Examination of the factors that influence the proarrhytmic effects of the antiarrhytmic drugs
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Farkas A, Farkas AS, Makra P, Csík N, Leprán I, Varró A, Rudas L: A vegetatív idegrendszer szerepének vizsgálata a dofetilid proaritmiás aktivitására Na-pentobarbitállal altatott nyulakban, Cardiologica Hungarica, 2007. 37: Suppl. A, A15, 2007 | Farkasa A, Dempster J, Coker SJ: Importance of vagally-mediated bradycardia for the induction of torsade de pointes in an in vivo model, Közlésre elküldve a Brit J Pharmacol-nak, 2008 | Coker SJ, Farkas A.: Influence of bradycardia on the induction of torsade de pointes with clofilium, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2004. 36: 722, Abstract No 27., 2004 | Farkas A, Batey AJ, Coker SJ.: How to measure electrocardiographic QT interval in the anaesthetized rabbit., Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 2004. 50(3):175-185., 2004 | Farkas A, Farkas AS, Rudas L, Leprán I, Orosz Sz, Csík N, Forster T, Csanády M, Papp JG, Varró A.: Basal vagal nerve activity does not predict susceptibility to dofetilide-induced torsade de pointes in anaesthetized rabbits, J Mol Cell Cardiol 2006. 40: 984, Abstract No. 174, 2006 | Farkas AS, Acsai K, Tóth A, Dézsi L, Orosz S, Forster T, Csanády M, Papp JG, Varró A, Farkas A: Importance of extracardiac α1-adrenoceptor stimulation in assisting dofetilide to induce torsade de pointes in rabbit hearts, European Journal of Pharmacology 2006. 537: 118-125., 2006 | Farkas AS, Balázs M, Acsai K, Tóth A, Pálinkás A, Csanády M, Forster T, Papp JG, Varró A, Farkas A: A Na+/Ca2+ exchanger gátlás eltérő hatása az izolált patkány- és nyúlszív kontraktilitására, Cardiologica Hungarica 2006. 36: 92-96, 2006 | Farkas A, Farkas AS, Vincze D, Makra P, Csík N, Leprán I, Varró A, Rudas L: Examination of the role of the sympathetic nervous system in the proarrhythmic activity of dofetilide, J Mol Cell Cardiol 2007. 42: S7, 2007 | Farkas AS, Orosz S, Forster T, Csanády M, Papp JG, Varró A, Farkas A: Examination of the role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in the genesis of the dofetilide-induced torsades de pointes, J Mol Cell Cardiol 2007. 42: S4, 2007 | Orosz S, Farkas AS, Makra P, Csík N, Leprán I, Rudas L, Varró A, Farkas A: Repolarization-related ECG parameters do not predict the proarrhythmic activity of dofetilide, J Mol Cell Cardiol 2007. 42: S6, 2007 | Farkas AS, Acsai K, Nagy N, Tóth A, Fülöp F, Seprényi G, Birinyi P, Nánási PP, Forster T, Csanády M, Papp JG, Varró A, Farkas A.: Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibition exerts a positive inotropic effect in the rat heart, but fails to influence the contractility of the rabbit heart, Brit J Pharmacol. In press., 2008 | Vincze D, Farkas AS, Rudas L, Makra P, Csík N, Leprán I, Forster T, Csanády M, Papp JG, Varró A, Farkas A.: Relevance of anaesthesia for dofetilide-induced torsades de pointes in alpha1-adrenoceptor-stimulated rabbits, Br J Pharmacol. 2008 Jan;153(1):75-89, 2008 |





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