Signaling compartments and proteolysis in regulation of immune responses and the communikation between the immune- and nervous systems
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Fodor K, Harmat V, Neutze R, Gráf L, Katona G: Atomic Resolution structure of a Trypsin:polypeptide inhibitor complex as a model of the catalytic Michaelis complex, Biochemistry (accepted, in press), 2006 | Bíró A, Hérincs Z, Fellinger E, Szilágyi L, Barad Zs, Gergely J, Gráf L, Sármay G: Characterization of a trypsin-like serine protease of activated B cells mediating the cleavage of surface proteins., Biochim Biophys Acta 1624: 60-69, 2003 | Molnár E, Prechl J, Isaák A, Erdei A: Targeting with scFv: immune modulation by complement receptor specific constructs., J Mol Recognition 16: 318-323, 2003 | Erdei A, Andrásfalvy M, Péterfy H, Tóth G, Pecht I: Regulation of mast cell activation by complement derived peptides, Immunology Letters (review) 92: 39-42, 2004 | Mastellos D, Prechl J, László G, Papp K, Oláh E, Argyropoulos E, Franchini S, Tudoran R, Markiewski M, Lambris JD, Erdei A: Novel monoclonal antibodies against mouse C3 interfering with complement activation: description of fine specificity and applications to various immunoassays., Molecular Immunology 40: 1213-1221, 2004 | Gombos I, Detre C, Vámosi G, Matkó J: Rafting MHC-II domains in the APC (presynaptic) plasma membrane and the thresholds of T cell activation and immunological synapse formation, Immunology Letters 92: 117-124, 2004 | Vereb G, Matkó J, Szöllősi J: Cytometry of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer, Methods in Cell Biology 75: 105-152, 2004 | Gombos I, Bacsó Z, Detre C, Nagy H, Goda K, Andrásfalvy M, Szabó G, Matkó J: Cholesterol-sensitivity of detergent resistance: A rapid flow cytometric test for detecting constitutive or induced raft association of membrane proteins, Cytometry 61A: 117-126, 2004 | Medgyesi D, Sárközi R, Koncz G, Arató K, Váradi Gy, Tóth GK, Sármay G: Functional consequences of a MAPK docking site on human FcgRIIb, Immunology Letters 92: 83-90, 2004 | Zoualy M, Sármay G: B lymphocyte signaling pathways in systemic autoimmunity, Arthritis & Rheumatism 50: 2730-2741, 2004 | Medgyesi D, Uray K, Sallai K, Hudecz F, Koncz G, Abramson J, Pecht I, Sármay G, Gergely J: Functional mapping of the Fc gamma RII binding site on human IgG1 by synthetic peptides, European Journal of Immunology 34: 1127-1135, 2004 | Kövesdi D, Pászty K, Enyedi Á, Kiss E, Matkó J, Ludányi K, Rajnavölgyi É, Sármay G: Antigen receptor-mediated signalling pathways in transitional immature B cells, Cellular Signalling 16: 881-889, 2004 | Kiss E, Sármay G, Matkó J: Ceramide-modulation of antigen-triggered Ca2+-signals and cell fate: diversity in the responses of various immunocytes, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences (accepted, in press), 2006 | Gombos I, Lőrincz A, Pomozi I, Steinbach G, Garab Gy, László G, Matkó J: How much do the different lipid raft markers overlap? A fluorescence imaging study, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 220, 2005 | Detre C, Kiss E, Varga Z, Ludányi K, Pászty K, Enyedi Á, Panyi G, Rajnavölgyi É, Matkó J: Dual face of ceramide: non-apoptotic ceramide stimuli modulate antigen-specific T cell activation through blocking plasma membrane ion channels, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 193, 2005 | Látos H, Uzonyi B, Prechl J, Matkó J, László G: Correlation between the origin and functional properties of monocyte/macrophage cells and their CD19 and CD21 expression., Magyar Immunológia 2004/3: 51-52, 2004 | Matkó J, Szöllősi J: Regulatory Apects of Membrane Microdomain (Raft) Dynamics in Live Cells: A Biophysical Approach., In: “Membrane Microdomain Signaling: Lipid Rafts in Biology and Medicine” (Ed. M. Mattson), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2005 | Virág V, Prechl J, Erdei A: Production of tetrameric single-chain antibodies using enzymatic biotinylation, FEBS Journal Vol. 272, Suppl.1: 519, 2005 | Sármay G, Kertész A, Takács B, Angyal A, Medgyesi D, Váradi G, Tóth G: The role of Grb2 associated binder 1 (Gab1) scaffolding adaptor protein on signal transduction in human B cells, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 323, 2005 | Maus