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Szamosi Sz, Maródi L, Czirják L, Ellenes Z, Szűcs G.: Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis: A Follow-up Study of Eight Patients, Ann Ny Acad Sci 2005; 1051: 229-234., 2005 | Czömpöly T, Olasz K, Simon D, Nyárády Z, Pálinkás L, Czirják L, Berki T, Németh P.: A possible new bridge between innate and adaptive immunity:, Mol Immunol 2005, 2005 | . Illés T, Czirják L, Tistyán L, Füzesi Zs.: A gyermekek egészségi állapota és mozgásszervi megbetegedései a dél-dunántúli régióban., Fact Intézet, 2004 | Szücs G, Szekanecz Z, Zilahi E, Kapitány A, Baráth S, Szamosi S, Végvári A, Szabó Z, Szántó S, Czirják L, Kiss CG.: Systemic sclerosis-rheumatoid arthritis overlap syndrome: a unique combination of features suggests a distinct genetic, serological and clinical entity., Rheumatology 2007, 46: 989-993., 2007 | Péntek M, Kobelt G, Czirják L, Szekanecz Z, Poór G, Rojkovich B, Polgár A, Genti G, Kiss CG, Brodszky V, Májer I, Gulácsi L: Costs of rheumatoid arthritis in Hungary (letter)., J Rheumatol 2007; 34: 1437., 2007 | Faragó B, Talián GC, Maász A, Magyari L, Horvatovich K, Kovács B, Cserép V, Kisfali P, Kiss CG, Czirják L, Melegh B.: Prevalence of functional haplotypes of the peptidylarginine deiminase citrullinating enzyme gene in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: no influence of the presence of anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies., Clin Exp Rheumatol 2007; 25: 523-528., 2007 | Jakab L, Judit Laki J, Sallai K, Temesszentandrási G, Pozsonyi T, Kalabay L, Varga L, Gombos T, Blaskó B, Bíró A, Madsen HO, Radics J, Gergely P, Czirják L, Garred P, Fekete B.: Association between early onset and organ manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and a down regulating promoter polymorphism in the MBL2 gene., Clin Immunol 2007; 125: 235-236, 2007 | Czirják L, Varjú C.: Clinical features of scleroderma-like disorders: A challenge for the rheumatologist., Curr Rheum Rev 2006; 2: 369-379., 2004 | Biró E, Szekanecz Z, Czirják L, Dankó K, Kiss E, Szabó NA, Szűcs G, Zeher M, Bodolay E, Szegedi G, Bakó G.: Association of systemic and thyroid autoimmune diseases., Clin Rheumatol 2006; 25: 240-245., 2006 | Czömpöly T, Olasz K, Simon D, Nyárády Z, Pálinkás L, Czirják L, Berki T, Németh P.: A possible new bridge between innate and adaptive immunity: Are the anti-mitochondrial citrate synthase autoantibodies components of the natural antibody network?, Mol Immunol 2006; 43:1761-1768., 2006 | Czirják L, Kiss Cs Gy, Lövei Cs, Sütő G, Varjú C, Füzesi Zs, Illés T, Nagy Z.: Survey of Raynauds phenomenon and systemic sclerosis based on a representative study on 10 000 South-Transdanubian Hungarian inhabitants., Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2005 | Kiss Cs. Gy, Lövei Cs, Sütő G, Varjú C, Füzesi Zs, Illés T, Nagy Z, Czirják L.: Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in a South –Transdanubian region of Hungary based on a survey of 10 000 inhabitants., J Rheumatol 2005; 32: 1688-1690., 2005 | Nagy Z, Czirják L.: Increased amino terminal propeptid of type III procollagene level is an unfavourable predictor of survival in systemic sclerosis., Clin Exp Rheumatol 2005; 23: 165-172, 2005 | Czirják L, Nagy Z, Aringer M, Riemekasten G, Matucci-Cerinic M, Furst DE.: The EUSTAR model for teaching and implementing the modified Rodnan skin score in systemic sclerosis., Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66: 966-969., 2007 | Szabó Á, Czirják L, Sándor Z, Helyes Z, László T, Elekes K, Czömpöly T, Starr A, Brain S, Szolcsányi J and Pintér E.: IInvestigation of sensory neurogenic components in bleomycin-induced scleroderma model using TRPV1 and CGRP knockout mice., Arthritis Rheum 2007; 58: 292-301., 2007 | Walker UA, Tyndall A, Czirják L, Denton CP, Farge Bancel D, Kowal-Bielecka O, Muller-Ladner U, Bocelli-Tyndall C, Matucci-Cerinic M: Clinical risk assessment of organ manifestations in systemic sclerosis - a report from the EULAR Scleroderma Trials And Research (EUSTAR) group data base., Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66: 754-763., 2007 | Czirják L, Pákozdi A, Kumánovics G, Varjú C, Szekanecz Z, Nagy Z, Szücs G.: Survival and causes of death in 366 Hungarian patients with systemic sclerosis, Ann Rheum Dis 2008; 67: 59-63., 2008 | Faragó B, Magyari L, Csöngei V, Járomi L, Sáfrány E, Horvatovich K, Sipeky Cs, Maász A, Radics J, Czirják L, Melegh B: Interleukin-23 receptor 3’-UTR C2370A variant confers risk for rheumatoid arthritis but not for scleroderma., Ann Rheum Dis 2008; 67: 248-250., 2008 | Kumánovics G, Minier T, Radics J, Pálinkás L, Berki T, Czirják L.: Comprehensive investigation of novel serum markers of pulmonary fibrosis associated with systemic sclerosis and dermato/polymyositis, Clin Exp Rheumatol (accepted), 2008 | Varjú C, Bálint Z, Solyom AI, Farkas H, Kárpáti B, Berta B, Kumánovics G, Czirják L Nagy Z.: Cross-cultural adaptation of the disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) questionnaire into Hungarian and investigation of its validity in patients with systemic sclerosis, Clin Exp Rheumatol (accepted), 2008 |




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