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Csokai V; Balázs B; Tóth G; Horváth Gy; Bitter I: Unprecedented cyclisations of calix[4]arenes with glycols under the Mitsunobu protocol, Part 3. Thiacalix[4]biscrowns versus dimers, Tetrahedron 60: 12059-12066, 2004 | Moeller S; Albert D; Duddeck H; Simon A; Tóth G; Demchuk OM; Pietrusiewicz KM: Chiral atropisometric diiodobiphenyls-enantiodifferentiation by the dirhodium method, Tetrahedron Asymmetry 15: 3609-3616, 2004 | Gáti T; Simon A; Drabowicz J; Moeller S; Duddeck H; Tóth G: Adducts of the chiral Rh2[(R)-MTPA]4 reagent with phosphine chalcogenides and spirochalcogenuranes nature of binding and ligand exchange, Central European NMR Discussion Groups, 19th NMR Valtice, Czech Republic: pp. 22, 2004 | Gáti T; Simon A; Moeller S; Duddeck H; Tóth G: Királis diródium vegyületek és foszfin-kalkogenidek valamint spirokalkogénuránok komplexálódási sajátságainak NMR vizsgálata, MKE Vegyészkonferencia: pp. 13, 2004 | V. Csokai, A. Grün, B. Balázs, G. Tóth, Gy. Horváth, I. Bitter: Unprecedented cyclisation of calix[4]arenes with glycols under Mitsunobu protocol, Part 2. O,O-and O,S-Bridged calixarenes, Organic Letters 6: 477-480, 2004 | T. Gáti, A. Simon, G. Tóth, A. Szmigielska, A. M. Maj, K. M. Pietrusiewicz, S. Moeller, D. Magiera, H. Duddeck: Bis(phosphane oxide) Adducts of Rh2(MTPA)4 ¬ Kinetics and Chirality Discrimination, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2160-2166, 2004 | T. Gáti, A. Simon, G. Tóth, D. Magiera, S. Moeller, H. Duddeck: Adducts of Rh2(MTPA)4 with some phosphine chalcogenides: nature of binding and ligand exchange, Magn. Reson. Chem. 42: 600-604, 2004 | A. Grün, É. Kőszegi, B. Balázs, G. Tóth, I. Bitter: Synthesis and optical investigation of chromogenic 1,3-calix [4]crowns, Supramol. Chem. 16: 239-246, 2004 | Bitter I., Grün A., Csokai V., Balázs B., Tóth G.: Kalix[4]arének és a Mitsunobu reakció. A kalixarén alapú receptorok szintézisének új távlatai, Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 109-110: 105-111, 2004 | T. Gáti, G. Tóth, J. Drabowicz, E. Hofer, S. Moeller, P. Polavarapu, H. Duddeck: Effective Enantiodifferentation by the Dirhodium Method: Towards the Determination of Absolute Configurations?, Chirality 17: S40-S47, 2005 | H. Duddeck, S. Malik, S. Moeller, T. Gáti, G. Tóth, Z. Rozwadowski: Chirality Recognition in the Presence of a Chiral Dirhodium Complex, Phosphorous, Sulphur, and Silicon 180: 993-1000, 2005 | E. D. Gómez, J. Jios, C. O. D. Védova, H. D. March, H. E. D. Loreto, G. Tóth, A. Simon, D. Albert, R. Wartchow, H. Duddeck: N-(Cloroacetyl)- and N-dichloroacetyl)-N-(xylyl)alanine esters: assignment of the absolute configurations and enantiodifferentation by the dirhodium method, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 16: 2285-2293, 2005 | G. Tóth, B. Balázs, I. Bitter, A. Grün, V. Csokai: Recent results of our NMR study on Calix[4]arenes synthesized at TU Budapest, First German-Hungarian Workshop, Hannover, p. 26, July 5-6., 2004 | G. Tóth, T. Gáti, A. Simon, K. M. Pietrusiewicz, D. Magiera, S. Moeller, H. Duddeck: Phosphoryl chalcogenide - RH2(MTPA)4 adducts. Binding and ligand exchange study by v.t. 