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Közleményjegyzék |
M. VRANIÆ, M. KNE®EVIÆ, ZS.SEREGÉLY, K. BO©NJAK, J. LETO, G. PERÈULIJA,: Prediction of dry matter and crude protein content in fresh grass silage by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using and comparing MLR, PCR and PLS evaluation methods, Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Vol. 1. p. 57-75, 2005 | Zs. SEREGÉLY, J. FARKAS, E. TUBOLY, I. DALMADI and K. KAFFKA: Monitoring the properties of egg white pasteurized by high hydrostatic pressure and gamma irradiation by evaluating their NIR spectra and chemosensor array sensor signal responses using different methods of qualitative Analysis,, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 82. 1-2, 115-121, 2006 | É. ANDRÁSSY, J. FARKAS, ZS. SEREGÉLY, I. DALMADI, E. TUBOLY AND V. LEBOVICS: Changes of hen eggs and their components caused by non-thermal pasteurizing treatments. II. Some non-microbiological effects of gamma irradiation or hydrostatic pressure processing on liquid egg white and egg yolk, Acta Alimentaria, Vol. 35 (3) p305-318, 2006 | ZS. SEREGELY, I. DALMADI, J. FARKAS: : Monitoring the Effect of the High Hydrostatic Pressure Technology on Livestock Products by NIR Spectroscopy and Chemosensor Array, 44th EHPRG (European High Pressure Research Group) International Conference, Prague September 4-8, Book of Abstract p 65, 2006 | ZS. SEREGÉLY, A. J. EILERT, G. E. TOTH AND K.J. KAFFKA: Classifying herb varieties utilizing NIR spectra, 13th International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC 2006) August 4-11, Chambersburg, 2006 | ZS. SEREGÉLY, A. J. EILERT, G. E. TOTH AND K.J. KAFFKA: Classifying Polymers utilizing NIR spectra, 13th International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC 2006) August 4-11, Chambersburg, 2006 | I. DALMADI, ZS. SEREGÉLY, K. HORVÁTH, CS. BALLA: Monitoring the effect of crumb on sunflower oil during frying by NIR spectroscopy and chemosensor array, 3rd Central European Congress on Food (CEFood 2006), 22-24 May 2006, Sofia (Bulgaria), Book of Abstracts, p. 125, 2006 | J. FARKAS, ZS. SEREGÉLY, I. DALMADI, K. HORVÁTH, É. ANDRASSY, L. FRIEDRICH: Chemometric evaluation of electronic nose measurements for bacteriological spoilage assessment of refrigerated pork meat, FoodMicro 2006, Bologna, Italy, 29 August – 2 September, Book of Abstracts, p. 653, 2006 | J. FARKAS, É. ANDRÁSSY, V. LEBOVICS, L. MÉSZÁROS, E. TUBOLY, I. DALMADI, ZS. SEREGÉLY: Tyúktojás és komponensei változásai nem termikus pasztőröző kezelések hatására, Lippay János-Ormos Imre-Vas Károly Tudományos Űlésszak, 2005 október 19-21, Konferencia kiadvány, p 64-65, 2006 | K. HORVÁTH, I. DALMADI, M. KORBÁSZ, ZS. SEREGÉLY, É. ANDRÁSSY, J. FARKAS: Application of rapid instrumental methods for monitoring bacteriological spoilage of meat, Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság 2006 évi Nagygyűlés, Keszthely, 2006. 10. 17-19., 2006 | ZS. SEREGÉLY, M. KORBÁSZ, J. BECZNER, K. J. KAFFKA, I. VILLÁNYI, T. NÉMETH, B. BIRÓ: Talajok szennyvíziszap-terhelésének kimutatása NIR spektroszkópos eljárással modellkísérletben, Talajtan és Agrokémia (közlésre leadva), 2006 | ZS., Seregély, T. Deák, Gy. Bisztray,: Distinguishing melon genotypes using NIR Specroscopy,, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Elsevier, Vol 72,2, 195-205, 2004 | ZS. Seregély, I. NOVÁK, J. BERNÁTH: Evaluation of the signal vector of the electronic nose measured on selected oregano (Origanum vulgare L. subsp. hirtum Ietswaart) and lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch.) samples using different methods of multivariate analysis, Acta Almentaria, Vol 34 (2) 131-140, 2005 | K.H. NORRIS, ZS. SEREGÉLY AND K.J. KAFFKA: Evaluation of derivative ratio and polar qualification system for data analysis using transmittance data from pharmaceutical tablets, Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference., Eds. A.M.C. Davies and A. Garrido-Varo, NIR Pulications, Chichester, UK. P 241-246, 2004 | T. DEÁK, ZS. SEREGÉLY, K.J. KAFFKA, E. BÁBA, A V. ZARKA AND GY.D. BISZTRAY: Distinction of melon genotypes using NIR spectroscopy, Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference., Eds. A.M.C. Davies and A. Garrido-Varo, NIR Pulications, Chichester, UK. P 385-388, 2004 | ZS. SEREGÉLY, K.J. KAFFKA AND GABRIELLA KISKÓ: The assessment of the mycological quality of dry food ingredients using near infrared spectroscopy, Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference., Eds. A.M.C. Davies and A. Garrido-Varo, NIR Pulications, Chichester, UK. P 385-388, 2004 | I. MURRAY, K.J. KAFFKA AND ZS. SEREGÉLY: PQS detects adulteration of fishmeal with meat and bone meal—a contribution to help eradicate “Mad Cow Disease”, Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference., Eds. A.M.C. Davies and A. Garrido-Varo, NIR Pulications, Chichester, UK. P 641-645, 2004 | Zsolt SEREGÉLY*, József FARKAS, Eszter TUBOLY, István DALMADI and Károly KAFFKA: Monitoring the Properties of egg white pasteurised by high hydrostatic pressure and gamma irradiation by evaluating their NIR spectra and chemosensor array sensor signal responses using different methods of qualitative Analysis, International Conference on Chemometrics and Bioinformatics in Asia (CCBA2004), Shanghai 2004, Abstract Book p108, 2004 | Zsolt SEREGÉLY*, Károly KAFFKA, Tamás DEÁK, György BISZTRAY: Comparison of qualitative mathematical statistical methods used for distinguishing melon genotypes based on their NIR spectra, International Conference on Chemometrics and Bioinformatics in Asia (CCBA2004), Shanghai 2004, Abstract Book p64, 2004 |




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