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T. Braun, H. Rausch, J. Mink: RAMAN Spectroscopy of the effect of reactor neutron irradiation. On the structure of polycristalline C60, Carbon, 2005 | T. Braun; L. Márk; R. Ohmacht, U. Sharma: OLIVE OIL AS BIOCOMPATIBLE SOLVENT FOR PRISTINE C60, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2007 | T. Braun; F. Cataldo: THE SOLUBILITY OF C60 IN VEGETABLE OILS AS MIXTURES OF LONG CHAIN FATTY ACID ESTERS, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2007 | Braun, T.: Hungarian Priority in the Discovery of the New Science of Networks,, Science, 304; 1745– 1745, 2004 | Braun T.: The Epidemic Diffusion of Fullerene Research, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. English, 31 588-589, 1992 | T. Braun T.; Berényi P.; Illényi A.; Sakiev S:: Temperature Induced Acoustic Emission from Polycrystalline Buckminsterfullerene, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1613-1614, 1994 | Braun T.; Buvári-Barcza Á.; Barcza L.; Migali, B; Fodor M:: Mechanochemistry: a Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Fullerene Compounds. Water Soluble Buckminsterfullerene - g-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes Via a Solid-Solid Reaction, Solid State Ionics, 74, 47-51, 1994 | Buvári-Barcza Á.; Barcza L.; Braun T.: On the Formation of Water-Soluble, Buckminsterfullerene - g-Cyclodextrin Inclusion, Supramolecular Chemistry, 4, 131-133, 1994 | Manciu M.; Manaila R.;. Dévényi A.; Braun T: Stacking Defects in C60 Films, Fullerene Science and Technology, 2 255-289, 1994 | Braun T: Carbon Nanotubes: The Fastest Growing Subfield of Nanostructured Materials, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 1-5, 1997 | Braun T.; Rausch H.: Trace Element Impurities in C60, C70 and in Graphite Soot, Anal. Chem., 67 1512-1520, 1995 | Braun T.;. Rausch H.: Endohedral Incorporation of Argon into C60 by Neutron Irradiation, Chem. Phys. Lett., 237, 443-447, 1995 | 10. Belu-Marian A.; Manaila R.; Stoica T.; Dragomir A.; Manciu M.; Dévényi A.; Braun T.: Effects of Annealing on the Conductivity of C60 Thin Films, Fullerene Science and Technology, 3, 495-510, 1995 | Braun T.: Radiochemical Approaches to Fullerene Chemistry, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Articles , 203,377-398, 1996 | Braun T.: The World Inside Fullerene Cages: The Physical Chemistry of Endohedral X@C2x Compounds, ACH Models in Chemistry, 132 245-263, 1995 | Braun T.: Generalizing the Usage of the @ Symbol in Chemistry, ACH Models in Chem., 133, 427-428, 1996 | Braun T.; Schubert A.; Zsindely S.;: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on the Balance,, Scientometrics, 38, 321-325, 1997 | Braun T.: Capturer-Captive Chemistry: A New Typology for Molecular Containers Including Fullerenes, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 479-487, 1997 | Buvári-Barcza Á.; Barcza L.; Braun T.; Konkoly-Thege I.; Ludányi K.; Vékey K.: The Interaction of Buckminsterfullerene and Gamma-Cyclodextrin, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 311-324, 1997 | Braun T.; Osawa E.: Editorial: Diagnosis of the Fullerene Fever on the Occasion of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Fullerene Science and Technology, 4, III-V, 1996 | Rausch H.; Braun T: Multielemental Characterization of Several Brands of Fullerenes and Fullerene Precursors