M , Kövesdi D, Medgyesi D, Sarmay G: The role of Grb2 associated binder 2 (Gab2) scaffolding adaptor protein in B cell receptor signaling, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 322, 2005 | Detre C, Kiss E, Varga Z, Ludányi K, Pászty K, Enyedi Á, Kövesdi D, Panyi G, Rajnavölgyi É, Matkó J: Death or survival: Membrane ceramide controls the fate and activation of antigen-specific T cells depending on signal strength and duration, Cellular Signalling 18:294-306, 2006 | Molnár E, Prechl J, Balogh P, Balla B, Erdei A: A subpopulation of mouse T-cells expresses type 2 complement receptor (CR2/CD21), Magyar Immunológia 2004/3: 54-55., 2004 | Sármay G, Angyal A, Kertész Á, Maus M, Medgyesi D: The multiple function of Grb2 associated binder (Gab) adaptor/scaffolding protein in immune cell signalling, Immunology Letters 104: 76-82, 2006 | E. Csomor, Zs. Bajtay, N. Sándor, S. Thiel, G. J. Arlaud, A. Erdei: Immobilized C1q induces maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 288, 2005 | Ludanyi K, Gogolak P, Rethi B, Detre C, Matko J, Rajnavolgyi, E: Fine tuning of helper T cell activation and cell death by antigen presenting cells, Cellular Signaling 16:939-950, 2004 | Terényi N, Prechl J, Erdei A: MOG peptide specific antibody response in the mouse model of multiple sclerosis shows no correlation with the severity of disease, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 293, 2005 | Szekeres Zs , Isaák A, Prechl J, Erdei A: Generation of a fusion protein containing DNA-like peptide and a single chain antibody, FEBS Journal, Vol. 272 Suppl. 1: 529, 2005 | Hódi Zs, Németh A, Kovács E, Hetényi Cs, Bodor A, Perczel A, Nyitray L: The dynein light chain binds to a non-coiled-coil tail domain of myosin-Va that includes an alternatively spliced exon coding for three amino acid residues, FEBS Journal, Vol 272,Suppl. 1: 335, 2005 | Nyilas R, Szepesi Zs, Papp AM, Lőrincz LM, Veisenberger E, Tóth J, Medveczky P, Szilágyi L, Juhász G: Light-induced upregulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and -2 at transcriptional and protein level in rat eye, FENS, Lisszabon, 2004 | Barabás K, Szegő É, Kövesdi D, Barad Zs, Kaszás A, Sármay G, Juhász G, Ábrahám I: Is the B-cell activation and immune response-induced MAPK phosphorylation in GnRH neuron estrogen-dependent?, Steroids and Nervous System, Torino,Italy, 2005 | Gombos I, Kiss E, Detre C, László G, Matkó J: Cholesterol and sphingolipids as lipid organizers of the immune cells’ plasma membrane: Impact on the functions of MHC molecules, effector T-lymphocytes and T-cell death, Immunology Letters 104: 59-69, 2006 | Kertész Á, Takács B, Váradi Gy, Tóth GK, Sármay G: Design and functional activity of phosphopeptides with potential immunomodulating capacity, based on the sequence of Grb2 associated binder 1 (Gab1), Annals of New York Academy of Sciences (accepted, in press), 2006 | Angyal A, Medgyesi D, Sármay G: Grb2 associated binder 1 (Gab1) adaptor/scaffolding protein regulates Erk signal in human B cells, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences (accepted, in press), 2006 | Debreczeni J, Farkas L, Harmat V, Hetényi Cs, Hajdú I, Závodszky P, Kohama K, Nyitray L: Structural evidence for non-canonical binding of Ca2+ to a canonical EF- hand of a conventional myosin, Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 41458-41464, 2005 | Hegyi G, Belagyi J: Intermonomer cross-linking of F-actin alters the dynamics of its interaction with H-meromyosin in the weak-binding state, FEBS Journal 273(9):1896-905, 2006 | Toth J, Kovacs M, Wang F, Nyitray L, Sellers JR: Myosin V from Drosophila reveals diversity of motor mechanisms within the myosin V family, Journal of Biological Chemistry 280:30594-603, 2005 | Markiewski MM, Mastellos D, Tudoran R, DeAngelis RA, Strey CW, Franchini S, Wetsel RA, Erdei A, Lambris JD: C3a and C3b activation products of the third component of complement (C3) are critical for normal liver recovery after toxic injury, Journal of Immunology 173:(2): 747-754, 2004 | Andrasfalvy M, Péterfy H, Tóth G, Matkó J, Abramson J, Kerekes K, Vámosi G, Pecht I, Erdei A: The β subunit of the type I Fcε receptor is a target for peptides inhibiting IgE-mediated secretory response of mast cells, Journal of Immunology 175: 