Electrochemical and electroanalytical studies of solid compounds and materials
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G. Inzelt, Z. Puskás: Adsorption and precipitation during the redox transformations of phenazine, Electrochimica Acta 49, 1969-1980., 2004 | G. Láng, M. Ujvári, G.Inzelt: Analysis of the impedance spectra of Pt / poly(o-phenylenediamine) electrodes - hydrogen adsorption and the brush model of the polymer films, J. Electroanal. Chem. 572, 283-297, 2004 | G. Inzelt, G.G. Láng and M. Ujvári: The analysis of electrochemical impedance spectra based on a brush model of polymer films, 83rd International Bunsen Discussion Meeting, In situ Spectroelectrochemistry, Dresden, Germany, Book of Abstract, O9-12, 2004 | G. Inzelt, Z. Puskás: Adsorption and precipitation during the redox transformations of phenazine, 55th Annual Meeting of ISE, 2004 Thessaloniki, Görögország, Book of Abstract I. p. 258, 2004 | G. Inzelt: Electrochemical microgravimetric study on microcrystalline particles of phenazine attached to gold electrodes, International Conference on Electrode Processes, Szczyrk, Lengyelország, Book of Abstract, p. 64, 2004 | Z. Puskás, G. Inzelt: Formation and redox transformation of polyphenazine, 55th Annual Meeting of ISE, Thessaloniki, Görögország, Book of Abstract I. p. 388, 2004 | G. Inzelt: Charge transport in conducting polymer film electrodes (plenary lecture), 4th Croatian Symposium on Electrochemistry, Primosten,, 2006 | G. Láng, G.Inzelt, A.Vrabecz,G.Horanyi: Electrochemical aspects of some specific features connected with the behaviour of iron group metals in aqueous perchloric acid/perchlorate media, J. Electroanal. Chem. 582,249-257, 2005 | G. Inzelt: Electrochemically induced transformations of RuCl3 microcrystals and their effect on th electrocatalytic properties, 4th Baltic Conference on Electrochemistry, Greifswald, Nemetorszag, Book of Abstract O-17, 2005 | G. Inzelt: Standard potentials, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry (eds. A.J.Bard, M.Stratmann) Inorganic Electrochemistry Vol.7 (eds. F.Scholz, Ch.Pickett) Wiley-VCH Ch.1 PP.1-16, 2006 | G. Inzelt: Standard formal and other characteristic potentials of selected electrode reactions, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry (eds. A.J.Bard, M.Stratmann) Inorganic Electrochemistry Vol.7 (eds. F.Scholz, Ch.Pickett) Wiley-VCH Ch.2 PP.17-75, 2006 | G. Inzelt: Nitrogen oxides and oxyanions, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry (eds. A.J.Bard, M.Stratmann) Inorganic Electrochemistry Vol.7 (eds. F.Scholz, Ch.Pickett) Wiley-VCH Ch.7.2 PP.235-252, 2006 | G. Inzelt: The nickel group (nickel, palladium, platinum), Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry (eds. A.J.Bard, M.Stratmann) Inorganic Electrochemistry Vol.7 (eds. F.Scholz, Ch.Pickett) Wiley-VCH Ch.17 PP.499-528, 2006 | G. Inzelt: Charge transport in conducting polymer film electrodes, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quaterly 21, 1-14, 2007 | G. Láng, M. Ujvári, T.A. Rokob, G.Inzelt:: The brush model of polymer films – analysis of the impedance spectra of Au, Pt│poly(o-phenylenediamine) electrodes, Electrochimica Acta 51: 1680-1694, 2006 | G.Inzelt:: Einstein and the osmotic theory, J. Solid State Electrochem., 10, 1008-1011 (2006), 2006 | G. Inzelt: Michael Polányi (1891-1976), the electrochemist, Russian J. Electrochemistry: 42, 109-110, 2006 | G. Inzelt: Charge transport in conducting polymer film electrodes (plenary lecture), 4th Croatian Symposium on Electrochemistry, Primosten,, 2006 | G. Inzelt: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies of solid RuCl3 and RuCl3-polyaniline nanocomposite, 57th Annual Meeting of ISE, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2006 | G. Inzelt: Vegykonyhájában szintén megteszi (A kémiáról és más dolgokról), Akadémiai kiadó, Budapest, 348 old., 2006 | G. Inzelt: Charge transport in conducting polymer film electrodes, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quaterly 21, 1-14, 2007 | Á.Kriston, G. Inzelt: Estimation of the characteristic parameters of PEMFCs proton exchange membrane fuel cells under operating conditions, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 38, 415-424, 2008 | G. Inzelt, K.Németh,A.Róka: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of redox transformations of TCNQ microcrystals in concentrated LiCl solutions, 58th Annual Meeting ofISE, Banff, Canada, 2008 | G. Inzelt: Conducting Polymers - A New Era in Electrochemistry, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008 | G. Inzelt, A.Róka: Why to use piezoelectric nanogravimetry for the study of electrochemical transformations of immobilized microparticles, 1st Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, p.109, 2008 | Z. Puskás, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical microgravimetric study on microcrystalline particles of phenazine attached to gold electrodes, J. Solid State Electrochem.: 8, 828-841, 2004 | G. Inzelt, Z. Puskás: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study on the redox transformations of ruthenium(III)trichloride microcrystals attached to a gold electrode, Electrochemistry Communications 6, 805-811, 2004 | G.Inzelt,Z.Puskas,K.Nemeth,I.Varga: Electrochemically induced transformations of ruthenium (III)trichloride microcrystals in salt solutions, J.Solid State Electrochemistry 9, 823-835, 2005 | Z. Puskás, G. Inzelt: Formation and redox transformations of polyphenazine, Electrochimica Acta 50, 1481-1490, 2005 | A. Róka, I. Varga, G. Inzelt:: Electrodeposition and dissolution of yttrium-hexacyanoferrate layers, Electrochimica Acta 51: 6243-6250, 2006 | G.Inzelt, Z.Puskás: Electrochemical nanogravimetric study on the ruthenium(III) trichloride-polyaniline nanocomposite, J. Solid State Electrochem. 10: 125-133, 2006 | G. Inzelt, K. Németh and A. Róka:: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of redox transformations of TCNQ microcrystals in concentrated LiCl solutions, Electrochimica Acta 52, 4015-4023, 2007 | I.Ciglenecki, E.Bura-Nakic,G. Inzelt: Voltammetry as an alternative tool for trace metal detection in peloid marine sediments, Electroanalysis 19, 1437-1445, 2007 | G. Inzelt, A.Róka: Preparation and electrochemical nanogravimetric study on the ruthenium(III) trichloride-polypyrrole nanocomposite, Electrochimica Acta 53, 3932-3941, 2008 | G. Inzelt: Mikrokristályok és mikrocseppek elektrokémiája, A kémiai újabb eredményei 99.kötet (szerk. B.Csákvári),Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 7-65.old., 2007 |




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