by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, Anal. Chem., 69, 2312-2316, 1997 | Braun T.: Water Soluble Fullerene-Cyclodextrin Supramolecular Assemblies Preparation, structure, properties (An annotated bibliography), Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 615-626, 1997 | 14. Nacsa, J.; Segesdi J.; Gyuris Á.; Braun T.; Rausch H.; Buvári-Barcza Á; Barcza, L.; Minarovics J.; Molnár J.: Antiretroviral Effects of Nonderivatized C60 In Vitro, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 969-976, 1997 | Braun T.: Mechanochemical Approaches to Fullerene Chemistry, Fullerene Science and Technology, 5, 1291-1311, 1997 | Rausch H.; Braun T.: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Trace Element Impurities in Graphite, Soot, Gold Grade C60 and C70, and in Super Goldgrade C60, Fullerene Science and Technology , 5, 407-418, 1997 | Braun T.; Rausch H.: Radioactive Endohedral Metallofullerenes Formed by Prompt Gamma - Generated Nuclear Recoil Implosion, Chem. Phys. Lett., 288, 179-182, 1998 | Braun T.; Rausch H.: Chemical Effects of Nuclear Recoil (Szilard-Chalmers Effect) in and on Fullerene Molecules Radioisotopically Labelled Endohedrals and Cages, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 243, 27-31, 2000 | Lovas Gy.;Dódony I.; Braun T.; Rausch H.: The Effect of Neutron Irradiation on the Form of Sulfur in Commercial C60, Fullerene Science and Technology, 7, 855-870, 1999 | Braun T.; Rausch H.: Nuclear Recoil Implosion for Generating Endohedral Radiofullerenes, Carbon, 36, 1708-1709, 1998 | Devenyi A.; Manaila R.; Belu-Marian A; Macovei D,; Manciu M,: Nanocrystalline Gold in Au-doped Thin C60 Films, Thin Solid Films, 335, 258-265, 1998 | Rausch, H.; Braun, T.; Dódony I, Lovas G.: . Determination of Sulfur as an Impurity in Commercial C60, Fullerene Soot and Sublimed C60 Polycrystals by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, The Analyst, 124, 417-419, 1999 | 30. Braun, T.; Schubert, A.; Schubert, G.;Vasvári L.: The Fullerene Research Scene of the Mid-90\'s, Fullerene Science and Technology, 7, 117-122, 1999 | Komatsu, K.; Fujiwara K.;. Murata Y.; Braun: Aqueous Solubilization of Crystalline Fullerenes by Supramolecular Complexation with g-Cyclodextrin and Sulfocalix[8]arene under Mechanochemical High-Speed Vibration Milling, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin 1, 2963-2966, 1999 | Kostoff R.N.; Braun T.; Schubert A.; Toothman R.D.; Humanik: J.: Fullerene Data Mining Using Bibliometrics and Database Tomography, J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci., 40, 19-39, 2000 | Rausch H. Braun T.: Sublimation Behaviour of C60 and of the Endohedral Radiofullerenes Formed by Nuclear Recoil Implosion via Neutron Irradiation, Chem.Phys. Lett..350, 15-18, 2001 | Braun T. Rausch H.: Nuclear Recoil Implosion for Generating Radioisotopically Labeled Fullerene Endohedrals and Cages, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 243, 27-30, 2000 | 33. Popescu R.; Macovei D.; Devenyi A.; Fratiloiu D.G.; Manaila R.; Barna, B.P.;: Metal-Clusters in Metal/C60 Thin Film Nanosystems, Materials Science Forum, 321-324, 554-559, 2000 | Braun T.;.Schubert A.P. Kostoff N.R.: Growth and Trends of Fullerene,Research as Reflected in its Journal Literature, Chem.Revs., 100, 23, 2000 | . Buvári-Barcza Á.; Rohonczy J.; Rozlosnik N.; Golányi T.; Szabó B.;: Aqueous Solubilization