Structural changes from monomers to biopolymers  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Hargittai, István
Title in Hungarian Szerkezeti változások monomerektől a biopolimerek felé
Title in English Structural changes from monomers to biopolymers
Panel Chemistry 1
Department or equivalent Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Horváth, Viktória
Izvekov, Vladiszlav
Kovács, Attila
Starting date 2004-01-01
Closing date 2008-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 8.066
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Kutatásaink fő célja kémiai-biológiai frontvonalbeli jelentőségű peptidek és szénhidrátok szerkezeti jellemzőinek felderítése volt, fokozott figyelemmel a szerkezeti jellemzők alakulására a biomolekulák méretének növekedésével. Homo-oligopeptidek kvantumkémiai vizsgálatával kimutattuk a távolható kölcsönhatások stabilizáló szerepét és mértékét a másodlagos szerkezetekben, és meghatároztuk azokat a geometriai paramétereket, amelyek ezen kölcsönhatások jelzésére/mérésére alkalmasak. A prionfehérje 115-122 szegmensének konformációs analízisével igazoltuk ezen szegmens hajlamát béta-redős szerkezet kialakítására vizes oldatban. Felderítettük a hialuronan kisebb szacharid egységeinek (D-glükuronsav, N-acetil-D-glükózamin és a belőlük származtatható diszacharidok) konformációs tulajdonságait a gázfázis és a vizes oldat kvantumkémiai modellezésével. Kísérleti és elméleti módszerek kombinált alkalmazásával elvégeztük a fenti monoszacharidok teljes rezgési analízisét szilárd fázisú FT-IR spektrumaik alapján. Részben analóg módon, de a kifagyasztott gázfázisról készített FT-IR spektrumok alapján határoztuk meg a glükóz teljes rezgési erőterét és a gázfázisban uralkodó konformációs egyensúly jellemzőit. Kisebb biológiai jelentőséggel bíró vegyületeken végzett szerkezeti vizsgálatokkal együtt a pályázat anyagi támogatásával 19 tudományos közlemény és 2 könyvfejezet készült.
Results in English
The main goal of our project was the determination of structural characteristics of peptides and carbohydrates of frontier chemical-biological importance. We paid particular attention to the variation of the structural properties with increasing model size. Our quantum chemical calculations on homooligopeptides showed the importance and magnitude of long-range interactions on the stabilization of the secondary structures and determined the geometrical parameters of marker character. On the basis of a conformational analysis of the 115-122 segment of prion protein we interpreted the propensity for beta-sheet formation of secondary structures in aqueous solutions. We elucidated the conformational properties of the building-blocks of hyaluronan (D-glucuronic acid, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and disaccharides formed from them) by means of quantum chemical modeling of the gaseous phase and aqueous solution. We performed a complete vibrational analysis of the monosaccharides on the basis of their solid-phase FT-IR spectra jointly applying experimental and theoretical methods,. Using in part an analogous approach, we determined the full vibrational force field of glucose and the character of its gas-phase conformational equilibrium on the basis of FT-IR spectra of the frozen vapor,. These works augmented with structural studies of compounds of lesser biological importance resulted in 19 research papers and 2 book chapters with the financial support from the present OTKA grant.
Full text


List of publications

O. V. Dorofeeva, I. F. Shishkov, L.V. Vilkov, I. Hargittai: Molecular structure and conformational composition of 1-(methylthio)methyl-2-nitrobenzene (MTMNB): A theoretical and experimental study., Structural Chemistry, 16, 617-628, 2005
L. S. Khaikin, O. E. Grikina, N. F. Stepanov, A. Kovács: An analysis of the vibrational spectra of N,N-dimethylformamide isotopomers and unsubstituted N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl chloride with scaling the force field ..., Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 79, 959-966, 2005
O. V. Dorofeeva, I. F. Shishkov, I. Hargittai, L. V. Vilkov: The molecular geometry of methyl-2-nitrotolyl sulphide determined from joint analysis of the gas electron diffraction data and the results of quantum-mechanical calcs, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 79, 1701-1703, 2005
M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai: Symmetry and Structure, Electron Crystallography: Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized Materials, NATO Science Series II., Vol 211, Springer, pp. 43-58, 2006
I. Hargittai: Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction for Molecular Structure Determination, in: Electron Crystallography: Novel Approaches for Structure Determination of Nanosized Materials, NATO Science Series II., Vol 211, Springer, pp. 197-206, 2006
B. Nyulasi, A. Kovács: Theoretical study of F-–(H2)n and Cl-–(H2)n (n = 1-8) anion complexes., Chemical Physics Letters, 426, 26-29, 2006
A.R. Campanelli, A. Arcadi, A. Domenicano, F. Ramondo, I. Hargittai: Molecular structure and benzene ring deformation of three ethynylbenzenes from gas-phase electron diffraction and quantum chemical calculations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110, 2045-2052, 2006
A. Kovács, V. Izvekov, G. Keresztury, C. J. Nielsen, P. Klæboe: Vibrational spectroscopic study of 2-fluorophenol and 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorohydroquinone., Chemical Physics, 335, 205-214, 2007
O. V. Dorofeeva, Y. V. Vishnevskiy, N. Vogt, J. Vogt, L. V. Khristenko, S. V. Krasnoshchekov, I. F. Shishkov, I. Hargittai, L. V. Vilkov: Molecular structure and conformation of nitrobenzene reinvestigated by combined analysis of gas-phase electron diffraction, rotational constants, and theoretical calculat, Structural Chemistry, 2007
I. Hargittai, A. Kovács: The Twentieth Year in Structural Chemistry, Structural Chemistry, 20, 1-10, 2009
A. R. Campanelli, A. Domenicano, F. Ramondo, I. Hargittai: Molecular Structure and Benzene Ring Deformation of Three Cyanobenzenes from Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction and Quantum Chemical Calculations, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 112, 10998-11008, 2008
P. Pogány, A. Kovács: Conformational analysis of the disaccharide building units of hyaluronan, Carbohydrate Research, közlésre elküldve, 2009
V. Horváth, Z. Varga, A. Kovács: Long-Range Effects in Oligopeptides. A Theoretical Study of the beta-Sheet Structure of Glyn (n = 2 - 10)., The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108, 6869-6873, 2004
B. Nyerges, A. Kovács: Density Functional Study of the Conformational Space of 4C1 D-Glucuronic Acid., The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 109, 892-897, 2005
V. Horváth, Z. Varga, A. Kovács: Substituent effects on long-range interactions in the beta-sheet structure of oligopetides, Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem), 755, 247-251, 2005
Z. Varga, A. Kovács: Hydrogen bonding in peptide secondary structures., International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 105, 302-312, 2005
A. Kovács, Z. Varga: Halogen Acceptors in Hydrogen Bonding., Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 250, 710-727, 2006
V. Horváth, A. Kovács, D.K. Menyhárd:: Conformational studies on the prion protein 115-122 fragment., Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem), 804, 9-15, 2007
A. Kovács, B. Nyerges, V. Izvekov: Vibrational analysis of N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine and beta-D-glucuronic acid, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112, 5728-5735, 2008
I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai: Hyaluronan structure, Structural Chemistry, 19, 697-717, 2008
A. Kovács, A. Yu. Ivanov: Vibrational analysis of alpha-D-glucose trapped in Ar matrix, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, megjelenés alatt, 2009

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