Chem.Revs., 100, 23, 2000
. Buvári-Barcza Á.; Rohonczy J.; Rozlosnik N.; Golányi T.; Szabó B.;: Aqueous Solubilization of [60]fullerene via Inclusion Complex Formation and Hydration of C60, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin 2, 191-196, 2001
Süvegh K.;.Fujiwara K.; Komatsu K.; Marek T.; Ueda T.; Vértes A.;.Braun T.: Positron Annihilation in Supramolecular Gamma- and Delta- Cyclodextrin-C60 and C70 Polycrystals, Chem. Phys. Lett., 344, 263-269, 2001
Braun T.;.Osawa E.; Detre Cs, Tóth, I.: On Some Analytical Aspects of the Determination of Fullerenes in Samples from the P/Tr Boundary Layers, Chem.Phys.Lett., 348, 361-362, 2001
Braun, T.; Schubert A;.Kostoff R.: A Chemistry Field in Search of Applications Statistical Approach to US Fullerene Patents, J.Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci.,42 , 1011-1015, 2002
Prylutsky I.Yu.; Yaschuk, M.V.; Kushnir M.K.;.Golub A.A.; Kudrenko A.V.;: Biophysical Studies of Fullerene-Based Composite for Bio-Nanotechnology, Mater. Sci.Eng., C1004, 1-3, 2002
Adamenko I.;.Moroz O.; Durov S.S.;.Prylutsky, I.Yu.;Scharff P.;Braun T.: . Thermodynamic Properties of C60 Fullerene Water Solution, High Pressure Research, Vol.23, No., 3, 271-273, 2003
Braun T.; Rausch H; Bíró P.L.;.Zsoldos É.; Ohmacht R.; Márk L.: Poycristalline C60 to High Speed Vibration Milling, Chem.Phys.Letts., 375, 422-424, 2003
Yaschuk M.V..; Kushnir M.K.; Golub A.A.;.Prylutska V.S.; Matyshevska P.O.;: Effect of UV Irradiation of Fullerene-Containing Composite in Biological Samples, Functional Materials, 10, no.3, pp. 525-527, 2003
Adamenko, I. I., Moroz, K.O., Prylutskyy, Yu.I., Eklund, P. Scharff, P., Braun, T.;: Equation of State for C60 Fullerene Aqueous Solutions, International Journal of Thermophysics Vol.26 No.3 May, 795-805, 2005
Márk, L., Szabó, Z. , Ohmacht, R. , Braun, T.: HPLC-MS Analysis of Biocompatible C60 and Fullerene Derivatives, Not yet published, 2005
Dmytrenko, Kulish, Belyi, Dmytruk, Prylutskyy, Vertsimakha, Pogorelov, Shlapatskaya, Scharff, Braun: Radiative Recombination of Frenkel Excitons in Solid C60 Under Radiation Damages, Mol. Chyst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 426, 187-194, 2005
Braun, T.; Rausch, H.: Determination of traces of elemental impurities in single walled and multi walled pristine and purified carbon nanotubes by instrumental neutron activation analysis, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 262; 31–34., 2004
T. Braun, H. Rausch, L.P. Bíró, É. Zsoldos, R. Ohmacht, L. Márk: The Survivality of Polycristalline C60 to High Speed Vibration Milling, Chemical Phys. Letters, 2003
Zs. Révay, T.Belgya, H. Rausch, T. Braun: THE ANALYSIS OF C60 AND C70 FULLERENES BY PROMPT GAMMA ACTIVATION ANALYSIS (PGAA), Chemical Phys. Letters, 423, pp.450-453, 2006
T. Braun, H. Rausch, L.P. Bíró, Z. Kónya, I. Kiricsi: Trace Element Impurities in Single Walled (SWNT) and Multi Walled (MWNT) Pristine and Purified Carbon Nanotubes, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 262, pp.31-34, 2004
I.I.Adamenko, K.O.Moroz, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, P.Eklund, P.Scharff, T.Braun: Equation of State for C60 Fullerene Aqueous Solutions, International Journal of Thermophysics, 26/3 pp. 795-805, 2005
T. Braun: Capturer-Captive Versus Host-Guest Chemistry. A New Nomenclatural Approach to Molecular Containers, Romanian Journal of Chemistry , 48,pp. 421-425, 2003

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