Dinamics of structures in systems with large degress of freedom (high energy and classical macroscopic processes)  Page description

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Details of project

Type NI
Principal investigator Tél, Tamás
Title in Hungarian Struktúrák dinamikája nagyszabadsági fokú rendszerekben (nagyenergiás és klasszikus makroszkopikus folyamatok)
Title in English Dinamics of structures in systems with large degress of freedom (high energy and classical macroscopic processes)
Panel Natural Sciences large proposals
Department or equivalent Department of Theoretical Physics (Eötvös Loránd University)
Participants Bajnok, Zoltán
Bántay, Péter
Benczik, Izabella Júlia
Bene, Gyula
Borsányi, Szabolcs
Csikor, Ferenc
Egri, Gyozo
Eisler, Viktor
Farkas, Szilárd
Fodor, Zoltán
Györgyi, Géza
Horváth, Viktor
Horváth, Zalán
Jánosi, Imre Miklós
Katz, Sándor
Kovács, Péter
Palla, László
Papp, Gábor
Patkós, András
Rácz, Zoltán
Sexty, Dénes
Szép, Zsolt
Takács, Gábor
Tóth, Gábor Zsolt
Varga, Tamás
Wágner, Ferenc
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 96.600
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A véges hőmérsékletű térelméletekben elért – Nature-ben is közölt – eredményünk szerint az ősrobbanás utáni kvark-hadronikus anyag átmenet folytonos, nem fázisátátalakulás. Rácstérelméleti módszerekkel megadtuk ezen átmenet karakterisztikus hőmérsékletét. Az integrálható térelméletek alkalmazhatók a kondenzált anyagok fizikájától a nyílt húrelméleten keresztül egészen a részecskefizikáig. Jelentős lépést tettünk a racionális konform térelméletek osztályozása felé. A statisztikus fizika területén külön figyelmet szenteltünk az egyensúlytól távoli jelenségek közül a frontoknak. A kémiai, biológia és mágneses frontok mozgását, alakváltozásait írtuk le és szabályozásukat dolgoztuk ki. A fizikai mennyiségek extrém értékeinek statisztikája az alkalmazások szempontjából is fontos új terület, melyen belül transzportjelenségek és 1/f típusú zaj ingadozásait jellemző mennyiségek maximumának eloszlását adtuk meg. A diszlokációrendszerek statisztikus fizikai vizsgálata segítségével több áttörést értünk el. A környezeti áramlások témakörében a Kármán Laboratórium aktív kutatóhellyé fejlődött. A frontoktól kezdve a ciklonképződésig számos kísérletet végeztünk. Kiemelendő, hogy egy forgókádbeli turbulenciában a hőmérséklet fluktuációinak statisztikája reprodukálja a földi meteorológiai állomások adataiét. A kísérletek a klímaváltozás vizsgálatában is ígéretesek. A pályázati időszakban 21 doktorandusz témavezetését láttuk el.
Results in English
Our result - published also in Nature - on finite temperature field theories states that the quark-hadronic matter transition after the Big Bang happened continuously, not like a phase transition. We determined the characteristic crossover temperature using lattice field theoretical methods. Integrable field theories have applications from condensed matter physics to open string theory to particle physics. We made a major step towards the classification of rational conformal field theories. In statistical physics special attention has been payed to fronts, a phenomenon in far from equilibrium systems. We described and controlled motion and shapes of fronts in chemical, biological, and magnetic systems. Extreme statistics of physical quantities is a new area also important from the viewpoint of applications, where we determined the distribution of maxima in transport phenomena and in quantities characterizing fluctuations of 1/f-type noises. Several breakthroughs were achieved by means of statistical physical studies in dislocation systems. As to the topic of environmental flows, the von Karman Laboratory has become an active research unit where experiments ranging from fronts to cyclone-genesis have been carried out. As a highlight, in the turbulence from a rotating tank the statistics of temperature fluctuations reproduced that of data from meteorological stations. The experiments are promising for studies in climate change. In the grant period we supervised 21 PhD students.
