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Szilágyi A, Györffy D, Závodszky P: The twilight zone between protein order and disorder, Biophys J (közlésre elküldve), 2008 | Hajdú I, Bőthe C, Szilágyi A, Kardos J, Gál P, Závodszky P: Adjustment of conformational flexibility of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as a means of thermal adaptation and allosteric regulation, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters (közlésre elküldve), 2008 | Hajdú I, Szilagyi A, Kardos J, Závodszky P: Thermal adaptation of enzymatic reactions is driven by conformational fluctuations, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 2007 | Hajdú I, Szilagyi A, Kardos J, Závodszky P: Adaptation of dehydrogenases to extreme environments, Regional Biophysics Conference, 2007 | Kardos J, Harmat V, Palló A, Barabás O, Szilágyi K, Gráf L, Náray-Szabó G, Goto Y, Závodszky P, Gál P.: Revisiting the mechanism of the autoactivation of the complement protease C1r in the C1 complex: Structure of the active catalytic region of C1r., Molecular Immunology, 2008 | Harmat V, Gál P, Kardos J, Szilágyi K, Ambrus G, Végh B, Náray-Szabó G, Závodszky P.: The structure of MBL-associated serine protease-2 reveals that identical substrate specificities of C1s and MASP-2 are realized through different sets of enzyme-substrate interactions., Journal of Molecular Biology, 2004 | Gál P, Harmat V, Kocsis A, Bián T, Barna L, Ambrus G, Végh B, Balczer J, Sim RB, Náray-Szabó G, Závodszky P.: A true autoactivating enzyme. Structural insight into mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 activations., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005 | Flachner B, Varga A, Szabo J, Barna L, Hajdu I, Gyimesi G, Zavodszky P, Vas M.: Substrate-Assisted Movement of the Catalytic Lys 215 during Domain Closure: Site-Directed Mutagenesis Studies of Human 3-Phosphoglycerate Kinase., Biochemistry, 2005 | Osvath S, Kohler G, Zavodszky P, Fidy J.: Asymmetric effect of domain interactions on the kinetics of folding in yeast phosphoglycerate kinase., Protein Science, 2005 | Debreczeni JE, Farkas L, Harmat V, Hetenyi C, Hajdu I, Zavodszky P, Kohama K, Nyitray L.: Structural evidence for non-canonical binding of Ca2+ to a canonical EF-hand of a conventional myosin., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005 | Osvath S, Herenyi L, Zavodszky P, Fidy J, Kohler G.: Hierarchic finite level energy landscape model: to describe the refolding kinetics of phosphoglycerate kinase., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2006 | Varga A, Flachner B, Konarev P, Graczer E, Szabo J, Svergun D, Zavodszky P, Vas M.: Substrate-induced double sided H-bond network as a means of domain closure in 3-phosphoglycerate kinase, FEBS Letters, 2006 | Szenczi A, Kardos J, Medgyesi GA, Zavodszky P.: The effect of solvent environment on the conformation and stability of human polyclonal IgG in solution., Biologicals., 2006 | Vegh BM, Gal P, Dobo J, Zavodszky P, Vonderviszt F.: Localization of the flagellum-specific secretion signal in Salmonella flagellin., Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 2006 | Szilagyi A, Kardos J, Osvath Sz, Barna L, Zavodszky P: Protein folding, In: Lajtha A, Banik N (eds.): Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, Volume 7, Chapter 10. Springer, 2007 | Beinrohr L, Harmat V, Dobó J, Lörincz Z, Gál P, Závodszky P.: C1 inhibitor serpin domain structure reveals the likely mechanism of heparin potentiation and conformational disease., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2007 | Graczer E, Varga A, Hajdu I, Melnik B, Szilagyi A, Semisotnov G, Zavodszky P, Vas M: Rates of unfolding, rather than refolding, determine thermal stabilities of thermophilic, mesophilic and psychrotrophic IPMDHs, Biochemistry, 2007 |




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