Evolution of the Neogene calc-alkaline magmatic and hydrothermal activity in the cental part of the Carpathian Arc
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List of publications |
Molnár, F.: Tertiary volcanism and related metallogeny in the Carpathian-Pannonian region, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, meghívott előadás, 2006 | Kiss P., Molnár F., Gméling K., Pécskay Z.: Contribution to the understanding of the acidic volcanism and its relationship to large scale hydrothermal processes on the basis of new geochemical and K-Ar data in the Tokaj Mts., ESF/LESC Exploratory Workshop Abstracts, 24-25 p., 2007 | Pécskay Z.: Space and time distribution of Neogene calk-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Carpathian-Pannonian region, Okayama, meghívott előadás, 2005 | Molnár F.: Ore deposits in relation to the Tertiary volcanism of the Carpathians, Okayama, meghívott előadás, 2005 | Molnár F.: Genetic model for the low sulphidation type epithermal systems of the Tokaj Mts., NE-Hungary, Mineralia Slovaca 37, 340-343, 2005 | Pécskay Z., Kaliciak M., Konecny V., Lexa J., Zec B.: Timing of volcanic activity in the Vihorlatské vrchy mountain range, Eastern Slovakia, Mineralia Slovaca 37, 483p., 2005 | Pécskay Z., Molnár F., Zelenka T., Itaya T.: K-Ar ages for the formation of illite deposit at the Korom Hill, Tokaj Mts., Hungary, Mineralia Slovaca 37, 484p., 2005 | Gméling, K., Pécskay, Z., Simonits, A., Panczyk, E.: Variation of boron content through time and space in Miocene volcanic rocks of the Tokaj Mts., Hungary, NECAM, 2006, Book of Abstracts, 12, 2006 | Németh, K., Pécskay, Z., Martin, U., Gméling, K., Molnár, F., Cronin, S.: Peperites and sift sediment deformation textures of a shallow subaqueous Miocene rhyolitic cryptodome and dyke complex, Pálháza, Hungary, LASI II, 36-38, 2006 | Pécskay Z et al.: Geochronology of Neogene magmatism in the Carpathian Arc and Intra-Carpathian area, Geologica Carpathica, 57, 511-530, 2006 | Pécskay, Z., Molnár, F., Itaya, T., Zelenka, T.: Geology and K-Ar geochronology of illite from the clay deposit at Füzérradvány, Tokaj Mts., Hungary, Acta Miner. Petr., 46, 2006 | Gméling K., Harangi Sz., Pécskay Z., Simonits A.: Inferences for the style of subduction in the Carpathian-Pannonian region based on boron signatures., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Supplement Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, 2007 | Molnár F.: Styles of hydrothermal systems and ore deposits in terrestrial intermediate-acidic volcanic terrains, ESF/LESC Exploratory Workshop Abstracts, 16-18p., 2007 | Németh K., Pécskay Z., Martin U., Gméling K., Molnár F., Cronin F.: Peperites and soft sediment deformation textures of shallow subaqueous Miocene rhyolitic cryptodome and dyke complex, Pálháza, Hungary, Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ. (in press), 2007 |





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