Investigation of soft x-ray laser excitated by discharge
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Kukhlevsky, S.V., Mechler, M., Csapó, L., Janssens, K., Samek, O.: Resonant backward scattering of light by a subwavelength metallic slit with two open sides, Phys. Rev. B 72, N16, 165421, 2005 | Janssens, K., Vincze, L., Kukhlevsky, S.V.: Coherent focusing lase-like X-ray radiation by polycapillary lenses, The International Conference on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, ICXOM 2005, September 25 - 30, Frascati-Rome, Italy, 2005 | Mechler, M., Kukhlevsky, S.V.: Anomalous backward scattering of light by a two-side-open subwavelength nano-slit in a metal film, SPIE Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology Symposium, 11-14 December, Brisbane, Austra, 2005 | Kukhlevsky, S.V., Mechler, M., Samek, O., Janssens, K.: Analytical model of the enhanced light transmission through subwavelength metal slits: Green's function formalism versus Rayleigh's expansion, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 84, 19-24, 2006 | Mechler, M., Kukhlevsky, S.V. Samek, O.: Enhanced Transmission and Reflection of Few-cycle Pulses by a Single Slit, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 163901, 2007 | Kuhlevszkij Szergej: Kapilláris kisüléssel gerjesztett lágyröntgen-lézer, Fizikai Szemle, LV, N2, 53-56, 2005 | Földes B. István, Szatmári Sándor, Kuhlevszkij Szergej: Ultrarövid és koherens ultraibolya és röntgenimpulzusok keltése és alkalmazása, Magyar Tudomány, 2005/12, 1477.o., 2005 | Kukhlevsky, S.V., Almási, G., Hebling, J., Sánta, I., Szatmári, S., Földes, I.: MHD modeling non-ablative Z-pinches in 0.5-meter long capillaries for a soft X-ray laser, 19th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas and Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference, ICNSP&APPTC2005, 12-15 July 2005, Nara, Japan, 2005 | Kaiser, J., Liska, M., Samek, O., Egri, T., Ritucci, A, Reale, A., Tomasetti, G., Reale, L., Palladino, L., Kukhlevsky, S.V., Flora, F., Mezi, L., Feanov, A., Pikuz, T.: Non-adiabative capillary z-pinch for plasma-based waveguide, Czech J. Phys. 55, N1, 35-44, 2005 | Kukhlevsky, S., Almási G., Hebling, J., Sánta, I., Szatmári, S., Földes, I.: Experimental optimization of nonablative z-pinch in long capillaries for a soft x-ray neonülike argon laser, Plasma Science, 2005, ICOPS05, IEEEE Conference Record Abstracts, IEEE International Conference, p. 138 (2005), Montgomery, CA, USA, 2005 | Kukhlevsky, S., Szasz, J., Almási G., Hebling, J., Sánta, I., Szatmári, S., Földes, I.: Soft-x-ray Ar+8 lasers by non-ablative slow Z-pinches in 0.5-m capillaries: Experiment and theory, 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Kopaonik, Serbia and Montenegro, August 28 – September 1, 2006. (invited presentation), 2006 | Kukhlevsky, S.V.: Spatiotemporal Localization of Coherent and Incoherent X-Rays by Mono- and Polycapillary Optics: from Micrometer/Second to Nanometer/Attosecond, International Conference on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena, Channeling 2006, 3 - 7 July 2006, Frascati (Rome), Italy (invited presentation)., 2006 | Kukhlevsky, S.V.: Focusing of coherent x-ray radiation by polycapillary lenses, NURT-2006, V INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, ON NUCLEAR & RELATED TECHNIQUES, Havana, Cuba, April 3-7 (invited presentation), 2006 | Kukhlevsky, S.V.: Resonant Enhancement and Near-Field Localizations of FS Pulses by Subwavelength NM-Size Metal Slits, in a book: Lasers and electro-optics research at the cutting edge, Steven B. Larkin (editor). New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2006 | Kukhlevsky, S.V.: Diffraction-free Subwavelength-Beam Optics on Nanometer Scale, in a book: Localized waves, in a book: edited by Hugo E. Hernández-Figueroa, Michel Zamboni-Rached, Erasmo Recami, Hoboken, N.J. USA, John Wiley, ISBN: 9780470108857, 2007 |




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