Full text http://real.mtak.hu/1248/


List of publications

Györgyi G., P.W.C. Holdsworth, B. Portelli, Z. Rácz: Statistics of extremal intensities for Gaussian interfaces, PRE, vol. 68 056116, 2003
Lagzi L., P. Pápai and Z. Rácz: Complex motion of precipitation bands, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp. P11013, 2007
Bena I., M. Droz, K. Martens, and Z. Rácz: Reaction-diffusion fronts with inhomogeneous initial conditions, J. Phys. C 19, 065103, 2007
Horváth Z.; Rácz Z.: Klímaváltozások: adatok, nagyságrendek, modellek, in 31. Meteorológiai Tudományos Napok, Az éghajlat regionális módosulásának objektív becslését megalapozó klímadinamikai kutatások, pp. 71-81, Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat, Budapest, 2006
Bene Gy; Czinner V; Vasúth M: Accelerating expansion of the Universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, Relativity today /Proc. of the seventh Hungarian Workshop/ ed. Rácz I, 157-165 pp., 2004
Bajnok Z; Dunning C; Palla L; Takács G; Wágner F: SUSY sine-Gordon theory as a perturbed conformal field theory and finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. B679 521-544, 2004
Eisler V; van Wijland F; Rácz Z: Transverse Ising chain with energy flux: Magnetization distributions, Phys. Rev. E 67 056129, 2003
Antal T; Droz M; Rácz Z: Probability distribution of magnetization in the one-dimensional Ising model: Effects of boundary conditions, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 1465-78, 2004
Tél T; Nishikawa T; Motter AE; Grebogi C; Toroczkai Z: Universality in active chaos, Chaos 14 72-78, 2004
Schneider J; Tél T: Extracting flow structures from tracer data, Ocean Dynamics 53 64-72, 2003
Helesfai G; Bene Gy: A numerical study of spectral properties of the area operator in loop quantum gravity, gr-qc/0306124, 2003
Egri G.I., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: Topology with dynamical overlap fermions, JHEP0601 049, 2006
Bántay P: Simple current symmetries in RCFT, JHEP01 006., 2005
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Nucl. Phys. B702 448-480, 2004
Bajnok Z; Böhm G; Takács G: On perturbative quantum field theory with boundary, Nucl. Phys. B682 585-617, 2004
Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK; Tóth AI: Grand canonical potential for a static quark-anti-quark pair at MU does not equal 0, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 140, 508-510, 2005
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Fortsch. Phys. 53 548-553, 2005
Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK: Dynamical overlap fermions, results with HMC algorithm, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 140, 704-706, 2005
Fodor Z; Katz SD: Critical point of QCD at finite T and MU, lattice results for physical quark masses, JHEP 04;050-060, 2004
Fodor Z; Katz SD: Finite T / MU lattice QCD and the critical point, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 153:86-92, 2004
Csikor F; Egri GI; FodorZ; Katz SD; Szabó KK; Tóth AI: The QCD equation of state at finite T / MU on the lattice, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 153:93-105, 2004
Csikor F; Egri GI; Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK; Tóth AI: Equation of state at finite temperature and chemical potential, lattice QCD results, JHEP 05:046-073, 2004
Tóth GZs: A nonperturbative study of phase transitions in the multi frequency sine-Gordon model, J. Phys. A37 9631-9650, 2004
Fodor Z; Katz SD; Szabó KK: Dynamical overlap fermions, results with hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm, JHEP 08:003-015, 2004
Tóth GZs: N=1 Supersymmetric boundary bootstrap, Nucl. Phys. B676 497-536, 2004
Bajnok Z; George A: From defects to boundaries, IJMP A21 1063-1078, 2006
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Finite size effects in quantum field theories with boundary from scattering data, Nucl. Phys. B716 519-542, 2005
Benczik I J, Tél T, Köllő Z: Modulated point vortex couples on a beta-plane: Dynamics and chaotic advection, J. Fluid Mech, nyomdában, 2007
Barnaföldi G. G., P. Lévai, G. Papp, G. Fai: Jet Tomography in the Forward Direction at RHIC, hep-ph/0609023, 2006
