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Közleményjegyzék |
Szeidl B.: Binarity and pulsation: multiplicity through the classical O-C method, ASP Conf. Ser. 333, 183-194, 2005 | Paparó M.: The role of dominant modes in asteroseimology, ESA SP-559, pp.201-206, 2004 | Jurcsik J., Szeidl B., Nagy A., Sódor Á.: On the distribution of the modulation frequencies of RR Lyrae stars, Acta Astronomica, 55, 303-314, 2005 | Paparó M.: Evolutionary stages and dominant modes in Delta Scuti stars, Mem Soc. Astr. It., 77, 506-509, 2006 | Szabados L., Kiss L.L., Derekas A.: Observational study of the anomalous Cepheid XZ Ceti, Mem Soc. Astr. It., 77, 150-151, 2006 | Paparó M.: Hungarian participation in COROT, http://smsc.cnes.fr/COROT/A_corot_week.htm, 2005 | Jurcsik J., Szeidl B., Sódor Á., et al.: The shortest modulation period Blazhko RR Lyrae star: SS Cnc, Astron. J., 132, 61-70, 2006 | Szeidl B., Schnell A., Pócs M.: The high-amplitude Delta Scuti star GP Andromedae, Inf. Bull. Var.Stars, No. 5718, 1-4, 2006 | Sziládi K., Vinkó J., Poretti E., Szabados L., Kun M.: Echelle Spectroscopy of Double-Mode Cepheids, ASPC 349, Astrophysics of Variable Stars, eds. C. Sterken & C. Aerts (San Francisco: ASP), 347-350, 2006 | Szabados L.: The Bright Cepheid V411 Lacertae, Inf. Bull. Var. Stars, No.5725, 1-4, 2006 | Klagyivik P., Szabados L.: Metallicity Dependence of Some Parameters of Cepheids, Pub. Astr. Dept. Eötvös Univ., 17, 121-126, 2006 | Szabados L.: The Quest for Discovering Extragalactic Cepheids, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 18, 111-114, 2006 | Kiss L.L., Derekas A., Szabó Gy.M., Bedding T.R., Szabados L.: Defining the Instability Strip of Pulsating Post-AGB Binary Stars from ASAS and NSVS Photometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375, 1338-1348, 2007 | Jurkovic M., Szabados L., Vinkó J., Csák B.: Pulsation and Orbit of AU Pegasi, Astr. Nachr., 328, 837-840, 2007 | Szabados L.: Cepheids: Observational Issues, European Astronomical Society, Publications Series (megjelenőben), 2008 | Szabados L.: Novel Aspects of Cepheid Metallicity, European Astronomical Society, Publications Series (megjelenőben), 2008 | Hurta Zs., Pócs M.D., Szeidl B.: AD CMi, Inf. Bull. Var.Stars, No. 5774, 1-4, 2007 | Jurcsik J., Sódor Á., Váradi M., Szeidl B., et al.: The Blazhko behaviour of RR Geminorum, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 430, 1049-1058, 2005 | Jurcsik J., Szeidl B., Váradi M., Henden A., et al.: The triple-mode pulsating variable V823 Cas, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 445, 617-626, 2005 | Sódor Á., Vida K., Jurcsik J., Váradi M., Szeidl B., et al.,: UZ UMa: An RRab star with double-periodic modulation, Inf. Bull. Var.Stars, No. 5705, 1-4, 2006 | Szabados L.: Conventional and New Directions in Studying Cepheids, Detre Centennial Conference, Commun. Konkoly Obs., No. 104, 105-112, 2006 | Szeidl B.: Variable star research at the Konkoly Observatory, The first 75 years, Detre Centennial Conference, Commun. Konkoly Obs., No. 104, 23-56, 2006 | Klagyivik P., Szabados L.: Study of the Effect of Metallicity on the Amplitudes of Cepheids, Astr. Nachr., 328, 825-828, 2007 | Sódor Á., Szeidl B., Jurcsik J.: The Blazhko behaviour of RR Geminorum II, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 469, 1033-1043, 2007 | Szabados L., Kiss L.L., Derekas A.: The Anomalous Cepheid XZ Ceti, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 461, 613-618, 2007 | Sziládi K., Vinkó J., Poretti E., Szabados L., Kun M.: New Homogeneous Iron Abundances of Double-Mode Cepheids from High-Resolution Echelle Spectroscopy, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 473, 579-587, 2007 | Kervella P., Mérand A., Szabados L., Bersier D., Fouqué P., Pompei E., Perrin G.: The Long-Period Galactic Cepheid RS Puppis I. Geometrical Distance from the Propagation of Its Light Echoes, Astronomy and Astrophysics (közlésre elfogadva, megjelenőben), arXiv:0802.1501v1 [astro-ph], 2008 |





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