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M. Matolcsi, J. Réffy and F. Szöllösi: Constructions of complex Hadamard matrices via tiling Abelian groups, benyújtva az Opens Systems folyóirathoz, 2007 | D. Petz: A course on Algebraic methods for Quantum Mechanics, School on Theory and Technology in Quantum Information, Communication, Computation and Cryptography,Trieste, June, 2006 | D. Petz: Large Deviations, The Centre for Mathematical Physics, The University of Queensland, 23 March, 2006 | D. Petz: From the Monotonicity of Quantum Relative Entropy to SSA and Sufficient Coarse-grainings, Entanglement, Information & Noise, Krzyzowa, Poland, 2004 | D. Petz: Free analogue of transportation cost inequalities, ''Free probability theory'', Banff, 2004 | P. Hayden, R. Jozsa, D. Petz and A. Winter: Structure of states which satisfy strong subadditivity, Commun. Math. Phys.246(2004), 359-374, 2004 | D. Petz and J. Réffy: On asymptotics of large Haar distributed unitary matrices, Period. Math. Hungar. 49(2004), 103-117, 2004 | M. Mosonyi and D. Petz: Structure of sufficient quantum coarse-grainings, Lett. Math. Phys. 68(2004), 19-30, 2004 | F. Hiai, D. Petz and Y. Ueda: Free transportation cost inequalities via random matrix approximation, Prob. Theory Rel. Fields. 130(2004), 199-221, 2004 | M. Ohya and D. Petz: Quantum Entropy and Its Use (Second Edition), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004 | J. Réffy: Asymptotics of large truncated Haar unitary matrices, in Quantum, From Foundations to Applications vol. XVIII, eds. M. Schürmann and U. Franz, World Scientific, 2005, 448-456, 2005 | A. Andai: Information geometry in quantum mechanics, BME Budapest, 2004 | A. Andai: On the curvature of the space of qubits, to appear in Bedlewo proceedings, 2004 | Petz Dénes: From the Monotonicity of Quantum Relative Entropy to SSA and Sufficiency, Quantum Information Geometry, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2004 | D. Petz: Free transportation cost inequalities via random matrix approximation, Random Matrices and Probability, Warwick, UK, 2004 | J. Réffy: Asymptotics of random unitary matrices, Probability Theory on Groups and Related Structures, Budapest, 2004 | D. Petz: Truncated random unitary matrices, 3rd Sendai Workshop ''Free Probability and Random Matrices'', Japan, 2004 | D. Petz: Perturbed Wigner matrices and a conjecture, 3rd Sendai Workshop ''Free Probability and Random Matrices'', Japan, 2004 | J. Réffy: Asymptotics of Haar unitaries and their truncation, Workshop on Random Matrices and Probability, Warwick, 2004 | D. Petz: Sufficient statistical inference in quantum mechanics, Quantum Statistics - Quantum Measurements, Estimation and Related Topics, Cambridge, 2004 | A. Andai: On the curvature of the space of density matrices, 25th QP Conference on Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Bedlevo, 2004 | J. Réffy: Asymptotics of random unitary matrices, Probability Theory on Groups and Related Structures, Budapest, 2004 | J. Réffy: Asymptotics of Haar unitaries and their truncation, Workshop on Random Matrices and Probability, Warwick, 2004 | D. Petz and J. Réffy,: Large deviation theorem for empirical eigenvalue density of truncated Haar unitary matrices, Prob. Theory Rel. Fields. 133(2005), 175--189., 2005 | M. A. Nielsen and D. Petz: A simple proof of the strong subadditivity inequality, Quantum Information & Computation, 5(2005),
507--513., 2005 | N. Akiho, F. Hiai and D. Petz,: Equilibrium states and entropy densities in gauge-invariant C*-systems, Rev. Math. Phys. 17(2005), 365--389., 2005 | J. Réffy: Asymptotics of random unitaries, doktori disszertáció, BME, 2005 | J. Réffy: Orthogonal polynomials and random matrices, Potenciálelméleti Nyáriiskola, Debrecen, 2005 | J. Réffy: Közepek és egyenlőtlenségek, Polygon XIV (2005) no. 1, 61--70, 2005 | A. Andai: On scalar curvatures of state space, Lecture at the University of Wroclaw, 2005 | Á. Császár and D. Petz,: A panorama of Hungarian real and functional analysis in the 20th century, A panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century I,
ed. J. Horváth, pp. 211--244, Springer, 2005., 2005 | Petz Dénes: Lax Péter Abel-dijas, Népszabadság, 2005. március 19., 2005 | D. Petz: An application of random matrix methods: The free analogue of the transportation cost inequality, Lecture in Mexiko, Iztapalapa, January, 2005 | D. Petz: Large deviations for functions of two random projections, Lecture at the Workshop on non-commutative harmonic analysis, Bedlevo, August, 2005 | D. Petz: Large deviations, Lecture at the Mathematical Physics Days, Leuven, September, 2005 | D. Petz: Information geometry and quantum statistical inference, Lecture at the IGAIA2 conference, Tokyo,December, 2005 | D. Petz: Entropy, information geometry and quantum statistical inference, Lecture in the Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, December, 2005 | A. Jencova and D. Petz: Sufficiency in quantum statistical inference:, Commun. Math. Phys. 203(2006), 259--276, 2006 | D. Petz and R. Temesi: Means of positive numbers and matrices, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 27(2006), 712-720., 2006 | A. Jencova and D. Petz: Sufficiency in quantum statistical inference: A survey with examples, J. Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability, 9(2006), 331--352., 2006 | D. Petz: Saturation of entropy bounds and quantum Markov states, Quantum Information and Computing, eds. L. Accardi, M. Ohya and N. Watanabe, World Scientific, 2006., 2006 | D. Perez-Garcia, M.M. Wolf, D. Petz and M.B. Ruskai: Contractivity of positive and trace preserving maps under $L^p$ norms, J. Math. Phys. 47(2006), 083506., 2006 | F. Hiai and D. Petz: Large deviations for functions of two random projections, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 72(2006), 581--609, 2006 | D. Petz: Bregman divergence as relative operator entropy, Acta Math. Hungar. megjelenés alatt, 2007 | D. Petz and J. Kahn: Complementary reductions for two qubits, J. Math. Phys. 48(2007) 012107., 2007 | D. Petz: On Sufficient Coarse-Grainings, XXXVIII Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Quantum Entanglement & Geometry, Torun, June 4-7., 2006 | D. Petz: Relative Entropy in Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Information Workshop, Pécs, 12-15 July, 2006 | D. Petz: State Tomography for Qubits, Quantum Probability, Information and Control, Nottingham 15-22 July, 2006 | A. Andai: Volume of the quantum mechanical state space, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 13641-13657, 2006 | A. Andai: On the curvature of the quantum state space with pull-back metrics, benyújtva a Lin. Alg. Appl. folyóirathoz, 2007 |




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