Tél T., M. Gruiz: Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction Based on Classical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 393, 2006
Rácz Z: Scaling functions for nonequilibrium fluctuations: A picture gallery, SPIE Proc. 5112 248-259, 2003
Hunyadi V; Rácz Z; Sasvári L: Dynamic scaling of fronts in the quantum XX chain, Phys. Rev. E69; 066103 (1-5), 2004
van Wijland F; Rácz Z: Large deviations in weakly interacting boundary driven lattice gases, J. Stat. Phys. 118, 27-54, 2005
Bena I; Coppex F; Droz M; Rácz Z: Front motion in an A + B = C type reaction-diffusion process: Effects of an electric field, J. Chem. Phys. 122; 024512, 2005
Rákos A; Schütz G.M: Exact shock measures and steady-state selection in a driven diffusive system with two conserved densities, J. Stat. Phys. 117; 55-76, 2004
Benczik I J, Neufeld Z, Tél T: Multifractal spectra of chemical fields in fluid flows, Physical Review E 71, 016208 1-6, 2005
Jánosi IM, Jan D, Szabó K.G., Tél T: Turbulent drag reduction in dam-break flows, Experiments in Fluids 37, 219-229, 2004
Cole B., G. G. Barnaföldi, P. Lévai, G. Papp, G. Fai: EMC effect and jet energy loss in relativistic deuteron-nucleus collisions, hep-ph/0702101, 2007
Lévai P., G. Fai, G. Papp: Dijet-hadron correlations at ISR and RHIC energies, Phys. Lett. B634, 383-390, 2006
Bíró I., B. Gyüre, I.M. Jánosi K.G. Szabó, T. Tél: Oscillation and levitation of balls in continuously stratified fluids, arXiv/physics/0702208, 2007
Halász G., B. Gyüre, I.M. Jánosi, K.G. Szabó, T. Tél: Vortex flow generated by a magnetic stineer, arXiv/physics/07021299, 2007
Guclu H., G. Kornis, M. A. Novotny, Z. Toroczkai, and Z. Rácz: Synchronization landscapes in small-world-connected computer networks, Phys. Rev. E 73, 066115, 2006
Eisler V., O. Legeza, and Z. Rácz: Fluctuations in subsystems of the zero temperature XX chain: Emergence of an effective temperature, J. Stat. Mech. Theory and Exp. P11013, 2006
O'Malley L., B. Kozma, G. Korniss, Z. Rácz, and T. Caraco: Fisher waves and front roughening in a two-species invasion model with preemptive competition, Phys. Rev. E 74, 041116, 2006
Tél T., A.P.S. de Moura, C. Grebogi, G. Károlyi: Chemical and biological activity in open flows: A dynamical system approach, Physics Reports 413 91-196, 2005
Katz S.D.: Equation of state from lattice QCD, Nucl. Phys. A774 159, 2006
Fodor Z., C Holbling, M Mechtel, K. K. Szabo: Nonperturbative investigation of the diquark potential, PoS LAT2005:310, 2006
Schmidt C, Z Fodor, S.D. Katz: The QCD phase diagram at finite denstiy, PoS LAT2005:163, 2006
Schmidt C, Z. Fodor, S. Katz: The density of states method at non-zero chemical potential, JHEP, nyomdában, 2007
Fodor Z., S.D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: Dynamical overlap fermions, results with HMC algorithm, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.140:704-706, 2005
Anchordoqui L.A., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald, H. Tu: Upper bounds on the neutrino-nucleon inelastic cross section, JCAP 0506:013, 2005
Fodor Z., C Guse, S. D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: Grand canonical potential for a static quark-antiquark pair at finite chemical poptential, PoS LAT2005:178, 2006
Csikor F, S.D. Katz, Z. Fodor, T.G. Kovacs: Exotic baryons on the lattice, Acta Phys.Polon.B36:2271-2282, 2005
Csikor F, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, T.G. Kovacs, B.C. Toth: A comprehensive lattice search for theta+ pentaquark, Phys. Rev. D 23 034506, 2006
Aoki Y., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, K.K. Szabo: The equation of state in lattice QCD: with phyisical masses towards the continuum limit, JHEP 0601, 675, 2006
Bakó B, I. Groma, G. Györgyi, G. Zimányi: Dislocation patterning: the role of climb in meso-scale simulations, Computational Materials Science 38, 22-28, 2006
Biró T.S., G.Purcsel, G.Györgyi, A.Jakovác, Zs.Schram: Power-law tailed spectra from equilibrium, Nucl. Phys. A 774, 845-848, 2006
Hunyadi V., D. Chretien, and I.M. Janosi: Mechanical stress induced mechanism of microtubule catastrophes, Journal of Molecular Biology, 348, 927-938, 2005
Bartos I., and I.M. Janosi: Atmospheric response function over land: Strong asymmetries in daily temperature fluctuations, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L23820, 2005
