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Ajzner, É., Balogh, I., Haramura, G., Boda, Z., Kalmár, K., Pfliegler, Gy., Dahlback, B., Muszbek, L.: Anti-factor V auto-antibody in the plasma and platelets of a patient with repeated gastrointestinal bleeding., J Thromb Haemost, 1: 943-9, 2003 | Inbal, A., Muszbek, L.: Coagulation factor deficiencies and pregnancy loss., Semin Thromb Hemost, 29: 171-4, 2003 | Peyvandi, F., Tagliabue, L., Menegatti, M., Karimi, M., Komáromi, I., Katona, É., Muszbek, L., Mannucci, PM.: Phenotype/genotype characterisation of 10 families with severe A subunit factor XIII deficiency., Hum Mutat, 23: 28, 2004 | Inbal, A., Muszbek, L., Lubetsky, A., Katona, É., Levi, I., Kárpáti, L., Nagler, A.: Platelets but not monocytes contribute to the plasma levels of factor XIII subunit A in patients undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation., Blood Coag Fibrinol, 15: 1-5, 2004 | Sárváry, A., Szűcs, S., Balogh, I., Becsky, Á., Bárdos, H., Kávai, M., Seligsohn, U., Egbring, R., Lopaciuk, S., Muszbek, L., Ádány, R.: Possible role of factor XIII subunit A in Fcg and complement receptor mediated phagocytosis., Cellular Immunol, 228: 81-90, 2004 | Shemirani, A.H., Muszbek L.: Rapid detection of factor XIII Val34Leu (163 G-T) polymorphism by real-time PCR using fluorescences resonance energy transfer detection and melting curve analysis., Clin Chem Lab Med, 42: 877-9, 2004 | Bereczky, Zs., Katona, É., Muszbek, L.: Fibrin stabilization (factor XIII), fibrin structure and thrombosis., Pathophys Haemost Thromb, 33: 430-7, 2004 | Ajzner, É., Muszbek, L.: Kinetic spectrophotometric factor XIII activity assays: the subtraction of plasma blank is not omissible., J Thromb Haemost, 2: 2075-7, 2004 | Muszbek, L., Bereczky, Zs., Katona, É.: Blood coagulation factor XIII: involvement in fibrinolysis and thrombosis., In: Thrombosis, Fundamental and Clinical Aspects (Eds: Arnout J, de Gaetano G, Hoylaerts M, Peerlinck K, Van Geet C, Verhaeghe R) Leuven University Press, pp.197-224, 2003 | Kerényi, A., Soltész, P., Veres, K., Szegedi, Gy., Muszbek, L.: Monitoring platelet function by PFA-100 closure time measurements during thrombolytic therapy of patients with myocardial infarction., Thromb Res, 116: 139-44, 2005 | Katona, É., Nagy., B., Kappelmayer, J., Baktai, Gy., Kovács, L., Márialigeti, T., Muszbek, L.: Factor XIII in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from children with chronic bronchoalveolar inflammation., J Thromb Haemost, 3: 1407-13, 2005 | Losonczy, G., Rosenberg, N., Kiss, Cs., Kappelmayer, J., Vereb, Gy., Kerényi, A., Balogh, I., Muszbek, L.: A novel homozygous mutation (1619delC) in GPIIb gene associated with Glanzmann thrombasthenia, the decay of GPIIb-mRNA and the synthesis of a truncated GPIIb unable to form complex with GPIIa., Thromb Haemost, 93: 904-9, 2005 | Mádi, A., Kárpáti, L., Kovács, A., Muszbek, L., Fésüs, L.: High-throughput scintillation proximity assay for transglutaminase activity measurement., Anal Biochem, 343: 256-62, 2005 | Kappelmayer, J., Simon, Á., Katona, É., Szántó, A., Nagy, L., Kiss, A., Kiss, Cs., Muszbek, L.: Coagulation factor XIII-A. A flow cytometric intracellular marker in the classification of acute myeloid leukemias., Thromb Haemost, 94: 454-9, 2005 | Inbal, A., Lubetsky, A., Krapp, T., Castel, D., Shaish, A., Dickneitte, G., Módis, L., Muszbek, L.: Impaired wound healing in factor XIII deficient mice., Thromb Haemost, 94: 432-7, 2005 | Shemirani, A.H., Haramura, G., Bagoly, Z., Muszbek, L.: The activation of factor XIII in whole plasma; the combined effect of fibrin formation and factor XIII A subunit Val34Leu polymorphism., Submitted, 2006 | Bereczky, Zs., Katona, É., Muszbek, L.: Elevated factor XIII antigen and activity represent an increased risk of myocardial infarction in females., Submitted, 2006 | Muszbek, L., Ariens, R.A., Ichinose, A.: Factor XIII: recommended terms and abbreviations., J Thromb Haemost, Accepted, 2005 | Bereczky, Zs., Balogh, E., Katona, É., Vokó, Z., Czuriga, I., Ádány, R., Édes, I., Muszbek, L.: The effect of factor XIII A subunit Val34Leu polymorphism on the risk of coronary sclerosis and myocardial infarction in the Hungarian population., Submitted, 2006 | Kiss, F., Hevessy, Z., Veszprémi, A., Katona, É., Kiss, C., Kappelmayer, J.: Aberrant expression of coagulation factor XIII subunit A in acute lymphoblastic leukemia., Submitted, 2006 |





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