2801-2806, 2005 | Isaák A, Prechl J, Gergely J, Erdei A: The role of CR2 in autoimmunity, Autoimmunity (accepted, in press), 2006 | Terényi N, Prechl J, Erdei A: The role of complement system in the patogenesis of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis and Multiple Sclerosis, in: Current Topics in Complement (Ed JD Lambris) pp. 177-188, 2006 | Bajtay Zs, Csomor E, Sándor N, Erdei A: Expression and role of Fc- and complement-receptors on human dendritic cells, Immunology Letters 104: 46-52, 2006 | Fodor K, Harmat V, Hetenyi C, Kardos J, Antal J, Perczel A, Patthy A, Katona G, Graf L: Extended intermolecular interactions in a serine protease-canonical inhibitor complex account for strong and highly specific inhibition, Journal of Molecular Biology 350 (1): 156-169, 2005 | Medveczky P, Antal J, Patthy A, Kekesi K, Juhasz G, Szilagyi L, Graf L: Myelin basic protein, an autoantigen in multiple sclerosis, is selectively processed by human trypsin 4, FEBS Letters 580(2):545-52, 2006 | Kovács Z, Kékesi KA, Szilágyi N, Ábrahám I, Székács D, Király N, Papp E, Császár I, Szegő É, Barabás K, Péterfy H, Erdei A, Bártfai T, Juhász G: Facilitation of spike-wave discharge activity by lipopolysaccharides in Wistar albino GLAXO/RIJSWIJK rats, Neuroscience 140: 731-742, 2006 | Fodor K, Szenthe B, Medveczky P, Gráf L: The pacifastin inhibitor family: structure and specificity, Current Protein and Peptide Science (accepted, in press), 2006 | Kovács Z, Kékesi KA, Szilágyi N, Ábrahám I, Székács D, Király N, Papp E, Császár I, Szegő É, Barabás K, Péterfy H, Erdei A, Bártfai T, Juhász G: Facilitation of spike-wave discharge activity by lipopolysaccharides in Wistar albino GLAXO/RIJSWIJK rats, Neuroscience 140: 731-742, 2006 | Szegő É, Barabás K, Balog J, Szilágyi N, Korach KS, Juhász G, Ábrahám I: Estrogen induces Estrogen Receptor α-dependent cAMP Response Element-Binding protein phosphorylation via Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase pathway in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, Journal of Neuroscience 26: 4104-4110, 2006 | Kovács Zs, Kékesi KA, Bobest M, Török T, Szilágyi N, Szikra T, Szepesi Zs, Nyilas R, Dobolyi Á, Palkovits M, Juhász G: Post mortem degradation of nucleotides int he brain: Comparison of human and rat brains for estimation of in vivo concentrations of nucleosides, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 148: 88-93, 2006 | Galambos R, Juhász G, Lorincz M, Szilágyi N: The human retinal functional unit, International Journal of Psychophysiology 57: 187-194, 2005 | Ábrahám IM, Herbison AE: Major sex differences in non-genomic estrogen actions on intracellular signaling in mouse brain in vivo, Neuroscience 131: 945-951, 2005 | Akdemir F, Farkas R, Chen P, Juhász G, Medvedova L, Sass M, Wang L, Wang X, Chittarajan S, Gorski S, Rodriguez A, Abrams J: Autophagy occurs upstream or parralel to the apoptosome during cytolytic cell death, Development 133: 1457-1465, 2006 | Rusten TE, Lindmo K, Juhász G, Sass M, Seglen PO, Breck A, Stenmark H: Programmed autophagy in the drosophila fat body is induced by ecdysone and effected through the PI3K pathway, Developmental Cell 7: 179-192, 2004 | Ábrahám IM, Meerlo P, Luiten PGM: Concentration dependent actions of glucocorticoids on neuronal viability and survival., Dose-Response, 4: 38-54, 2006 | Hódi Zs, Németh A, Hetényi Cs, Bodor A, Perczel A, Nyitray L: Alternatively spliced exon B of myosin Va is essential for binding of the tail light chain shared by dynein, J. Muscle Res. Cell Motility. 26:73, 2005 | Farkas L, Debreczeni J, Harmat V, Hetényi Cs, Hajdú I, Závodszky P, Kohama K, Nyitray L: Ca2+ inhibits the activity of a myosin II by binding to an EF-hand of a calmodulin-like light chain and altering the dynamics of the neck region, J. Muscle Res. Cell Motility. 26:72, 2005 | Süveges D, Németh A, Gáspári Z, Tóth G, Nyitray L: Helical tail fragments of myosin VI exist as monomeric, highly flexible structures, J. Muscle Res. Cell Motility. 26:74, 2005 | Tóth J, Medveczky P, Szilágyi L, Gráf L: Central nervous system proteases in health and disease, Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, 3rd ed. (Lajtha A ed.) Springer-Verlag (in press), 2006 |




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