Muller R., and I.M. Janosi: Empirical mode decomposition and correlation properties of long daily ozone records, Physical Review E71, 056126, 2005
Barnaföldi G.G, Papp G., Lévai P., Fai G: Rapidity asymmetry in pA and dAu collisions,, Nucl. Phys. A 749C, 291,, 2005
Barnaföldi G.G, Papp G., Lévai P., Fai G: Cronin effect in close-to-midrapidity regions at FNAL and RHIC energies,, APH Heavy Ion Physics, A22, 325-334, 2005
Barnaföldi G.G, Papp G., Lévai P., Fai G: Cronin effect at different rapidities at RHIC,, J. Phys. G30 S1125, 2005
Lecomte V; Rácz Z; van Wijland F: Energy flux distribution in a two-temperature Ising model, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp. P02008, 2005
Eisler V; Z. Zimborás: Entanglement in the XX spin chain with energy current, Phys. Rev. A 71, 042318, 2005
Antal T.; P. L. Krapivsky; S. Redner: Dynamics of social balance on networks, Phys. Rev. E 72, 036121, 2005
Bena I.; M. Droz; Z. Rácz: Formation of Liesegang patterns in the presence of an electric field, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204502, 2005
Antal T.; P. L. Krapivsky; S. Redner: ''Burnt-bridge'' mechanism of molecular motor motion, Phys. Rev. E 72, 046104, 2005
Bántay P.: Permutation orbifolds and their applications, Fields Inst. Comm. 39 13-23, 2003
Bántay P. and T. Gannon: Conformal characters and the modular representation, JHEP01 005, 2006
Bántay P.: Symmetric products, permutation orbifolds and discrete torsion, Lett. Math. Phys 63 209-218, 2003
Bántay P.: On generalizations of Verlinde's formula, J. Geom. Phys. 48 44-51, 2003
Bántay P.: The kernel of the modular representation and the Galois action in RCFT, Commun. Math. Phys. 233 423-438, 2003
Bántay P.: Galois currents and the projective kernel in Rational Conformal Field Theory, JHEP03 025, 2003
Ahn C.; Z. Bajnok; R. I. Nepomechia; L. Palla; G. Takács: NLIE for hole excited states in the sine-Gordon model with two boundaries, Nucl. Phys. B714 307-335, 2005
Takács G. and F. Wágner: Double sine-Gordon revisited, Nucl. Phys B 741 353-367, 2005
Bántay P.: Mapping class group representations and conformal field theory, Proceedings of Functional Analysis VIII. (University of Aarhus) pp. 27-34, 2004
Bántay P.: Caracters of crossed modules and premodular categories, math.qa/0512542, 2005
Pozsgay B, G. Takacs: Characterization of resonances using finite size effects, Nucl.Phys. B748 (2006) 485-523, 2006
Tóth G. Zs.: A study of truncation effects in boundary flows of the Ising model on the strip, hep-th/0612256 submitted to J.Stat. Mech., 2006
Kormos M.: Boundary renormalisation group flows of unitary superconformal minimal models, Nucl.Phys. B744 (2006) 358-379, 2006
Bajnok Z.: Equivalences between spin models induced by defects, J.Stat.Mech. 0606, 2006
Bajnok Z., L. Palla, G. Takacs: Boundary one-point function, Casimir energy and boundary state formalism in ..., hep-th/0611176 submitted to NPB, 2006
Bajnok Z., L. Palla, G. Takacs: On the boundary form factor program, Nucl.Phys. B750 (2006) 179-212, 2006
Bartos I, Jánosi I.M: Nonlinear correlations of daily temperature records over land, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13, 571-576, 2006
Benczik I J, Károlyi G, Scheuring I, Tél T: Coexistence of inertial particles in chaotic flows, Chaos 16, 043110, 2006
Varga T.: Generalized Verlinde formulae for some Riemann surface automorphisms, Lett. Math. Phys. 68, 91-102, 2004
Gyüre B, Jánosi I.M: Laboratory modeling of atmospheric flow phenomena: Mountain waves, Időjárás (Quart. J. of the Hungarian Meteorological Service) 110, 299-307, 2006
Király A, Bartos I, Jánosi I.M: Correlation properties of daily temperature anomalies over land, Tellus A, 58, 593-600, 2006
Vanyó J, Tél T: Rotation in the restricted three-body problem, Chaos 17, 013113, 2007
Bartos I, Jánosi I.M: Side pressure anomalies in 2d packings of frictionless spheres, Granular Matter, 9, 81-86, 2007
Bajnok Z, L. Palla, G. Takacs: Casimir force between planes as a boundary finite size effect, Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 065001, 2006