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy, First German-Hungarian Workshop, Hannover, p. 45, July 5-6., 2004 | T. Gáti, G. Tóth, J. Drabowicz, S. Moeller, H. Duddeck: Effective Enantiodifferentiation os Spirochalcogenuranes by the Dirhodium Method – Towards the Determination of Absolute Configuration, First German-Hungarian Workshop, Hannover, p. 46, July 5-6., 2004 | E. D. Gómez, J. Jios, C. O. Della Védova, H. D. March, H. E. Di Loreto, G. Tóth, A. Simon, D. Albert, S. Moeller, R. Wartchow, H. Duddeck: Enantiodifferentation by Rh2(MTPA)4 – Adduct Formation– II. Multifunctional N-(Chloroacetyl)- and N-(Dichloroacetyl)-N-(xylyl)alanine Esters, GDCH Magnetic Resonance Division 2th Discussion Meeting, Mainz, p. 32., 26-29. 09., 2005 | V. Csokai, L. Tőke, I. Bitter: An expedient route to thiacalix[4](aza-and thia)crowns via Mitsunobu reaction, 8th International Conference on Calixarenes, Prague, July, 25-29, 2005 | V. Csokai, B. Balázs, A. Simon, I. Bitter: Chemoselective ring closure of thiacalix[4]arene 1,3-bis(N-w-hydroxyalkylamides) via the Mitsunobu reaction, 8th International Conference on Calixarenes, Prague, July, 25-29, 2005 | S. Moeller, D. Albert, H. Duddeck, A. Simon, G. Tóth, O. M. Demchuk, K. M. Pietrusiewicz: Enantiodifferentation by RH2[MTPA]4 adduct formation.I.Atropisomeric 2-iodo-4,4’,6,6’-tetramethyl-2’-(diphenylphosphoryl)-1,1’-biphenyl, GDCH Magnetic Resonance Division 2th Discussion Meeting, Mainz, p. 75., 26-29. 09., 2005 | Csokai V; Simon A; Balázs B; Tóth G; Bitter I: Chemoselective ring closure of thiacalix[4]arene-1,3-bis(N--hydroxyalkylamides) via the Mitsunobu reaction, Tetrahedron 62: 2850–2856, 2006 | Csokai V; Grün A; Balázs B; Simon A; Tóth G; Bitter I: Functionalized thiacalix- and calix[4]arene-based Ag+ ionophores: synthesis and comparative NMR study, Tetrahedron 62: 10215–10222, 2006 | S. Moeller; D. Albert; H. Duddeck; A. Simon; G. Tóth; O. M. Demchuk; K. M. Pietrusiewicz: Chiral Atropisomeric 2-Iodo-4,4´,6,6´-tetramethyl-2´-(diphenyl¬phosphoryl)-1,1´-biphenyl – Enantiodifferentiation by Rh2[MTPA]4 Adduct Formation and Conform.., Phosphorous, Sulphur, and Silicon 181: 351-361, 2006 | B. Balázs: Gazda-vendég kölcsönhatások tanulmányozása NMR spektroszkópiával, MKE Szerves Analitikai Szakcsoportjának Szerves Analitikai Délutánok rendezvénysorozata, Budapest, 2006. november 29., 2006 | B. Balázs: Investigation of host-guest interactions by NMR spectroscopy, NMR Workshop of the Hungarian NMR Working Committee, MTA Kémiai Kutatóközpont, Budapest, 2007. január 26., 2007 | B. Balázs, G. Tóth, I. Bitter, A. Grün, V. Csokai: Módosított tiakalix– és kalix[4]arén ionofórok vizsgálata NMR spektroszkópiával, Centenáriumi Vegyészkonferencia, Sopron, 2007. május 30., 2007 |




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