of [60]fullerene via Inclusion Complex Formation and Hydration of C60, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin 2, 191-196, 2001 | Süvegh K.;.Fujiwara K.; Komatsu K.; Marek T.; Ueda T.; Vértes A.;.Braun T.: Positron Annihilation in Supramolecular Gamma- and Delta- Cyclodextrin-C60 and C70 Polycrystals, Chem. Phys. Lett., 344, 263-269, 2001 | Braun T.;.Osawa E.; Detre Cs, Tóth, I.: On Some Analytical Aspects of the Determination of Fullerenes in Samples from the P/Tr Boundary Layers, Chem.Phys.Lett., 348, 361-362, 2001 | Braun, T.; Schubert A;.Kostoff R.: A Chemistry Field in Search of Applications Statistical Approach to US Fullerene Patents, J.Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci.,42 , 1011-1015, 2002 | Prylutsky I.Yu.; Yaschuk, M.V.; Kushnir M.K.;.Golub A.A.; Kudrenko A.V.;: Biophysical Studies of Fullerene-Based Composite for Bio-Nanotechnology, Mater. Sci.Eng., C1004, 1-3, 2002 | Adamenko I.;.Moroz O.; Durov S.S.;.Prylutsky, I.Yu.;Scharff P.;Braun T.: . Thermodynamic Properties of C60 Fullerene Water Solution, High Pressure Research, Vol.23, No., 3, 271-273, 2003 | Braun T.; Rausch H; Bíró P.L.;.Zsoldos É.; Ohmacht R.; Márk L.: Poycristalline C60 to High Speed Vibration Milling, Chem.Phys.Letts., 375, 422-424, 2003 | Yaschuk M.V..; Kushnir M.K.; Golub A.A.;.Prylutska V.S.; Matyshevska P.O.;: Effect of UV Irradiation of Fullerene-Containing Composite in Biological Samples, Functional Materials, 10, no.3, pp. 525-527, 2003 | Adamenko, I. I., Moroz, K.O., Prylutskyy, Yu.I., Eklund, P. Scharff, P., Braun, T.;: Equation of State for C60 Fullerene Aqueous Solutions, International Journal of Thermophysics Vol.26 No.3 May, 795-805, 2005 | Márk, L., Szabó, Z. , Ohmacht, R. , Braun, T.: HPLC-MS Analysis of Biocompatible C60 and Fullerene Derivatives, Not yet published, 2005 | Dmytrenko, Kulish, Belyi, Dmytruk, Prylutskyy, Vertsimakha, Pogorelov, Shlapatskaya, Scharff, Braun: Radiative Recombination of Frenkel Excitons in Solid C60 Under Radiation Damages, Mol. Chyst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 426, 187-194, 2005 | Braun, T.; Rausch, H.: Determination of traces of elemental impurities in single walled and multi walled pristine and purified carbon nanotubes by instrumental neutron activation analysis, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 262; 31–34., 2004 | T. Braun, H. Rausch, L.P. Bíró, É. Zsoldos, R. Ohmacht, L. Márk: The Survivality of Polycristalline C60 to High Speed Vibration Milling, Chemical Phys. Letters, 2003 | Zs. Révay, T.Belgya, H. Rausch, T. Braun: THE ANALYSIS OF C60 AND C70 FULLERENES BY PROMPT GAMMA ACTIVATION ANALYSIS (PGAA), Chemical Phys. Letters, 423, pp.450-453, 2006 | T. Braun, H. Rausch, L.P. Bíró, Z. Kónya, I. Kiricsi: Trace Element Impurities in Single Walled (SWNT) and Multi Walled (MWNT) Pristine and Purified Carbon Nanotubes, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 262, pp.31-34, 2004 | I.I.Adamenko, K.O.Moroz, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, P.Eklund, P.Scharff, T.Braun: Equation of State for C60 Fullerene Aqueous Solutions, International Journal of Thermophysics, 26/3 pp. 795-805, 2005 | T. Braun: Capturer-Captive Versus Host-Guest Chemistry. A New Nomenclatural Approach to Molecular Containers, Romanian Journal of Chemistry , 48,pp. 421-425, 2003 |




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