Király A. and I.M. Jánosi: Detrended fluctuation analysis of daily temperature records: Geographic dependence over Australia., Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 88, 119-128, 2005
Hunyadi V., D.Chrétien, H. Flyvbjerg and I.M. Jánosi: Why is the microtubule lattice helical?, Biol. Cell. 99. 117-128, 2007
Hunyadi V. and I.M. Jánosi: Metastability of microtubules induced by competing internal forces, Biophys. J. nyomdában, 2007
Kiss P., I.M. Jánosi and O. Torres: Early calibration problems detected in TOMS Earth-Probe aerosol signal, Geophys. Res. Lett. nyomdában, 2007
Csikor F., Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, T.G. Kovacs, B.C. Toth: A comprehensive lattice search for the theta+ pentaquark, Nucl.Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 153 49-53, 2006
Egri G.I, Z.Fodor, C.Hoelbling, S.D.Katz, D.Nogradi, K.K.Szabo: Lattice QCD as a video game, arXiv:hep-lat/0611022, 2006
Durr S, Z. Fodor, C. Hoelbling , T. Kurth: Precision study of the SU(3) topological susceptibility in the continuum, arXiv:hep-lat/0612021, 2006
Aoki Y., G.Endrodi, Z.Fodor, S.D.Katz, K.K.Szabo: The order of the quantum chromodynamics transition predicted by the standard model of particle physics, Nature 443 675, 2006
Aoki Y., Z.Fodor, S.D.Katz, K.K.Szabo: The QCD transition temperature: Results with physical masses in the continuum limit, Phys. Lett. 643B 46, 2006
Fodor Z.: Lattice gauge theory and elementary particle physics, CPC 169 347, 2006
Bene Gy., Czinner V., Vasúth M.: Accelerating expansion of the Universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, Modern Physics Letters A 21, 1117-1125, 2006
Helesfai G.: The Proca-field in Loop Quantum Gravity, gr-qc/0605048, 2006
Varga, T: Simple current actions of cyclic groups, Lett. Math. Phys. 71, 227-239, 2005
Mátyás L., T. Tél, J. Vollmer: Coarse-grained entropy and information dimension of dynamical systems: the driven Lorentz gas, Phys. Rev. E69, 016205, 2004
Jánosi I.M., Szabó K.G., Tél T.: High precision balance from salt and water and the slow welling of ping-pong balls, Eur. J. Phys. 25., 303-10, 2004
Katz S.D. Tóth B. C.: Least squared optimized polynormals for smeared link actions, Comput. Phys. Commun. 158, 137-149, 2004
van der Meulen M., D. Sexty, J. Smit and A. Tranberg: Chern-Simons and winding number in a tachyonic electroweak transition, JHEP 0602 029, 2006
Sexty D., A. Patkós: Non-equilibrium Higgs transition in classical scalar electrodynamics, JHEP 0510 054, 2005
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Berges J., Sz. Borsányi, D. Sexty and I. O. Stamatescu: Lattice simulations of real-time quantum fields, Phys. Rev. D75 045007, 2007
Bíró T. S., G. Györgyi, A. Jakovácz and G. Purcsel: A non-conventional description of Quark Matter, J. Phys. G. 31 5759-3763, 2005
Györgyi G., N. R. Moloney, K. Ozogány and Z. Rácz: Maximal height statistics for 1/fα signals, Phys. Rev. E. nyomdában, 2007
Groma I., G. Györgyi and B. Kocsis: Debye Screening of Dislocations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 165503, 2006
Bakó B., I. Groma, G. Györgyi and G. T. Zimányi: Dislocation glasses: Aging during relaxation and coarsening, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 075701, 2007
Györgyi G., P. C. W. Holdsworth, Z. Rácz and B. Portelli: Extreme statistics of intensity fluctuations in nonequilibrium steady states, SPIE Proc. 5469 pp. 230-232, 2004
Károlyi Gy., T. Tél: Chemical transients in closed chaotic flows: The role of effective dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 264501, 2005
Károlyi Gy., T. Tél, A. P. S. de Moura and C. Grebogi: Reactive particles in random flows, Phys. Rev. Lett. 174101, 2004
Groma I., G. Györgyi, B. Kocsis: Dynamics of coorse grained dislocation densities from an effective free energy, Philos. Mag. 87, 1185-1199, 2006
Groma I., G. Györgyi: Dynamics of coarse grained dislocation densities from an effective free energy, MMM3: 3rd International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Ed: P. Gumbsch, (Albert-Ludwig-Universitat, Freiburg)317-320, 2006
Néda Z., R. Florian, M. Ravasz, A. Libal, G. Györgyi: Phase transition in an optimal clusterization model, Physica A 362, 357-368, 2006

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